Yamaha Pm3500 Mixing Console | Yamaha Pm3500-32 Mixing Console On Govliquidation.Com 상위 257개 베스트 답변

당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “yamaha pm3500 mixing console – Yamaha PM3500-32 Mixing Console on GovLiquidation.com“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 https://ppa.charoenmotorcycles.com 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: ppa.charoenmotorcycles.com/blog. 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 Government Liquidation 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 5,812회 및 좋아요 13개 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.

yamaha pm3500 mixing console 주제에 대한 동영상 보기

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d여기에서 Yamaha PM3500-32 Mixing Console on GovLiquidation.com – yamaha pm3500 mixing console 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

http://www.GovLiquidation.com – This Yamaha PM3500-32 Mixing Console has been sold. The Mixing Console was located in Mechanicsburg, PA.
The mixing console has: (36) CH controls, (9) master controls, (8) matrix, PW monitor, slide controls, push button controls, (3) 3\” diameter fans, power cord, audio cords, overall dimensions 59\”W X 35\”L X 13\”H, mixing console is in Just ‘N’ Case shipping case, case has (4) 2\”W and 4\” diameter wheels, overall dimensions 59 1/2\”L X 69\”W X 19\”H.
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yamaha pm3500 mixing console 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Yamaha PM3500 Operating Manual – ManualsLib

View and Download Yamaha PM3500 operating manual online. Yamaha PM3500 Audio Mixers: User Gue. PM3500 music mixer pdf manual download.

+ 여기에 표시

Source: www.manualslib.com

Date Published: 8/20/2022

View: 4048

PM3500 Mixing Console – GearSource

Yamaha mixing consoles prove exceptional sound quality, reliable operation and a full complement of powerful features. 2 Available: 0 New | 2 Used.

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오

Source: gearsource.com

Date Published: 12/14/2022

View: 7710

Yamaha PM3500-32 Channel console – Reverb

This mixing console from legendary PM series is in good shape and has been kept in a road case, which is included the deal.

+ 여기에 표시

Source: reverb.com

Date Published: 9/6/2021

View: 5985

Yamaha PM3500-52 Mixing Console – Gearwise

The PM3500 offers extensive Cue/Solo capabilities. First, there are two cue modes: Last Cue and Mix Cue. … In contrast, Mix Cue allows you to build, or pile, a …

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+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오

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Thank you for purchasing the Yamaha PM3500 MIXING CONSOLE. In order to take full advantage of the PM3500 and enjoy long, trouble-free performance, …

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Yamaha PM 3500 vs Soundcraft Series 5 – Gearspace.com

a 48 Yamaha pm3500 and a 48 4 Soundcraft Series 5. The Yamaha PM3500 is cheaper. Any thoughts from users of these … if you would comment on these mixers,

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오

Source: gearspace.com

Date Published: 7/15/2021

View: 2448

주제와 관련된 이미지 yamaha pm3500 mixing console

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Yamaha PM3500-32 Mixing Console on GovLiquidation.com. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Yamaha PM3500-32 Mixing Console on GovLiquidation.com
Yamaha PM3500-32 Mixing Console on GovLiquidation.com

주제에 대한 기사 평가 yamaha pm3500 mixing console

  • Author: Government Liquidation
  • Views: 조회수 5,812회
  • Likes: 좋아요 13개
  • Date Published: 2013. 8. 21.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsgdyY1K_0E

Yamaha PM3500-32 Channel console

This mixing console from legendary PM series is in good shape and has been kept in a road case, which is included the deal. It is a 32 frame with 8 sub groups, 8 VCAs, and matrix outputs for tons of flexibility. It is best suited for a fixed install,(church, club, or studio) but it still has plenty of road miles left. We have tested it in our shop and it is fully functional. Mixer comes with road case and two PW4000 power supplies. Feel free to contact us with any questions you might have on this item.

Will consider any reasonable offers.

**Due to size of the item we will not ship, but it can be picked up by the carrier of your choice. Message us to make arrangements.**

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Yamaha PM3500-52 Mixing Console

The Yamaha PM3500 Mixing Console Features

Digitally Controlled Muting

The input channels, auxiliary returns and output buss On/Off functions are electronically controlled via a central CPU. The consoles allow up to 128 patches or “scenes” to be stored in memory and recalled via a 10-key pad on the front panel or an external MIDI device. In addition to complete scene changes, external MIDI control can be used to individually turn input and output channels on or off as required. This means that a MIDI Sequencer or music computer can be used for total mute automation.

Versatile Mix Matrix

A new 12 x 4ST +4MN matrix configuration with four of the eight matrices offering stereo output. So, sources can be mixed and panned into a stereo output for the first four matrices and into mono output on the other four. Matrix channels accept a direct stereo sub-input from a rear panel connector.

VCA Grouping

Eight VCA Group switches next to each channel fader enable that channel to be assigned to and controlled by one or more of the VCA Master Faders. The VCA Master Fader affects the input channel directly and also alters that channel’s post-fader output to any of the eight auxiliary mixing busses, something not possible with the conventional Group Master-Faders.

Advanced Cue/Solo Functions

The PM3500 offers extensive Cue/Solo capabilities. First, there are two cue modes: Last Cue and Mix Cue. Last Cue offers several important functions: (1) it allows you to scroll through cues without having to turn each channel on and then off, (2) it eliminates the frantic search for the previous cue because it automatically drops it when a new one is selected, and (3) a double tap on Last Cue button clears the entire board of all cues. In contrast, Mix Cue allows you to build, or pile, a cue onto any existing one(s) so you can completely monitor large selections of channels or VCA groups. The PM3500 includes powerful cueing options beyond individual channels: VCA Group Cue, Master Cue Prefade listen (PFL) and Master Solo Selection. VCA Group Cue isolates an entire VCA Group for scrutiny either pre or post pan. Master Cue PFL lets the user switch between pre and after fader listening of the master section. And Master Solo Section allows you to selectively solo auxiliary, matrix or group sections in order to hear only what you need to hear. To keep the switch between cues at different sound levels from destroying your hearing, the PM3500 offers Cue PFL trim/Cue VCA trim. Adjust the trim levels of VCA groups and the Master Group to even out — or separate — the sound for the most comfortable levels.

Easy to View Metering

The consoles feature input peak LEDs to properly set levels of individual channels. Next, the new Peak indicators give a visual indication of each individual buss. If the levels on the group, auxiliary, stereo, matrix or cue outputs are too high, a peak LED in the output VU meters flashes to warn of the impending danger of clipping.All inputs include

4-band parametric EQ- This features high/low shelving, switchable inserts, 8 VCA control assigns and direct outs.

Unique 12 x 4 stereo x 4 mono Mix Matrix- The matrix features 4 stereo and 4 mono outputs.

128 digitally controlled memories- The memories, which contain mute scenes, can be instantly recalled.

PFL and VCA cue trims- The trims allow optimum level setting.

4 Stereo input modules come standard- More modules are optional.

Continuously variable 50 dB gain trim- It also comes with a switchable 30 dB pad which lets inputs handle any signal.

8 mono auxiliary mixing busses- The busses are all pre/post selectable via external switches.

8 primary mix busses (groups)- In addition to the mix busses, a stereo buss can be “direct assigned” from inputs.

8 VCA groups- The VCA groups are equipped with mute and cue capability which are controlled by full-length group faders.

Large dedicated stereo VU meters- The VU meters plus 12 switchable VU meters display output level.

Yamaha PM 3500 vs Soundcraft Series 5

Proud PM 4000 32 channel mainframe user. Reasonably priced and clean and pure if that is what you are looking for. If you want to pay more money and don’t want to mess with cleaning up faders and pots and don’t have anyone that can do that stay away from them. The faders are dust collectors. The board is completely balanced and the EQ is a little harder to work with but once you get it the sound is wonderful. Precision is the key to it. It can be done. Just thoroughly read the manual and start experiencing it. I am well pleased with the sound I am getting. A lot on here bash these consoles but I am not one of them. Usually they have more money than common sense or the ability to do menial engineering tasks. One phillips screw driver and you are in. Power off please.If you need someone to clean up the ST modules for you let me know. I can do it. I have 30 years experience. You can do it. Just do not apply any oils or cleaners to the wiper area and make sure they are clean. You can add a few drops of pure silicon oil to the slide tubes. This will smooth the action of the faders out.

Last edited by musicfirst234; 10th November 2018 at 09:13 PM .. Reason: not enough info to help the user.

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  • Yamaha
  • Yamaha PM3500-32
  • PM3500-32
  • Yamaha Mixing Console
  • PM3500-32 Mixing Console
  • Audio equipment
  • audio equipment for sale
  • mixing console for sale
  • cheap mixing console for sale
  • where to buy a mixing console

Yamaha #PM3500-32 #Mixing #Console #on #GovLiquidation.com

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