Global Postural System | Global Postural System 2007 상위 257개 베스트 답변

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Introduction and features of the GPS System

global postural system 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Global Postural System 2007 – YouTube

Features of the GPS System: Posture analysis system made up of a number of units and a software for acquisition and management of images of …

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Global Postural System – DE’AAM

Global Postural System. Posture analysis system that makes it possible to acquire images for body part measurements, as well as information concerning …

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GPS 400 Global Postural Analysis System – Chinesport

Consult Chinesport’s GPS 400 Global Postural Analysis System brochure on MedicalExpo. Page: 1/2.

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GPS Global Postural System –

The GPS (Global Postural System) is a medical device for analysis of posture, a set of devices for the acquisition of data during the patient visit, …

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Postural System Latest Research Papers – ScienceGate

The Posturograph or Global Postural System (GPS) is an advanced postural analysis system that uses techniques and methods of noninvasive diagnosis and …

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주제와 관련된 이미지 global postural system

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Global Postural System 2007. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Global Postural System 2007
Global Postural System 2007

주제에 대한 기사 평가 global postural system

  • Author: chinesport
  • Views: 조회수 1,883회
  • Likes: 좋아요 6개
  • Date Published: 2014. 2. 24.
  • Video Url link:

Global Postural System

Global Postural System

Posture analysis system that makes it possible to acquire images for body part measurements, as well as information concerning weight distribution, barycentre and stability of the patient being examined.

Analysing the posture of a person may represent common language for medical disciplines, because in this case the person is examined in overall terms.

This diagnostic process may therefore be added to by this approach, always with a view to better defining a prevention or cure programme, possibly also by means of multi-disciplinary treatment.

One keyword is “Lifestyle” that in today’s world is characterised by more sedentary activity, bad habits and a lack of physical exercise,resulting in greater social costs.

Observing incorrect postural behaviour may, therefore, provide confirmation and act as an incentive for developing prevention strategies from the early developmental age groups.


Posture analysis can be used jointly in several medical disciplines if there is a will to consider the individual as a whole within a multidisciplinary treatment, therapy and prevention program. We recommend our posture analysis systems to the following professional categories: Orthopaedists Physiatrists Physiotherapists Orthopedic technicians Osteopaths Chiropractors Ophthalmologists Otorhinolaryngologists Podiatrists Orthodontists Speech therapists Graduates with a degree in Motor Sciences

GPS Software for

GPS Global Postural System

The GPS (Global Postural System) is a medical device for analysis of posture, a set of devices for the acquisition of data during the patient visit, a set of photo-capture devices, a computer and software for data management. Further informations on

postural system Latest Research Papers

Abstract Background: Empirical evidence that demonstrates the relationship between pelvic asymmetry and non-specific chronic low back pain (NCLBP) is currently lacking. Objective: To establish the reliability of the Global Postural System (GPS) in assessing pelvic asymmetry and identify the association between pelvic asymmetry parameters and the occurrence of NCLBP in young adults.Design: A cross-sectional, regression study. Methods: People who were aged between 18 and 30 and were diagnosed with NCLBP were recruited. Healthy individuals who were matched for age, sex, and education level were recruited as controls. Global Postural System (GPS) was employed to assess pelvic asymmetry. Prior to exploring the association, the reliability of GPS was assessed by the ICC (2, k) for interrater reliability, ICC (3, k) for intra-rater reliability, standard error and minimal detectable difference. Bivariate correlation analysis and logistic regression analysis were used to determine the relationship between pelvic asymmetry and the occurrence of NCLBP.Results: Twenty-eight healthy participants and 28 people with NCLBP were recruited. Moderate to excellent ICCs were observed for the inter-rater and intra-rater reliability of most postural parameters. The bivariate correlation analysis indicated that age, body mass index and pelvic asymmetry parameters were related to the occurrence of NCLBP. Pelvic angle asymmetry (odds ratio=1.17), and asymmetry of the distance between the posterior superior iliac spine and the floor (odds ratio=1.21) were associated with NCLBP.Limitation: This study did not explore the causal relationship between pelvic asymmetry in the sagittal plane/pelvic asymmetry in the transverse plane and the occurrence of NCLBP. The interpretation of the results may not be generalized beyond the sample population.Conclusions: The GPS is a reliable method to assess pelvic asymmetry in a clinical setting. Two pelvic parameters were associated with the presence of NLBP. Measurement of pelvic asymmetry may assist in the early identification of potential occurrence of NCLBP but further work is required.

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