Omlat Spindle Repair | Omlat 24,000 Rpm – Spindle Repair And Rebuild Process By Gti Spindle Technology 모든 답변

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d여기에서 Omlat 24,000 RPM – Spindle Repair and Rebuild Process by GTI Spindle Technology – omlat spindle repair 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

This video includes photos of the spindle breakdown and rebuild process for an Omlat 24,000 RPM spindle.
Included in this video are incoming, breakdown, test run, rebuild, QC and outgoing photos for an Omlat spindle.
Visit for more information about our spindle repair and spindle rebuild services.

omlat spindle repair 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Omlat – Elettromandrini di alta qualità

I mandrini, gli elettromandrini e le teste birotative per macchine utensili progettati e realizzati da OMLAT sono da più di 70 anni sinonimo di innovazione …

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Omlat Spindle Repair

Motor City Spindle Repair offers complete Omlat spindle repair services for milling, turning, and grinding applications. The majority of Omlat spindles are …

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Omlat Spindle Repair | Ekstrom Carlson

We specialize in the repair of Omlat spindle motors, Omlat motors, and Omlat spindles. Our repairs will typically cost 1/2, or less than 1/2 the price of a …

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Omlat Spindle Repairs and Rebuilds – Colonial Tool

Often, the best way to repair a worn or damaged Omlat spindle is to rebuild it from the ground up. If a full rebuild isn’t required, however, we can replace or …

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Omlat-Torino Spindle Repair –

Our Omlat-Torino spindle repair service will give you a spindle that will return to the floor as good as new. We offer one year warranty after every repair and …

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OMLAT USA – High quality Electrospindles

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주제와 관련된 이미지 omlat spindle repair

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Omlat 24,000 RPM – Spindle Repair and Rebuild Process by GTI Spindle Technology. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Omlat 24,000 RPM - Spindle Repair and Rebuild Process by GTI Spindle Technology
Omlat 24,000 RPM – Spindle Repair and Rebuild Process by GTI Spindle Technology

주제에 대한 기사 평가 omlat spindle repair

  • Author: GTI Spindle Technology
  • Views: 조회수 16,465회
  • Likes: 좋아요 30개
  • Date Published: 2014. 3. 28.
  • Video Url link:

Elettromandrini di alta qualità

I mandrini, gli elettromandrini e le teste birotative per macchine utensili progettati e realizzati da OMLAT sono da più di 70 anni sinonimo di innovazione e precisione tecnologica.

Un’evoluzione alla quale il know how OMLAT è in grado di rispondere con la soluzione ideale per tutte quelle lavorazioni meccaniche che richiedono di sommare in un unico prodotto velocità e potenza senza compromettere gli standard di qualità.

La tecnologia degli elettromandrini si é diffusa in tutti quei settori in cui si rendono necessarie lavorazioni ad alta velocità di taglio per ridurre i tempi, e di conseguenza i costi, e per assicurare affidabilità e perfezione di esecuzione: acciaio, legno, PVC, alluminio, vetro, materiali compositi, grafite, titanio, etc.


Omlat Spindle Repair & Rebuild

Precision Spindle can repair and rebuild Omlat spindles. Our precision spindle repair service facility offers repair, rebuild, recondition, refurbish and rework of spindles used in automotive, aerospace, aeronautics, military, tooling, machine tool, woodworking, plastic, stone, marble, granite, glass and ceramic industries.

Omlat spindle models we can repair are:

Brand Model/Part Number Additional Information Omlat 05845 22000 RPM, HSK63 Nose Omlat 06058 24000 RPM, 50 Taper Nose Omlat 06398 24000 RPM, HSK63 Taper Nose Omlat 05882 24000 RPM Omlat MA-3 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Male Taper Connection Omlat MA-4 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Male Taper Connection Omlat MA-5 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Male Taper Connection Omlat MA-6 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Male Taper Connection Omlat MA-7 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Male Taper Connection Omlat MA-8 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Male Taper Connection Omlat MA-9 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Male Taper Connection Omlat MA-10 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Male Taper Connection Omlat ME-3 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle Omlat ME-4 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle Omlat ME-5 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle Omlat ME-6 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle Omlat ME-7 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle Omlat ME-8 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle Omlat ME-9 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle Omlat ME-10 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle Omlat MH-4 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle for Deep Bores Omlat MH-5 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle for Deep Bores Omlat MH-6 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle for Deep Bores Omlat MH-7 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle for Deep Bores Omlat MH-8 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle for Deep Bores Omlat MH-9 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle for Deep Bores Omlat MH-10 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle for Deep Bores Omlat MN-4 Belt Driven External Grinding Spindle Omlat MN-5 Belt Driven External Grinding Spindle Omlat MN-6 Belt Driven External Grinding Spindle Omlat MN-7 Belt Driven External Grinding Spindle Omlat MN-8 Belt Driven External Grinding Spindle Omlat MN-9 Belt Driven External Grinding Spindle Omlat MN-10 Belt Driven External Grinding Spindle Omlat MV-3 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Internal Bore Connection Omlat MV-4 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Internal Bore Connection Omlat MV-5 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Internal Bore Connection Omlat MV-6 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Internal Bore Connection Omlat MV-7 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Internal Bore Connection Omlat MV-8 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Internal Bore Connection Omlat MV-9 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Internal Bore Connection Omlat MV-10 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Internal Bore Connection Omlat MV-5/6 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Internal Bore Connection Omlat MV-6/6 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Internal Bore Connection Omlat MV-5/8 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Internal Bore Connection Omlat MV-6/8 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Internal Bore Connection Omlat MV-8/8 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Internal 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Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Internal Bore Connection Omlat MZ-5/8 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Internal Bore Connection Omlat MZ-6/8 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Internal Bore Connection Omlat MZ-8/8 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Internal Bore Connection Omlat MZ-6/10 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Internal Bore Connection Omlat MZ-8/10 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Internal Bore Connection Omlat MZ-10/10 Belt Driven Internal Grinding Spindle with Internal Bore Connection Omlat L 30/60 Internal Grinding Electrospindle Omlat L 60/90 Internal Grinding Electrospindle Omlat L 90/120 Internal Grinding Electrospindle Omlat LS 30/60 Internal Grinding Electrospindle Omlat LS 60/90 Internal Grinding Electrospindle Omlat LS 90/120 Internal Grinding Electrospindle Omlat M 12/15 Internal Grinding Electrospindle Omlat M 15/18 Internal Grinding Electrospindle Omlat M 18/24 Internal Grinding Electrospindle Omlat M 24/30 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OM5-240 Milling Electrospindle Omlat OM5-250 Milling Electrospindle Omlat OM5-260 Milling Electrospindle Omlat OM5-270 Milling Electrospindle Omlat OM5-310 Milling Electrospindle Omlat OM5-350 Milling Electrospindle Omlat OMCT-120 Milling Electrospindle Omlat OMCT-136 Milling Electrospindle Omlat OMCT-140 Milling Electrospindle Omlat OMCT-170 Milling Electrospindle Omlat OMCT-180 Milling Electrospindle Omlat OMCT-208 Milling Electrospindle Omlat OMCT-228 Milling Electrospindle Omlat OMCT-250 Milling Electrospindle Omlat OMCT-274 Milling Electrospindle Omlat OMCT-280 Milling Electrospindle Omlat OMCT-325 Milling Electrospindle Omlat TEF 10 High Frequency Milling Spindle Attachment Omlat TEF 25 High Frequency Milling Spindle Attachment Omlat TEF 40 High Frequency Milling Spindle Attachment Omlat TEF 70 High Frequency Milling Spindle Attachment Omlat 06771000 22,5 kW, 4500 rpm Eletrospindle for Turning with ASA 8 Interface Omlat 06771000 50 kW, 2500 rpm Eletrospindle for Turning with ASA 11 Interface Omlat Delta 5 HS 5 kW, 50,000 rpm High Frequency Electrospindle, Sealed Lubrication, Liquid Cooled, HSK E 25, Pneumatic Tool Change for Wood and Aluminum Omlat Delta 6,5 HS 6,5 kw, 40,000 rpm High Frequency Electrospindle, Sealed Lubrication, Liquid Cooled, HSK E 25, Pneumatic Tool Change for Wood and Aluminum Omlat Delta 4,5 4,5 kW, 21,000 rpm High Frequency Electrospindle, Sealed Lubrication, Liquid Cooled, HSK E 25, Pneumatic Tool Change for Wood and Aluminum Omlat Delta 6,5 6,5 kW, 21,000 rpm High Frequency Electrospindle, Sealed Lubrication, Liquid Cooled, HSK E 25, Pneumatic Tool Change for Wood and Aluminum Omlat Delta 7,5 7.5 kW, 24,000 rpm High Frequency Electrospindle, Sealed Lubrication, Liquid Cooled, HSK E 25, Pneumatic Tool Change for Wood and Aluminum Omlat Delta 12 12 kW, 24,000 rpm High Frequency Electrospindle, Sealed Lubrication, Liquid Cooled, HSK E 25, Pneumatic Tool Change for Wood and Aluminum Omlat Delta 15 12 kW, 24,000 rpm High Frequency Electrospindle, Sealed Lubrication, Liquid Cooled, HSK E 25, Pneumatic Tool Change for Wood and Aluminum Omlat Delta 18 18 kW, 24,000 rpm High Frequency Electrospindle, Sealed Lubrication, Liquid Cooled, HSK E 25, Pneumatic Tool Change for Wood and Aluminum Omlat Delta 12 HT 12 kW, 24,000 rpm High Frequency Electrospindle, Sealed Lubrication, Liquid Cooled, HSK E 25, Pneumatic Tool Change for Wood and Aluminum Omlat Delta 20 HT 20 kW, 24,000 rpm High Frequency Electrospindle, Sealed Lubrication, Liquid Cooled, HSK E 25, Pneumatic Tool Change for Wood and Aluminum Omlat WSP 5 axis Head for Wood and Aluminum Omlat KK50 Head for Wood and Aluminum Omlat C axis Head for Wood and Aluminum Omlat A axis Head for Wood and Aluminum Omlat ELM Head for Wood and Aluminum Omlat 06062000 8 kW, 24,000 rpm Electrospindle, Sealed Lubrication, Liquid Cooled, ISO 40, Pneumatic Tool Change, for Stoneworking Omlat 06343000 8 kW, 14,000 rpm Electrospindle, Sealed Lubrication, Liquid Cooled, ISO 40, Pneumatic Tool Change, for Stoneworking Omlat 06355000 14 kW, 14,000 rpm Electrospindle, Sealed Lubrication, Liquid Cooled, ISO 40, Pneumatic Tool Change, for Stoneworking Omlat 06756000 18 kW, 18,000 rpm Electrospindle, Sealed Lubrication, Liquid Cooled, ISO 40, Pneumatic Tool Change, for Stoneworking Omlat 06845000 18 kW, 16,000 rpm Electrospindle, Sealed Lubrication, Liquid Cooled, ISO 40, Pneumatic Tool Change, for Stoneworking Omlat 06856000 15 kW, 10,000 rpm Electrospindle, Sealed Lubrication, Liquid Cooled, ISO 40, Pneumatic Tool Change, for Stoneworking

Even if your Omlat spindle is not listed we can still repair it. Call 519-671-3911, or click [email protected] or Contact Us in the footer below or the header above for more information!

Custom Spindle Repair

At Ekstrom-Carlson, a complete factory rebuild includes a thorough inspection and a detailed repair quotation based on the supply of new parts from stock (when available). Comparison of parts to detailed prints, when required, ensures that no corners are cut. All spindle rotating elements are balanced to ISO G2.5 tolerances or better, the best in the industry. Re-balancing is critical, even on “simple bearing replacement repairs.”

New parts to original design specifications will be installed by our Service Technicians for complete unit responsibility.

Omlat Spindle Repairs and Rebuilds

Every Omlat electrospindle repair or rebuild begins with a comprehensive inspection of the damaged tool. This includes:

· A visual inspection of the assembled unit’s motor, axis, shaft, housing, bearings and other components for signs of deformity and other wear

· Bench testing, including IRD vibration analysis, encoder reading verification, tooling runout measurements and pull-force assessments

· A thorough disassembly and cleaning of your Omlat spindle to inspect the bearings and other hardware, and determine the cause of the issue

Following the above, our technicians will know enough to put together an accurate initial estimate. We will then price out and order parts, or perform any repairs as necessary. To ensure exceptional quality control, the final assembly is always performed by the same team member who took apart your Omlat spindle initially.

Omlat-Torino Spindle Repair –

Precision Remanufacturing of All Omlat-Torino spindles

Omlat-Torino Spindle repair is at the heart of our business. We have the expertise and in-house technology to get your problem resolved. Our thorough procedures for machine tool spindle failure analysis, spindle calibration, and spindle testing are just a few of the reasons why we are one of the largest spindle repair specialists in the country. Our primary goal is to reduce your down time and return to you a spindle that runs better than it did when it was new.

Here are the steps we take to get your spindle back to work:

Omlat-Torino Spindle Rebuild Services

Step 1: Contact Us

Anytime. We have someone (yes, a person) taking customer calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. AND we pick up and deliver. We have three state-of-the-art facilities located in the U.S., so you can save on shipping time and cost. OR in some cases we can come to your site and do the Omlat-Torino spindle repair at your location.

Step 2: Receiving

When your Omlat-Torino spindle arrives at our facility we log it in and create a work order. This way we can track its progress throughout the repair process. Then comes a visual inspection as we look for any obvious signs of damage or other factors that often lead to spindle failure. Our trained technicians have been repairing spindles for years and know how to look for the most common indications of malfunction as well as those that are uncommon. We also do a preliminary vibration analysis so we can make an initial diagnosis before disassembly.

Step 3: Disassembly

The inspection process continues as we disassemble the spindle, carefully looking for signs of contamination, lack of lubrication, support equipment failure, misuse, or anything unusual.

Step 4: Cleaning

Then we start cleaning the disassembled parts and check for other signs of why the spindle failed or issues that could lead to premature failure.

Step 5: Inspection

We do a number of tests to see how the Omlat-Torino spindle compares to the OEM specs. We check the run out, alignment, optimal tolerance levels for housing bores as well as shaft journals and parallelism. We want to get at the origin of the failure so we can get it fixed right and give you guidance on how to circumvent future spindle issues. All of this information is written up in detail to help you take steps to avoid future spindle failures that can lead to down time and loss of productivity.

Bearing contamination is a common cause for spindle failure. We inspect the bearings for preload, contamination, overloading, fretting and overheating. We’ll make a recommendation for replacing your bearings so you can extend spindle life and get better performance from it.

Step 6: Machining

If we need to manufacture new Omlat-Torino spindle components to replace one that is broken or damaged beyond repair, then we can do that in our on-site machine shop. Having in-house machining capability means we can manufacture replacement spindle parts without having to rely on the OEM. This saves valuable time and saves you money.

Step 7: Grinding

We also do our own in-house grinding and have a climate controlled area where we can grind to precision run outs. We hold tolerances of 0.0001 or better.

Step 8: Balancing

The next step is to get the balance right. We use our state of the art balancing technology, developed by GTI Predictive Technology, to 2 stage balance all spindles that we rebuild. We will component balance and then perform final trim balance at maximum RPM to achieve the lowest unbalance and vibration levels possible.

Step 9: Reassembling

We put it all back together with new bearings, seals, o-rings, spacers, belleville washers and any other reworked components. To prevent contamination we do all of this in our controlled assembly area.

Step 10: Testing

Now that it’s put back together we test, test, test it. We test it for runout, temperature, and vibration. We do this work in increments, increasing RPM from 0 to the maximum RPM to insure the spindle is properly broken in. We will then continue to test run at maximum RPM until we feel confident that your Omlat-Torino spindle is performing optimally—which is often better than when it was new. Final vibration test will read at .0395 over all velocity and the displacement specs will meet the recommended ISO grade scale.

Step 11: Final QC

Every Omlat-Torino spindle that we rebuild is then put through a redundant final QC process by an independent QC audit technician to insure that all of our rebuild processes and specifications have been achieved or exceeded.

Step 12: Return Shipping

We paint and pack your newly repaired spindle in non-corrosive packing material and encase it in foam. It gets shipped to you either in a heavy duty shipping box or, if it’s a large spindle, we custom build a wooden crate with custom support brackets to ensure its safe return to your facility. When you unpack your Omlat-Torino spindle you’ll not only be pleased with how it looks but you’ll be amazed at how well it performs.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Our Omlat-Torino spindle repair service will give you a spindle that will return to the floor as good as new. We offer one year warranty after every repair and re manufacturing. Call us at 888.473.9675 or you can mail us at [email protected] for an estimate on time and cost.

Omlat 103909 Spindle Repair

Omlat 103909 Spindle Repair

The Omlat 103909 is an Italian-made,grease-lubricated, stator driven spindle that operates at up to 24,000 rpm with HSK 63 tooling taper.


Our customer reported that their machine crashed and the spindle made contact with the table and workpiece. When we received the spindle the bearings were noisy and turned roughly when rotated by hand. Further inspection revealed that the grease had degraded in the ceramic bearings, and the spring pack spacer had rubout damage. The actuator did not function, and the shaft had rubbed out on the rear of the drawbar causing minor damage to both.The HSK-63 gripper fingers and ejector pin had light wear but were deemed acceptable to reuse as-is. Testing of the stator (field) showed resistance to ground and failed insulation continuity test.


The following actions were performed for this Omlat 103909 spindle repair:

Rework the physical damage to the actuator shaft, drawbar & spring pack spacer

Rewind the stator

Replace sealed ceramic bearings, Belleville washers, o-rings and assembly screws

Note: The OEM designed this spindle with oversized bearing journals, so the bearings are installed without preload


After reassembly of all components, adjusting bearing preload, and undergoing break-in and testing procedures, this spindle passed our final quality inspection before being returned to our customer with a 1-year warranty.

High quality Electrospindles


What is it?

The electrospindle of a machine tool is a rotating shaft which has the main function to give rotation to the tool in order to generate the working motion; this must be done in order to ensure to the system the least possible deformation with the greatest ability to produce chip.

The electrospindle The spindle is the heart of the machine and is the part that most directly affects accuracy and processing capacity of a work center.

The spindle can be classified in different ways: according to their construction process and to their use.

Discover the range of Electrospindles of Omlat!

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사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 Omlat 24,000 RPM – Spindle Repair and Rebuild Process by GTI Spindle Technology

  • spindle rebuild
  • spindle repair
  • spindle breakdown
  • spindle crash
  • spindle failure
  • omlat

Omlat #24,000 #RPM #- #Spindle #Repair #and #Rebuild #Process #by #GTI #Spindle #Technology

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