The Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down Audio Free | The Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down: Anne Fadiman Book Talk 116 개의 정답

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A conversation and reading with Anne Fadiman, author of The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors and The Collision of Two Cultures.
Fadiman’s deeply reported, richly-narrated classic of long-form journalism won the National Book Critics Circle Award.
She discussed questions of reporting craft, ethics and narrative with the entire Journalism School community.
This event was sponsored by the Sevellon-Brown Fund.

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The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down – SoundCloud

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The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down –

The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down as it’s meant to be heard, narrated by Pamela Xiong. Discover the English Audiobook at Audible. Free trial …

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Anne Fadiman – The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down …

Anne Fadiman – The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Audiobook (A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures).

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Anne Fadiman – The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down …

Anne Fadiman – The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Audiobook Free … This book was created in 1997 along with I at first reviewed it in nursing college.

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Anne Fadiman – The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Audiobook (Online). t audio books. Anne Fadiman – The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Audiobook.

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The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child …

The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures Audible Logo Audible Audiobook – Unabrged.

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Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to Title: The Spirit Catches You and You Fall …

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The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A … – Apple Books

Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonfiction When three-month-old Lia Lee arrived at the county hospital emergency room in Merced, …

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Date Published: 2/6/2022

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The spirit catches you and you fall down : a Hmong child, her …

The spirit catches you and you fall down : a Hmong child, her American doctors, … [Anne Fadiman; Pamela Xiong; Audible, Inc.,; Brilliance Audio (Firm),] …

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Date Published: 9/3/2021

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The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: Anne Fadiman Book Talk
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: Anne Fadiman Book Talk

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  • Author: Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma
  • Views: 조회수 28,273회
  • Likes: 좋아요 157개
  • Date Published: 2017. 11. 3.
  • Video Url link:

Listen to The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonfiction When three-month-old Lia Lee arrived at the country hospital emergency room in Merced, California, a chain of events was set in motion from which neither she nor her parents nor her doctors would ever recover. Lia’s parents, Foua and Nao Koa, were part of a large Hmong community in Merced, refugees from the CIA-run “Quiet War” in Laos. The Hmong, traditionally a close-knit people, have been less amenable to assimilation than most immigrants, adhering steadfastly to the rituals and beliefs of their ancestors. Lia’s pediatricians, Neil Ernst and his wife, Peggy Philip, cleaved just as strongly to another tradition: that of Western medicine. When Lia Lee entered the American medical system, diagnosed as an epileptic, her story became a tragic case history of cultural miscommunication. Parents and doctors both wanted the best for Lia, but their ideas about the causes of her illness and it’s treatment could hardly have been more different. The Hmong see illness and healing as spiritual matters linked to virtually everything in the universe while medical community marks a division between body and soul concerns itself almost exclusively with the former.

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The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Audiobook

Anne Fadiman – The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Audiobook (A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures)


A great part of guide is spent stating Hmong history. We view as these people are driven from China for refusing to absorb its society, after that at some point make their means to the hills of Laos. We enjoy as the Vietnam War undercuts the region, forcing the Hmong to fight for the UNITED STATE government in the so-called “Quiet Battle” (as well as you can wager that’s an oxymoron if we have actually ever listened to one). Anne Fadiman – The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Audiobook Free. We enjoy as their communities are annihilated by communist pressures, forcing the Hmong to risk life and also arm or leg to make it to America.

Hmong evacuees Nao Kao and also Foua Lee have settled in attractive Merced, California with their household. Their child Lia is born as well as catastrophe strikes: she has frequent seizures as well as is identified with epilepsy. Lia’s therapy is made complex by Nao Kao’s and Foua’s lack of ability to talk English, making it just about difficult to connect with her physicians. Inevitably, whatever comes to a head when Lia’s medical professional, Neil Ernst, gets fed up with this lack of communication as well as sends Lia into a foster home.

When Lia was around three months old, her older sis Yer knocked a door and Lia had her first seizure. Her parents, Foua as well as Nao Kao, believed that the sound of the door had actually triggered her spirit to get away. They diagnosed her illness as qaug dab secure, “the spirit catches you and also you drop.” While they were worried for Lia’s security, they likewise thought her seizures made her special, as lots of epileptics were selected to be ‘tvix neebs’, or ‘shamans’. They brought her for treatment to the Merced Area Medical Facility (MCMC), yet they additionally used standard recovery methods and also engaged a tvix neeb to recall her heart. The family members counted on “a little medicine and also a little neeb,” but fretted that too much medication might restrict the efficiency of the spiritual healing.

Lia’s rationalist physicians, on the other hand, treated Lia’s epilepsy totally as a neurological disorder. Her key doctors, Neil Ernst and also Peggy Philp, tried to give the highest possible requirement of medical care feasible. Nevertheless, the issue was not even properly identified till a couple of months after Lia’s initial go to, as a result of an absence of interpreters. Lia’s clinical regimen was made complex and also her moms and dads were either unable to comply with the doctors’ instructions, resistant to do so, or both. They were unhappy with the negative effects of the drug and also might not have actually understood the connection in between a seizure as well as its impact on the brain, neither the need of offering anticonvulsants.

The Lees’ disagreement had disastrous results. Lia suffered more and more severe seizures as well as started to reveal indicators of mental retardation. Concerned for Lia’s safety and security, Neil notified Child Protective Solutions (CPS) and also had the child placed into foster treatment. While her foster parents were kind, the separation was stressful for both Lia as well as her parents.

Lia’s social worker, Jeanine Handle, instructed Foua exactly how to provide Lia’s medication to ensure that the household could be rejoined. Four months after returning house, however, Lia went into status epilepticus and also had to remain at the hospital for fourteen evenings. Two months later, she had an additional grand mal seizure, which would not quit. It ended up she had septic shock, a problem that left her brain-dead.

Lia’s medical professionals presumed she would certainly die and also allowed the household to take her house. She did not die, nevertheless, for an additional twenty-six years. Her family continued to like and look after her, and also each year a tvix neeb held a ceremony to ease her suffering.

Interspersed in Lia’s tale are phases on the background and also society of the Hmong, which assist to describe the Lees’ perspective. The ethnic group originated in China, where they combated the Chinese to maintain their culture. As opposed to assimilate, many moved to the highlands of Vietnam, Laos, as well as Thailand. Throughout the Vietnam Battle, the CIA hired the Hmong in Laos to combat against communist pressures. When the US withdrew its support, around 150,000 Hmong (consisting of the Lees) were compelled to leave their residences to run away mistreatment. The majority ultimately transferred to the United States, where they endured slander, physical violence, and also high rates of joblessness. A lot of their American neighbors, not aware of their participation in the battle, resented their high reliance on welfare. The Hmong, on the other hand, really felt that they deserved this aid because of the sacrifices they had actually produced the U.S

. The Hmong’s perseverance and also hesitation to surrender helped them to endure for hundreds of years. However, it additionally made them wary of submitting to medical professionals’ orders. A compounding consider Hmong noncompliance was their taboo against lots of western clinical treatments. For instance, they believed that the body has only a finite amount of blood and that often taking one’s blood can be harmful or deadly. They thought surgical treatment may bring about disfigurement not just in this lifetime however additionally in succeeding ones, which autopsies might stop souls from being reborn. For this reason and also others, western doctors often battled with their Hmong clients.

Fadiman suggests that recognizing various other idea systems could go a long way in boosting the results of individuals from various cultures. She mentions instances of successful cross-cultural programs, such as one in which shamans are encouraged to function alongside western healthcare providers. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Audiobook Online. Her work has actually had a lot of impact, as it is often checked out in clinical training programs and also “cultural proficiency” is currently identified as an essential characteristic.

Points go from bad to worse. Although Lia’s foster mom, Dee Korda, is an incredible woman and also her social worker, Jeanine Hilt, is equally remarkable, Lia’s condition aggravates as quickly as she’s separated from her family members. By the time she returns residence, she’s having significant seizures often and also her development is noticeably slowed down. Some time later, a serious seizure leaves her lawfully brain-dead.

This leaves Nao Kao and Foua to grab the pieces and reconstruct their lives. Although they commit themselves to making Lia as comfy as feasible– maintaining her active for years longer than the physicians expected– Nao Kao and Foua are deeply drunk by the experience, blaming Lia’s medical professionals for their little girl’s problem. And also yes, strangely enough, we’ll leave it at that.

Anne Fadiman – The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Audiobook Free

Anne Fadiman – The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Audiobook


This book was created in 1997 along with I at first reviewed it in nursing college. Although it’s been almost twenty years, “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down” is equally as pertinent presently as it was when it was developed. As a matter of fact, I in some way reviewed overview to my mommy in policy and when I uncovered she had not review it, I obtained her a duplicate for Xmas. I afterwards really felt required to re- checked out the book myself, along with discovered that I have actually supplied out my duplicate. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Audiobook Free. It’s been long enough that I’m believing that I’m not obtaining my duplicate back- specifically since I do not remember that has my duplicate! I entailed today to buy another duplicate for myself. The book is merely that wonderful.

Anne Fadiman’s book is actually fascinating and likewise simply draws in the visitors in. Although “The Spirit Catches You and You Decline” discuss so delicate subjects, Anne Fadiman manages to show the social distinctions so starkly that I wound up sensation understanding to both the western professional area that was attempting to manage Lia Lee in addition to Lia’s relative and her area. It’s created much more like a discussion in between author and likewise site visitor than a tale.

I function as a registered nurse I often think about this magazine when I take pleasure in a brand name- brand-new mom things cotton in her ears, placed a towel over her head before going outside, decline the health center food for mixture and likewise chicken produced by house, or perfectly advise me over and over “No ice in the water please!”. I honestly believe this book should be required evaluation for medical professionals, registered nurses, social employees, foster moms and dads, and so on. A genuine eyeopener to the Hmong society, the therapy of epilepsy and likewise the numerous sights of professional employees and caretakers. I was attracted to this book because of the reality that I have a kid that has actually had seizures. Learning the perspective of another society in the direction of epilepsy supplied me greater understanding on running into such a disability. It was upsetting to understand the numerous strategies to treatment and specifically just how social differences were/are not frequently recognized (to the advantage of the private and likewise their house). This was not an enjoyable magazine to have a look at, nonetheless it was in addition difficult to take down. I wish that a whole lot much more just recently social awarness in clinical employees and caretakers has in fact been determined and is being used. This was a required book for a psych nursing program. I fairly valued it total and have actually evaluated it 2 times presently (when for course and likewise when out of course). The author has an one- of- a- type means of composing, where a variety of stages discuss the relative and afterwards a set phases go over the history of the Hmong people; I will absolutely admit regarding midway with overview that began to aggravate me as I want to understand what occurred with the family members, so I undertook along with found/read the phases on them, and after that returned and found/read the history phases. Perhaps not what the author or my teacher planned, nonetheless I still preserved all the details and obtained 100% of the examination concerns on this magazine right.

Generally, this is an extraordinary book for recognizing social differences in the medical care setup and likewise just how a little of campaign right into social understanding and language corresponding could significantly alter the outcome for the individual along with the relative. Review this please if you’re entering into any type of clinical area, specifically if you’re mosting likely to be running in a location with varied ethnic people. This book makes you presume. It was fascinating and likewise irritating to have a look at the battles of an inadequate, immigrant Hmong family members in The golden state, taking care of the uphill struggle of caring for their substantially unhealthy child, protected against every which way by requiring to browse in a language and likewise society they can not understand. Yet what troubled me is, although there are additional options easily offered today, disgust and likewise worry of asylum seekers and immigrants that have personalized- mades various than whatever mainstream America believes it has, still dominate. Anne Fadiman – The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Audio Book Download. The name of the group, the border they are going across, simply exactly how they arrive, could modify progressively. Nonetheless there appears to be a widespread concern of “the numerous other” along with a lack of understanding of social differences in human communications.

Anne Fadiman – The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Audiobook (Online)

Anne Fadiman – The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Audiobook


This book was created in 1997 along with I originally reviewed it in nursing institution. Although it’s been almost twenty years, “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down” is equally as pertinent presently as it was when it was produced. Actually, I in some way reviewed overview to my mommy in law and when I found she had not review it, I obtained her a duplicate for Xmas. I afterwards really felt required to re- reviewed the book myself, along with located that I have actually used out my duplicate. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Audiobook Free. It’s been long enough that I’m assuming that I’m not obtaining my duplicate back- particularly since I do not remember that has my duplicate! I included today to buy another duplicate for myself. The book is merely that wonderful.

Anne Fadiman’s book is truly intriguing and likewise simply draws in the customers in. Although “The Spirit Catches You and You Decrease” discuss so delicate subjects, Anne Fadiman takes care of to highlight the social distinctions so starkly that I wound up sensation understanding to both the western scientific community that was attempting to take care of Lia Lee in addition to Lia’s relative and her community. It’s created a lot more like a discussion in between author and likewise site visitor than a tale.

I function as a registered nurse I regularly think about this magazine when I delight in a brand name- brand-new mom things cotton in her ears, placed a towel over her head before going outside, decline the health center food for mixture and likewise chicken created by home, or well advise me over and over “No ice in the water please!”. I honestly believe this book should certainly be required evaluation for doctors, registered nurses, social employees, foster moms and dads, and so on. An actual eyeopener to the Hmong society, the therapy of epilepsy and likewise the different sights of scientific workers and caretakers. I was attracted to this book as a result of the truth that I have a youngster that has actually had seizures. Discovering the perspective of another society in the direction of epilepsy used me greater understanding on coming across such a disability. It was upsetting to recognize the different techniques to treatment and precisely just how social differences were/are not frequently recognized (to the advantage of the specific and likewise their home). This was not a pleasant magazine to take a look at, nevertheless it was furthermore difficult to take down. I really hope that a great deal extra lately social awarness in clinical workers and caretakers has in fact been recognized and is being used. This was a required book for a psych nursing program. I fairly valued it general and have actually examined it 2 times presently (when for course and likewise when out of course). The author has an one- of- a- type means of composing, where a variety of stages mention the relative and afterwards a set phases review the history of the Hmong people; I will definitely admit regarding midway with overview that began to aggravate me as I want to recognize what occurred with the family members, so I went through along with found/read the phases on them, and after that returned and found/read the history phases. Potentially not what the author or my teacher meant, nevertheless I still kept all the details and obtained 100% of the examination inquiries on this magazine right.

As a whole, this is an extraordinary book for comprehending social differences in the medical care setup and likewise just how a little of effort right into social understanding and language corresponding may significantly transform the outcome for the individual along with the relative. Review this please if you’re entering into any kind of clinical area, particularly if you’re mosting likely to be running in a location with varied ethnic populations. This book makes you presume. It was intriguing and likewise discouraging to take a look at the battles of a bad, immigrant Hmong family members in The golden state, managing the uphill struggle of caring for their dramatically unhealthy child, protected against every which way by requiring to browse in a language and likewise society they can not understand. Yet what troubled me is, although there are additional services easily offered today, disgust and likewise issue of asylum seekers and immigrants that have personalized- mades various than whatever mainstream America believes it has, still dominate. Anne Fadiman – The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Audio Book Download. The name of the group, the border they are going across, simply exactly how they arrive, may change progressively. Nevertheless there appears to be a widespread concern of “the different other” along with a lack of understanding of social differences in human communications.

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The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Audiobook by Anne Fadiman – Discover Most Popular Free Audiobooks of Nonfiction, Social Sciences – Podcast

Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to Title: The Longevity EconomySubtitle: Unlocking the World’s Fastest-Growing, Most Misunderstood MarketAuthor: Joseph F. CoughlinNarrator: Kiff VandenHeuvelFormat: UnabridgedLength: 12 hrs and 24 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 11-07-17Publisher: Hachette AudioRatings: 4 of 5 out of 7 votesGenres: Nonfiction, Social SciencesPublisher’s Summary:Oldness: a social construct at odds with reality that constrains how we live after middle age and stifles business thinking on how to best serve a group of consumers, workers, and innovators that is growing larger and wealthier with every passing day.Over the past two decades, Joseph F. Coughlin has been busting myths about aging with groundbreaking multidisciplinary research into what older people actually want – not what conventional wisdom suggests they need. In The Longevity Economy, Coughlin provides the framing and insight business leaders need to serve the growing older market: a vast, diverse group of consumers representing every possible level of health and wealth, worth about $8 trillion in the United States alone and climbing.Coughlin provides deep insight into a population that consistently defies expectations: people who, through their continued personal and professional ambition, desire for experience, and quest for self-actualization, are building a striking, unheralded vision of longer life that very few in business fully understand. His focus on women – they outnumber men, control household spending and finances, and are leading the charge toward tomorrow’s creative new narrative of later life – is especially illuminating.Coughlin pinpoints the gap between myth and reality and then shows businesses how to bridge it. As the demographics of global aging transform and accelerate, it is now critical to build a new understanding of the shifting physiological, cognitive, social, family, and psychological realities of the longevity economy.PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your Library section along with the audio.Critic Reviews:”Joe Coughlin has proven that the time has come to create a new narrative of possibility in old age. In The Longevity Economy, he not only defines that better narrative – he shows businesses how to lead in creating it and how to profit from the opportunities it provides.” (Jo Ann Jenkins, CEO, AARP)”Joe Coughlin has done a terrific job exploding “old age” as a concept. The magnificent result – at once forward-looking, hilariously irreverent, and engaging – serves as an indispensable road map for how to take full advantage of life’s ever-lengthening third act. As I’ve found among the world’s longest-lived people, celebrating older people is a key ingredient. The Longevity Economy shows us how to harness the skills of the wisest people among us and help them – and everyone around them – live longer.” (Dan Buettner, National Geographic fellow and author of The Blue Zones)Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, And the Collision of Two Cultures (Unabridged‪)‬

Publisher Description

Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonfiction

When three-month-old Lia Lee arrived at the county hospital emergency room in Merced, California, a chain of events was set in motion from which neither she nor her parents nor her doctors would ever recover. Lia’s parents, Foua and Nao Kao, were part of a large Hmong community in Merced, refugees from the CIA-run “Quiet War” in Laos. The Hmong, traditionally a close-knit people, have been less amenable to assimilation than most immigrants, adhering steadfastly to the rituals and beliefs of their ancestors. Lia’s pediatricians, Neil Ernst and his wife, Peggy Philip, cleaved just as strongly to another tradition: that of Western medicine.

When Lia Lee entered the American medical system, diagnosed as an epileptic, her story became a tragic case history of cultural miscommunication. Parents and doctors both wanted the best for Lia, but their ideas about the causes of her illness and its treatment could hardly have been more different. The Hmong see illness and healing as spiritual matters linked to virtually everything in the universe while medical community marks a division between body and soul and concerns itself almost exclusively with the former.

Lia’s doctors ascribed her seizures to the misfiring of her cerebral neurons; her parents called her illness qaug dab peg – the spirit catches you and you fall down – and ascribed it to the wandering of her soul. The doctors prescribed anticonvulsants; her parents preferred animal sacrifices.

The spirit catches you and you fall down : a Hmong child, her American doctors, and the collision of two cultures (Audiobook on CD, 2016) []

Explores the clash between a small county hospital in California and a refugee family from Laos over the care of Lia Lee, a Hmong child diagnosed with severe epilepsy. Lia’s parents and her doctors both wanted what was best for Lia, but the lack of understanding between them led to tragedy.

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