The Eden Project James Hollis | Books That Will Change Your Life –James Hollis On Relationships (The Eden Project) 7727 좋은 평가 이 답변

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d여기에서 Books that Will Change your Life –James Hollis on Relationships (The Eden Project) – the eden project james hollis 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

This video essay examines one of the most powerful books ever published about relationships. In The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other (Inner City Books) James Hollis explores society’s fixed views and fantasies in regards to relationships. This text is not a practical guide on how to fix a relationship, but rather a challenge to greater personal responsibility, a call for individual growth as opposed to seeking rescue through others.
All SophiaCycles Video Essays are for educational purposes only.
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The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical … –

Buy The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other – Jungian Perspective on … 1st Edition by Hollis, James (ISBN: 9780919123809) from Amazon’s Book Store.

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The Eden Project by James Hollis, Ph.D –

Hollis, in his most recent work, asks us to think about relationships and the fantasies we often unconsciously have about them. He believes that we can …

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The Website of James Hollis, PhD: Books

The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other (1998) … Swamplands of the Soul | Tracking the Gods | Under Saturn’s Shadow | The Eden Project | The …

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Date Published: 5/12/2021

View: 8185

The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other – James Hollis

James Hollis examines society’s fixed views and fantasies in regards to relationships. This text is not a practical gue on how to fix a relationship, …

+ 여기에 보기


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THE EDEN PROJECT – James Hollis – Inner City Books

THE EDEN PROJECT: In Search of the Magical Other by James Hollis – Title 79 … A timely and thought-provoking corrective to the generalized fantasies about …

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View: 7216

The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other – Jungian …

The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other – Jungian Perspective on Relationship (Studies in Jungian Psychology by Jungian Analysis, 79) · Hollis, James.

+ 여기에 자세히 보기


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주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Books that Will Change your Life –James Hollis on Relationships (The Eden Project). 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Books that Will Change your Life --James Hollis on Relationships (The Eden Project)
Books that Will Change your Life –James Hollis on Relationships (The Eden Project)

주제에 대한 기사 평가 the eden project james hollis

  • Author: SophiaCycles
  • Views: 조회수 8,361회
  • Likes: 좋아요 274개
  • Date Published: 2017. 10. 20.
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Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other by James Hollis

James Hollis, Ph. D., was born in Springfield, Illinois, and graduated from Manchester University in 1962 and Drew University in 1967. He taught Humanities 26 years in various colleges and universities before retraining as a Jungian analyst at the Jung Institute of Zurich, Switzerland (1977-82). He is presently a licensed Jungian analyst in private practice in Washington, D.C. He served as Executive Director of the Jung Educational Center in Houston, Texas for many years and now was Executive Director of the Jung Society of Washington until 2019, and now serves on the JSW Board of Directors. He is a retired Senior Training Analyst for the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts, was first Director of Training of the Philadelphia Jung Institute, and is Vice-President Emeritus of the Philemon Foundation. Additionally he is a Professor of Jungian Studies for Saybrook University of San Francisco/Houston.

He lives with his wife Jill, an artist and retired therapist, in Washington, DC. Together they have three living children and eight grand-children.

He has written a total of seventeen books, which have been translated into Swedish, Russian, German, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Portuguese, Turkish, Italian, Korean, Finnish, Romanian, Bulgarian, Farsi, Japanese, Greek, Chinese, Serbian, Latvian, Ukranian and Czech.

The next book, The Broken Mirror: Refracted Visions of Ourselves, comes out in 2022.

The Eden Project by James Hollis, Ph.D

Hollis, in his most recent work, asks us to think about relationships and the fantasies we often unconsciously have about them. He believes that we can fantasize that our relationship can “rescue us” from old hurts and wounds that we carry from our past. By “rescue,” Hollis means that we can unconsciously expect that our significant other will make up for, or fix, our old disappointments and “take care of us” in ways we did not feel cared for when we were younger.

The belief that a relationship can rescue us puts a burden on the partnership that often collapses it. Hollis challenges us to first know ourselves and thus be more available to others. In order to do this we must become more cognizant of our inner needs and desires. To start this process is to become aware of the expectations we have of others, and to examine how much we want them to take care of us emotionally. His ideas can help us develop connections with others based on growth and maturity. This helps us learn what are reasonable expectations of love relationships.

The Website of James Hollis, PhD: Books

We need to acknowledge that the character of all our relationships arises out of our first relationships, which we internalize and experience as an unconscious, phenomenological relationship to ourselves as well. Out of that relationship comes the depth, tenor and agenda of all others. Thus we will necessarily explore the origins of our sense of self, whence derives our interaction with ourselves, with others and, finally, with the Wholly Other – the transcendent. If there is a single idea which permeates this essay it is that the quality of all our relationships is a direct function of our relationship to ourselves. Since much of our relationship to ourselves operates at an unconscious level, most of the drama and dynamics of our relationships to others and to the transcendent is expressive of our own personal psychology. The best thing we can do for our relationships with others, and with the transcendent, then, is to render our relationship to ourselves more conscious. This is not a narcissistic activity. In fact, it will prove to be the most loving thing we can do for the Other. The greatest gift to others is our own best selves. Thus, paradoxically, if we are to serve relationship well, we are obliged to affirm our individual journey.

The Eden Project

James Hollis is a noted Jungian Analyst. He received his Diploma in Analytical Psychology from the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich, and is the Director of the C.G. Jung Educational Center in Houston, Tex. He is a frequent guest speaker who spends winters in analytic practice and writes during the summers. Hollis’s books include The Middle Passage: From Misery to Meaning in Midlife and Swamplands of the Soul: New Life in Dismal Places. In his books, he elaborates on the theories of C. G. Jung. Contemplated are such questions as how people may deal with the passage through midlife, creating a richer experience. He also shows readers how to overcome the hardships and struggles of life and how to live every day to the fullest.

THE EDEN PROJECT: In Search of the Magical Other by James Hollis – Title 79

$25.00 (USD)

Out of print

A timely and thought-provoking corrective to the generalized fantasies about relationships that permeate Western culture. Here is a challenge to greater personal responsibility, a call for individual growth as opposed to the search for rescue by others.

Jungian Perspective on Relationship (Studies in Jungian Psychology by Jungian Analysis, 79)

James Hollis examines society’s fixed views and fantasies in regards to relationships. This text is not a practical guide on how to fix a relationship, but rather a challenge to greater personal responsibility, a call for individual growth as opposed to seeking rescue through others.

“About this title” may belong to another edition of this title.

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  • The Eden Project
  • James Hollis
  • Inner City Books
  • Relationships
  • Shams Tabrizi
  • Rumi
  • Jungian
  • CG Jung

Books #that #Will #Change #your #Life #–James #Hollis #on #Relationships #(The #Eden #Project)

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