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This is a Pariyatti audiobook of \”The Manual of Insight\” by Ven. Ledi Sayādaw.
00:00:00 Audiobook Introduction
00:00:28 The Exposition of Insight
00:49:54 Derived Materiality
02:04:16 The Exposition of Tìraṇa-pariññā
02:44:23 The Exposition of Pahāna-pariññā
02:57:03 Conclusion
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주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 The Manual of Insight. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.
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- Author: Pariyatti
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- Date Published: 2021. 4. 8.
- Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoWzZ3sZSPc
Thiền Vipassana Do Thiền Sư S.N. Goenka Giảng Dạy, Phương Thuốc Chữa Bệnh Phiền Não Của Chúng Sinh
Tổng Hợp Chia Sẻ Các Bài Pháp Về Thiền Vipassana (Thiền Tứ Niệm Xứ) Theo Phương Pháp Ngài Thiền Sư S.N. Goenka Giảng Dạy, Các Tài Liệu Dhamma, Trợ Duyên Ai Đó Hữu Duyên Được Vững Vàng Trên Con Đường Tu Tập Giải Thoát Khổ, Được An Lạc Thực Sự, Hoà Hợp Thực Sự, Hạnh Phúc Thực Sự. #vipassana #dhamma #goenka #thienvipassana #buddha #phatphap #phatgiao #thiền
Manuals of Dhamma (Pariyatti Edition)
A free eBook version of the VRI edition of this title is available from VRI at https://www.vridhamma.org/free-books. Although the formatting of the VRI edition may be different, the content is the same as our print edition.
This is a collection of the manuals written by the great meditation master and Abhidhamma scholar Venerable Ledi Sayadaw. This Pariyatti Edition has a bigger page size with larger text, a stronger spine as well as a new cover design.
Ven. Ledi Sayadaw was an invaluable link in the chain of teachers that in modern times has included Sayagyi U Ba Khin and S.N. Goenka. The Manuals of Dhamma includes The Manual of the Four Noble Truths, The Manual of the Factors Leading to Enlightenment, The Manual of Right Views and more. The reader will find a great treasure of information as well as inspiring guidance for the practice of Dhamma.
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A Manual of the Dhamma by Ledi Sayadaw
A Manual of the DhammaDhamma DpanVenerabIe Ledi SaydawAggamahpaita, D.Litt.A Mxnuxi or xnr DnxmmxDnxmmx DrxnByVenerable Ledi SaydawTranslated byU Han HtayEdited byBhikkhu Pesala Association for Insight Meditation4th Edition, December 2010All Rights ReservedYou may print copies for your personal use or for Free Disibutionas a Gi of the Dhamma. Please do not host it on your own web site,but link to the source page so that any updates or corrections will beavailable to all.Table of ContentsEditors Foreword…………………………………………………………………………vTranslators Preface……………………………………………………………………viiiThe Thirteen Questions………………………………………………………………………1The Three Types of Monks Dened……………………………………………………..3Four Kinds of Transgression…………………………………………………………..5Characteristics of an Immoral Monk………………………………………………..9Accusation with Charges of Defeat………………………………………………….9Legal Status of Immoral Monks…………………………………………………….10Should One Avoid Shameless and Immoral Monks?……………………………14The Simile of the Good House………………………………………………………18Sevitabbsevitabba Sua………………………………………………………………20The Blapaita Sua …………………………………………………………………20Should One Honour Shameless and Immoral Monks?………………………….22Innocent Until Proven Guil………………………………………………………..24The Profundi of the Vinaya………………………………………………………..26The Wisdom of King Saddhtissa………………………………………………….29Should One Worship Shameless and Immoral Monks?………………………..31Four Beings Worthy of Respect……………………………………………………..31Civilised Manners……………………………………………………………………….33Should One Criticise Shameless and Immoral Monks?…………………………34The Story of Koadhna Thera……………………………………………………36The Story of Ciahaha Thera………………………………………………………37Blaming Individuals Directly………………………………………………………..38Criticising in General Terms…………………………………………………………39The Essence of the Tipiaka…………………………………………………………..41The Folly of Ignorant Persons……………………………………………………….43What is Stable Morali?……………………………………………………………….44The Most Urgent Task………………………………………………………………….45Aack Only Unwholesome States………………………………………………….46The Dhamma Savega Method of Blaming……………………………………48Can A Shameless Monk Become Scrupulous?……………………………………..50Should Lay Persons Learn the Vinaya?……………………………………………….51Mixed Kammas Give Mixed Results………………………………………………54iiiiv A Manual of the DhammaThe Four Puriing Moralities……………………………………………………………571. Pimokkha Resaint……………………………………………………………….572. Sense Facul Resaint……………………………………………………………..573. Two Factors of Livelihood Purication……………………………………….574. Morali Concerning Requisites…………………………………………………57What Are the Eects of Transgressing Morali?………………………………….59What Are the Factors of Saghikadna?……………………………………………..61Which is the Best Oering?…………………………………………………………..70Cultivating A Skilful Aitude……………………………………………………………73The Simile of the Blind Turtle……………………………………………………….73The Simile of the Kings Favourite…………………………………………………75The Five Greatest Rarities…………………………………………………………….75The Simile of the Shipwreck………………………………………………………….80Choose the Right Path………………………………………………………………….82The Simile of the Birds…………………………………………………………………83Editors ForewordAs the anslator says, the purication of the Sagha is now an urgentmaer, as the neglect of the Vinaya rules is commonplace. Also, as theSaydaw says, If a monk, who is well-ained in the Vinaya, accumulatesmany followers and great material wealth, he can do much damage to theBuddha dispensation, unlike an ignorant monk. So books like this are vital.In the absence of the Buddha, maintaining acceptable standards of conductfor monks is hard, even if there is wide agreement on what acceptable standardsare. The monks most in need of resaint are those least amenable to advice. Atthe rst Buddhist Council, even ve hundred Arahants could not agree onwhich oences were lesser and minor (Vin. ii. 288). The Milindapaha says thatoences of wrong doing (dukkaa) and wrong speech (dubhsita) are lesser andminor oences. This is reasonable since oences requiring confession(pciiya),or confession with forfeiture (nissaggiy pciiya) include: killing animals,drinking intoxicants, telling deliberate lies, abusing monks, hiing monks,eating in the aernoon, and using money. All these things are conary to theprecepts observed by lay people or novices. So we cannot regard them as minor,except in comparison to the major oences such as sexual misconduct, stealing,or killing human beings. We could regard telling jokes, making sarcastic remarks,or talking with the mouth full while eating as minor oences, but scrupulousmonks will observe even these minor rules out of respect for the Buddha.Books like this are vital. Due to lack of knowledge, unwise lay people willslander monks, shameless monks will abuse scrupulous monks, scrupulousmonks will have ill-will towards shameless monks, and many may fall into hell.As the Saydaw points out, there are skilful ways to criticise the wrongconduct of shameless monks without making unwholesome kamma. Wiselay people can make merit by donating allowable requisites and payingrespect to shameless monks. If asked for unallowable things, they can politelyask, Is this allowable? to remind a shameless monk of his remissnesswithout criticising him directly. There are so many rules to observe, that eventhe most scrupulous monk is likely to overlook some oences. A lay personcan give money to a lay aendant, inviting a monk to ask for whatever heneeds. If a lay person gives money or other unallowable things to a monk,he or she will make only demerit. An aendant is living in dependence on Yampi so Tathgata v Tathgatasvaka v akappiyena sdeti, imin pacamena hnenabahu apua pasavati Also, whoever oers to the Tathgata or to the Tathgatas disciplewhat is not allowable, in this h case makes much demerit. (Jvaka Sua, M. i. 369). Theword sdeti means invite to accept or oer, so a lay person makes demerit even if ascrupulous monk refuses to accept money. Any honest person will be insulted if oered abribe. To oer money to a monk is also an insult.vthe monk, so he should obey the monks insuctions, but a lay person doesnot have to.Regarding ones own conduct one should not tolerate the slightest fault,but regarding others conduct one should cultivate boundless compassionand tolerance, or practise detachment. When associating with fools, whichmeans all those who do not observe basic morali, one should guard onesmind and speech very carefully, otherwise one will be sure to makeunwholesome kamma. Diamonds, rubies, and emeralds are exemelyvaluable due to their great rari. If one is unable to nd such precious jewels,one must make do with quartz or marble for ornaments and evensandstone can be used for grinding knives!These are very special rare times that we live in. The Buddhas dispensationis exemely precious, but it is decaying year by year. All Buddhists shouldsive to maintain the ue Dhamma, but they need sucient knowledge andwisdom to discriminate between ue Dhamma and corrupt Dhamma. Fromcorrupt Vinaya comes corrupt Dhamma; om corrupt Dhamma comes corruptVinaya. Therefore, they should read books such as this carefully, and reectdeeply on their own moral and mental puri. They should practise anquilliand insight meditation to gain conol of the passions. If lay Buddhists havea mature knowledge of Dhamma and Vinaya, it can only help to prolong theBuddhas dispensation. With great compassion they should urge and encour-age the monks to promote the essential practices of scriptural study or insightmeditation, instead of giving them money or asking them to practise asology.The anslators preference was to leave technical terms unanslated,but in my experience most readers nd Pi words a barrier to understanding.If one insists on one dierent English word for each Pi term, beingconsistent is very dicult. The key terms here are few, but their meaningvaries according to context. Three very similar Pi terms susla, lajj, andslavanta could all be anslated as moral or virtuous. To show thatlajj has the opposite meaning to alajj
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