Kang Mi-Na Diet | Produce Ioi/ Gugudan – Mina Extreme Weight Loss 2016 – 2020 12 개의 새로운 답변이 업데이트되었습니다.

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d여기에서 Produce IOI/ Gugudan – Mina Extreme Weight Loss 2016 – 2020 – kang mi-na diet 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

#produce101 #Mina #kpopdiet
Mina is a member of Gugudan, and pat winner/member of Produce 101, and has struggled with her weight since debut. Mina has been fat shamed and thin shammed and cannot seem to win public favor no matter how hard she tries.

kang mi-na diet 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Check ngay loạt bí kíp giúp cô “thực tập sinh Hotel Del Luna …

Kết thúc hợp đồng với I.O.I, Kang Mina trở về công ty JellyFish Entertainment và ra mắt trong nhóm nhạc Gugudan. Lần trở lại này, Mina gây bất …

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Source: kenh14.vn

Date Published: 2/7/2022

View: 8487

Kang Mina Diet and Workout 2021 — Here’s How the Former …

Now, Kang Mina has a more balanced diet. She eats whatever she wants in moderation and does not overeat. If you check out her Instagram, Kang …

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Source: www.kpopstarz.com

Date Published: 2/4/2021

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Gugudan Kang Mina Diet Plan And Workout Routine

Gugudan Kang Mina Diet Plan ; Breakfast. Oatmeal with almonds and fruits ; Snack. Smoothie ; Lunch. Chicken; A small bowl of rice; Veggies ; Evening …

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Source: www.health-yogi.com

Date Published: 10/10/2022

View: 1324

Kang Mi Na Diet Plan 2021: From Slim Thick to Thin—Here’s …

Kang Mi Na’s Diet Plan in 2021 … Having learned from her past mistakes, Kang Mi Na is more mindful now. She enjoys her balanced diet, and her …

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Source: www.kdramastars.com

Date Published: 10/3/2021

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Gugudan’s Mina Reveals Upgraded Figure Following Her 30 …

Gugudan’s Kang Mina, who recently gained overwhelming attention with her confession that she lost nearly 30 pounds by quitting food and only …

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Source: www.koreaboo.com

Date Published: 3/7/2021

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Learn All About Kang Mina Workout Routine and Diet Plan

Dietary Plan for Gugudan Kang Mina ; Breakfast. Oatmeal with almonds and fruits ; Snack. Smoothie ; Lunch. Chicken; A small bowl of rice; Veggies …

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Gugudan Kang Mina Workout Routine And Diet Plan 2021.

Gugudan Kang Mina Diet Plan ; Breakfast. Oatmeal including almonds and fruits ; Snack. Smoothie ; Lunch. Chicken ; Evening snack. Salad ; Dinner.

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Gugudan kang mina diet plan and workout routine – Artofit

kang mina pics on. “_happiness_o instagram update [TRANS] #Sponsored #JSNY I thought it’d be cool if my hair was fluttering… #강미나 #미나 #KANGMINA …

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주제와 관련된 이미지 kang mi-na diet

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Produce IOI/ Gugudan – Mina Extreme Weight Loss 2016 – 2020. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Produce IOI/ Gugudan - Mina Extreme Weight Loss 2016 - 2020
Produce IOI/ Gugudan – Mina Extreme Weight Loss 2016 – 2020

주제에 대한 기사 평가 kang mi-na diet

  • Author: AMFG Videos
  • Views: 조회수 721,955회
  • Likes: 좋아요 10,518개
  • Date Published: 2020. 5. 25.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jWcaM-8EDg

Check ngay loạt bí kíp giúp cô “thực tập sinh Hotel Del Luna” Kang Mina giảm được 11kg chỉ trong 3 tuần

Trước khi được nhiều người biết tới thông qua vai diễn cô “thực tập sinh” của khách sạn ma Hotel Del Luna – Kim Yoo Na, Kang Mina đã từng là cái tên gây ấn tượng khi xuất hiện trong chương trình thực tế sống còn Produce 101. Thời điểm đó, Mina debut với nhóm nhạc I.O.I và thường nhận phải rất nhiều lời chỉ trích về ngoại hình to béo, khuôn mặt tròn trĩnh, không phù hợp với hình ảnh của một idol xứ kim chi.

Kết thúc hợp đồng với I.O.I, Kang Mina trở về công ty JellyFish Entertainment và ra mắt trong nhóm nhạc Gugudan. Lần trở lại này, Mina gây bất ngờ khi xuất hiện với thân hình và gương mặt thon gọn trong bài hát chủ đạo The Boots. Cô nhận được không ít lời khen ngợi về sự lột xác ngoại hình ngoạn mục. Thay vì những lời chỉ trích về cân nặng, Mina được khen ngày càng xinh đẹp và các đường nét trên khuôn mặt cũng như cơ thể của cô dần trở nên hoàn hảo hơn.

Ngoại hình mới của Kang Mina nhanh chóng trở thành chủ đề được bàn luận sôi nổi trên các forum Kpop. Mới đây, khi tham gia chương trình truyền hình Happy Together 4 của đài KBS, Mina đã gây bất ngờ khi tiết lộ mình giảm được tới 11kg chỉ trong 3 tuần nhờ thực hiện những điều sau đây.

Tuân thủ chế độ ăn dành cho tạng người “tam giác ngược”

Với những người có hình thể “tam giác ngược” như Kang Mina thì phần thân trên thường khá săn chắc, vai và khung xương to, khỏe. Nhưng nếu không chú ý trong chuyện ăn uống thì rất dễ làm trì trệ tốc độ chuyển hóa năng lượng và làm tích trữ nhiều chất béo tạo mỡ thừa trong cơ thể.

Mina cho biết, cô thường ăn sáng như một vị vua, ăn trưa như một gã thường dân và tuyệt đối không bao giờ ăn đêm trong suốt quá trình giảm cân. Mina nói không với chuyện ăn kiêng mà chú trọng tới việc kiểm soát các món ăn dựa theo từng khoảng thời gian khác nhau. Dưới đây là một thực đơn giảm cân điển hình của Kang Mina:

– Bữa sáng: Ức gà chiên (dùng dầu olive) với salad rau xanh và một chút trái cây ít đường tráng miệng.

– Bữa trưa: Cơm gạo lứt với salad rau xanh hoặc cháo bí ngô.

– Bữa tối: Canh rong biển.

Uống 2 chai nước khoáng mỗi ngày

Là một trong những tín đồ của nước ngọt nên khi bước vào chế độ giảm cân, Kang Mina phải rất khổ sở trong việc từ bỏ thứ đồ uống yêu thích này. Trong thời gian giảm cân, Mina uống 2 chai nước khoáng mỗi ngày để bổ sung lượng nước cần thiết trong cơ thể.

Mina chia sẻ rằng: “Em đã giảm cân bằng cách uống 2 chai nước khoáng có gas mỗi ngày”. Được biết, loại nước khoáng mà Mina uống không phải nước khoáng thông thường mà là nước tinh khiết, có chứa khoáng chất và thêm một chút gas để tăng cường sức khỏe.

Giảm bớt lượng carbs tiêu thụ trong ngày

Việc tiêu thụ nhiều carbs sẽ làm tăng quá trình bài tiết insulin, từ đó khiến cơ thể tích trữ nhiều chất béo dư thừa và dễ gây tăng cân. Trước đó, Mina thường mang bánh kẹo trong người để có thể thỏa mãn niềm đam mê với đồ ngọt. Sau khi giảm cân, cô cắt giảm tinh bột, bao gồm cả bánh quy để tiết chế số cân dư thừa trong cơ thể.

Khi đã giảm được 11kg và lấy lại thân hình thon gọn, Kang Mina lại quay trở về chế độ ăn uống bình thường. Tuy nhiên, lúc này cô hướng đến những bữa ăn lành mạnh, giàu chất xơ và cắt giảm hoàn toàn thói quen ăn đồ ngọt. Mina cũng nhắn nhủ mọi người rằng, việc giảm cân giống cô thực chất không hề tốt cho sức khỏe nên bạn hãy cân nhắc lựa chọn những phương pháp tốt hơn cho sức khỏe.

Source (Nguồn): Girlstyle, Koreaboo, Dispatch

Kang Mina Diet and Workout 2021 — Here’s How the Former I.O.I Member Lost Weight

Kang Mina, a former member of I.O.I and Gugudan, is one of the idols who is known for her drastic transformation following a new diet and workout routine. To learn how she shed the weight, then keep on reading!

Kang Mina Workout Routine 2021

During an episode of “Let’s Eat Together” on Naver V Live, Kang Mina revealed that walking is the secret to losing weight. She stated that she tried to walk a lot and that she loves taking a walk with a cup of coffee. Her tip to walking a lot is getting off one station earlier when she is taking the subway or metro. If possible, she will walk rather than commute to as her workout.

During her active days as an idol, Kang Mina always had dance practice, and she would utilize her dance practices as her cardio. During periods where she did not have to promote, she would practice for two to three hours, five days a week. However, during periods where either I.O.I or Gugudan had to promote, it was not uncommon for her to practice for nine to ten hours, five days a week.

While Kang Mina had not revealed that she does this workout, most female idols take pilates as another exercise. Pilates is a low-intensity workout that helps the body become flexible and toned. This form of exercise also gives one a slim waistline and a well-shaped butt. If you want to have a figure like Mina, this might be an option to look into.

Kang Mina Diet 2021

Kang Mina revealed she went on an extreme diet to lose weight quickly in the past. At one point in her life, Kang Mina stopped eating food altogether and survived off two bottles of sparkling water a day. As a result, she rapidly lost weight, and at her thinnest, she was just 47.1kg, which is 91.9lbs. She reveals that at the time, she had lost 13kg or 28.6lbs.

Kang Mina has spoken out against this diet, saying she knew that it was very unhealthy. She discourages her fans from ever trying this diet method, stating that going on extreme diets is unnecessary unless they have a job like hers. The idol revealed she gets upset whenever someone DMs her asking if they will lose weight if they drink sparkling water like her, and stresses that being skinny is not the only way to be beautiful.

Now, Kang Mina has a more balanced diet. She eats whatever she wants in moderation and does not overeat. If you check out her Instagram, Kang Mina eats a wide variety of food, such as salads, pizza, noodles, and more. Eating whatever you want is fine as long as you stop the moment you are full!

Will you try Kang Mina’s diet and workout? Tell us in the comments below!

ALSO READ: These Female Idols Looked Amazing After Their Successful Diets

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Written by Alexa Lewis

Gugudan Kang Mina Diet Plan and Workout Routine

Gugudan Kang Mina Diet Plan and Workout Routine: Kang Mina is a singer, dancer, and actress known for being part of the groups like I.O.I and Gugudan. Also playing roles in TV shows like My Roommate Is A Gumiho, Hotel Del Luna, When Flowers Bloom, I Think Of The Moon, etc.

Mina has a remarkable career in the acting field, especially now; she is part of two series and probably more. However, Mina is also famous for her body transformation and shape, so if you also want the Gugudan Kang Mina workout and the Gugudan Kang Mina diet plan, keep reading.

Gugudan Kang Mina Body Stats

Height 5 ft 4 inch Weight 47 kg Age 21 years Breast 32 inch Waist 24 inch Hips 33 inch

Also Read: Chungha Diet Plan and Workout Routine

Gugudan Kang Mina Workout Routine

Mina is one of the singers from Gugudan groups; sadly, they disbanded last year in December since it was not going that good for them. Mina luckily got a promising career start at K-Drama and won’t have to leave the industry. She is doing exceptionally well, and I’m sure we will see Mina even more from now onwards.

However, there is also her body shape that gets many people’s attention. We have seen Mina in the chubby form and then getting super lean, which was essential for her to get as she couldn’t have stayed in the industry if Mina was not fit. So that’s why all of the fans also want to know the secrets of Mina’s workouts and the things she does to stay fit.

To find out, I tried to look up some articles and found nothing, and even Instagram was without any related information. So I can’t tell you precisely what Mina does to stay fit, but I can still provide you with a workout to help you get a body like Mina. As she is also a former K-pop idol, dance and dance practice was part of her training till she was signed.

So one thing is for sure that Mina’s workout routine indeed contained doing a cardio workout for hours. Mina liked to do cardio that helped her burn many calories and get a lean and toned body. But then, almost every Korean idol and actress does a daily stretching routine for about 20-30 minutes.

Instead of that, I prefer a regular stretching workout exercise that can help you get better results and also help you get even fit. So I will be adding those two main routines and dividing them into two workout parts. We will work out five days a week and train for 2-3 hours maximum a day. So gets ready:

Gugudan Kang Mina workout includes:

Morning Routine

In the morning routine, we will be doing a cardio workout. As I said earlier, Mina used to dance for her cardio; however, now, as she is not doing it anymore, we can either stick to dancing for an hour and a half or do some other cardio workouts.

I highly recommend doing a dance routine and burning many calories while having fun. It will also make your body lean and flexible and give you that well-toned muscle.

Evening Routine

I would recommend you do an hour to an hour and a half of Pilates workout in the evening routine. Pilates is one of the workouts that almost every idol, model, star, and celebrity does to get a good body shape.

Pilates helps you stay fit, burn calories, get that flexibility, tone your muscles, give you that slim waistline and well-shaped butt. That’s all you need to get a body like Mina.

That’s all for the Gugudan Kang Mina workout routine.

Also Read: Kim Do-Yeon Diet Plan and Workout Routine

Gugudan Kang Mina Diet Plan

Mina told in an interview that she lost 30 pounds by only drinking sparkling water and leaving food while she continues her training. Now I think Mina did incredibly stupid as many risks were involved, and it could have gone wrong for Mina. However, now she eats well and maintains a balanced diet. We don’t know what Mina eats, but don’t worry; I can give you a good diet to follow with this routine.

Gugudan Kang Mina diet includes:


Oatmeal with almonds and fruits





A small bowl of rice


Evening snack





That’s all for the Gugudan Kang Mina diet plan.

Also Read: Hyolyn Diet Plan and Workout Routine

Kang Mi Na Diet Plan 2021: From Slim Thick to Thin—Here’s How the ‘Moonshine’ Star Lost 30 Pounds Easily

Former Gugudan member and “Moonshine” actress Kang Mi Na wowed the Hallyu industry after her amazing transformation following a new diet plan and workout routine.

Here’s how singer and actress Kang Mi Na changed her body and lifestyle from slim thick to thin. Keep on reading for more!

Kang Mi Na’s Workout Routine 2021: Walk, Walk and Walk

“Moonshine” actress Kang Mi Na shared her secret to maintaining a fit body through a live broadcast on Naver.

According to her, the best tip to lose weight is walking. The 24-year-old beauty revealed that she loves taking a stroll, no matter how short or long it could be, sometimes with a cup of preferred beverage in hand.

When commuting, she would opt to take one station off to walk the remaining distance to her home. The actress said that she’d rather walk than ride the bus or subway as her workout.

During her I.O.I and Gugudan days, the actress would spend her time practicing intricate yet intense dance choreography, which also serves as her exercise.

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Kang Mi Na Net Worth 2021: How Rich is the ‘Moonshine’ Actress?

When she has free time, she would utilize her time dancing two to three hours every week. However, during the promotional period, Kang Mi Na, along with her members, would more often than not practice nine to ten hours each week.

Kang Mi Na Shares How She Lost 30 Pounds Easily

As a public figure and a celebrity, the pressure to appear perfect is no joke. The singer and actress revealed that she tried an extreme diet to lose weight quickly.

She completely rejected any food intake altogether, and depended on two bottles of sparkling water a day. Because of this, she immediately lost 13kg (28lbs), weighing just 47kg (91lbs).

This diet, however, is not ideal for any type of body. Even the “Moonshine” actress was against it, stating how unhealthy it was.

Kang Mi Na discourages her fans from trying this crash diet, calling it unnecessary and dangerous. She would always tell her fans that being skinny doesn’t equate to being beautiful, and encourages fans to stay healthy rather than being slimmer.

Kang Mi Na’s Diet Plan in 2021

Having learned from her past mistakes, Kang Mi Na is more mindful now. She enjoys her balanced diet, and her guilty pleasures sometimes.

Kang Mi Na eats whatever she wants, from salads, pizza, ramen and baked goods, as long as it is in moderation.

YOU MIGHT ALSO BE INTERESTED IN: Kang Mi Na Relationship Status 2021: ‘Moonshine’ Actress Was Rumored To Be Dating Fellow ’99z NCT Mark-Here’s Why

What can you say about “Moonshine” actress Kang Mi Na’s diet? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

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KDramaStars owns this article.

Written by Elijah Mully.

Gugudan’s Mina Reveals Upgraded Figure Following Her 30-Pound Weight Loss

She recently revealed that she survived off of 2 bottles of sparkling water a day.

Gugudan‘s Kang Mina, who recently gained overwhelming attention with her confession that she lost nearly 30 pounds by quitting food and only drinking sparkling water, shared multiple photos of herself flaunting he upgraded figure.

Although many would agree that that method wasn’t the healthiest way to lose weight, fans are drooling over her recent photos in hopes that she’s maintaining a healthier routine nowadays.

The photos Mina recently shared with fans show her wearing a tight pink dress that especially shows off her curves.

On top of her stunning figure, Mina’s face has been looking more radiant than ever.

Mina, who was a little heavier during Produce 101, confessed that she used unique dieting methods to achieve her figure today.

On a recent episode of Happy Together 4, Mina even shocked viewers by revealing that she quit eating food and survived off of 2 bottles of sparkling water a day and that she only weighed 92 pounds at her lightest.

As a result, fans can’t help focusing on her recent photos even more.

Check out some more photos of Mina’s upgraded visuals below:

Learn All About Kang Mina Workout Routine and Diet Plan

April 22, 2022

Kang Mina’s Gugudan Diet and Workout Routine: Kang Mina is a singer, dancer, and actress who has performed with groups such as I.O.I and Gugudan. In addition, she has appeared in television shows such as My Roommate Is A Gumiho, Hotel Del Luna, When Flowers Bloom, I Think Of The Moon, and others.

Mina has a remarkable acting career, especially now, as she appears in two series and is likely to appear in more. However, Mina is also known for her body transformation and shape, so keep reading if you’re interested in the Gugudan Kang Mina workout and diet plan.

Dietary Plan for Gugudan Kang Mina

Mina claimed in an interview that she lost 30 pounds by only drinking sparkling water and not eating while training. Mina did something extremely stupid, in my opinion, because there were numerous risks involved, and things could have gone horribly wrong for her. She now eats well and follows a well-balanced diet. We have no idea what Mina eats, but don’t worry; I can give you a good diet to stick to while doing this routine.

Gugudan Kang Mina’s diet consists of the following:


Oatmeal with almonds and fruits





A small bowl of rice


Evening snack





Body Measurements: Height and Weight

Height 5 ft 4 inch Weight 47 kg Age 21 years Breast 32 inch Waist 24 inch Hips 33 inch

Workout Routine for Gugudan Kang Mina

Mina is one of the Gugudan groups’ singers; unfortunately, they disbanded last December because things were not going well for them. Mina was fortunate enough to have a promising career start in K-Drama and will not be forced to leave the industry. She’s doing fantastically well, and I’m confident we’ll be seeing Mina even more frequently in the future.

Her body shape, on the other hand, attracts a lot of attention. We’ve seen Mina in chubby form and then super lean, which was crucial for her to achieve because she wouldn’t have been able to stay in the industry if she wasn’t fit. As a result, all of Mina’s fans are eager to learn the secrets of her workouts and the things she does to stay in shape.

To find out, I looked up some articles but couldn’t find anything, and even Instagram didn’t have any relevant information. So, while I can’t tell you exactly what Mina does to stay in shape, I can give you a workout that will help you achieve Mina’s physique. Dance and dance practice were part of her training until she was signed, as she is also a former K-pop idol.

So one thing is certain: Mina’s workout routine included several hours of cardio exercise. Mina enjoyed doing cardio because it helped her burn calories and tone her body. However, almost every Korean idol and actress performs a daily 20-30 minute stretching routine.

Instead, I recommend a regular stretching workout exercise that can help you achieve better results and become more fit. So I’m going to combine those two main workout routines and divide them into two parts. We’ll work out five days a week and train for no more than 2-3 hours per day. So prepare yourself:

The Gugudan Kang Mina workout consists of the following:

Routine in the Morning

We’ll do a cardio workout as part of our morning routine. Mina used to dance for her cardio, but now that she doesn’t, we can either dance for an hour and a half or do some other cardio workouts.

I strongly advise doing a dance routine to burn a lot of calories while having a good time. It will also make your body lean and flexible, as well as tone your muscles.

Evening Schedule

In your evening routine, I recommend doing an hour to an hour and a half of Pilates. Pilates is one of the workouts that almost every idol, model, star, and celebrity engages in in order to maintain a healthy body.

Pilates can help you stay in shape, burn calories, gain flexibility, tone your muscles, and achieve a slim waistline and well-shaped buttocks. That’s all you’ll need to get Mina’s body.

Also Read: Camila Coelho, Kira Kosarin, Jozadak

Gugudan Kang Mina Workout Routine And Diet Plan 2021.

September 10, 2021

Gugudan Kang Mina was born on December 4th, 1999 in Icheon-si, South Korea, is a South Korean singer and also actress. Gugudan Kang Mina is a South Korean singer, rapper actress, and host who is properly known for being a former member of the girl group I.O.I and for being a part of another girl group Gugudan, as well as its subgroups 5959 and Semina.

Mina has an exceptional career in the acting field, especially now: she is a part of two series and probably more. However, Mina is also recognized for her body transformation and shape, so if you also want the Gugudan Kang Mina workout and Gugudan Kang Mina diet plan keep seeing.

Gugudan Kang Mina Body Stats

Height 5 ft 4 inch Weight 47 kg Body Build Slim Hair Color Dark Brown Eye color Black Breast 32 inch Waist 24 inch Hips 33 inch Sexual Orientation Straight

Gugudan Kang Mina Workout Routine

Mina is one of the singers from Gugudan groups; sadly they were dismissed last year in December since it was not going that well for them. Mina luckily got an assuring career start at K-Drama and won’t have to leave the industry. She is doing especially well. However, there is also her body shape that gets many people’s recognition. Most people seen Mina as chubby and then getting super lean, which was crucial for her to get as she could not have waited in the industry if Mina was not fit. So that’s why all of the fans also want to identify the secrets of Mina’s workout and the things she does to stay fit.

So one thing is for sure that mina’s workout routine really contained doing a cardio workout for hours. Mina liked to do cardio that served her to burn several calories and get a lean plus toned body. But then, almost every Korean idol and actress does a daily stretching method for about 20-30 minutes. Gugudan Kang Mina workout includes:

Morning Routine

In the morning routine, do a cardio workout, Mina used to dance for her cardio, however, now as she is not performing it anymore, either stick to dancing for an hour and a half or do any other cardio workouts. Doing a dance routine and burning several calories while having fun. It will also get your body lean and flexible and give you that well-toned muscle.

Evening Routine

Do an hour to an hour and a half of pilates exercise in the evening routine. pilates is one of the workouts that almost every idol, model, star, and celebrity do to make a good body shape. Pilates supports you stay fit, burn calories, get that flexibility, tone your muscles, give you that slim waistline and well-shaped butt. That’s all you need to receive a body like Mina.

This is all about the workout routine of Gugudan Kang Mina.

Gugudan Kang Mina Diet Plan

Mina told in an interview that she lost 30 pounds by only sipping sparkling water and leaving food while she continues her training, Mina did amazingly stupid as many risks were involved, and it could have gone wrong for Mina. However, she eats healthy and maintains a balanced diet. Gugudan Kang Mina diet includes:


Oatmeal including almonds and fruits





A small bowl of rice


Evening snack





This is all about the diet plan of Gugudan Kang Mina.


Gugudan Kang Mina is a singer, dancer, and actress known for being a part of the group. She is mostly renowned for her body transformation and shape. She does a lot of workouts which helps her to be fit as well as her diet also includes healthy food that keeps her figure perfect.

Most of her fans also do the same workout done by her in order to get a body shape like her. Gugudan Kang Mina workout helps other people to be fit.

Gugudan kang mina diet plan and workout routine

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사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 Produce IOI/ Gugudan – Mina Extreme Weight Loss 2016 – 2020

  • weightloss
  • gugudan
  • sejong
  • naeyong
  • minah
  • kpop
  • weightgain

Produce #IOI/ #Gugudan #- #Mina #Extreme #Weight #Loss #2016 #- #2020

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