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15 Fun Facts That Will Make You Love Simone Biles Even More
11 She’s hitting a whole lot of “firsts.” simone biles gymnast. Getty Images. At age 24, she’s already made history. Not only is Simone the …
Source: www.goodhousekeeping.com
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Jcovden (previously COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen)
Overview; Authorisation details; Product information; Assessment history; Safety updates. Authorised. This medicine is authorised for use in the European …
Source: www.ema.europa.eu
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Photo de Lot Kury – Cafe, Cocktailbar & More, Wroclaw …
Lot Kury – Cafe, Cocktailbar & More, Wroclaw Photo : Dobry tydzień kończy się i zaczyna na koktajlu, sprawdzone info – Découvrez les 112 photos et …
Source: www.tripadvisor.fr
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Facebook privacy changes draw mixed reviews – Reuters
… privacy settings will push a lot more information into the public realm. … share even more information than before,” Bankston wrote.
Source: www.reuters.com
Date Published: 8/19/2022
View: 5002
Control your title links in search results – Google Developers
It’s often the primary piece of information people use to dece which result to … albums, reviews and concerts” contains a lot of uninformative text.
Source: developers.google.com
Date Published: 5/29/2022
View: 5062
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주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Mezardan Çıkan 7 Tılsımlı Heykel Definesi Korkuttu !!! talismanic treasure !. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.
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- Author: defineci deniz
- Views: 조회수 19,627회
- Likes: 좋아요 772개
- Date Published: 2022. 8. 18.
- Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dpWreD8Xm8
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(C) 2021 UITN
15 Fun Facts That Will Make You Love Simone Biles Even More
14 She was adopted as a young child.
Born in 1997 in Columbus, Ohio, Simone was taken out of the home of her birth mother, who struggled with addiction, and placed in foster care with her three siblings. Her maternal grandfather, Air Force veteran Ron and his wife, retired nurse Nellie, stepped in to take care of the kids, officially adopting Simone at 6 years old as well as her little sister Adria. Their great aunt took in Simone’s older siblings.
During the Olympics, a commentator refused to call her adoptive parents anything but her “grandparents,” for which he later apologized. Simone responded: “My parents are my parents and that’s it.”
Jcovden (previously COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen)
The most common side effects with Jcovden are usually mild or moderate and get better within 1 or 2 days after vaccination. The most common side effects are pain at the injection site, headache, tiredness, muscle pain and nausea. They may affect more than 1 in 10 people.
Coughing, joint pain, fever, chills, as well as redness and swelling at injection site may affect up to 1 in 10 people. Sneezing, tremor, dizziness, paraesthesia (unusual sensations like numbness, tingling or pins and needles), throat pain, rash, sweating, diarrhoea, muscle weakness, pain in the arms and legs, backache, weakness and feeling generally unwell may affect up to 1 in 100 people. Rare side effects (which may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people) are venous thromboembolism (formation of blood clots in veins), lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes), hypoesthesia (reduced sensation to touch, pain and temperature), tinnitus (ringing or buzzing in the ears), vomiting, hypersensitivity (allergy) and itchy rash.
Thrombosis (formation of blood clots in the blood vessels) in combination with thrombocytopenia (low levels of blood platelets) and Guillain-Barré syndrome (a neurological disorder in which the body’s immune system damages nerve cells) may affect up to 1 in 10,000 people.
Allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction), have occurred in people receiving the vaccine. As for all vaccines, Jcovden should be given under close supervision with appropriate medical treatment available.
A very small number of cases of immune thrombocytopenia (a condition in which the immune system mistakenly targets blood platelets, reducing their levels and affecting normal blood clotting), capillary leak syndrome (fluid leakage from small blood vessels causing tissue swelling and a drop in blood pressure) and transverse myelitis (a neurological condition characterised by an inflammation in the spinal cord) have occurred with Jcovden.
The risk of very rare events (such as thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome [TTS], capillary leak syndrome and Guillain-Barré syndrome) after a booster dose of Jcovden is unknown.
Jcovden must not be given to people who have previously had capillary leak syndrome; it must also not be given to people who have had TTS following vaccination with any COVID-19 vaccine.
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Facebook privacy changes draw mixed reviews
Facebook’s revamped privacy settings will push more user data onto the Internet and, in some cases, make privacy protection harder for Facebook users, digital civil liberties experts said.
While acknowledging that many of the changes unveiled Wednesday will be good for privacy, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Attorney Kevin Bankston said the social-networking giant is also removing some important privacy controls that it should have kept.
“I think you’re better off in some ways and worse off in some ways,” he said. “It’s really a mixed bag.”
Ari Schwartz, chief operating officer of the Center for Democracy and Technology, offered a similarly mixed review. According to him, giving people more control over who sees their individual posts is a good thing, but the new default privacy settings will push a lot more information into the public realm. That “actually has a negative effect on privacy,” he said.
Bankston was more forthright in an EFF blog post.
“Our conclusion? These new ‘privacy’ changes are clearly intended to push Facebook users to publicly share even more information than before,” Bankston wrote. “Even worse, the changes will actually reduce the amount of control that users have over some of their personal data.”
Facebook began rolling out its new privacy settings Wednesday, responding to critics who had said the existing system was needlessly complex and frequently ineffective. By simplifying the way privacy is set up, Facebook says it will improve its users’ privacy.
“Numerous settings and complicated options can make it harder for people to make informed decisions about their privacy or about the Facebook experience they want,” said Elliot Schrage, Facebook’s vice president of communications, public policy and marketing, in a press conference.
To date, between 15 and 20 percent of Facebook’s 350 million users take the time to adjust their privacy settings. But with the changes unveiled Wednesday, all users will have to go through a privacy configuration wizard to set their preferences.
Critics say that’s where the problems start.
Users who had not previously selected their own privacy settings, and who now go with Facebook’s default settings, will be publishing their status messages and wall posts to everyone on the Internet. That will mark a change for most users because until now, Facebook’s default settings restricted this material to friends and people within a person’s network.
The change will be most noticeable to people who used the default settings in the past and decide to stick with Facebook’s new defaults, Schwartz said. “If you haven’t set your settings in the past, you’ll probably be surprised by what happens,” he said. “You’ll probably show up in Google.”
The EFF’s Bankston said some information that could previously be kept from the public — profile pictures, for example — will now be publicly available no matter what. Facebook does give users the option of removing this type of information from search engines, however, making it harder for someone who is not connected to a user to view it.
Facebook has also eliminated a privacy option that blocked personal information from being shared via the Facebook API (application program interface). “This is perhaps one of the biggest problems,” Bankston said. “Without using any apps at all, your information will be shared with hundreds if not thousands of Facebook application developers by virtue of your friends choosing to use apps,” he said.
Facebook is ditching this option because it was not widely used, and contributed to the complexity problem Facebook is trying to tackle, a company spokesman said. “The controls had become too complex,” he said. “People were not exercising control because they were overwhelmed by the choices.”
Approximately 350,000 people presently block the Facebook API from accessing their data, he added. That’s just 0.1 percent of Facebook users.
A large part of Facebook’s problem stems from the company’s decision to remove networks, which in some cases had grown too large to be meaningful. However, Schwartz said, they did give users a way to post information without sharing it with the world at large.
Now the world at large is going to get a much better look at Facebook than ever before.
How to Change Title Links in Google Search
A title link is the title of a search result on Google Search and other properties (for example, Google News) that links to the web page. Google uses a number of different sources to automatically determine the title link, but you can indicate your preferences by following our best practices for influencing title links.
Note: The actual appearance in search results might be different.
Best practices for influencing title links
Title links are critical to giving users a quick insight into the content of a result and why it’s relevant to their query. It’s often the primary piece of information people use to decide which result to click on, so it’s important to use high-quality title text on your web pages.
Make sure every page on your site has a title specified in the
element . . Write descriptive and concise text for your
elements. Avoid vague descriptors like “Home” for your home page, or “Profile” for a specific person’s profile. Also avoid unnecessarily long or verbose text in your elements, which is likely to get truncated when it shows up in search results. text for your elements. Avoid vague descriptors like “Home” for your home page, or “Profile” for a specific person’s profile. Also avoid unnecessarily long or verbose text in your elements, which is likely to get truncated when it shows up in search results. Avoid keyword stuffing . It’s sometimes helpful to have a few descriptive terms in the
element, but there’s no reason to have the same words or phrases appear multiple times. Title text like “Foobar, foo bar, foobars, foo bars” doesn’t help the user, and this kind of keyword stuffing can make your results look spammy to Google and to users. . It’s sometimes helpful to have a few descriptive terms in the element, but there’s no reason to have the same words or phrases appear multiple times. Title text like “Foobar, foo bar, foobars, foo bars” doesn’t help the user, and this kind of keyword stuffing can make your results look spammy to Google and to users. Avoid repeated or boilerplate text in
elements . It’s important to have distinct, descriptive text in the element for each page on your site. Titling every page on a commerce site “Cheap products for sale”, for example, makes it impossible for users to distinguish between two pages. Long text in the element that varies by only a single piece of information (“boilerplate” titles) is also bad; for example, a common element for all pages with text like “Band Name – See videos, lyrics, posters, albums, reviews and concerts” contains a lot of uninformative text. One solution is to dynamically update the element to better reflect the actual content of the page. For example, include the words “video”, “lyrics”, etc., only if that particular page contains video or lyrics. Another option is to just use the actual name of the band as a concise text in the element and use the meta description to describe your page’s content. . It’s important to have distinct, descriptive text in the element for each page on your site. Titling every page on a commerce site “Cheap products for sale”, for example, makes it impossible for users to distinguish between two pages. Long text in the element that varies by only a single piece of information (“boilerplate” titles) is also bad; for example, a common element for all pages with text like “Band Name – See videos, lyrics, posters, albums, reviews and concerts” contains a lot of uninformative text. Brand your titles concisely. The
element on your site’s home page is a reasonable place to include some additional information about your site. For example: ExampleSocialSite, a place for people to meet and mingle But displaying that text in theelement of every single page on your site will look repetitive if several pages from your site are returned for the same query. In this case, consider including just your site name at the beginning or end of each element, separated from the rest of the text with a delimiter such as a hyphen, colon, or pipe, like this: ExampleSocialSite: Sign up for a new account. concisely. The element on your site’s home page is a reasonable place to include some additional information about your site. For example: But displaying that text in the element of every single page on your site will look repetitive if several pages from your site are returned for the same query. In this case, consider including just your site name at the beginning or end of each element, separated from the rest of the text with a delimiter such as a hyphen, colon, or pipe, like this: Make it clear which text is the main title for the page. Google looks at various sources when creating title links, including the main visual title, heading elements, and other large and prominent text, and it can be confusing if multiple headings carry the same visual weight and prominence. Consider ensuring that your main title is distinctive from other text on a page and stands out as being the most prominent on the page (for example, using a larger font, putting the title text in the first visible
element on the page, etc).
for the page. Google looks at various sources when creating title links, including the main visual title, heading elements, and other large and prominent text, and it can be confusing if multiple headings carry the same visual weight and prominence. Consider ensuring that your main title is distinctive from other text on a page and stands out as being the most prominent on the page (for example, using a larger font, putting the title text in the first visible element on the page, etc). Be careful about disallowing search engines from crawling your pages. Using the robots.txt protocol on your site can stop Google from crawling your pages, but it may not always prevent them from being indexed. For example, Google may index your page if we discover it by following a link from someone else’s site. If we don’t have access to the content on your page, we will rely on off-page content to generate the title link, such as anchor text from other sites. To prevent a URL from being indexed, you can use the noindex directive.
from crawling your pages. Using the robots.txt protocol on your site can stop Google from crawling your pages, but it may not always prevent them from being indexed. For example, Google may index your page if we discover it by following a link from someone else’s site. If we don’t have access to the content on your page, we will rely on off-page content to generate the title link, such as anchor text from other sites. To prevent a URL from being indexed, you can use the directive. Use the same script and language as the primary content on your pages. Google tries to show a title link that matches the primary script and language of a page. If Google determines that a
element does not match the script or language of the page’s primary content, we may choose a different text as the title link. Google’s generation of title links on the Google Search results page is completely automated and takes into account both the content of a page and references to it that appear on the web. The goal of the title link is to best represent and describe each result.
Google Search uses the following sources to automatically determine title links:
Content in
elements elements Main visual title shown on the page
Heading elements, such as
elements Other content that’s large and prominent through the use of style treatments
Other text contained in the page
Anchor text on the page
Text within links that point to the page
Keep in mind that Google has to recrawl and reprocess the page to notice updates to these sources, which may take a few days to a few weeks. If you’ve made changes, you can request that Google recrawl your pages.
While we can’t manually change title links for individual sites, we’re always working to make them as relevant as possible. You can help improve the quality of the title link that’s displayed for your page by following the best practices.
Troubleshooting common issues
Here are the most common issues we see with title links in search results. To avoid these issues, follow the best practices for controlling title links.
Why the title link in search results might differ from the page’s
element or main heading: If we’ve detected an issue on the page, we may try to generate an improved title link from anchors, on-page text, or other sources. Common issues Half-empty
elements When part of the title text is missing. For example: | Site Name Google Search looks at information in header elements or other large and prominent text on the page to produce a title link: Product Name | Site Name Obsoleteelements When the same page is used year-after-year for recurring information, but the element didn’t get updated to reflect the latest date. For example: 2020 admissions criteria – University of Awesome In this example, the page has a large, visible title that says “2021 admissions criteria”, and theelement wasn’t updated to the current date. Google Search may detect this inconsistency and uses the right date from the visible title on the page in the title link: 2021 admissions criteria – University of Awesome Inaccurate elements When the elements don’t accurately reflect what the page is about. For example, the page could have dynamic content with the following element: Giant stuffed animals, teddy bears, polar bears – Site Name Google Search tries to determine if theelement isn’t accurately showing what a page is about. Google Search might modify the title link to better help users if it determines that the page title doesn’t reflect the page content. For example: Stuffed animals – Site Name Micro-boilerplate text in elements When there are repeated boilerplate text in elements for a subset of pages within a site. For example, a television website has multiple pages that share the same element that omits the season numbers, and it’s not clear which page is for what season. That produces duplicate elements like this: My so-called amazing TV show My so-called amazing TV show My so-called amazing TV show Google Search can detect the season number used in large, prominent title text and insert the season number in the title link: Season 1 – My so-called amazing TV show Season 2 – My so-called amazing TV show Season 3 – My so-called amazing TV show No clear main title When there’s more than one large, prominent heading, and it isn’t clear which text is the main title of the page. For example, a page has two or more headings that use the same styling or heading level. If Google Search detects that there are multiple large, prominent headings, it may use the first heading as the text for the title link. Consider ensuring that your main heading is distinctive from other text on a page and stands out as being the most prominent on the page (for example, using a larger font, putting the title text in the first visibleelement on the page, etc). Mismatch of script or language used in
elements When the script or language of the text in elements doesn’t match the script or language of the primary text on a page. For example, when a page is in written in Hindi, but the title includes text in English or is transliterated into Latin characters. If Google detects a mismatch, it may generate a title link that better matches the primary content. Consider ensuring that the script and language matches what is most prominent on the page. If you’re seeing your pages appear in the search results with modified title links, check whether your page has one of the issues that Google adjusts for. If not, consider whether the title link in search results is a better fit for the query. If you still think the original title text would be better, let us know in our Google Search Central Help Community.
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