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Introduction to doing The Healing Codes. Plus get your free mp3 here: https://melissazoske.com/UniversalCode
Learn how to follow the clues to clearing your life patterns that are sabotaging your every move. The Healing Codes will help re-set your old thought patterns, beliefs, and emotional charges so your body, mind, and spirit can finally heal itself. You aren’t born with a clean slate. You are born with a lot of information that doesn’t serve you. Let’s clear that today.
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Download File PDF By Dr Alexander Loyd N D M S Dr Ben …
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The Healing Code by Alexander Loyd – Audiobook – Audible
Alex Loyd’s international best-selling book is a life changing program that uses energy medicine to heal mental and physical challenges. The Healing Code is …
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The Healing Code by Alexander Loyd, PhD, ND
Alex Loyd’s international bestselling book is a life-changing program that uses energy medicine to heal mental and physical challenges. The Healing Code is your …
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The Healing Codes Manual – Dr Alexander Loyd.pdf
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The Healing Code : Alex Loyd : 9781444727722
The Healing Code by Alex Loyd, 9781444727722, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwe.
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Alex Loyd, The Healing Code: 6 Minutes to Heal … – PhilPapers
Discover the revolutionary formula that heals the source of illness and disease, even success and relationship issues. Dr. Alex Loyd discovered how to …
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The Healing Codes Manual – Dr Alexander Loyd.pdf
by. Dr. Alexander Loyd, N.D., M.S.. Dr. Ben Johnson, M.D., D.O., N.M.D.. “TheHealingCodeswillrevolutionizehealth.” Mark…
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After receiving a number of e mail adverts for The Healing Codes, developed by Alex Lloyd and Ben Johnson, I purchased their new book -The Healing Code …
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주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Introduction to The Healing Codes. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.
주제에 대한 기사 평가 the healing codes manual
- Author: Melissa Zoske
- Views: 조회수 112,007회
- Likes: 좋아요 2,074개
- Date Published: 2017. 2. 2.
- Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRGBlpOk82k
The Healing Code
Would you consider the audio edition of The Healing Code to be better than the print version?
I think having a book of this kind on audio makes it so much easier to digest, and absorb. This book would have taken me weeks to read, but I was able to listen to the entire thing over a period of 3 days. The information was captivating and makes so much sense.
What was one of the most memorable moments of The Healing Code?
I especially enjoyed hearing about the process to heal yourself,,,, the book isn’t just a stepping stone to purchase the way to activate the healing codes for yourself..it actually walks you through them, so by the end of the book you are capable of healing yourself and recognizing in others the kinds of issues they are dealing with by the health issues that plague them.
What about Stephen Bowlby’s performance did you like?
I liked how the author made you feel like he was sharing something special, and his inflections in his voice made the material easy to understand.
Did you have an extreme reaction to this book? Did it make you laugh or cry?
It left me with a feeling of amazement…. I have always believed and preached that I believe, God did not create these amazingly complex physical forms without giving them all they need to stay healthy and functioning without the aid of artificial means.
Any additional comments?
I would like to become able to coach others to healing themselves… what a gift!
The Healing Code
The Healing Code is your healing kit for life-to recover from the issues you know about, and repair the ones you don’t. The book also includes:
The Seven Secrets of life, health, and prosperity
The 10-second Instant Impact technique for defusing daily stress
The Heart Issues Finder, the only test that identifies your source issues in a succinct personalized report
Dr. Alex Loyd discovered how to activate a physical function built into the body that consistently and predictably removes the source of 95% of all illness and disease. His findings were validated by tests and by the thousands of people from all over the world who have used The Healing Code’s system to heal virtually any physical, emotional, or relational issue.
His testing also revealed that there is a “Universal Healing Code” that will heal most issues for most people. In this book you will get that Universal Healing Code, which takes only minutes to do.
The Healing Code : Alex Loyd : 9781444727722
The Healing Code is your healing kit for life – to heal the issues you know about, and the ones you don’t.In 2001, while trying to cure his wife of her long term depression, Dr. Alex Loyd discovered how to activate a physical function built into the body that consistently and predictably removes the source of 95% of all illness and disease, so that the neuro-immune system takes over its job of healing whatever is wrong with the body. He also discovered that there is a Universal Healing Code that will heal most issues for most people – physical, emotional and relational, as well as enabling breakthroughs in success and well being.The Healing Code has been subjected to numerous tests which have validated its success, as do the testimonies of the thousands of people for whom it has worked.In this book you will discover for yourself The Healing Code process. It’s easy to learn, can be used just about anywhere and takes only six minutes to complete.This life changing book also includes the Seven Secrets of life, health and prosperity, the 10-second Instant Impact technique for defusing everyday stress and the Heart Issues Finder – a simple test that identifies quickly your own personal source issues and imbalances.In just six minutes, lower stress, turn the immune and healing systems back on and discover the life changing effects of The Healing Code.
Alex Loyd, The Healing Code: 6 Minutes to Heal the Source of Any Health, Success or Relationship Issue
Discover the revolutionary formula that heals the source of illness and disease, even success and relationship issues. Dr. Alex Loyd discovered how to activate a physical function built into the body that consistently and predictably removes this source so that the neuro-immune system takes over its job of healing whatever is wrong in the body. His findings were validated scientifically and by the thousands of people from all over the world who have used The Healing Codes. In this book you will get that Universal Healing Code, which takes only 6 minutes to do.
The Healing Codes Manual
by Dr. Alexander Loyd, N.D., M.S. Dr. Ben Johnson, M.D., D.O., N.M.D.“The Healing Codes will revolutionize health.” Mark Victor Hansen, co-author, Chicken Soup for the Soul booksCopyright © 2004, 2005 by Light of Man Ministries. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the authors.To make comments about The Healing Codes Manual please send your email to: [email protected] Release 2.1 – 11/18/05~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Healing Codes were previously referred to as The Healing Generator. This mistakenly caused some people to think we were talking about a type of machine. We have changed the name throughout this document. There have been four generations of The Healing Codes: ImageMaker Technologies, EnerVisions, The Healing Generator, and The Healing Codes. This latest generation has consistently graded out to be 11 times more effective than the last generation. Statements, testimonials, and research in this package come from all four. The name has been changed as needed to avoid confusion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Table of ContentsTestimonials from Our ClientsTestimonials for Personal Coding with a Certified Coach. .. .. .. .. .. xlviiilvBackground – Discovery – Theory Foreword by Dr. Ben Johnson . IntroductionMy Story by Dr. Alexander Loyd Some Facts to Consider .How The Healing Codes Work .. 11Using The Healing Codes Overview of The Healing Codes System. 19Description of the 12 Healing Codes Categories. 21The 12 Days: A Step-by-Step Guide to a Changed Life. 33Quick and Easy Start Program .Method for Use with an Urgent Issue Summary of the Three Phases The Picture/Memory Finder. .. 35. 36. 37. 39The Healing Codes Hand Positions. 40Timing and Doing the Codes. .. 51. 53The Three Inhibitors to Healing Day 1: Unforgiveness. 49Table of ContentsDay 2: Harmful Actions . Day 3: Unhealthy Beliefs The Core Healing System. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. 59 . 65 . 71Day 4: Love. 73Day 5: Joy. 79Day 6: Peace .. 85Day 7: Patience .. 91Day 8: Kindness .. 97Day 9: Goodness Day 10: Trust.. .Day 11: HumilityDay 12: Self-ControlHow to Do a Healing Code from Start to Finish. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . ..103 . 109 . 115. 121. 127. 131Tips, Treating Others, and Living a Balanced LifeReference Frequently Asked Questions Problem Reference Chart Glossary of Terms. .. 135. 143A Word about Us and Our Philosophy.149 . 150Other Products and Services Testimonials from the Advanced Training Other Available Services and Products. .Order Forms and Requests for Coaching Your Healing Codes Package. 151.157. 158. 160Testimonials from Our Clients“Dr. Alex Loyd has the defining healing technology in the world today – it will revolutionize health. It is the easiest way to get well and stay well fast. Dr. Loyd may very well be the Albert Schweitzer of our time.” ~~ Mark Victor Hansen, Co-author Chicken Soup for the Soul books“As breath is the substance of life, stress is the substance of death. It brings about death little by little. The Healing Codes brings Quantum change in the stress paradigm. It changes stress in a matter of minutes in a scientifically provable and reproducible way, thus eliminating the cause of illness and disease in the body. I HAVE NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE!” ~~ Dr. Ben Johnson, M.D.“This is the most profound body of knowledge I have ever experienced. Anyone serious about being their best will want to be touched by this experience. Knowing Dr. Loyd is like being with Einstein before Einstein was known as Einstein.” ~~ Bill McGrane, President, McGrane Institute“My highest commendation goes to Dr. Alex Loyd. Alex and Dr. Ben Johnson have developed an incredible methodology for diagnosis and treatment. The Healing Codes are Alex’s brainchild and represent the most powerful treatment techniques in the energy field today. It was with Alex’s help that the issues behind my own circumstances have dramatically changed. There’s hardly an area of my life that has not been touched by his skillful and discerning gifts. Without apology, I affirm that his insights into The Healing Codes have been divinely inspired.” ~~ Dr. Richard Glenn, Ph.D.“The Healing Codes is truly a Nobel Prize-worthy discovery!” ~~ Dr. Steve Robertson, D.C.“We met Dr. Alex Loyd by phone after returning from India. We had flown into Cincinnati, OH, to give a seminar and both felt so ill with amoebas we had contracted that we told the organizer, Bill McGrane of the McGrane Institute, we didn’t think we could give the seminar. Bill immediately put us in touch with Alex who treated us with the Healing Codes. We had one day of rest before our seminar and that next day after using The Healing Codes a few times, we were feeling much better. By the time our seminar began we felt great, and afterwards the rave reviews from our participants suggested it was one of our best seminars ever. The Healing Codes have consistentlyTestimonials from Our Clientsproduced great results for us. They are simple, non-invasive, easy to do and effective. Beyond that, Dr. Alex Loyd is a deeply loving, caring man of the utmost integrity. It has been our honor and privilege to be associated with him.” ~~ Chris and Janet Attwood, Partners, Enlightened Alliances Co-Founders, Healthy Wealthy nWise magazine“In 2004 I had a foot problem that was causing me great pain. Each time I took a step, the heel on one of my feet hurt with a sharp shooting pain. Doctors could not seem to help me and for six months I lived with this chronic condition. The pain progressively got worse. I was introduced to Dr. Alex Loyd and The Healing Codes and decided to see if his program would help. I did an HRV test that showed my body to be under heavy stress and my nervous system out of balance. I immediately did a 7-minute Healing Code treatment, and then another HRV test. The second HRV showed that my body was not under stress anymore–my nervous system was in balance. The next day I did another HRV test which showed that my nervous system was still in balance from that one treatment. Three days later the pain in my foot was completely gone and has never come back. Since then, I’ve used the program and I’ve seen a dramatic change in a couple of minor physical issues, and it seems to have a very good effect on me emotionally. It’s very easy to use. I particularly like that you don’t have to depend on anybody else. You can heal yourself. I have known many people who have used this with similar success.” ~~ Joe SugarmanArticle from the Maui Weekly: Mystery Healings by: Debra Lordan Massage therapist Laura Monaco was skeptical of a new healing breakthrough that was presented last week in Kihei. But then strange things started to happen. What would you think if you could spend the price of about two months’ worth of health insurance for a workbook and CDs that could teach you how to heal yourself? Skeptical? So was Laura Monaco. “I started out being a little skeptical. But I know from my 17 years as a homeopath and 18 years as a practitioner of energy work, that energy is a powerful tool. But I haven’t used these techniques for healing major diseases like diabetes and cancer, only for treating their symptoms. So when I read the Maui Weekly article (“Healing Breakthrough”, July 1-7) about what Dr. Lloyd claimed he had discovered, I ripped it out of the paper and knew I had to go. “I went and listened and bought the Healing Codes workbook and CDs,” says Monaco. The Healing Codes is a system developed by Dr. Alex Lloyd that melts stress, enabling the body to heal itself. “I stayed up until 2 a.m. studying the techniques. I wanted to see, especially, if this was something I could give to my mother, so she could do it on her own.” After studying, Monaco thought this was too sophisticated for the layperson, and called Lloyd to get a refund. He told her to keep it and try it out on others, and if she still was not satisfied, he would reimburse her. “So later that day, I used the technique on someone for an emotional issue and it really helped her. After treatment, I asked her to rate her emotional pain on a scale between 0 and 10 and she said ‘I don’t even remember it..’ Then I coached her to use the technique on me. Three days later I still feel its softening effects on my emotions.viTestimonials from Our Clients“Later that day, I used these techniques on several more people, all with the same positive results. It really works. So I called back Dr. Lloyd and signed up for his training course. I know this is a powerful tool and I want it in my skill-set. The body’s four healing centers that they teach about are awesome, very powerful. I never would have thought to use these centers.” So far Monaco has used it to heal emotional issues, and is looking forward to treating actual diseases, not just their symptoms. … As the doctors pointed out, stress is the No. 1 cause of disease. Monaco concurs. So does the Centers for Disease Control. If mainstream America becomes more aware that it is stress that allows disease to take hold in the body, stress-relieving and disease-healing techniques like Lloyd’s may become mainstream as well. Monaco said, “They [the doctors] are very courageous to step out and bring this innovation in energy work to the public.” Dr. Ben Johnson cured himself of Lou Gehrig’s disease using Lloyd’s techniques, and now travels with him as a proponent and living example of this healing technology’s power. The doctors spoke of energy frequencies in the body, and how stress can even affect the body on a cellular level, opening the door to disease. The Healing Codes sets up “good vibrations” that make cells impervious to damage and disease. This may seem out-there to some. But practitioners of energy-work, like Monaco … have long known the power of the body’s energy centers. Lloyd likened his discovery to the invention of the cell phone. “If you described a cell phone to someone a hundred years ago, they would have thought you were crazy!” This discovery just may be such a thing so far ahead of its time, and so radical in its methods compared to traditional Western medicine, that it seems impossible… like a miracle. But Lloyd’s workbook and CDs, a one-time expense, are all you may ever need to get healthy and stay that way. ~~ Maui Weekly“My son Christopher was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of seven months. Now, as a young parent, I didn’t know what leukemia was and I did not know that it was cancer. I was soon to find that out. “We went to St. Jude’s in Memphis, TN, which is the leading cancer research hospital in the country…in the world in my opinion. We had the best doctors, we had the best nurses, just the best everything. Christopher had the best medical care there was. After nine months of treatment, he relapsed and his cancer came back. Now as a mom, that was the worst day of my life, because my baby had been through nine months of poison, toxic poison, pumped through his body to kill the cancer and yet the cancer was back. He had to go on a relapse protocol, which was a mixture of radiation and extra heavy-duty chemotherapy. He became very, very ill, just on the brink of death daily. The doctors gave him a less than 10% chance to live. “During this time we prayed a lot and we never allowed anyone to speak death over Christopher. We prayed and prayed. We knew that God was a good God. We knew God healed. Healed people. We knew Jesus healed. We knew he sent his son to die for us and that Jesus took stripes on his back for our healing. We knew that, and we knew that our son could be healed. So we just continued to pray. We continued to stand in faith. “On June 17, 1993, Christopher received a bone marrow transplant. At that point, the doctors again said he had less than 10% chance of survival because it was an unrelated donor. A wonderful woman from Wisconsin named Cindy Clausen was Christopher’s bone marrow donor. We sang happy birthday to him. We felt like it was aviiTestimonials from Our Clientsnew birth for him. And we felt like this donor was his second mom. The bone marrow transplant was really difficult in that we were in the hospital – literally in the hospital – for three solid months. He wasn’t allowed to leave his room. His blood counts remained really low. He had to be kept in a very sterile environment. Five other children were transplanted at the same time as Christopher. One by one they got better…they got to go home…they got to get on with their normal lives. And I would sit there in the hospital and say, “I know my son’s going to live. I know my son’s going to live.” Yet it didn’t look like my son was going to live. “We finally got out of the hospital, but we had to stay in a hotel another few months before we could actually leave Memphis and go home. The five children that had transplants at the same time as Christopher came back and, one by one, they lost them. That was really scary for me because they all had a better prognosis than my son had and they lost their battles. “We finally did get to go home. Christopher did get better. Christopher was a miracle, and I knew in my heart that this was a miracle from God. It might have been a slow miracle by my timetable, but it was a miracle nonetheless. And we give Him all the glory and all the honor for that miracle. “Meanwhile, Christopher had to have some experimental treatments done on him to combat the Epstein-Barr virus. Children who have bone marrow transplants are susceptible to a myriad of things and one of them is the Epstein-Barr virus. He had some experimental treatments. We flew back once a week so he could have these injections of mouse genes treated with T-cells that… unless you’re a doctor I don’t guess you’d understand because I don’t! They said that he was the third child ever to receive this therapy and he might live, he might die. One child had lived, one child had died, and we were the third and we could try it if we wanted to. So we prayed about that decision. We went ahead with the mouse gene therapy, and it worked for Christopher. “So fast-forward a few years and Christopher is doing great medically. He has a few little problems. He has some thyroid problems. He’s starting to have some growth problems. He has some behavioral problems. We’re not real concerned. We’re very happy that he doing great. He’s progressing. He doesn’t have cancer. You know, once you’ve had cancer everything else pales in comparison to that. A couple more years went by and things in his body started breaking down. “Last year, in August of 2003 we had gone to St. Jude’s for a six month’s checkup, but they called me the day I got home and said, “You need to come back.” I said, “Well, I’m not coming back…I was just there.” They said, “No, you don’t understand. You need to come back. Christopher needs to have surgery on his hips. If he doesn’t have surgery right away, he may never walk again.” So what was I going to do? I approached Christopher and I said, “Look, we’re going to have to go back to Memphis. You’re going to have to have surgery on your birthday.” And he looked at me and said, “That’s okay, Mom. At least I get to have another birthday.” That really touched my heart. So we went back to Memphis, we had the surgery on his hips, they put pins in his hips, and he was in a wheelchair for a couple of months. We thought, “Okay. This is fine. This is a side effect of the radiation…no big deal.” “But then he started throwing up. And kept throwing up. And throwing up, and throwing up, and throwing up. He threw up for months. We took him to doctor after doctor, but they could not figure out what was wrong with Christopher. I’d already seen him go through so much. I’d already seen my baby suffer more than most people have to suffer in a lifetime, and I did not want to see my child have to go through anymore. “I knew God had healed him and I knew God had given us a miracle, and I didn’t understand why he was having to suffer even more. I knew that just was not God’s willviiiTestimonials from Our Clientsfor him. I read the Bible, I know what it says, and nowhere does it say, “I’m going to heal you and give you a miracle and then make you suffer.” “After two months, they finally figured out that he had a sliding hiatal hernia. Part of his stomach was coming up through his esophagus. This went on through Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, until finally in the middle of January he had surgery. They wrapped his stomach around his esophagus. After that, we thought everything was fine. We thought, “Okay, this was one weird thing…no big deal…it’s over. Two major surgeries in one year…we can deal with that. So let’s move on.” “About two weeks later, he started throwing up again. We took him back to the doctors, they went in, and they dilated his esophagus because it had swollen to the point where no food was getting through. After the dilation he started eating regularly. In another week, he started throwing up again. We took him back to the doctor and they said, “You know, we could dilate him again, but you’re going to end up with the same problem.” At this point, we just threw up our hands and said, “We’re just going to pray. We’ve done all we can do. We have nothing else to do for this child but pray.” “We did put him on a liquid diet for about three weeks – that was as long as he could tolerate it. Meanwhile, we were scheduled for another checkup at St. Jude’s. I mentioned to his doctors, “He’s had this stomach surgery and he’s still throwing up, and we don’t understand what’s going on.” They said “You really need to bring him back for tests. We need to know what’s going on. He could have grafts of his host’s disease, and his stomach could be attacking him internally.” “They also said his cortisol levels were really low – his adrenal function. When he was a little kid, right after the bone marrow transplant, one of the things that they would keep a constant eye on was his adrenal gland function to make sure his cortisol levels were high enough. For a while we had to carry around a shot of adrenaline in case he got in an accident. I was told by the doctors at St. Jude’s that stress causes your body to deplete itself of adrenaline, and once that’s gone, if there’s a traumatic injury to the body but you don’t have that adrenaline, you die. “Well, at this point, I thought, “cortisol levels.” I had talked to Jennifer once about the cortisol levels. I thought, “I’m going to go to Jennifer and see if she knows of any natural remedy. I’m going to ask her to pray for Chris, and I’m going to ask her if she knows of anything I can do about this.” I went to Jennifer one night after services and said, “His cortisol levels are low and we have to go back…” And Jennifer just got this twinkle in her eye like she was listening to the Holy Spirit and not really what I was saying. She said, “I’m going to give you the number of a man who I think can help you. He was instrumental in my own healing. You call him.” “I got his phone number. I called him the very next day, and it was Dr. Alex Loyd. That very day, he emailed me The Healing Codes package. I went over it that day. It sounded great to me, because when you are desperate, you will try anything. We had tried natural remedies on Christopher. We had done amino acids, vitamins, supplements, herbals…you name it, we had tried it. But he was still throwing up and the doctors were at a loss. So I read through The Healing Codes that night. The very next morning I started it on Christopher, and I started doing it on myself because I wanted to make sure I was good to do it on Chris. “We had immediate results. Immediate results. From the very first time I did it on Christopher, he got up from our little session just happy, happier than I’d seen him in a long time. He was laughing, he was playing, he seemed to have a lot of energy that he hadn’t had the past few months. He’d been very lethargic and very tired all of the time. “We had exactly twelve days from the time we started The Healing Codes to the time we had to be in Memphis where they were going to do a whole battery of tests onixTestimonials from Our Clientshim to find out why he was throwing up. Well, twelve days is the initial protocol for The Healing Codes. We did the twelve days, and we went back to St. Jude’s. They did CT scans, MRIs, upper GI’s, blood work… you name it, they did it. And the results of every single one of those tests was clear. There was not anything, and he had stopped throwing up at this point, so I was convinced. “The other thing that happened with The Healing Codes during those twelve days was that Christopher grew a centimeter. Christopher has to take growth hormone shots every single night – he has since he was six years old. He grew a centimeter. Normal growth for him is 2-3 centimeters in one year. We’ve continued to do The Healing Codes, and in the past month, he has grown three shoe sizes. Your foot is the first part of your body to grow, so you know when your foot grows, you’re getting ready to shoot up. Well, Christopher is getting ready to shoot up three shoe sizes in one month. “I am just praising God and I thank Dr. Alex and The Healing Codes. I thank him that he was obedient, that he was asking and seeking and knocking, because I truly believe that the Lord revealed this to Dr. Alex. I truly believe that Dr. Alex is being used to bring hope and healing and wholeness to so many people. My heart today is to share my story with you so that you can find hope and find healing and find wholeness. Try The Healing Codes. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. The Healing Codes is truly an answer to prayer for both of us. We have been praying a very long time for every molecule in Christopher’s body to come in alignment with the word of God. “This a little poem Christopher wrote a couple of years ago. It’s called “I Am.” “I am a fierce dinosaur. I wonder if I have a friend. I hear cries of others like me. I see others like me. I want to be strong. I am a fierce dinosaur. I pretend that I have a home. I feel happy. I touch things like meat. I worry that I will die. I cry if I bite my tail. I am a fierce dinosaur. I understand what it feels like to be a dinosaur. I dream that I am the strongest dinosaur. I try to be the biggest dinosaur. I hope I live. I am a fierce dinosaur.” “He is living and he’s going to live. I have medical bills here totaling over a million dollars. What a million dollars in medical care could not do for Christopher, The Healing Codes has done for him.” ~~ Melissa Ryan“I had a growth on my arm that had been getting larger for months. It was very hard. My doctor saw it and diagnosed me with a basal cell carcinoma, one of the most difficult cancers to get rid of. I understand that normally when you have them surgically removed, they come back again and again. After trying several things that had no affect my doctor saw me again and noted how much bigger the tumor was. He told me that I needed to have the tumor removed or it was liable to metastasize and then I could be in real trouble. I told the doctor I wanted to try one thing first. I had recently heard about The Healing Codes and wanted to give it a try – I hated the idea of going under the knife. Well, what I experienced next was absolutely amazing – to the point that I have been telling people all over the world about The Healing Codes in my lectures ever since. I could tell a difference in the tumor in three days and in six weeks the tumor was completely gone. That was a year-and-a-half ago – still to this day not a trace of the tumor has returned. I cannot recommend this process too highly. It is, in my opinion, a major breakthrough that heals any issue at its core. What the origination of the computer has done for business, The Healing Codes can do for health and healing.” ~~ LarryTestimonials from Our Clients“All of my adult life I have been six feet five inches tall and big. I am tall, big-boned, and have carried a few more pounds than I would like. Although this has not been a huge issue to me, I had tried several things to lose weight and keep it off over the last 15 years – nothing had worked. My wife had done The Healing Codes work with Dr. Loyd and successfully healed an issue she had struggled with for years, so I asked Alex if he could help me lose a few pounds. After a very short period of time, I had successfully lost 40+ pounds and had greatly increased energy. The best part is that I did not exercise more and I did not change my diet – all I did was find and heal a destructive memory from a trauma that happened to my family when I was a young child. I now know that this memory was broadcasting a fear signal to my cells, causing them to close, and my body to retain fat and other toxins. When the memory was healed through doing the Codes, the cells opened and my body was able to release the fat.” ~~ H.“I have personally witnessed in the last 7 months the power of The Healing Codes to enhance or release healing of the body. I have used the Codes for immediate and for long-term health issues. In one stunning instance, doing a Code twice corrected an acute problem. Optimizing the immune system against infections has proven very effective. For the last several years, I have been plagued with colds, especially through holidays, at times of high stress, or when traveling. I have not experienced colds or flu for the last 7 months, even though I have been under pressures from all these conditions. The simple 3-minute Code for my immunity has been done once or twice per day. During this 7-month period, I have used a 5-minute immune system Code daily for my 2 1/2 year-old daughter. She has been free of infections. I have begun to recommend The Healing Codes to my patients. They have been equally impressed.” ~~ Alan Johnson, D.D.S.“Suicidal depression had forced my family to make major changes out of their fear for my well-being. I had no energy, no desire for life, and everything seemed like a mountainous chore. My husband is an M.D. but he was at his wits end – we had tried everything. I was very skeptical when I heard about The Healing Codes, but I was more desperate. In less than two weeks my depression was completely gone. Not only could I not believe it – no one around me could either. Now my entire family and a number of friends do the Codes – some do them everyday, some when a need arises. The Healing Codes has truly been a gift from God.” ~~ Mary“The Healing Codes has greatly improved my problems with heartburn, acid reflux and difficulty swallowing. The heartburn and acid reflux are almost nonexistent now. I have had only had one episode of difficulty with swallowing when I start to eat in about a month. I have used The Healing Codes for toothaches successfully. I used The Healing Codes for a tearing problem in my right eye. Before The Healing Codes, it took weeks to months to heal this problem when it occurred. I did one Healing Code in the evening and one in the morning. The problem disappeared before the day was over. It’s fun exploring its many uses, and I no longer worry about my health. I work on healing myself from the inside out with Healing Codes.” ~~ DonxiTestimonials from Our Clients“You should get a speeding ticket driving to a phone booth to order The Healing Codes.” ~~ Dr. Tim Adair“WOW — The Healing Codes is everything it claims to be and more! I have been working with the program for just 2 weeks and the results have been dramatic. I chose, as my first issue to work on, “food sensitivity.” Over the past couple of years I have developed a strong physical reaction to the intake of any wheat products, i.e., breads, cereals, pastas, etc., dairy products; i.e., milk, ice cream, yogurt, cheeses, etc., and even some fruits and vegetables. It made eating a very tedious, boring and stressful activity. Every once in a while I would make a mistake and eat something containing one of the aforementioned ingredients and my eyes would go haywire on me, with tearing, itching, burning and swelling for a week or two at a time. It was extremely taxing on my energy, productivity and mood. However, within just 2 or 3 days after beginning my Healing Codes, I began to experience a noticeable change. My eyes started to clear up and my vision began to improve. My energy level greatly improved and I began to feel more upbeat and ambitious. However, there were also some incredible ancillary effects taking place, as well. I am 69 years old and the wear and tear of old sports injuries, such as a dislocated shoulder and damaged knees, hip ankles, and elbow had taken their toll. Chronic pain was just a normal part of my day. My joints gave me fits when I worked out or walked up and down stairs. But now my shoulders, hip and elbow pain have literally disappeared, my knees still pop and make a lot of noise when I walk up and down stairs but the pain has diminished every day and has been virtually extinguished. I have been able to return to my normal heavy intense workouts of nearly 30 years ago and I feel great and energized. As well, I feel that my brain is working much more efficiently and effectively. I thrive on generating new ideas for my business, and my life in general, and now ideas are flowing like running water. Wow, it feels Great! I have even lost about 5 pounds without even trying or thinking about it. The bottom line is that anyone who takes themselves, their life, their health and their wellbeing seriously will, without question, want access to this program. It’s simple, easy, powerful, and far outweighs in value and results the modest investment. It is without doubt the best system I have seen for one’s current and future well-being. It has been one of those rare, but gigantic turning points in my life! And, yet that still feels like an understatement.” ~~ Walt“I have worked with The Healing Codes techniques for three years now and have seen RADICAL changes in my body, my heart and my mind. I started the work because of chronic illness. My symptoms included chronic fatigue, vaginitis, chronic bladder infections, and severe pain with periods, hypothyroidism and depression. After the first session I was amazed at how changed I felt! Now I feel like a different person. I no longer struggle with food addiction issues, I’m not depressed and I have an overall sense of well being which is profound. I have been so impressed with the healing I have experienced; both inside and out, that I decided to become a coach myself. Last summer I started working with my mother, and have been giving her Codes ever since. My mother has suffered from depression all of her life. She is now completely off of Lithium (for bi-polar disorder) and has even received some healing in her ear (which had been constantly full of fluid). She is happier now than I have seen her in my life. I’m so grateful to Alex, for his vision and for this work. It really works!!” ~~ TrishxiiTestimonials from Our Clients“I just wanted to thank you for making this information accessible to everyone. It is simply amazing the way it works. During my first Code I literally felt the stress lifting away from me. The steps are simple to follow. The results are incredible. I am an RN, and I know this information will truly change the way medicine is performed. Thank you again for sharing this amazing work.” ~~ a Client“A client called with a need to work on an issue. No picture needed to be found and the Code was given. She came into my office and said she wanted to talk to me. She went on about how she had searched for years both alternative and allopathic parishioners only to finally give up. But because of her recent successes with other issues with The Healing Codes she had decide to work on a 22 year issue of embarrassing gas and poor digestion. She said it was absolutely amazing, she had done the Code for four days and she had none of the symptoms since the first day. She stated that she would do The Healing Codes work every day of her life if she needed to.” ~~ a Coach“I began working with Dr. Alex Loyd several years ago. Like so many people I had many stresses in my life, and like so many others I did not have the time for stress, or so I thought. I kept a very busy schedule, but thought that I was taking pretty good care of myself. I am a Naturopathic physician and advise others in health matters. The day came when I could no longer manage my own problems. Thankfully I was introduced to Dr. Alex Loyd. You see, to completely heal and enjoy life the way God intended for us, it takes more that just vitamins and minerals. For me it took a lot more, I needed to understand why a problem exists and what it would take to eliminate the problem, not just cover it up. Dr. Alex Loyd began helping me with his Healing Codes. My family did not understand, but were thankful that this “something ” was working. You see I would come home from work and go straight to bed, I literally could do nothing else, and no one until Dr. Alex Loyd was able to help me. I will be forever grateful to Dr. Loyd and the pioneering work he is doing. To this day whenever a health issue comes up, my first call is to Dr. Loyd. I encourage you to take care of your body, provide the basic building blocks it needs to function, but be aware that disease can be traced in your body to stress and that the source of stress comes from the pictures of your heart. In your search for health, find the root cause; don’t simply settle for covering up the symptoms. I believe The Healing Codes heals the root cause!” ~~ Dr. Jane“In my Healing Codes practice with family and friends, before receiving paid customers, I realized that I had a problem. Since I believe in The Healing Codes system, and experienced dramatic healing personally, as well as witnessed healings in others, I discipline myself daily to be healthy and ready to work, market and provide a high quality service to people. My immune system is stronger! I have more energy! I set healthier boundaries! I relate to people with a deeper sense of wholeness in my mind, body and spirit! Before The Healing Codes, I only used my mind and spirit. The Healing Codes system has changed my life for the better, and I live more abundantly. As my folks say, what a bless’n!” ~~ MaritaxiiiTestimonials from Our Clients“One thing that has been very exciting for me is to realize that I don’t have to get sick just because everyone else is or says I will. When I feel the slightest indication of a cold/flu etc. coming on, or feel the FEAR of getting sick taking over, I do a Healing Code and then test for the foods, supplements and hours of sleep needed to help in remaining healthy. I rarely get sick and find that if I do, it is generally pretty mild. The Codes are also working extremely well in helping a family member handle fear. I am a witness to how powerful this new work is. I am seeing incredible results in my life.” ~~ Rose“I was one of the most successful in the United States in my field until I developed severe symptoms and was diagnosed with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. After 2 years I was mostly bedfast, in constant pain, on 17 medications, and without hope. After doing The Healing Codes for 6 months, I am: off all medications, am totally free of an incurable disease, feel better than I did before I was diagnosed, and am working again. In short I HAVE MY LIFE BACK!” ~~ Patty”I’ve been in peri-menopause for several years. Although I have sought both medical and alternative solutions, my symptoms increasingly became more difficult. I had particular difficulties with my mood swings. It got to the point that last summer I felt completely at the end of my rope! I felt so sorry for me because everyone else in my life got time away from me, and I was stuck with me 24/7! When I was introduced to The Healing Codes by Dr. Alex Loyd at a business convention in October, I can’t describe the hope I felt. I was impressed with the money-back guarantee–something that is unheard in the world of medicine. ‘What can I lose?’ I thought. I purchased the self-treatment package to work on Menopause. I found the staff very helpful in getting me started. The results have been miraculous! In less than a week, I started feeling better. Life looked good, I was smiling again, and I was waking up refreshed. I have diligently adhered to my Code, and in three short months, my symptoms have completely disappeared. I am very grateful to The Healing Codes (and so is everyone around me!) I have recommended it to many of my friends and family. I know I want to continue with this work. It works and is so easy.” ~~ Doris“My biggest issues for a long time have been lack of restful sleep, poor energy, and feelings of rejection. After doing one Healing Code (which was last night) I slept 8 ½ hours, have had great energy all day, and have experienced a dramatically changed attitude – my rejection issues also seem to be resolved. INCREDIBLE!” ~~ Rob”This will surpass traditional medicine and aims to heal the cause of dis-ease and avoids bandaging the symptoms.” ~~ LynnxivTestimonials from Our Clients“My son had been having night terrors for about 10 years. He would wake up most nights screaming with nightmares – we would try to comfort him but he was not awake and would not wake up. Sometimes the episodes would go on for a long time – it was exhausting and very traumatic for the whole family. We tried everything from changing sleep habits, to taking special herbs, to prayer, to doctors. Nothing helped! After one Healing Code the night terrors were healed and never returned – that was more than a year ago. I have told everyone who will listen to me to try The Healing Codes – it works!” ~~ D.”I have increasingly been troubled with upper arm, shoulder and elbow joint pain. It has been gradually getting worse over the past 6–10 months. I had resigned to the belief that when a person gets older that is what their lot is. Therefore I didn’t try anything to alleviate the pain. I have a high pain threshold and found it more annoying than painful. About three weeks ago I received the package from The Healing Codes to work on Tendonitis. I read through the Manual and found it to be clear and helpful and began doing the Codes immediately. The intensity I was experiencing was at an 8 out of 10. Nothing changed for about three days. Then I began to notice less pain, as I would raise my arms above my head. It continued to gradually get easier to lift my arms and do things in a raised position that had been either difficult or downright impossible before. After three weeks the intensity is down to about a 2 and at times a zero. I feel about 75% better in my arms and shoulders. This gives me a new lease on life – especially around my beliefs about getting older. Thank you.” ~~ Jack”Right after I learned how to do The Healing Codes, I made a list of 20 or more issues I wanted to heal, because as practitioners, we had been charged to heal ourselves. This list included chronic fatigue syndrome, seasonal affective disorder, anxiety, childhood sexual abuse, PMS, irritability, low self-esteem, etc, etc, etc!! They have all healed!!! And some of those unhealed pictures healed in a day or less when they had not done so in well over 10 years of therapy. I didn’t think there WAS healing for some of that stuff! But I’m happier than I’ve ever been! And I’m thrilled whenever I can share this with someone else.” ~~ Jeanine”Following are my results after 2 weeks of doing The Healing Codes for perfectionism: During the first 3 minutes while doing the Code, my left ear cleared. Other sensations that I felt were on the left side of my body. I felt sensations in the fold area where the hip/leg meet and sensations around my left breast. The 4th day I felt stomach cramps and sensations along the left side of my spine. I am also working with a good chiropractor who practices seven methods of healing including chiropractic methods so I think with all this help I am making good progress in getting my body out of stress. My allergies are vastly improved as well. I am very pleased with this Code and have noticed just this week, that I presented a program on my travel to Ghana and did it much more relaxed than any presentation that I have ever made (and I have been presenting over 27 years!). I also even left my bed unmade one day this week and it was okay!!!!” ~~ DeexvTestimonials from Our Clients“I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. In no time I had gone from a very successful business owner to bedfast and bankrupt. I was told by my naturopathic physician that one of the major causes was heavy metals in my body. This did not surprise me since I knew of some exposure through my life to heavy metals and I had read that this could cause a variety of illnesses and diseases. My physician ran a diagnostic test and personally wrote on the printout that I had the highest concentration of heavy metals in my body that he had ever tested. I tried everything to get rid of them but nothing seemed to make much of a difference. I knew that some experts believed heavy metals could not be removed from the body by anything. I did The Healing Codes with Dr. Loyd for about three months and was feeling much better. I went back to my physician and had the test for heavy metals run again. The physician wrote on the printout that I had the least concentration of heavy metals in my body of anyone he had ever tested. Shortly after that my disease was completely healed. The Healing Codes is the most effective treatment of any kind I have ever seen – and I have the test results to prove it!” ~~ P.C.”After having several issues in my life improve dramatically, I decided to use The Healing Codes techniques to work on a spot on my leg. It looked much like a freckle and would bleed occasionally. For nine years, I monitored it always noting any changes. After three months of Healing Codes it fell off. I now have pink healthy scar tissue. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.” ~~ a Doctor“The Healing Codes has helped to heal a serious problem I had with painful swollen hands and a stiff shoulder. I was able to get in touch with some pictures from my very early childhood and work with the pictures to bring love to them.” ~~ Lorna “Integrity is the first word that comes to mind when describing The Healing Codes. In my opinion The Healing Codes is a #10. I know of nothing like it. Fast, effective, easy & it works…Wow! It really works.” ~~ Frances”I am still recovering from the effects of a fall that injured both ankles and knees to the extent that I was bedridden for over a year. I am still limited to the amount of time that I can stand and walk so I use my walker when I have to go distances over 150 feet or so — I experienced re-injury by pushing myself too fast. I usually experience nagging pain, which can be very distracting. Using the different Codes has lessened the pain, the swelling in my knees is completely gone, and my left ankle still swells but recovers much more quickly and the sharp pain has gone. Before, a full day at a conference would lead to sleepless night because of the pain in my joints. I haven’t experienced that since I started using The Healing Codes on myself.” ~~ DavidxviTestimonials from Our Clients”Because I saw great results as a client, I was determined to learn to do The Healing Codes for myself and those I cared about. I pay close attention to anything that I react to that doesn’t seem appropriate for the circumstances. I work at finding the picture that is the root cause, and then do a Code to heal the picture so my body stops physically reacting. In doing this work over the past year, I have watched colds and flu disappear within minutes of doing a Code, have given up wearing wrist braces for carpal tunnel syndrome and a belt for lower back pain and have discontinued taking medication for constant headaches. I work through challenges that I would have run from a year ago, and I have an overall sense of well-being that I never thought was possible. I also have hope, which is the greatest gift of all. I know my life will continue to get better when not too long ago, I wondered how I could go on another day.” ~~ T.R.”I learned about The Healing Codes from a coworker who received relief for a physical issue which highly trained medical professionals had not successfully healed. I did not have a MAJOR stress issue, but I did have headaches, neck stress and some occasional dizziness, and osteopenia. After four months of doing the Codes my headaches, neck stress, and dizziness were gone. My chiropractor commented that for the first time, she did not have to adjust my neck. After six months of using The Healing Codes self-treatments, I had a bone density test. My bone mass had increased 0.1. The nurse commented ‘it is rare for one’s bone mass to improve without taking the popular prescribed bone builder.’ My physical therapist was also able to see changes in me during a recent massage. He commented that the stress level in my neck was way down from previous appointments. Perhaps the most beautiful success is that I see people and the world more positively. Seeing without stress and pain shows how the world can be changed for the better one person at a time, beginning with oneself. I am so pleased with my successes with The Healing Codes that I am sharing it with anyone who will listen.” ~~ D.C. “I have had a phobia of driving in heavy traffic which I treated with EFT. I found the phobia would return whenever I was in very heavy traffic, especially at night. I would go into a panic attack while driving, which is very frightening. While in Nashville I worked on this issue with The Healing Codes. On the way home I had to drive 10 hours in heavy rain through the mountains with no visibility. I made it home without any bit of anxiety. Since then I have realized that this was not only affecting my driving, but also was a part of my life in many other areas as performance anxiety. I now find that I am very relaxed in every area of my life. The picture relating to this issue involves a neurotic nun who humiliated me in grammar school. Bless her heart! ” ~~ Maryanna”Personally, I have felt profound shifts taking place in my very stubborn and at times quite severe health problems as well as my emotional well-being. I am not completely healed yet, but I have full faith that if I continue with The Healing Codes, I will be completely well in the next several months.” ~~ LorriexviiTestimonials from Our Clients”As far back as I can remember, I have lived in a state of anxiety with churning going on in my stomach. Now, instead of living with constant ‘what ifs’ in my mind, I flow with life and deal with things as they happen; as they require thought or action.” ~~ T.”Within the few weeks I’ve been working with The Healing Codes, I’ve changed, now feeling free to talk to people and express my own opinion. That might sound insignificant for some, but for me it is a big step. I’ve dealt with an abandonment issue all my life, always worrying that if I say something, others might not like it and leave me, ignore me, or just not hear or see me—a fear of being invisible to others. Healing this belief makes a big difference in my daily life.” ~~ Therese“Always feeling like I had to perform to be accepted, my whole life turned into a performance. It’s been amazing to me to realize that I don’t have to perform beyond just being me to be accepted. I’m glad to be off-stage.” ~~ Wayne“I struggled with perfectionism for years. Everything I said was sprinkled with disclaimers. I worried that people were always judging me. After finding a picture related to my perfectionism, I used the Codes to heal that belief. What a difference. I am not afraid to speak out and say what I believe.” ~~ Lucy“E. almost always had severe cramps and nausea before and at the onset of her monthly menstrual cycle. Last July she had a very bad episode. I worked with her after the episode on her pictures. She was going through a divorce at the time and it was almost final. She was concerned that the next month would be even worse. She did the Code for several days. She was surprised when she began menstruating in August because she didn’t have the usual PMS. 6 months later she has only had one mild episode of cramps and no nausea. She did the Code at the time and the cramps disappear fairly quickly. She mentioned to me the other day that she is not suffering from seasonal allergies this spring and thinks it is because she did Codes for her allergies last year.” ~~ E’s Coach“A recent graduate, D had already had five unsuccessful job interviews and was scheduled for a phone interview the following week. We did a Peak Performance Code and the interview went well. She was offered the position and took it. She also used the Code before writing an article that she had been putting off and she completed it promptly and was very happy with it. She is now working on weight loss Codes.” ~~ D’s CoachxviiiTestimonials from Our Clients“F. was depressed because of her mother’s death and was having trouble getting into writing papers for her PhD classes. After one session with the Codes she was able to complete several papers and is now working on her dissertation.” ~~ F’s Coach“Now, for an overdue report [about a fractured a rib from coughing with bronchitis]: After our lunch, I came back home, did the Code again, took a nap – and fell into a very deep sleep for about six hours (some nap!), got up for a short while after Lynn got home from her evening class, repeated the Code, and then slept about another 10 hours. The sleep was so deep and refreshing as it was close to pain-free, and I woke up with no rib pain. This was a day-and-night change from the previous weeks. I almost couldn’t believe it. I’ve discovered that as long as I keep up with the Codes, the pain remains remarkably low. Thank you so much for this help. Several people spontaneously volunteered that I was walking and standing much more normally the next day. This is an outstanding result, but makes so much sense, since I know illness and injury with me tends to get emotionally-charged, probably because I was sick a lot as a kid with respiratory and throat infections, and learned to do this then. Thanks! ~~ a ClientT. had come for career counseling and after that decided to try The Healing Codes to remove mental and emotional blocks that she had toward her career choice. She says: “The Healing Codes is amazing. I couldn’t believe how quickly the picture dissolved and the feeling with it.” ~~ T’s Coach“I had a partial rupture between my 5th and 6th vertebrae and a full rupture between the 6th and 7th. I did The Healing Codes and physical therapy for four days and the pain was gone. Once the pain stopped, I quit my physical therapy and continued the Codes. Two weeks later, my doctor told me I no longer needed surgery. I still do Codes, and anytime I have an ache or pain, a Code takes care of it immediately.” ~~ Patrick“I have a history of skin cancer going back several years. I have had a number of them removed but they seem to always either come back or new ones pop up somewhere else – it has been frustrating, painful, expensive, and a little scary at times. The last time I had one come up I did a Healing Code and the cancer was gone in less than a week – It was UNBELIEVABLE! Thanks.” ~~ Steve “I had been having chest pains and pain down my arm that had worsened over a several month period. I am middle aged and weigh a few more pounds than I would like – I was sure I had a heart problem. After doing The Healing Codes for about 10 days, all of the pain went away. The thing that impressed me about this system is that it not only heals but seems to do it permanently. Almost two years later I still have no discomfort.” ~~ David S.xixTestimonials from Our Clients“I had a melanoma come up on my upper thigh. I called Dr. Loyd and told him that I would either be healed doing The Healing Codes, or I would die. I was not willing to go through chemo. While doing the Codes my melanoma got consistently smaller until it finally fell off – after only 6 weeks. I AM ALIVE AND WELL!” ~~ Lorea“I was almost finished with the fence I was building when I bent down to lift one of the 4 by 4’s. When I straightened up, I felt a sharp, excruciating jolt in my lower back. I immediately dropped the board and fell to my knees. Eventually, I managed to rise to a crouch and begin a long, painful journey upstairs to my bedroom. When I finally made it into my bed, I was able to find a lying position where the pain was tolerable. I remained in this position for about a half hour when I began feeling another urgent sensation – the need to urinate. Much to my dismay, I could not sit up without knife-like back pain. Finally, I managed to roll over on my stomach and inch down off the end of the bed with movements that reminded me of a caterpillar. On my knees now at the foot of the bed, with my upper torso still resting on the bed, I found that this new position was not a solution; in fact, I had increased the threshold of pain, through which I would have to go, in order to stand up. With nature demanding my immediate attention elsewhere, I had no choice but to lift up through the back pain and crouch into the bathroom. The pain was so bad when I made the upward move that I remember seeing a flash before my eyes. When my wife returned home, she called our doctor and he prescribed several prescription painkillers and muscle relaxers. After two days on the medication, I was only marginally better. It was then that I called a friend from whom I had heard about The Healing Codes. Skeptical though I was about an unconventional treatment, I was also beginning to despair. My friend arranged a conference call during which Dr. Loyd gave me three Codes along with advice on how to use them. After one day, my pain had subsided dramatically (I had quit taking the medication because it wasn’t working). After three days it was gone almost completely (I only had a minor “crick-in-the-neck” type feeling) and I finished the back yard project. Since then I have not had a relapse and have continued to lead a normal active life.” ~~ John“Since 1973, I have been researching ways to help my family and myself with herbs, vitamins, alternative medicine, cooking and food. I have had intense and wonderful study of the scriptures. As a child of the King, when God told me ” to rid myself of all such things as these: anger, rage, ….”(Colossians 3:8 and many more scriptures), in prayer, I would ask Him, “How do I do this?” Dr. Alex appeared, and you know the rest of the story. After doing the Healing Codes for anxiety and panic issues, I immediately started to: (1) recognize negative statements from other people that were affecting me; (2) experience a change in shoe wear pattern; (3) sleep on my back for the first time in my life; (4) have some sweet, sweet dreams after always having had disturbing ones; (5) have a slowed heart rate and blood pressure lowered 20 points (for a mile walking on treadmill, I have to do a .5 to 1 grade elevation at 2.4 miles per hour to kick that heart rate up); (6) experience an improvement in digestive problems I have had since birth, eliminating anxiety and panic; and (7) improve my ADD and brain fog problems. This list will be obsolete after I mail this, so much has changed over the past year.” ~~ PatriciaxxTestimonials from Our Clients“I’d like to share a personal testimony of what I like to call my “Healing Code Miracle.” I had just finished the 12 days and I was on vacation on the East Coast away from my husband. The Healing Codes had really done me a lot of good. I felt differently in general, even euphoric a lot of the time. I felt so much love for everyone. I felt differently about everyone I was visiting. I saw them in a new light. For a long time I have had unforgiveness issues with my husband. I was at a “10” rating of my negative emotions toward him. As going home to him approached, this issue was hung over me. I decided to refocus myself on unforgiveness with this issue in mind. When I arrived home, my husband and I sat down to talk and my negative emotions were gone! I was amazed since I had years of thinking that it couldn’t change. This issue is now a 0! I’m a Christian and I just have to say Praise God for The Healing Codes, it is a gift of God for me. It is rare that a day goes by that The Healing Codes do not make my day better in a very tangible way, unless I don’t do them. On the rare occasion that I don’t take time to do the Codes, everyone around me can see a difference and they ask, “Mom have you done the Codes today?” Having been called on my commitment a few times, I now make sure I do my Codes faithfully! I have now begun a brand new chapter in my life. My mission in life now, besides taking care of my family, is to learn all I can about this modern day miracle so that I in turn can use this tool to help all who will listen and all of those that I know God will direct to me as I pursue this new calling.” ~~ Tena“For years I suffered from chronic fatigue issues. One of the discouraging symptoms was that I became very susceptible to virus and bacterial infections. I was sick quite often with the “virus of the month”. Because of The Healing Codes, the frequency of my illnesses has been dramatically reduced. An exciting discovery occurred when I recently felt the onset of viral symptoms. After talking to Dr. Loyd and starting The Healing Codes, my symptoms NEVER progressed and COMPLETELY disappeared within 24 hours. Absolutely amazing! In the past I would have suffered for days. Thank you, Alex!!!” ~~ Phyllis“My emotions were running high. No rest, peace, rapid heart rate. I wanted to go into self-protect mode. I wanted to run like a deer after water. I was at a “10” rating of the emotion of fear. Not recalling a picture, I did a custom healing Code and in 15 seconds my heart rate dropped 25 points, and 30 seconds into The Healing Codes I was back to my normal heart rate. I was out of the flight mode and on to the abundant life mode.” ~~ Patricia“My daughter K. is 10 years old. Ever since I can remember K. has always been insecure. Always needing much attention and basically very clingy. It has become unbearable over the last 5 or 6 months. My husband and I were at our wits end and did not know what to do. My sister-in-law introduced me to The Healing Codes. I was a little skeptical at first but was still open. She did the Healing Codes on me for an issue I had with my son and it helped me a great deal. However, the real testimony is with my daughter Kelsey. Kelsey has been obsessed with death for a long time. She has had nightmares, sleepless nights, days of crying, unable to go to school and an overall terrible experience because she thought either my husband or I was going to die. My sister-in-law encouraged us to try The Healing Codes on her. I wasn’t sure how toxxiTestimonials from Our Clientsapproach it with her and tried to keep it very simple. She seemed very open so I asked her to picture one of the pictures that have been bothering her. She did, started crying and rated it a 10. She picked her truth statements and I started the Healing Codes for peace on her. She started deep breathing and relaxing immediately. I didn’t think she would sit still because she is usually very fidgety. She just sat there relaxed. When we were finished she was already very different. I was so excited. She said her picture was almost a 0 and she seemed very happy. She kept asking me to do them with her. The next time she picked a different picture and also rated it a 10. Again after that she said the picture didn’t bother her anymore. She doesn’t have any more pictures and feels great. She is a different little girl. Praise God for the Healing Codes. I have witnessed a miracle in my daughter.” ~~ Sue“I have suffered from depression, guilt and extreme sadness since the death of my daughter last year. With the first of the holidays approaching since her death, I became even more depressed, with uncontrollable crying many, many times a day. I was living in seclusion, overeating, smoking more cigarettes than I would normally do, and the thought of suicide sat in the back of my mind. I cried out for help to the right person, that’s for sure, and found The Healing Codes! The first Code rated a 10 and the next two did as well. But from that point on, life changed! I quit crying completely, my overeating has stopped, and I haven’t quit smoking (yet!) but am back down to the amount I would normally consume. I found myself looking at my neighbors differently. Instead of getting annoyed with them I would say “No, bless your spirits” when they went by. Our interactions with each other changed instantly. Today, if I think of my daughter’s death, there are still no tears, no negative feelings of her or her death. I have been given such a great gift with the discovery of The Healing Codes. If I were to rate my feelings today, they would be a zero! What a turn around! I can hardly wait to discover the other changes I’ll be going through!” ~~ Sydni “I would stop eating before I would stop doing The Healing Codes!” ~~ S. Wade“I remember my Dad spanking me in front of the neighbor when I was about four. He never really told me why he spanked me even though I knew I had been playing with matches. I was so hurt that I went upstairs and threw myself on the bed and told God I did not want to live anymore. When I was six, I had to have an appendectomy for acute appendicitis. Years later, my ileocecal valve began to give me discomfort so I would talk to my body and ask it what I did to create this discomfort. My sense was that I created the appendicitis by holding the stress of that experience since I was four. My father was killed when I was 15 — I could not cry but about three tears and that was a week or so after the funeral. Even though I used forgiveness affirmations to forgive my Dad and this situation for 38 years, that love feeling was not there. Finally, after doing the Healing Codes for four weeks, I was able to allow myself to go back into that experience enough to release the trauma, and, for the first time in my life, I felt a sense of love and respect for my Dad. Finally, I would admit to myself that my best interest was the basis for his action. The Healing Codes seemed to dislodge the stress that I had been holding all these years so that transformation could occur.xxiiTestimonials from Our Clients“When I was on just my fourth day of the 12 days, I was allowing my truth statements about Love to flow and one of my statements was “On Valentines Day, I choose to receive a dozen purple roses but red will do. However, I’d be very happy with just one red rose and some Valentines. The next day, after some processing and the prayer, I was again letting my truth statements about Joy flow while doing the Codes. They went something like this: “I feel the joy of the doves that they found food to eat on my balcony right now. I choose to feel joy when I’m driving to the dentist today. I allow myself to feel joy when I’m at the dentist. I choose that the dentist be gentle and respect me, etc.”* (I’ve had at least three traumatic dental experiences.) When I got to the dentist’s, I have never had such a pleasant experience in a dental office in my life. Yes, I actually felt JOY when he so gently took his time with the injection. Tears were rolling down my face with JOY—there was NO pain whatsoever. When he finished, he told me about the five crowns he would need to replace and the cost of five gold crowns. It didn’t phase me. I even went so far as to tell him that I wanted to do something that he probably never had happen before in his life and I said, “I want to tip you, not much, but I just want to take this opportunity to share and let myself really feel the joy inside.” As I was scheduling my next appointment, I noticed that it was on Valentines Day and mentioned that to his assistant. She said, “Oh yes, that’s a good day to come in because the Dr. has asked me to pick up enough red roses on Sunday so everyone can have one on Monday. “I wish to express my appreciation to Mrs. Loyd for going into the pits of Hell so that these Codes could eventually be received from the Universe via Dr. Loyd. The Healing Codes allows those of us who choose it to move stagnant energy out of our bodies and ultimately experience Transformation. ‘Ye are Gods; and all of you are children of the Most High.’ (Psalms 82:6)” ~~ Anna Marie“I was on the telephone in discussion with a computer science person. Some of the conversation was foreign to me. I physically started to have rapid heart beats, shortness of breath and fragmented sentences. The person I was talking with paused and asked me if I was okay. I sat back in my chair, took a drink of water and a deep breath and commented that I had had a cellular memory surface. This happened two more times during the conversation, and each time I could certainly tell that it was a cellular memory occurring. Without the Healing Codes, I would never have been aware of what was taking place. EASY TO FIX THESE SYMPTOMS WITH THE HEALING CODES! I am so thankful to have at my finger tips a way to handle ‘fight or flight.’ Thank you Dr. Loyd.” ~~ Patricia“I’d had chronic herpes for thirty years and lots of reoccurrences. I’ve been doing The Healing Codes for eight weeks, but not to get rid of herpes. Three weeks ago I realized that I wasn’t having symptoms and neuralgia like I used to. Thinking it was Lent and giving up chocolate, that’s what I gave credit to. A while later, I realized that it’s probably The Healing Codes that’s assisting me on the relief from herpes. So that’s my miracle, and I’m grateful. Thank you.” ~~ SusanxxiiiTestimonials from Our Clients“I’ve been doing The Healing Codes for about 4 months, and over time lots of past physical injuries have been resolving. It’s very surprising how that healing process unfolds. One example is when I started noticing I had a pain across the top of my foot simultaneously with a pain in a muscle that extends from where you sit on the sit bones and down my leg a bit, and also into the buttock and a bit into the sciatica. It really puzzled me where this came from all of a sudden, because I hadn’t done anything to cause the pain. It took a couple of days while I was going through the Healing Codes process to remember that those were the identical symptoms from a time that my shoe caught in a small hole in the pavement as I was trying to run across the street before the light turned red. The rest of my body had continued to move forward and I was wrenched backward with my legs really wide apart because I was taking large strides. Those identical symptoms…I had them for a really long time, and they recurred over and over again if I got active or did stuff that was quite athletic. When I went through the Healing Codes process, it clicked that this old injury was finally resolving. “Another example of how The Healing Codes has helped me process old injuries out of my body and resolve them: I had had a concussion to my inner ear from a car accident. It was pouring down rain, I couldn’t see the road, and I hit a huge pothole. It was so deep my car almost flipped on its side. As the car righted, my head hit the very hard Volvo headrest at a point right behind my ear (called the mastoid process), and I immediately had a concussion to my inner ear. For two years following I had severe vertigo until I found a treatment that resolved it. Just recently, I started getting a really strange headache in that same area over a period of about three days. I didn’t have any dizziness; I hadn’t hit my head; I hadn’t bumped into anything. At the end of several days doing the Healing Codes, I just felt something was clearer and lighter in that area, and it was identical to where my head hit the hard Volvo headrest. So I feel that whatever trauma was incurred – and I felt trauma not just in the bone in the muscular area, but inside my head — was resolving. I know this trauma has now been released from my energetic body. “Also, for about a year and a half I had extreme swelling and congestion and lumps in my armpit down into the side of my breast. It was a very painful swelling and lumpiness, to the point that during the middle of the night I would actually wake up and cry out loud. I was afraid of waking my landlady who lives upstairs from me since my crying out was so loud because the pain was just so unbelievable. This happened on a regular basis, and it really disturbed my sleep and wasn’t helping my health at all. I had all kinds of special mammograms, ultrasounds, and mammograms of the armpit. After doing The Healing Codes for about two months, I brought it to my doctor’s attention that all that pain, swelling, and lumpiness was no longer there. It was completely gone.” ~~ Susie“Thank you so much for all your help and encouragement on the phone. We are noticing some differences in our family from doing the Codes. The atmosphere at home is more peaceful. Our sons, 4 and 6, are not arguing and fighting as much with each other. That, in itself is a blessing! They were driving me crazy with their almost constant bickerings. I’m aware that my emotions and wrong beliefs are being healed. And I have hope now in some areas of our life that I had considered hopeless.” ~~ Judy “Starting back from the beginning, from my childhood…my life wasn’t easy. Mentally, I wasn’t all what I should have been. As I was growing up I always had different kinds ofxxivTestimonials from Our Clientsailments. Nobody knew why. Parts of bones dying. Heart murmurs. Things that aren’t that unusual in children. But then growing up and getting older, I developed some uncommon things. At age sixteen I somehow got scarlet fever or rheumatic fever, which came very close to killing me. It took a heavy toll on me. All the while, I had had terrible migraines ever since a early age. When I was 9, I became unable to sleep without some kind of aid. “Over the years I just kept getting more and more things. At age nineteen I was diagnosed with vaso depressor syncope, which means I cannot stay standing for more than fifteen minutes, or sometimes even sitting, without passing out. I also developed, somehow, fluttering and regurgitation or backflow in my heart. I had constant chest pain which hurt really badly if I was doing anything. “So for the past two and a half years, I’ve been working a lot. I’ve been working for goals, which I thought everybody does. I’ve been working over 100 hours a week, averaging 90 hours. At 24, I could handle it. During that time I developed the heart problem. My migraines worsened daily…constant pain. I’d go to work and couldn’t do anything. I was throwing up at work frequently for no reason. The migraines were terrible…I was losing vision in one eye and both eyes. I was falling over a lot, almost blacking out. “So I went to the doctor because I was tired of feeling tired. I could not keep up like I could two years ago and I wanted to know why. I went through a lot of tests. They found that I’d had two major blood vessels in my head shrink, but they didn’t know what caused it. They also found that because of overworking myself my heart muscle was weakened. After a lot more testing, they realized that all they could do was give me drugs to try and ease the pain a little bit. It somewhat worked, but I was up to 1200 mg of this drug that they didn’t really know much about, and it’s actually bad for the heart, too. I found that it was making things worse for me. “When I found out that my heart was not doing so well I called my dad and told him the news. I told him that I didn’t know what to do because I wasn’t done living yet. For the first time in the past couple of years I actually wanted to live. I wanted to make an effort with this life, which was something new to me. “He told me about Dr. Loyd and The Healing Codes. I didn’t really know what to expect from that, but I was willing to try because the doctors didn’t have anything for me. I also believe in natural ways over doctors, anyway. A week later the package arrived in the mail. When I first spoke with Dr. Loyd, he told me to go ahead and start trying some of the Codes right away because of the condition I was in and the pain. After the first two Codes – I did one for my migraines and one for my heart that evening – I could feel a significant difference. The magnitude of the pain dropped significantly. I thought this just might be it. I was pretty sure by then, actually. “The next morning I woke up…no headache…no migraine whatsoever. That was the first time in years. I could not believe it. I kept on with the Codes. I have not had any migraines. I have not had any heart problems or chest pain. I stopped throwing up. Since three weeks after starting the Codes, I have not had any dizziness, I have not fallen over. I’m off all my medications. Basically, I’m 100% healed. “I’d definitely recommend this process and I’d just have to ask anyone who is skeptical, “Do you really think that man is supposed to heal with all these drugs and this man-made crap, or do you not believe that God intended us to live well and supplied everything for us?” It’s just a matter of discovering it and realizing it and doing it. It’s basically common sense.” ~~ MattxxvTestimonials from Our Clients“The weekend before I talked to Dr. Loyd, friends of mine had to take their dog to the vet because he was basically dying. They found out that lyme’s disease was taking over his body and causing his kidneys to shut down. He’d lost a lot of weight, about thirty pounds. The vet told the family they were going to have to put him to sleep. His gums were bleach-white and his skin was really tight because he was so dehydrated. My friend didn’t know what was guiding him, but he came to me and started telling me what was going on with the dog. I started telling him about The Healing Codes. I said, ‘I don’t really know what else to say and you might think I’m crazy, but these Healing Codes, they just might work for him. They’re the only option that I have for myself and it might be the only option that you guys have.’ “The next morning the dog’s owners came over. I did a Code for him that morning and at lunchtime. The wife came over and knelt down and looked at the dog’s gums and jumped up and said, ‘Wait, look at his gums.’ We looked down and checked the dog’s gums out and they were bright red. Completely different from before when they were bleached white. She jumped up and gave me this big hug. They started telling me that the vet had said to look at the dog’s gums…if they stayed white his kidneys were still failing. They were given shots to give him if they weren’t able to take the dog to the vet in time. So I asked them, ‘What time did you give him the shot this morning?’ They said, ‘We didn’t. Whatever you did made that happen.’ I said, ‘I didn’t really do it, God did it.’ They said, ‘Whatever it was worked.’ “During 6 days of doing Codes on the dog, he gained back 7 pounds. The vet didn’t know what to think. He asked them what they were doing. They said ‘Giving him a lot of love.’ The vet said, ‘Whatever you’re doing keep doing it.’ After the week of doing Codes on the dog, the vet called them at 10 o’clock on a Sunday night, and told him that, ‘I don’t know what is going on…all the dog’s blood levels are just about back to normal. This does not happen. I’ve never seen this before. Ever.’ Incredible stuff.” ~~ Matt“I wanted to tell you of the glorious enlightening of the scripture that has been shown to me. God has been merciful and patient with me. All my head knowledge of the Word had not gotten into my heart because of all the blocks. When the feelings that accompany the issues of trust, faith, unforgiveness, patience, etc., do not line up with what is going on in the body, take a big look at the red flags and do not ignore them. A pill won’t correct this, or surgery and so forth. But when the heart lines up with the head knowledge, WOW! I thank God for what he has given you to help us walk in the steps of the Savior.” ~~ Patricia“I started the 12 day program about two weeks ago. I had a number of seborrheic keratosis on my forehead and on my head and a large number of them on my back. I noticed that after about four days, the one on my forehead began to dry up and flake off. Within about ten days it was totally gone. On my head, the ones there had all been the size of pencil erasers and they were all gone. One the size of a penny is 90% gone. All of those that were on my back have shrunk tremendously. I’ve had these for probably fifteen years. They itched and caused me some problems. The doctor looked at them just a couple of weeks before I started this program and said, “Yeah, we need to take it off, it’s getting pretty big.” Now they are disappearing and continue to disappear and I expect to have them all gone within another week or two. Thank you.” ~~ WesxxviTestimonials from Our Clients“I started with the method for an urgent issue. As I was doing the Codes for my endocrine system, I was not sure what truth focus statement felt right. We had recently been to a Kenneth Copeland Believers Convention where Kenneth taught us to “speak” the anointing that we desired over ourselves. I needed healing so I have been saying ‘I thank You Lord that your healing anointing is working in me now.’ On my second day of coding that is what automatically came out of my mouth. I thought that was so perfect, and felt really good about it. But God being the more than enough God that He is, said, ‘Now put the pertaining virtue and body part or system in the phrase.’ So I wrote out the one I was working on and said, ‘I thank You Lord that Your “Love” anointing is working in my “Endocrine” system now.’ As I did the Code I felt the intensity shoot way up and I began to vibrate all over. It was very powerful. Throughout the day while doing other things, if I just repeat the phrase it seems to reactivate the effect of the Codes. God is awesome!” ~~ Mary“I received the entire The Healing Codes package and I’m blown away. It’s incredible. I was already using the Codes for myself, my husband, my pastor and my ferret so I was already in awe. Now I’m almost overwhelmed at how much more it can do. Speaking of which, my ferret had a mast cell tumor under her front leg which was almost the size of a marble. In one week, it is now the size of a pea. Thank you so much for this!” ~~ Judith“The contacts I wear are supposed to come out once a week for at least 4 hours. This is a big improvement over taking them out daily although taking them out is not a big problem. For me the big issue has been putting them in. There have been times when I would try and try and eventually have to give up and try again later. Of course until I succeeded I couldn’t see to read. There were many times when I would spend half a day trying to get my contacts in and one terrible day that I spent eight hours trying without success. I wasn’t willing to give up on contacts, but every week putting them back in was an experience I dreaded. A short time after starting to do The Healing Codes I was astonished when both contacts went in on the first try. I realized immediately that it had to be a result of doing the Codes although it was not something I had consciously worked on and probably would not have thought of The Healing Codes as being something that would fix this problem. It was a total surprise and what a relief! I realize that is the way contacts are supposed to work, but for me they always stuck to my finger rather than the eye. “I have had chronic pain for years and consequently have taken all of the OTC pain remedies as well as many different prescription drugs. At the time I started to do The Healing Codes, I was consuming OTC pain remedies (Tylenol in particular) like they were M&M’s, taking more and oftener than recommended as well as mixing in Ibuprofen and others. I was aware of possible problems but when in pain I simply shut my mind to the possibility. Pain was my major presenting problem. I cannot say yet that I am pain free although I have had several pain-free days. There has been one major and unexpected change. I’m not sure how long I had been doing the Codes when I realized that I had stopped taking all pain medication. I had not given any thought nor intended to do that. Somehow it just happened and had been that way for some time before I even consciously noticed. Taking something for pain just doesn’t occur to me any more. It’s as if that decision has been made and does not need to be reconsidered. I have effortlessly eliminated the ingestion of toxic substances which I feel sure will speed upxxviiTestimonials from Our Clientsmy healing. It makes total sense although not something I would have thought of without The Healing Codes doing it for me. I’m sure my original thinking was more like I’ll take something for pain until the pain stops. “All my life I have had a severe reaction to insect bites ranging from giant welts and extreme itching from a mosquito bite to total body swelling from something like a wasp, hornet, or bee necessitating a trip to the emergency room for treatment because of the possibility that my throat would swell shut and cut off my ability to breathe. The unbearable result of any bite was always the itching. No matter what bit me the itching would start immediately and would continue unless I went to get shots. Some time ago I discovered a homeopathic remedy that really did alleviate this. However recently I contracted a bite on the top of my foot that caused a welt and itching as bad or worse than anything I had previously encountered. My homeopathic remedy was not working; I could not stop scratching; I was desperate and frantic to make it stop. I decided to do the Codes from the Immune category requesting in my prayer that all the healing energy from the treatment be focused on stopping the itching from that bite. Within a few minutes I suddenly realized that it had stopped although I could not say exactly when that happened. It was strange that it had stopped so completely that I almost could not remember that there had been itching. One other unusual effect was that although bites (on me at least) itch off and on for a long time; even if I could stop it, something would set it off again – this particular bite never itched again!” ~~ Donna“My father came out of a coma because of the Healing Codes treatments. I remember the 1st week of January that my brother who lived there said, “Dad is doing better than ever.” I do thank you so much for the knowledge I learned from you and for the extra 6 months we got to have him. It was truly a miracle!!” ~~ Linda“My life is so much more tolerable now that I use The Healing Codes regularly, though I have a ways to go. I received a decrease in my stress levels that was dramatic. I have grown as a person from the process and the affirmations. My perspective on myself has changed and I believe in my abilities as a person with less stress. I am working on my ethical issues little by little and when that conscious conflict is resolved my life will be different. I will be a more effective and functioning person. I look forward to accepting my power that I have been reluctant to accept. I am starting to understand my life and myself better. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate what you are doing for myself and others, and the hope you have given me for clearing my cell memories etc. I am standing in more appreciation than I have stood in and that is different than my expectations. The mental clarity and seeing a larger perspective is life changing also. Thank you.” ~~ Roxanne“When we got The Healing Codes, we did the twelve days, and then I came back and went straight to diabetes. The blood sugar has not changed all that much, but what I have noticed is I tend to be more loving! I just feel more loving, I’m not holding resentment as long, forgiveness comes to my mind almost immediately. It’s wonderful and I wanted to share that with you.” ~~ EmmanuelxxviiiTestimonials from Our Clients“I first heard you (Dr. Loyd) when you were interviewed on the Passion Series. I was very, very touched at that time, so the whole time, I was just having a very quiet cry. So that’s what I’m finding that The Healing Codes are like for me. I had energy moving in my legs immediately from hearing you on that interview. “You talked about conscious conflict and that conscious conflict can slow down your healing. Well, from the moment that I heard about The Healing Codes, I had a conscious conflict in my own environment where it was cluttered and was no longer suiting the way I wanted it to be. I live on two acres in a very small place and it was just over the top. Immediately, without me saying anything to my husband, he sold antiques that were too big for the bedroom. By the time FedEx was delivering the package the following week, I had completely redecorated our bedroom. I talk about feng shui, I feel a lovely vibration. Beauty is coming into our inner environment. “We’re honey harvesters, so in my mind I picture the honeycomb that the bees develop. I picture that we’ve buried these images that we have like the bees do–we’ve built a little honeycomb and put them in there. We say the images are positive or negative, but you know what, it’s just a picture. What the bees do, if it’s an egg they cover it up with a little bit of wax on the top, or if it’s the honey, when it’s the right proportion, again, they cover it with wax. So either way, it’s a gift. Either a little honey bee is going to come out when it’s ready, or they’e going to be able to access the nectar. “So for me it’s like Christmas everyday. It’s like saying, ‘Okay, I’m going to open this gift and it doesn’t matter.’…I’m not going to say ‘Oh, this is some terrible experience and I’m feeling really bad about it.’ I know this is just a gift and I’m freeing up the energy, and that’s what I’m picturing. That all of these bubbles are just freed energy. And it doesn’t have a name, it’s just freed energy. ~~ Renee“I attended one of your unbelievable sessions. My HRV was so low you were concerned for me. I did only the code you taught us then. My depression has lifted, and I have been so well I forgot about doing them. Oooooops!!” ~~ Marilyn“I had a prolapsed bladder and uterus. Since doing the Healing Codes I feel that it doesn’t push down anymore. The whole pelvic area feels flatter and tighter. And I’m able to do AB lunges now. Before when I tried to do them it made my whole pelvic area feel worse.” ~~ Machiel“I have had a slowdown in income, and it still, as of this moment, hasn’t begun to show up. However, I am delighted to report I am not in a panic, with heart palpitations and all that. In fact, I feel quite relaxed, peaceful and expectant, which is very, very different from the past. If it weren’t for The Healing Codes and the other spiritual studies I’m doing, I’m sure I would be most depressed at this point. There’s something inside of me saying all is well regardless of what I SEE—it’s what I FEEL!!! I’ve been spending a lot of time on the Joy category, and now I’ve moved into Peace: ‘I am learning to take in life without effort.’ Wow! Not beating myself up!!” ~~ DonnaxxixTestimonials from Our Clients”In my opinion, this is probably one of the greatest health breakthroughs in human history. The potential benefits to humanity are so great, they’re difficult to comprehend.” ~~ Frederick Mann“I am so excited! I have used my newly purchased Healing Codes for three days. To reverse the effects of hypoglycemia, I have used the Love section. After a lifetime of low energy and 15 years of extremely low energy, I awoke on the third morning feeling almost normal and with a clear mind. I was actually productive in my work for the first time in months. Thank you so much!” ~~ Vicki“I wanted to share the incredible results I’ve had with The Healing Codes. I’ve had scoliosis since I was seven, and I wore a body cast for about five years. By the time I hit my twenties, I was in chronic pain. Over the years, I’ve done chiropractic work, yoga, body work, supplements, and the list goes on. It was always very momentary relief. I guess I never handled and processed stress very well, so everything was a trigger from my external world and felt overwhelming. When I started The Healing Codes with my coach, I said, “Please keep it simple,” because I felt overwhelmed by all the information. She gave me a Code, and from the first time I did it, I felt dramatic results. First I felt this deep relaxation and a sense of peace. All my body pain was gone, and I felt much lighter and more calm, focused and fluid in my body movements. It’s been thirty years that I’ve had this body pain, and now I’m free of it. I’ve been doing The Healing Codes for about two and a half months now, and I’ve had a few different healing responses. My lungs are clearing out, there is a lot of detoxing, and my spine is straightening. Some of the bones that had fused from the stress of the scoliosis are now starting to open up. Huge changes! I’d been down to working three days a week because I couldn’t handle more, and it would take me almost three days to recover. Now I come home from work after three days and I feel great. I’m ready to enjoy life, and I seem to be handling the stress much differently. Thank you for the wonderful self-healing technique, Dr. Loyd, and thank you for sharing it with everyone.” ~~ Katharine“My son had night terrors for about ten years, and we went to several doctors for help. They said, ‘He’ll grow out of it.’ But it didn’t happen. And then we met with Alex. He found the root cause of these night terrors and also bedwetting, and gave him a Code for it. The change was almost immediate. Within days these problems went away and haven’t been an issue since. For myself, I could tell that a skin cancer was coming back on my ear. Alex gave me a Code, and it was probably two weeks later that the spot on my ear was no longer there. “When Dr. Loyd talks about ‘issues of the heart’ and The Healing Codes, it’s natural for me to think that anything physical or spiritual or emotional begins in the heart because of what I’ve learned and what I see in scripture, as well. When I do a Code where I can visualize the symptoms, I can visualize the root cause. I can take that image captive and, by the grace of God, change that image that’s in my heart so that healing can take place in my body or in my emotions. If you are thinking, ‘Wow, this is really far out. I don’t know if I understand this,’ I say just try it one time and see what axxxTestimonials from Our Clientsdifference it makes. It does work and it will bring healing to whatever problem you’re dealing with. “I work at the spiritual outreach office at Lipscomb University and at a church in Nashville, where I have been a minister and elder. So much of The Healing Codes and what Alex is doing with this work is right out of scripture that I have no problems with it. It’s different from what medical people will tell you and what we’ve been taught, but when you see what’s being done, a lot of it is right out of scripture. I think that’s why it’s so successful. It gets to the root problem and does not treat the symptoms.” ~~ Steve“After using The Healing Codes for 12 days, the work is helping me stop eating when my body has had enough. It is weird to throw away food, but I just can’t eat as much.” ~~ Susie“I have received healing in my body, in my spirit, in my soul, and much of it is due to Dr. Alex Loyd’s Healing Codes. I’m 44 years old and a mother of five children. My husband and I pastor an 8,000 member church, and I’ve always been a happy, blessed person. About four years ago I started having health problems. First it was small things like chronic hoarseness, though that was large to me because I’m a singer. I went to specialists for three or four years, and every time I went to a doctor, there was something else wrong with me and I received a new diagnosis. These are some of the diagnoses I’ve received: Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, gall stones, chronic fatigue syndrome, Epstein-Barr virus, adenomyosis, fibroid tumors of the uterus, laryngeal pharyngeal reflux disease, low iron, low B-12, vitamin deficiencies in all aspects. For three years, I completely changed the way I ate. I tried everything. I took a questionnaire that also showed I was depressed. I think anyone would be depressed with all these physical problems! It got the point where I had to take a three month sabbatical from my work at our church. “These things snowballed until I came to a point where I could not function, and I could not go on with life. My husband, my children and I were packing for vacation, and I stood in front of the suitcase and I just began to cry. I said, ‘I can’t do it. I can’t pack my suitcase.’ That was how much I could not function. I told my husband, ‘You and the kids go without me. I’m going to stay here for a week and try to determine what to do.’ I cried out to God and I said, ‘Lord, there is somebody in this world…I know. There has to be somebody in this world who can help me.’ I cried every day during that week, and I also went to see three different doctors. Just a few days later my brother called me and said, ‘Jennifer, they’re talking about your situation on a radio talk show. It sounds like there’s somebody who can help you.’ I ran to the radio and turned it on, and it was Dr. Alex Loyd and Dr. Ben Johnson. I only heard five minutes of the program because it was almost over. I got on their website, called their phone number, and I asked them, ‘Have you ever been able to help anyone with chronic fatigue syndrome?’ The person on the other end of the line said, ‘It’s not easy, but we can help you.’ I bought the program and began personal coaching sessions with one of their coaches. “From the first moment I began to do one of the Codes they gave me, I began to feel a peace come into my life. Through a process of several weeks, my symptoms did not improve, but my heart began to feel hope, began to feel love, began to feel peace, began to feel joy. After about three weeks of doing these simple Codes three to five times a day, I got to a point where I felt so much joy in my heart that I began to say to myself, ‘Even if I am never healed of my physical problems, I could be happy this way forxxxiTestimonials from Our Clientsthe rest of my life.’ The joy that I felt connecting with God through these Codes was so much more than I had experienced in the years prior. “I could only sleep for five hours a night. I would wake up in the middle of the night with thoughts rolling around in my head for hours so I couldn’t sleep or go back to sleep. I was also taking two to three naps a day. People at church had volunteered to bring food to our family because I was too fatigued to lift my hands, and I could not perform any of my normal household duties. After doing six weeks of The Healing Codes, as I lay down one night, I felt a warm feeling, starting at the top of my head, going all the way down through what felt like my veins, going all the way through my arms, my fingers, down into my body. When it was at about my waist, I fell sound asleep. I woke up the next morning feeling better physically than I’d felt for months, and I thought, ‘Wow, I’m getting better, I’m feeling better.’ That night, I slept six hours straight. The following night, I slept seven hours straight. After the third day, I began to realize that I was completely free of the fatigue symptoms. Completely free. “In the year since that time, I have continued doing The Healing Codes at least twice a day, and I try to do three if I can. I have been completely healed of the fibroid tumors of the uterus, which were confirmed by ultrasound two years in a row. I’m currently not on any thyroid medication and my thyroid blood levels T3 and T4 are completely within normal range. The chronic hoarseness is completely gone. I supposedly have had gallstones for two years now, but I eat a normal diet and live a normal life. Every so often it flares up, but I have the tools now to attack that gallbladder problem and I feel like I’m going to be completely healed. “I realize now that there was major stress in my life. Not just the five kids, the 8,000 member church, and the active lifestyle, but what I realized was that there was fear that I was allowing to infiltrate my heart and my mind every day of my life. Fears of not being good enough. Fears that something bad was going to happen to me. That my husband was going to die and that I was going to have to pastor the church. These fears were constant companions during the three years when I had health problems. I thought my problems were health related. Now I see my problems were heart related. What has happened is that with these Healing Codes, my heart has been healed through the power of God. My body has begun to heal itself and is still healing itself. I give glory to God, and I thank God for bringing Alex Loyd into my life. God bless you.” ~~ Jennifer“I had a hiatal hernia that was bothering me. I like ice cream, but if I ate ice cream in the evening I would have to stay up late or sit up for quite awhile. My wife and I started addressing that problem with The Healing Codes before we really knew what we were doing. I noticed that in about three days, when some friends asked us to go out to dinner and we had ice cream after, it didn’t bother me at all. I haven’t been bothered by it since. The program was fairly easy to understand. And the more we did it and the more we read, the more we understood what we were actually doing. Talking to the coach was helpful too. I feel peace, now that we’ve gone through it. There is a sense of well-being.” ~~ Casey“I got an email from Healthy Wealthy N Wise about The Healing Codes. I’ve been studying alternative medicine and energy and things like that for almost twenty years, and this was really fascinating to me. I thought I would just go for it and try it and haven’t looked back since. That was three months ago. I’ve done the Codes every day, twoxxxiiTestimonials from Our Clientsand three times. I’ve been really consistent, working at it really hard, and journaling to keep track so I don’t forget everything. Working on stress levels was probably the main thing that drew my attention. How do these patterns get established and why? Why are some people stressed and some people aren’t? I was also interested in working on weight and fluid retention, and low energy. I’d been in a wreck several years ago and was still having problems like that. I just needed an overhaul. After doing The Healing Codes for a while I noticed that I was more aware when I got stressed and when I would stop breathing. I would stop and do The Codes or try to figure out what was causing the stress. Then I would Code for that and I would be a lot better and get back to being in a relaxed state. It’s a really great tool, very simple and easy. Dr. Alex and Dr. Ben explain things in a way that’s really easy for me to understand and follow. I plan to do The Healing Codes for the rest of my life. I still have my down days, but then I just work more with the Codes. The conference calls are very helpful. It’s really awes
I have begun incorporating aspects of Healing Codes into some of my work, with positive results. The approach interested me particularly since some time back it occurred to me one day to guide a client to use their own fingers as ‘subtle energy lasers’ that could be directed at chakras and parts of the brain – ‘lasering’ the brain from various angles. The use of the fingers in the Healing Codes seems a little like this. Although the four healing centers are not meridian or chakra centers, and the 12 categories of codes are also unique to the Healing Codes, there is much else that seems very familiar in other forms of energy psychology – such as the basic idea of energetic coding, relating to stress-generating information held in the body’s subtle energy system, and the use of these codes to release this stress. The focus on both traumatic events and the beliefs that have arisen from them, and which hold them in place, seems also present in other energy psychology approaches and also in EMDR. However, I do like the emphasis upon the truth statements whilst doing the codes, rather than upon the problem.
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- subconscious mind
- eft
- tapping
- healing negative energy
- mind power
- new age spirituality
- affirmations
- manifestation
- manifest
- spirit guides
- self healing
- meditation
- positive energy
- negative energy
- healing
- health
- 'dr ben johnson'
- 'dr alex loyd'
- 'healing code demonstration'
- 'healing code exercise'
- 'healing code'
- 'law of attraction'
- 'energy vibration'
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- 'learn the healing code'
- melissa zoske
- rewrite mind method
- bruce lipton rewrite
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