Santec Tunable Laser | Santec Tunable Laser Tsl-570 Introduction 모든 답변

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santec will release TSL-570 tunable laser which has both fast scan and high stability.
The all-new TSL-570 capitalizes on Santec’s 33 years’ experience in tunable laser manufacture. It uses a new optical cavity design with precise speed control up to 200 nm/s and sub-picometer resolution and accuracy.

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Tunable Lasers | Santec Corp. | Oct 2015 | Photonics Spectra

Santec Corp. has announced the TSL-550 tunable laser, which features we, high-resolution, mode-hop-free tuning. The output combines both high p.

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Santec’s all new TSL-570 capitalizes on Santec’s 33 years’ experience in tunable laser manufacture. The TSL-570 is a high performance tunable laser with a …

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주제와 관련된 이미지 santec tunable laser

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 santec Tunable Laser TSL-570 introduction. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

santec Tunable Laser  TSL-570 introduction
santec Tunable Laser TSL-570 introduction

주제에 대한 기사 평가 santec tunable laser

  • Author: Tunable Laser SANTEC Corporation
  • Views: 조회수 865회
  • Likes: 좋아요 3개
  • Date Published: 2021. 7. 20.
  • Video Url link:
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High Performance Tunable Laser

Santec’s all new TSL-570 capitalizes on Santec’s 33 years’ experience in tunable laser manufacture. The TSL-570 is a high performance tunable laser with a wide tuning range and an output combining high power and high signal-to-noise ratio. It uses a new optical cavity design with precise speed control up to 200 nm/s and sub-picometer resolution and accuracy.

Tunable lasers are used extensively in photonics; for optical component characterization, photonic integrated circuit testing, quantum photonics, spectroscopy and sensors. Santec’s TSL-570 is a high specification, full feature instrument suitable for all applications. It has a simple to use touch panel display as well as Ethernet, GPIB and USB interfaces for remote control. A Wake-on-LAN (WoL) feature provides convenience for remote installations. Models are available to cover from 1240 to 1680 nm with output powers up to 20 mW.

A new sealed laser cavity is mode-hop-free and provides a stable output at every wavelength. It has 0.1 pm resolution, sub-pm accuracy and a market leading, 90 dB/0.1 nm, ultra-low level of spontaneous source emission. The TSL-570 integrates seamlessly with Santec’s optical power meters (MPM serie s ), optical switches (OSU series) and polarization controllers (PCU series) creating benchmark, turn-key solutions for wavelength dependent loss (WDL) and polarization dependent loss (PDL) measurements (Swept Test System).

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사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 santec Tunable Laser TSL-570 introduction

  • Tunable LASER
  • Swept Test System
  • santec
  • Optical Test Platforms
  • WDL
  • PDL
  • Telecommunication
  • Silicon Photonics
  • Spectroscopy
  • Optical Sensing

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