Harry Hadley Vsim | Vsim® For Nursing | Health Assessment 12 개의 새로운 답변이 업데이트되었습니다.

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Enhanced with a new user interface, vSim for Nursing | Health Assessment allows nursing students to perform interactive assessment techniques on 10 real-world, evidence-based patient scenarios. With the ability to inspect eyes, test pupil responsiveness, and present the options of a mini-cognitive assessment to the patient, nursing students can practice and learn, enhancing their overall nursing education.
Learn more at NursingEducationSuccess.com/vSim

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vSim – Harry Hadley Flashcards | Quizlet

a) White cell count b) C-reactive protein e) Wound culture. These signs and symptoms indicate possible infections (cellulitis).

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vSim Student Resources – The Point – Lippincott

My Results; Student User’s Gue; vSim Tutorial; Lippincott Customer Success … Pharmacology Scenario 6: Harry Hadley; Pharmacology Scenario 7: Jermaine …

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Pharmacology Scenario 6 Assessment Answers

Document your initial assessment data of Harry Hadley, including wound assessment, IV assessment, pain assessment, and vital signs. – Upon entering the rain, …

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vSim® for Nursing Pharmacology | Virtual Nursing Simulation

Harry Hadley – Managing IV Antibiotic Therapy in the Hospitalized Patient with Reduced Renal Function; Jermaine Jones – Managing Adverse Effects of …

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주제와 관련된 이미지 harry hadley vsim

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 vSim® for Nursing | Health Assessment. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

vSim® for Nursing | Health Assessment
vSim® for Nursing | Health Assessment

주제에 대한 기사 평가 harry hadley vsim

  • Author: Wolters Kluwer: Lippincott Nursing Education
  • Views: 조회수 8,471회
  • Likes: 좋아요 18개
  • Date Published: 2016. 4. 1.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGMVJATixoU

vSim – Harry Hadley Flashcards

The nurse is conduction discharge instructions for Harry Hadley regarding adverse effects of vancomycin. The nurse reviews signs and symptoms of superinfections to report to the physician. Harry asks, “How can I get an infection when I am on antibiotics?” Which of the following responses best answers the patient’s question?

a) Some antibiotics destroy the normal flora that keep pathogens in your body in check.

b) Taking antibiotics for one infection can make you susceptible to a different infection.

c) Infectious organisms become resistant to the antibiotic and cause a different infection.

d) Antibiotics weaken the immune system, which allows other infections to invade the body.

Pharmacology Scenario 6 Assessment Answers

Pharmacology Scenario 6: Harry Hadley

Documentation Assignments

1. Document your initial assessment data of Harry Hadley, including wound assessment, IV assessment, pain assessment, and vital signs.

– Upon entering the rain, the patient seemed ill and uncomfortable. Vital signs were RR: 15, HR: 90, Pulse: present, Temp: 101 F, BP: 129/82, SpO2: 97%. I assess the wound, finding what appeared to be a bite from a cat on the lower right leg. Area was reddened. I assessed the IV site before giving meds. IV site was normal, no redness, swelling, bleeding, or drainage. Patient said his pain was 2, located in his right leg and it was throbbing.

2.Document interventions implemented to monitor and maintain oxygenation status.

– I assessed his oxygenation status to start, then attatched a pulse oximeter to continuously monitor the SpO2 rate. I assessed respirations in the beginning.

3. Document the results of laboratory values noted during the scenario

– WBC was high: this was most likely due to the infection.

Creatnine levels indicated renal dysfunction.

4. Document any consultations that occurred while caring for Harry Hadley. Include who was consulted and the results of the consultation.

I consulted the pharmacist before administering Vancomyocin. The Vancomycin 1700 mg in 250 ml bag infusing 2 hours every 12 hours. This was changed to 2 hours every 24 hours.

5. Document the medication(s) that you administered.

I administered vancomycin 1700 mg in 250 ml bag to be infused at 125 ml/hr. I gave 650 mg of acetaminophen for fever.

6. Document repeat vital signs taken and assessments completed during this scenario. Include assessments completed related to monitoring for adverse effects of medication.

RR: 15, HR: 90, Blood Pressure: 126/81, Temp: 100 F, SpO2: 97%. I assessed the patient’s legs and the wound.

7. Document the need for contact precautions for Harry Hadley. Include the initiation and maintenance of the precautions during this scenario.

– wash hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer

– put on gloves, wear a gown

– to leave the room, remove gown and gloves and clean hands

– patient should try not to leave hospital room, unless completely neccessary

8. Document the patient education that you provided to Harry Hadley regarding vancomycin doses, administration, and adverse effects.

Explained that Vancomycin is an antibiotic that is used to treat cellulitis. Cellulitis can occur because of MSRA. Vancomycin is given through IV over a certain period of time.

The nurse explained the frequent vitals were necessary due to the infection

She also explained adverse effects on antibiotics

This problem has been solved.

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  • vSim for Nursing
  • virtual simulation
  • health assessment
  • Wolters Kluwer
  • Lippincott
  • Laerdal
  • nursing education
  • nursing students

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