Gre Verbal 기출 | [해커스Gre] Verbal 단어·기출어휘 암기 비법-Verbal 송종옥 최근 답변 138개

당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “gre verbal 기출 – [해커스GRE] Verbal 단어·기출어휘 암기 비법-Verbal 송종옥“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 1위 해커스 l 토익·토익스피킹·오픽·텝스 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 5,300회 및 좋아요 50개 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.

gre verbal 기출 주제에 대한 동영상 보기

여기에서 이 주제에 대한 비디오를 시청하십시오. 주의 깊게 살펴보고 읽고 있는 내용에 대한 피드백을 제공하세요!

d여기에서 [해커스GRE] Verbal 단어·기출어휘 암기 비법-Verbal 송종옥 – gre verbal 기출 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

GRE Verbal 고득점 받으려면 꼭 봐야할 영상!
※ 시험에 나오는 GRE 보카외우러가기[무료] ☞
※ GRE에 대한 모든 궁금증 해소하러가기 ☞
※ GRE 고득접 학습TIP 영상 더보기 ☞
※ 단기간에 GRE 끝내러가기 ☞

gre verbal 기출 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.


즉, 사전적 방. 식(A-Z 순서)과 의미 단위별로 묶어 설명하는 방식. 1) 사전적 방식 – <한국 GRE 단어 5.0>, <17 년간 Antonym 기출 단어 총정리>,. <17 년간 Analogy ...

+ 여기에 보기


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#6. GRE 준비 A to Z – 시험등록부터 미세먼지팁까지 총정리 …

1회 (161012): Verbal 147(34%) Quant 170 (97%) Writing 3.0 (17%) <- 이점수로 apply ... 2011년 New GRE로 바뀌면서 후기는 없어졌다고 하지만, 여전히 기출문제가 ...

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


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GRE 가볍게 끝내기 (2) #Verbal 공부법 #150 초반 공략 #2개월 …

실제로 GRE 시험 봤을 때도 느낀 건데. 기출문제에 자주 나오는 단어가. 실제 시험에도 많이 나와서. ​. A부터 Z까지 외우는 단어책과 함께.

+ 여기에 자세히 보기


Date Published: 5/21/2021

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[GRE] 강남 해커스어학원 | 이훈종선생님 감사합니다!!(독해실력 …

기출문제는 선생님이 주신 SE/TC 약 300문제, Reading 120문제 토시하나 안틀리게 외웠고 시험때 볼때마다 5초안에 맞출 수 있었습니다!! GRE Verbal은 더미 제외하고 …

+ 여기에 보기


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Top 13 Gre Verbal 기출 289 Most Correct Answers

실제 GRE-Verbal 시험덤프, GRE-Verbal 기출문제, 유효한 GRE-Verbal 덤프자료 · Article author: · Reviews from users: 32102 · Top …

+ 여기에 보기


Date Published: 2/1/2022

View: 9921

Admission Test GRE-Verbal 패키지 파격적인 가격에 구매하기

Admission Test자격증 시험에 응시하게 되어 덤프를 KoreaDumps에서 구해서 공부했어요. GRE-Verbal덤프가 기출문제랑 예상문제를 묶은 자료라고 하던데 정말 적중율이 …

+ 여기에 더 보기


Date Published: 2/8/2022

View: 2300

주제와 관련된 이미지 gre verbal 기출

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 [해커스GRE] Verbal 단어·기출어휘 암기 비법-Verbal 송종옥. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

[해커스GRE] Verbal 단어·기출어휘 암기 비법-Verbal 송종옥
[해커스GRE] Verbal 단어·기출어휘 암기 비법-Verbal 송종옥

주제에 대한 기사 평가 gre verbal 기출

  • Author: 1위 해커스 l 토익·토익스피킹·오픽·텝스
  • Views: 조회수 5,300회
  • Likes: 좋아요 50개
  • Date Published: 2018. 3. 8.
  • Video Url link:

#6. GRE 준비 A to Z – 시험등록부터 미세먼지팁까지 총정리 > LabToon

● 등록2: 3주 내 재시험 불가, 1년에 5번밖에 볼 수 없습니다.

● 등록3: GRE는 2017년 4월 1일 현재 $205 = 22만9천원 입니다.

+ Reporting (학교로 점수보내기) 1개교 당 $27 = 3만원 입니다. (당일 레포팅시 4개교 무료!)

(참고 –

● Apply(12월) 전 8월~11월이 GRE 피크 -> 미리 등록하기

– 8월~11월에는 자리가 없습니다. TOFEL에 비해 GRE는 서울 내에서도 시험 장소가 매우 적습니다.

– 저의 경우 7월에 등록하였습니다.

● 시험장소 (*주관주의*)

– 선릉역 메이플넥스 (★★★★★): 매우 깨끗하고 조용합니다. 집에서 가장 가까워서 등록했는데 굉장히 만족하였습니다.

– 강남역 1번출구 군장대 (★★★☆☆): 제일 인기 없는 곳입니다. 10월쯤 되면 ‘아 군장대밖에 자리가 없어ㅠㅠ’라는 탄식을 곳곳에서 들을 수 있습니다. 자리가 없어서 어쩔 수 없이 등록하는 곳입니다. 하지만 너무 걱정은 하지 마세요. TOFEL에 비해 시험 보는 장소가 괜찮습니다.

– 마포 폴브라이트: 여긴 제가 직접 치진 않았지만 스터디원들의 평이 좋았던 곳입니다.

2.2 시험

● 시험시간 및 구성

– 소요시간: 약 3시간 30분~4시간 20분 사이

– 구성: Writing (Issue 30분 + Argue 30분) -> Verbal/Quant 2 section (각 30분씩 총 1시간) -> 쉬는시간 10분 -> Verbal/Quant 3 section (총 1시간 30분)

– V-Q-V-Q-V 또는 Q-V-Q-V-Q, 3개 section 중 1개는 더미 (점수에 반영 안됨)

● 난이도

– 첫 section은 난이도 3 중심으로 나오며 (문제마다 1부터 5까지 다름), 난이도별 맞은 개수에 따라 다음 section의 난이도가 정해집니다.

– Verbal의 경우 2번째 section에서 문장 해석이 잘되거나 TC/SE의 단어가 눈에 보이면 ‘아 저번 section 발로 풀었구나’라고 생각하시면 됩니다. (ㅠㅠ)

– 보통 1문제당 1점이지만, 난이도 5 문제를 맞추면 2점이 올라간다는 이야기가 있습니다.

예를 들면 맞은 개수가 20이면 150점인데 실제 점수가 152가 나온다던지…

● 난이도2

– 성적표에는 내가 어떤 난이도의 문제를 몇분 몇초동안 풀었는지 나옵니다.

– 접속해서 [Scores]부분의 [GRE Diagnostic Service]

이훈종선생님 감사합니다!!(독해실력이 안좋고, GRE 입문으로 고민이신분들 보세요~) :: 해커스어학원

이훈종선생님 감사합니다!!(독해실력이 안좋고, GRE 입문으로 고민이신분들 보세요~)

우선 정말 감사하단 말씀 드리고싶습니다.

저는 11월,12월 이훈종선생님 수업을 받았구요. 3월이 되어서야 마칠 수 있게 됐네요.

사실 토플도 70점대에서 갑작스럽게 GRE를 시작하고, 이과생이여서 고생이 심했는데

선생님 덕분에 모의시험 130점대에서 저나름대로 만족스러운 점수(150점대)를 얻었습니다!!!

정말 감사합니다.

→ 우선 이훈종 선생님 수업 고민하시는 분들은 두꺼운 글씨만 봐주셔도 충분합니다!

객관적 + 주관적 의견 작성했으니 골라서 봐주세요

※ 선생님 수업 장점 (객관적)

1. (본인 최고 실력대비 + 4~5점 보장!!) GRE는 문제은행방식!! 나왔던 문제는 토시하나 안틀리게 그대로 나온다

→ New GRE 초기부터 실제 학생들 후기로 모아온 적중 기출문제!!

– 저는 시험을 1/10, 2/25, 3/18 총 3번에 걸쳐서 봤습니다!! 시험마다 선생님이 주신 기출문제에서 4~5문제 이상 나왔습니다!!

기출문제는 선생님이 주신 SE/TC 약 300문제, Reading 120문제 토시하나 안틀리게 외웠고 시험때 볼때마다 5초안에 맞출 수 있었습니다!!

GRE Verbal은 더미 제외하고 총 40문제 그중 5문제면 5점은 거저먹고 시작하고 그문제 풀 시간을 다른문제에 집중할 수있어서

저 같이 독해가 느린사람은 1석 2조 효과를 볼 수 있습니다!

2. (단어 투자에 최단시간 최대효과!!) GRE에서 가장 고민인 단어!!

→ 4 년동안 기출문제에서만 발췌한 핵단어 1100개!!

– 솔직히 저는 GRE 시작부터 거만어, 파보카 1독 이상 하고 입문했지만, 자꾸 잊어버리고 문제는

이 단어들이 실제 문제에 1번 나올까 말까하니 더 안외워졌습니다. 첫시험을 독해위주로 준비해서 치르고

단어의 심각성을 느끼고는 핵단어 1100개를 외우고 2번째 시험을 치렀을때 총 세트에서 2개빼고 모르는 단어가 없었습니다.

기출단어 위주라서 쉬운 단어부터 기존 단어집에 없는 단어까지 다양하게 있습니다. 3차례 시험을 거치며 또 느꼈던 점은

ETS는 단어또한 사용하는 단어를 계속사용한다는 점이었습니다. 거만어, 파보카 등을 1,2독을 하신분은 핵단어만 파는것도 충분합니다!!

3. (해석과 독해는 다르다!!!) GRE는 단어가 문제가 아닌 독해가 문제

→ GRE가 의도하는 바에 대해 명쾌한 해설!!

– 고등학교 수능부터 토플까지 저는 말그대로 해석위주의 공부를 했고 또 그게 먹혔습니다. 하지만 GRE는 다릅니다.

GRE에서 Paraphrasing으로 바로 풀 수있는문제는 1~2문제 정도, 주제에 대한 이해, 그 저자가 의도하는 바를 추론하지 못하면

100% 실패입니다. 선생님께서 내주시는 숙제를 충분히 고민해보고 선생님이 하시는 농담하나까지 진지하게 생각해본다면

GRE에 독해에 대한감은 충분히 느끼실 수있습니다. 선생님 수업의 장점은 문제해설, 독해를 군말없이 명쾌하게 해주신 단 점입니다.

단 중요한 점은 어떤 공부던 개인공부(숙제)가 가장 중요하단 점을 잊지말아주세요.

4. (실전 감각 익히기) 시간조절, 문제 감을 유지해라 → 특히 의지 박약으로 고민이신분들 추천합니다.

→ 1, 3주차 모의고사 + 풍부한 숙제(매일 SETC 30문제, RC 10지문)

– 이부분 만큼은 정말 해커스에서 최고라고 생각합니다. 일단 숙제를 안해오면 수업자체를 따라갈 수없고,

선생님께서도 숙제안해온 인원들에게는 따끔한 충고도 아끼지 않고 해주시기 때문에 숙제를 안해오게 될일은 없을겁니다.

또 스터디도 형식적인 스터디가 아닌 진짜 스터디가 뭔지 느낄수 있었습니다. 모의고사도 신기할 정도로 실제시험성적이랑

비슷하게 나오기때문에 긴장감을 충분히 유지할 수있습니다!

5. 철저한 스터디 관리

– 수업전 또는 수업후로 스터디 최소 3시간을 하게끔 지도해주셨고,

스터디를 통해 선생님에게 배울수없던 점을 다른 학생들로 배울 수 있던점이 정말 좋았습니다.

학원 다니는 동안 진짜 영어 공부를 할 수 있었습니다.

※ 선생님 수업 좋았던 점 (주관적)

1. 학교 선생님같은 느낌.

– 수업도 좋았지만 저는 선생님께서 저희에게 입에 발린소리가 아닌 따끔한 충고를 해주신다는 점이 정말 좋았습니다.

중간중간 저도 사람인지라 모의시험 성적이 좋거나 숙제를 많이 맞추거나 하면 거만해졌는데,

그럴때 마다 선생님께서 충고해주셨던 것이 저를 더 열심히 하게끔 자극했습니다, 그래서 지금 이렇게 만족스런 성적을 얻을 수있었습니다.

또 개인적으로 독해가 고민이었는데 가끔씩 시간나실때 개인적으로 봐주시고 정말 좋았습니다!

2. 지난달 수강생에게도 지속적인 연락으로 케어해주시는 점

– 2달간 수업을 하고 개인공부를 하는동안에도 제가 개인적으로 여쭤보거나 하는 점도 친절하게 답장해주셨고,

최근 기출문제도 필요한 부분은 제공해주시고, 정말 최고였고 감동이였습니다!

나머지도 좋은점이 너무너무 많지만 이정도로 저는 충분히 전달이 될거라 생각됩니다!

아무튼 선생님께 다시한번 감사드리고, 나중에 꼭 한번 찾아뵙겠습니다!!

Top 13 Gre Verbal 기출 289 Most Correct Answers

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GRE-Verbal시험덤프에 관하여

688 분의 상품리뷰 상품리뷰 ( 일부 내용이 비슷한 리뷰와 오래된 리뷰는 숨겨졌습니다)

KoreaDumps의 제품으로 GO GO GO !


Admission Test GRE-Verbal 무료샘플 다운받기


유용한 링크

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GRE-Verbal 최신덤프는 IT인증시험과목중 가장 인기있는 시험입니다. KoreaDumps에서는 GRE-Verbal 최신덤프에 대비한 공부가이드를 발췌하여 IT인사들의 시험공부 고민을 덜어드립니다. KoreaDumps에서 발췌한 GRE-Verbal 최신덤프는 GRE-Verbal실제시험의 모든 범위를 커버하고 있고 모든 시험유형이 포함되어 있어 시험준비 공부의 완벽한 선택입니다.

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최신 Admission Test Certification GRE-Verbal 무료샘플문제

1. WAN:






2. High in the Andes Mountains in Peru stands the ancient city of Machu Picchu. No one knows why this

great city was built, nor is it likely that we will ever know. Nevertheless, the deserted city of Machu Picchu

is important for what it reveals about the ancient Inca people of South AmericA. The Incas once ruled a

great empire that covered a large part of the South American continent. The empire was more than five

hundred years old when the first Spanish explorers, looking for gold, went to that continent in the

sixteenth century. The Incas were an advanced people. They were skillful engineers who paved their

roads and built sturdy bridges. They plowed the land in such a way that rains would not wash away

valuable soil. They dug ditches to carry water into dry areas for farming. Even though they did not know

about the wheel, the Incas were able to move huge stone blocks- some as heavy as ten tons- up the sides

of mountains to build walls. The blocks were fitted so tightly, without cement of any kind, that it would be

impossible to slip a knife blade between them! The walls have stood firm through great storms and

earthquakes that have destroyed many modern buildings. The Incas were great artists, too. Today, Incan

dishes and other kinds of pottery are prized for their wonderful designs. Since both gold and silver were in

great supply, the Incas created splendid objects from these precious metals. While it is true that the Incas

had no written language, they kept their accounts by using a system of knotted strings of various lengths

and colors. The sizes of the knots and the distances between them represented numbers. At its height,

the Incan empire included as many as thirty million people. The emperor ruled them with an iron hand. He

told his subjects where to live, what to plant, how long they should work even whom they could marry.

Since he owned everything, the emperor gave what he wished when he wished- and in the amount he

wished -to his people. In 1533 Spanish explorers led by Francisco Pizarro murdered the emperor of the

Incas. Earlier, the heir to the Incan empire had also been killed. The Incas, who had always been entirely

dependent on their emperor, now had no recognized leader. The Spaniards easily conquered the empire

and plundered its riches. Have the Incas disappeared from South America? Not at all. In Peru alone, once

the center of that great empire, eighty percent of the twenty million people are descendants of the Inca

people. Evidence of the Incan empire can be found in many other places in South America as well. You

can even visit Machu Picchu. The remains of this ancient city still stand high in the mountains of Peru, an

awesome tribute to this once powerful empire.

What is the main idea of this passage?

The Incan empire can be found in ancient cities and was plundered by the Spanish.

Spanish conquerors destroyed the Incan empire in the thirteenth century.

Peru was the primary country of the Incas.

Machu Picchu was the capital of the Incan empire.

The Incas once inhabited the ancient city of Machu Picchu.

3. The Trojan War is one of the most famous wars in history. It is well known for the tenyear duration, for the

heroism of a number of legendary characters, and for the Trojan horse. What may not be familiar,

however, is the story of how the war began. According to Greek myth, the strife between the Trojans and

the Greeks started at the wedding of Peleus, King of Thessaly, and Thetis, a sea nymph. All of the gods

and goddesses had been invited to the wedding celebration in Troy except Eris, goddesses of discord.

She had been omitted from the guest list because her presence always embroiled mortals and immortals

alike in conflict. To take revenge on those who had slighted her, Eris decided to cause a skirmish. Into the

middle of the banquet hall, she threw a golden apple marked “for the most beautiful.” All of the goddesses

began to haggle over who should possess it.

The gods and goddesses reached a stalemate when the choice was narrowed to Hera, Athena, and

Aphrodite. Someone was needed to settle the controversy by picking a winner. The job eventually fell to

Paris, son of King Priam of Troy, who was said to be a good judge of beauty. Paris did not have an easy

job. Each goddess, eager to win the golden apple, tried aggressively to bribe him. “I’ll grant you vast

kingdoms to rule, “promised HerA. “Vast kingdoms are nothing in comparison with my gift,” contradicted

AthenA. “Choose me and I’ll see that you win victory and fame in war.” Aphrodite outdid her adversaries,

however. She won the golden apple by offering Helen, Zeus’ daughter and the most beautiful mortal, to

Paris. Paris, anxious to claim Helen, set off for Sparta in

Greece. Although Paris learned that Helen was married, he accepted the hospitality of her husband, King

Menelasu of Sparta, anyway. Therefore, Menelaus was outraged for a number of reasons when Paris

departed, taking Helen and much of the king’s wealth back to Troy. Menelaus collected his loyal forces

and set sail for Troy to begin the war to reclaim Helen.

Each goddess tried ___to bribe Paris.




answer not stated


4. In the United States, the development of sociology was not _______ controversies; rather, it emerged

from social experience, hence the relatively _______ approach among American sociologists to

identifying and solving social problems.

impeded by political . . academic

stimulated by ideological .empirical

sparked by social . . experimental

challenged by academic . .theoretical

hindered by petty . . controversial

5. It is clearly in the public’s best interest for news agencies to _______ their journalist employees _______

information tantamount to hearsay through independent scrutiny.

실제 GRE-Verbal 시험덤프, GRE-Verbal 기출문제, 유효한 GRE-Verbal 덤프자료

GRE-Verbal 최신덤프는 IT인증시험과목중 가장 인기있는 시험입니다. KoreaDumps에서는 GRE-Verbal 최신덤프에 대비한 공부가이드를 발췌하여 IT인사들의 시험공부 고민을 덜어드립니다. KoreaDumps에서 발췌한 GRE-Verbal 최신덤프는 GRE-Verbal실제시험의 모든 범위를 커버하고 있고 모든 시험유형이 포함되어 있어 시험준비 공부의 완벽한 선택입니다.

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구매후 GRE-Verbal덤프를 바로 다운:결제하시면 시스템 자동으로 구매한 제품을 고객님 메일주소에 발송해드립니다.(만약 12시간이내에 덤프를 받지 못하셨다면 연락주세요.주의사항:스펨메일함도 꼭 확인해보세요.)

최신 Admission Test Certification GRE-Verbal 무료샘플문제

1. Mount Vesuvius, a volcano located between the ancient Italian cities of Pompeii and

Herculaneum, has received much attention because of its frequent and destructive eruptions. The most

famous of these eruptions occurred in A. D. 79. The volcano had been inactive for centuries. There was

little warning of the coming eruption, although one account unearthed by archaeologists says that a hard

rain and a strong wind had disturbed the celestial calm during the preceding night. Early the next morning,

the volcano poured a huge river of molten rock down upon Herculaneum, completely burying the city and

filling in the harbor with coagulated lavA. Meanwhile, on the other side of the mountain, cinders, stone and

ash rained down on Pompeii. Sparks from the burning ash ignited the combustible rooftops quickly. Large

portions of the city were destroyed in the conflagration. Fire, however, was not the only cause of

destruction. Poisonous sulphuric gases saturated the air. These heavy gases were not buoyant in the

atmosphere and therefore sank toward the earth and suffocated people. Over the years, excavations of

Pompeii and Herculaneum have revealed a great deal about the behavior of the volcano.

By analyzing data, much as a zoologist dissects a specimen animal, scientist have concluded that the

eruption changed large portions of the area’s geography. For instance, it turned the Sarno River from its

course and raised the level of the beach along the Bay of Naples. Meteorologists studying these events

have also concluded that Vesuvius caused a huge tidal wave that affected the world’s climate. In addition

to making these investigations, archaeologists have been able to study the skeletons of victims by using

distilled water to wash away the volcanic ash. By strengthening the brittle bones with acrylic paint,

scientists have been able to examine the skeletons and draw conclusions about the diet and habits of the

residents. Finally, the excavations at both Pompeii and

Herculaneum have yielded many examples of classical art, such as jewelry made of bronze, which is an

alloy of copper and tin. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius and its tragic consequences have provided us

with a wealth of data about the effects that volcanoes can have on the surrounding areA. Today

volcanologists can locate and predict eruptions, saving lives and preventing the destruction of cities and


_ ___have concluded that the volcanic eruption caused a tidal wave.

Scientist who study ash

Scientist who study oceans

Scientist who study atmospheric conditions

Answer not available in article

Scientist who study animal behavior

2. The raisin business in America was born by accident. It happened in 1873 in the San Joaquin Valley of

CaliforniA. Many farmers raised grapes in this valley. That year, just before the grape harvest, there was a

heat wave. It was one of the worst heat waves ever known. It was so hot the grapes dried on the vines.

When they were picked, California had its first raisin crop. People were surprised to find how good raisins

were. Everybody wanted more. So the San Joaquin farmers went into the raisin business. Today, of

course, they do not let the grapes dry on the vines. They treat them with much more care. In late

August the grapes start to ripen. They are tested often for sweetness. The growers wait until the sugar

content is twenty-one percent. Then they know the grapes are ripe enough to be picked. Skilled workers

come to the vineyards. They pick the bunches of grapes by hand. The workers fill their flat pans with

grapes. They gently empty the pans onto squares of paper. These squares lie between the long rows of

vines. They sit in the sun.

Here the grapes stay while the sun does its work. It may take two weeks or longer. The grapes are first

dried on one side. When they have reached the right color, they are turned to dry on the other side. The

grapes are dried until only fifteen percent of the moisture is left. Then they have turned into raisins. The

raisins are rolled up in the paper on which they have dried. Trucks take them from the fields. They are

poured into big boxes called sweatboxes. Each box holds one hundred and sixty pounds of raisins. Here,

any raisins that are a bit too dry take moisture from those that have a bit too much. After a while they are

all just moist enough. The big boxes are trucked next to the packaging plant. They are emptied onto a

conveyor belt that shakes the raisins gently. This knocks them from their stems. A blast of air whisks the

stems away. The water bath is next. Then the plump brown raisins have a last inspection. They are again

checked for moisture and sugar.

Then they go on a belt to packing machines. Here they are poured into packages, which are automatically

weighed and sealed. The raisins are now ready for market.

What is the main idea of this passage?

The process of raisin development requires multiple steps.

Raisins on the grocery store shelf undergo a brief fermentation process.

California has been the leader in American raisin development.

Raisins are cleaned thoroughly at the packing plant.

The creation of raisins in America was an accident.

3. It is often said that those most firmly committed to an idea are also most critical of it. Yet, could anyone

honestly defend this (i)_______? Consider, for instance, Elizabeth Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, who in

the late nineteenth century paved the way for the women’s rights movement through their fervent

advocacy. Would it not be (ii)_______ that Stanton and Anthony were at the same time highly (ii)_______

of the notion that women deserve equal rights under the law?

ill-conceived contrivance

patently absurd to aver

age-old aphorism


audacious to insist

oft-touted ideology

tautological to claim



4. Radiative forcings are changes imposed on the planetary energy balance; radiative feedbacks are

changes induced by climate change. Forcings can arise from either natural or anthropogenic causes. For

example, the concentration of sulfate aerosols in the atmosphere can be altered by volcanic action or by

the burning of fossil fuels. The distinction between forcings and feedbacks is sometimes arbitrary;

however, forcings are quantities normally specified in global climate model simulations, while feedbacks

are calculated quantities. Examples of radiative forcings are greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide

and ozone), aerosols in the troposphere, and surface reflectivity. Radiative feedbacks include clouds,

water vapor in the troposphere, and sea-ice cover. The effects of forcings and feedbacks on climate are

complex. For example, clouds trap outgoing radiation, thus providing a warming influence, while also

reflecting incoming solar radiation and, thereby, providing a cooling influence. Current measurements

indicate that the net effect of clouds is to cool the earth. However, scientists are unsure if the balance will

shift in the future as the atmosphere and cloud formation are altered by the accumulation of greenhouse

gases. Similarly, the vertical distribution of ozone affects both the amount of radiation reaching the earth’s

surface and the amount of reradiated radiation that is trapped by the greenhouse effect. These two

mechanisms affect the earth’s temperature in opposite directions.

Based solely on the information in the passage, which of the following research methods, if implemented,

would be most likely to yield a more accurate prediction of the extent and direction of the greenhouse


Isolating ozone changes caused specifically by anthropogenic factors

Measuring variations in cloud density in relation to air temperature

Isolating the cooling influence1 of ozone changes from their warming influence

Accounting for the altitude at which cloud formations appear

Monitoring radiative feedbacks and forcings over a longer time period

5. In nearly all human populations, a majority of individuals can taste the artificially synthesized chemical

phenylthiocarbonide (PTC). However, the percentage varies dramatically-from as low as sixty percent in

India to as high as ninety-five percent in AfricA. That this polymorphism is observed in non-human

primates as well indicates a long evolutionary history which, although obviously not acting on PTC, might

reflect evolutionary selection for taste discrimination of other, more significant bitter substances, such as

certain toxic plants. A somewhat more puzzling human polymorphism is the genetic variability in earwax,

or cerumen, which is observed in two varieties. Among European populations, ninety percent of

individuals have a sticky yellow variety rather than a dry, gray one, whereas in northern China these

numbers are approximately the reverse. Perhaps like PTC variability, cerumen variability is an incidental

expression of something more adaptively significant. Indeed, the observed relationship between cerumen

and odorous bodily secretions, to which non-human primates and, to a lesser extent humans, pay

attention suggests that during the course of human evolution genes affecting body secretions, including

cerumen, came under selective influence.

It can be inferred from the passage that human populations vary considerably in their

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