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436 Z axis: soft thermal (ovc) alarm? – CNC Zone
Hello? Guy, Is there anyone could help me on this problem? I have Fanuc Series 21i-M. It was running great, but all the sudden it broke my …
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Help with Alarm 436 Soft Thermal (OVC)
This sounds like it might also have something to do with the alignment of the drive mechanism, if it is off a little the a-axis drive will try …
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soft thermal alarm (OVC) – IndustryArena Forum
soft thermal alarm (OVC). We are getting a soft thermal alarm (436) on a FANUCservo system on a HWACHEON Lathe on the X axis.
Source: en.industryarena.com
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fanuc alarmları – CNC Turkey
3.3.3 Overload Alarm (Soft Thermal, OVC) (Alarm entification method) #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 <1> Alarm 1 OVL LVA OVC HCA HVA DCA FBA OFA (Action)
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Fanuc alarm: 436 – n AXIS : SOFTTHERMAL (OVC)
The digital servo software detected the soft thermal state (OVC). … Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 436 – n AXIS : SOFTTHERMAL (OVC)) …
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Fanuc Alarm 436 n AXIS : SOFTTHERMAL (OVC)
Fanuc Alarm 436 n AXIS : SOFTTHERMAL (OVC) Fanuc Servo Alarm Description The digital servo software detected the soft thermal state (OVC).
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주제와 관련된 이미지 soft thermal ovc
주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 How to SV436 Fanuc Alarm Servo. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.
주제에 대한 기사 평가 soft thermal ovc
- Author: FANUC PLC and CNC Tutorials
- Views: 조회수 11,177회
- Likes: 좋아요 167개
- Date Published: 2021. 5. 1.
- Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnK0ogh1kHo
Fanuc > soft thermal alarm (OVC)
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fanuc alarmları
İngilizce alarm açıklamalarını yolluyorum anladığım kadarıyla servo motorda sorun var.
SV0436 Soft thermal (OVC)
3.3.3 Overload Alarm (Soft Thermal, OVC)
(Alarm identification method)
#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
(1) Make sure that the motor is not vibrating.
_ If a motor vibrates, the current flowing in it becomes more
than necessary, resulting in an alarm.
(2) Make sure that the power lead to the motor is connected correctly.
_ If the connection is incorrect, an abnormal current flows in
the motor, resulting in an alarm.
(3) Make sure that the following parameters are set correctly.
_ An overload alarm is issued based on the result of calculation
of these parameters. Be sure to set them to the standard values.
For details of the standard values, refer to the FANUC AC
SERVO MOTOR αis/αi series Parameter Manual (B-
No. 1877 (FS15i) Overload protection coefficient (OVC1)
No. 2062 (FS16i)
No. 1878 (FS15i) Overload protection coefficient (OVC2)
No. 2063 (FS16i)
No. 1893 (FS15i) Overload protection coefficient (OVCLMT)
No. 2065 (FS16i)
No. 1785 (FS15i) Overload protection coefficient (OVC21)
No. 2162 (FS16i)
No. 1786 (FS15i) Overload protection coefficient (OVC22)
No. 2163 (FS16i)
No. 1787 (FS15i) Overload protection coefficient (OVCLMT2)
No. 2165 (FS16i)
(4) Attach the check board to connector JX5 to measure the
waveform of the actual current (IR and IS) of the servo amplifier
module. (This check pin board differs from that for the α series.)
Run the motor and measure its actual currents (IR and IS). Then
compare the measurement results with the overload duty curve
shown in “FANUC AC SERVO MOTOR αis/αi series
Descriptions (B-65262EN),” and see whether the machine load is
too heavy compared with the motor capacity. If the actual current
is high on acceleration/deceleration, it is likely that the time
constant is too small.
9055 7n55 Abnormal switching status of power leads 3.4.27
3.4.27 Alarm Code 55
In spindle switching control or output switching control, a mismatch
between the switching request signal (SPSL or RSL) and the power
lead state check signal (MCFN, MFNHG, RCH, or RCHHG) continues
during motor activation.
Troubleshooting when this alarm is issued
(a) The magnetic contactor (switch unit) for power lead switching is
If the contact is inoperative, check the power supply of the
magnetic contactor. If the magnetic contactor is still inoperative,
replace the magnetic contactor.
(b) The I/O unit or wiring for checking the contact of the magnetic
contactor is faulty.
If a defect is found in the I/O unit or wiring, replace the I/O unit or
(c) The sequence (ladder) is incorrect.
Modify the sequence so that switching is not performed during
activation. For details of the signals, refer to “FANUC SERVO
AMPLIFIER αi series Descriptions (B-65282EN).”
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