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Au Pair experience pros and cons: should I become an Au Pair?

Au Pair experience Cons · You like working and spending time with ks · You are interested in staying abroad for a long time · You would like to discover a new …

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Professional Au-Pair – Программа Au-Pair

… find a work-life balance, getting help in solving everyday tasks with your children and household? We are happy to offer you professional au-pairs for a …

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Professional Au-Pair – Программа Au-Pair

Professional Au-Pair | Au-Pair program – international cultural and educational exchange program for youth| Ukrainian Au-Pair Association.

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In a family where both parents are working can be difficult! Striking a work-life balance can be challenging, and while you may be excited …

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주제와 관련된 이미지 pro work au pair

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 au pair USA video Prowork. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

au pair USA video Prowork
au pair USA video Prowork

주제에 대한 기사 평가 pro work au pair

  • Author: Prowork Au Pair
  • Views: 조회수 719회
  • Likes: 좋아요 1개
  • Date Published: 2014. 1. 22.
  • Video Url link:

Au Pair experience pros and cons: should I become an Au Pair?

Do you want to become an Au Pair and wonder whether the Au Pair program is something for you? In this post we shed a bit of light on the Au Pair program benefits (and not only them).

In short: what can you gain by being an Au Pair abroad?

Would you like to spend some time abroad, but you are not sure if the Au Pair experience is the right choice for you? Let us help you find the answer.

Below we listed some of the pros and cons of the Au Pair experience, so you can decide if it is suitable for you.

The cheapest way to live abroad for up to a year

Being part of a local family

Improve your language skills

Find international friends abroad

Learn more about another culture

Share your culture with others

Become mature and independent

Help raise and educate kids

Enhance your CV with international experience

Au Pairs need to adapt to another family’s lifestyle

Specific requirements, especially experience in childcare. At times dealing with children can be difficult.

Family and kids are most important – then come international friends, parties, travelling and other benefits of the program. In any case, the family’s plans are always your first priority.

Living with your “employer” – when you live and work in the same place, at times it’s hard to split working time from free time.

Your profile at

Do you want to become an Au Pair? If the answer is YES, just register and create a profile on Do you want to become an Au Pair? If the answer is YES, just register and create a profile on Learn more

Nevertheless, the Au Pair program offers a way to live a unique experience abroad on a budget. Below is a short checklist to help you decide whether Au Pairing is the right experience for you.

Professional Au-Pair

What is the Au-Pair program?

The Au-Pair program is an international cultural exchange that gives the possibility to young people living abroad in a host family house, learn more about a different culture and improve their skills in a foreign language. The term “au-pair” from French means “on equal terms”, signifying that au-pair and host family treat each other as equals and live as a family.

Who is an au-pair?

An au-pair is a young person (female or male) between 17 and 30 years old who stays with a local host family, learns their language and culture in exchange for help with childcare and household responsibilities. An au-pair gets free accommodation, regular meals and pocket money for personal expenses.

Cultural exchange

Your family will get to know more about another country and culture.

You will tell about your culture and history of the country, about traditions, way of life and thinking, which will contribute to intercultural development.

Professional Au-Pair

Please read requirements and obligations Host Family has to meet.



– To hire an Au-Pair, you need to have at least one child under the age of 18 as a rule.

– Individual Au-Pair room in your home

– You have to provide your future Au-Pair with a private accommodated room that meets basic criteria of the Au-Pair program.

Full board

Since the Au-Pair will live with your family, you need to provide her with at least 3 meals a day. In addition to this, you must provide the Au-Pair with free access to food at any time.

Monthly pocket money

You will have to pay the weekly/monthly amount of pocket money as per your country program standards. You as a Host Family are not allowed to deduct any of the boarding costs from the Au-Pair’s pocket money.

Spoken Language

Your family can speak on several languages but spoken language at home must be the state language of the country, as the main goal of the Au-Pair program is cultural exchange and foreign language learning. According to the official program requirements, the Au-Pair will have to learn or improve her knowledge of the host country’s language. To make it possible, you need to speak this language at home.


You can invite only Au-Pair of a different nationality than your own to respect the cultural exchange aspect.


Similarly to the Au Pair, you as a Host Family also need to fulfill the Au-Pair program obligations.

Provide a homelike space & full board for the Au-Pair

The Au-Pair will live with you and will be considered a family member with the same rights.

Respect weekly limit of working hours

The Au-Pair has a maximum number of working hours per week depending on the host country. As a rule, they vary from 20 to 45 hours and must not exceed the maximum limit.

Pay pocket money on time

The Au-Pair will get a monthly or weekly amount of pocket money from the Host Family. Make sure the amount of money corresponds to the host country program standards. We do recommend the Au-Pair to open a bank account in the host country so that the Host Family can easily transfer the money monthly or weekly.

Give your Au-Pair time to attend a language course

Au-Pair needs to attend a language course during her stay abroad. Make sure your Au-Pair has a schedule that allows her to attend a language course. The Host Family also needs to cover transportation costs necessary to get to the language school. In some countries, the Host Family shares the expenses of the language course or pay full amount. It depends on the program policy in each country.

Respect days off and vacation policy during the stay

The Au-Pair has at least 2-5 weeks of paid vacation during a one year stay plus weekly days off. If you decide to invite your Au-Pair to join them during their family holidays, both Au-Pair and you should agree in advance if that counts as working hours or a holiday.

Health insurance

In many countries, the Host Family will need to provide the Au-Pair with health insurance or pay for the basic medical expenses in case of illness, injury, pregnancy or birth.

The Pros and Cons of hiring an au pair

Au Pair in Luxembourg

In a family where both parents are working can be difficult! Striking a work-life balance can be challenging, and while you may be excited to return to work or start a new role, the thought of leaving your children with someone else can be a very frightening prospect.

There is an option – hiring an Au Pair.

Pros of hosting an Au Pair

You can welcome in an honorary member of the family

They bring their traditions, culture and language to the host family

They provide care for your children and help out around the house

They will ensure that your child is well socialised and participating in activities

They are closer in age and can relate better to your children

They can work according to your schedule.

They cost less than a nanny

Cons of hosting an Au Pair

The Au Pair will be living with the Host Family, the family’s privacy will be influenced. It will take a bit of time to adapt to a new person.

You would be required to provide them with room and board

They would expect to be included in meals and family outings

It takes time for an Au Pair to adapt to a new place and country, especially if the first time that thy travel abroad alone. It might also take time for your children to accept a new person

As they are coming to you from a different country, you won’t be able to meet them in person before they come out to work for you

The main goal of the Au Pair program is cultural exchange, and as au pairs are young, they may not have extensive childcare experience

They cannot work more than 25 hours per week

If you think that you are ready to host an Au pair, please contact us: [email protected]

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