Hal Huggins Root Canal | Dr. Hal Huggins Discusses Root Canals 최근 답변 138개

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d여기에서 Dr. HAL HUGGINS DISCUSSES ROOT CANALS – hal huggins root canal 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

Retired dentist Dr. Hal Huggins discusses his passion for dental health at the Price Pottenger Foundation monthly meeting in Lemon Grove Ca.
Dr. Huggins describes the results of his new venture in measuring with DNA analysis for bad bugs found inside dead teeth.
This remarkable man has helped millions of people understand the dangers of having mercury fillings (so called silver) in their mouth and been ridiculed by the foolish dental profession for his efforts.
Now that the mercury argument has been won he has turned his attention to the issue of root canals. He is investigating with modern scientific tools the concerns that Weston Price first raised in the 1920’s.

hal huggins root canal 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Root Canals and Toxic Bacterium – Huggins Applied Healing

Dr. Hal Huggins, followed the work of Dr. Weston Price, and looked at the DNA of crushed root tips. He found 83 different anaerobic bacterial species.

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Source: hugginsappliedhealing.com

Date Published: 10/14/2021

View: 4365

Dr Hal Alan Huggins, Noted Dental Pioneer, Passes Away

In his later years, Dr Huggins turned his attention to using emerging scientific tools to explore the bacteria he believed h in root-canal teeth and caused …

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Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Date Published: 1/3/2022

View: 946

Dr Hal Huggins about Root Canal – Odontomedik

According to Dr. Huggins, it is better to have your tooth removed rather than go through the root canal process that has proven to be more …

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Source: odontomedik.com

Date Published: 10/22/2021

View: 4247

The Huggins Protocol – Transcend Dental Health

Dr. Chang has adopted the Huggins protocols. When mercury or toxic root-canal-treated teeth are to be removed, this protocol supports the patient’s ability …

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Source: www.tdhtx.com

Date Published: 9/10/2022

View: 6968

Patients Beware: The Truth About the Documentary

Root canal treatments are absolutely essential to prevent other serious dental and … Another doctor cited in the film was Dr. Hal Huggins, …

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Source: whitewingdental.com

Date Published: 5/11/2022

View: 2630

DDS Huggins root canal – YouTube

Safe Alternatives to Root Canals · Dr Hal Huggins, Dangers of Amalgam Fillings – 1996 Tesla Symposium · Outspoken TV Appearance with Dr.

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Source: www.youtube.com

Date Published: 6/21/2022

View: 7659

Hal Huggins – Wikipedia

Hal Alan Huggins (1937 – November 29, 2014) was an American alternative dentistry advocate … sclerosis remitted after the removal of amalgam fillings and root canals.

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Source: en.wikipedia.org

Date Published: 11/26/2021

View: 5242

Dr. Hal Huggins’ Legacy to Biological Dentistry – and to Us

Huggins’ research took him beyond mercury and root canals, to other types of dental focus. Most recently, he formed the Dental DNA lab, which, among other …

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Source: beyondbiodent.com

Date Published: 7/19/2022

View: 9153

How Root Canals Cause Cancer by Dr. Hal Huggins

A pioneer in exposing mercury’s problem leaching out of dental amalgam, Dr. Huggins has become controversial for standing up for science and health. Root canals …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오

Source: www.endalldisease.com

Date Published: 11/24/2021

View: 1825

Huggins Protocol Carlsbad CA – Mercury Toxicity

Dr. Hal Huggins · Sequential removal of amalgam fillings and metal restorations. · Removal of infected root canal teeth that may be placing a toxicity burden on …

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Source: www.dentistryforsandiego.com

Date Published: 11/4/2022

View: 806

주제와 관련된 이미지 hal huggins root canal

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Dr. HAL HUGGINS DISCUSSES ROOT CANALS. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.


주제에 대한 기사 평가 hal huggins root canal

  • Author: David Kennedy, DDS
  • Views: 조회수 24,390회
  • Likes: 좋아요 364개
  • Date Published: 2013. 4. 1.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj5HpFzUn6s

What is the Huggins protocol?

The protocol includes preventing the patient from absorbing toxins during the procedure and supporting their ability to eliminate metals, bacteria and other toxins both before and after the visit.

Can a root canal cause problems years later?

With proper care, even teeth that have had root canal treatment can last a lifetime. But sometimes, a tooth that has been treated doesn’t heal properly and can become painful or diseased months or even years after treatment.

Why are root canals toxic?

Toxic materials used in filling: Many dentists use materials such as amalgam to fill the tooth after a root canal is performed, which can be detrimental to your health due to mercury and other metals in the filling material.

Which dentist is best for root canal?

An endodontist has more experience and expertise performing root canals than a dentist. While a dentist may perform two a week, endodontists often do a couple of dozen. This means endodontists are typically better vs. general dentists at performing root canals.

Can you see a failed root canal on xray?

Because root canal failure can sometimes be hard to see with the naked eye, radiographs can help endodontists diagnose and treat a failed root canal. With radiographs, your endodontist will see your treatment progress and if there are any issues inside your tooth structure or surrounding the root.

How long does a tooth last after a root canal?

Root canal treatment is usually successful at saving the tooth and clearing the infection. Around 9 out of 10 root-treated teeth survive for 8 to 10 years. Having a crown fitted to the tooth after root canal treatment is important for improving tooth survival rates.

What does a failed root canal feel like?

Pain. It is normal to have some discomfort for a few days after your root canal. If you have severe pain that lingers, though, or if your tooth feels better and then starts hurting again, you may be experiencing a root canal failure.

Why do holistic dentists not do root canals?

The resultant production of toxic gases and solutions from these chronic infections challenge the immune system and can lead to illness. A holistic approach to dentistry avoids root canals whenever possible. They represent a stress on the immune system that can manifest in many ways throughout the body.

Is it better to pull a tooth or get a root canal?

In most cases, root canal therapy is a better way to treat an infected tooth than an extraction. However, there are exceptions, such as if the tooth has suffered extreme damage. Your dentist will carefully analyze your oral health before making a treatment recommendation.

Can root canal affect brain?

Some of the research on the internet says that root canals can cause cancer, or most brain cancer patients have gone through a root canal. These claims are entirely false and propagated due to poorly designed and debunked research work done by Dr.

Can you get a root canal in one day?

A root canal can take anywhere from 90 minutes to 3 hours. It can sometimes be done in one appointment but may require two. A root canal may be done by your dentist or an endodontist.

How long does a root canal take?

Depending on the amount of infection in your tooth, root canal therapy may require one or two appointments. On average, a root canal takes about 30 to 60 minutes to complete. If you are having treatment on a larger tooth with multiple roots, it can take up to an hour and a half.

How much is a root canal?

The most common procedures and typical amounts charged by dentists are: Root Canal – Front Tooth (approximately $620 – $1,100 Out-of-Network) Root Canal – Premolar (approximately $720- $1,300 Out-of-Network) Root Canal – Molar (approximately $890 – $1,500 Out-of-Network)

What happens when an old root canal gets infected?

Root canal infections are often accompanied by an accumulation of pus known as abscesses. Chest pain, chills, fever. Root canal infections may spread to surrounding tissues and cause a bacterial infection that can lead to sore throats or pneumonia.

How do you know if an old root canal is infected?

Sensitivity to hot and cold, or lingering pain after consuming hot or cold food. Sharp pain when biting down or when tapping the teeth together. Constant pain and pressure. Swelling of the gums, with or without the presence of a pimple-like bump near the tooth on the gums.

What happens if you leave a root canal too long?

If a root canal is delayed for too long, the bacterial infection can spread to other areas of the mouth, putting the patient at risk for serious dental problems and other medical conditions. The infection can cause something called a dental abscess, which is a pus filled sac that requires immediate medical attention.

Can you get an abscess on a tooth that has already had a root canal?

A tooth that has been previously treated with a root canal procedure can also develop an abscess. This is often due to the lack of adequate seal from bacteria within the tooth or even a fracture of the tooth roots.

Root Canals and Toxic Bacterium

Dr. Hal Huggins, followed the work of Dr. Weston Price, and looked at the DNA of crushed root tips. He found 83 different anaerobic bacterial species. The root canals contained 53 different species out of 8 samples. Some were more dangerous than others, and some occurred more frequently, some occasionally. Selecting those that occurred more than 5% of the time, he found:

Capnocytophaga ochracea

Fusobacterium nucleatum

Gemella morbillorum

Leptotrichia buccalis

Porphyromonas gingivalis

In the words of Dr. Hal Huggins:

Dentists claim they can “sterilize” the tooth before forcing the gutta percha wax down into the canal. Perhaps they can sterilize a column of air in the center of the tooth, but is that really where the problem is?

Bacteria wandering out of the dentinal tubules is what Price was finding, and what we were finding in the crushed tooth samples.”

“We tested blood samples adjacent to the removed teeth and analyzed them for the presence of anaerobic bacteria. Approximately 400% more bacteria were found in the blood surrounding the root canal tooth than were in the tooth itself.

It seems that the tooth is the incubator. The periodontal ligament supplies more food, therefore higher concentration of bacteria. “

Using DNA testing technology, DNA ConneXions has identified multiple pathological bacteria found within root canal teeth, the bone adjacent to the teeth, and even more in extraction sites where healing has not taken place. This non–healing occurs in greater than 99 percent of wisdom tooth extraction sites. Additionally, large defects of non-healing are often found upon surgical exploration into the bone – about the size of the original wisdom tooth. Other sites leave what are called “cavitations” as well.

For years, comedians have poked fun at root canals and the pain associated with the procedure. Little did they know that the pain was not short lived. As mentioned above microbiology researchers during the time of Hunter, Billing, Rosenow, and Price found that bacteria and their toxins from root canals could enter the blood stream and travel to any point in the body, and generate disease to that tissue or organ. The dental association, concerned about liability issues, insisted that the nerve chamber in the center of the tooth could be effectively sterilized, and that the body would accept a root canal tooth as — not a “dead tooth” as it was previously called — but a “non-vital” tooth – a new and much more acceptable term for a root canal. Incidentally, non– vital means dead.

Even though Dr. Weston Price was one of the most decorated dental researchers of all time, he is still being ridiculed by dental leaders, even more than 70 years after his death. Many dental professionals still maintain his research is not valid. Why? Fear. For disclosing the truth about the toxicity from root canals would heap tremendous liability upon the dental association as well as individual dentists. It would also ruin a very lucrative practice in dentistry and the specialty of endodontics. The American Endodontic Association, as well as the American Dental Association (ADA), insists that they have proved Mayo’s and Dr. Price to be wrong. There is no research to support this claim, and none can be produced. Yet dentists are continually threatened with license revocation if they expose the truth about root canals or even suggest they may be dangerous.

Just as they have seen many colleagues lose their licenses for exposing the toxicity of mercury in so–called “silver” fillings, which actually contain 50 percent mercury, dentists fear for loss of their income source if they mention root canals as a source of disease.

Today, there are many diseases termed, “of unknown etiology,” which means, “we have not the first clue where they are coming from.” Many health-oriented dentists and physicians are beginning to recognize that these incurable, non–responsive diseases are showing improvements by techniques involving removal of root canal teeth and fortifying the patient’s immune system. Threats, law suits, and professional humiliation have been used against dentists who stand up for their patients, and against the ADA.

How big is the problem of root canals? In 1990, the ADA set a goal (quota) of dentists performing 30 million root canals per year in the US by the year 2000. Dentistry accomplished this by 1999.

Ask your friends. How many have root canals? How many of those friends are taking medications for some vague disease on a daily basis? Of those people treated for non–responsive diseases, perhaps as many as 90 percent have root canals.

For example, Dr. Josef Issels of Germany found that in his 40 years of treating “terminal” cancer patients, 97 percent of his cancer patients had root canals. He would not initiate his successful treatments until all root canals had been removed.

Science is showing that root canals have been found in people with Multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Lupus, leukemia, diabetes, arthritis, and a host of other autoimmune diseases. Reversal of these diseases, as shown by improvements in physical conditions as well as positive changes in blood chemistries, occur after the removal of dental toxic challenges (mercury, nickel, aluminum, root canals and cavitations) in conjunction with stimulation to the immune systems of these people. We have seen this in our patients over decades of clinical observations.

Thousands of lives are challenged daily by the placement of root canals, and when these patient’s genetic weak links break, they and their families are doomed to financial and health losses that destroy their ability to work, play, raise families and enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The reason is simple. Extremely toxic anaerobic bacteria have been found and identified in and around root canals.

All reasonably informed citizens in the US understand that alcohol and tobacco potentially create health hazards. They have a choice. Citizens are not informed of the multiple disease producing bacteria living in their root canals. If people were informed of the hazards created by “anaerobic” bacteria living in the periodontal ligament surrounding these root canal teeth, they could at least make an informed choice about whether or not to risk this potentially life altering procedure.

These anaerobic bacteria have now been identified by DNA analysis of the teeth, blood adjacent to the root canal teeth, and cavitations,” or the bone defects left behind by tooth removal in which the contaminated periodontal ligament is left in place. These patients have been informed by their fear–laden, but trusted dentist, that root canals are perfectly safe. They are told that root canal teeth are “sterile.”

This simply is not true.

A protective barrier is formed around many root canal teeth that allow nutrients from the blood to enter, but prevent access of antibiotics and white blood cells of the immune system to try to heal the areas. As toxins seep out into the blood stream when the owner of the root canal bites down on food, toxins are forced into the blood with access to every location in the body that might have a weak spot. “Sterilizing the tooth” just does not happen. Yes, a column of air in the pulp chamber is cleaned, but the real problem is in the periodontal ligament that surrounds the tooth. That is the incubator in which billions of bacteria can breed.

Today’s DNA research has found not only the bacterial species that Dr. Price discovered in the ’20s, but many more that have the ability to create disease.

Where did these pathogens (bacteria that can cause disease) come from? They were in the dentin tubules – over three miles of tiny tubes per tooth that constitute the mid-section of the tooth called the dentin. This is located right below the enamel, and adjacent to the pulp chamber. Where do these bacteria go in real life? They travel down the tubules to the periodontal ligament which is the attachment between tooth and bone. An area impossible to sterilize, and where neither antibiotics nor white blood cells of the immune system can reach this protected location. Every time a person bites down — as in chewing — some of these bacteria — or worse yet, their toxins, are squirted into the body’s lymphatic drainage system. From here they go to the blood stream. From there — everywhere.

Why should the public be concerned? With millions of root canals out there, and thousands having been told they need one every month, the potential for problems is past epidemic almost to the endemic stage. Again, it must be pointed out, those people are not informed about the hazard they are about to have inflicted on themselves. In most cases, neither is the dentist.

Everyone who receives a root canal has an incubator in those dentinal tubules that is growing anaerobic bacteria that can create whatever disease their genetic weak link would prefer. This is no longer a one microbe, one disease, one drug to cure, world. Multiple bacteria families, joining hands with toxic metals like mercury and nickel, now endeavor to create new diseases unfamiliar a hundred years ago.

It is contended that dentists “sterilize” the dead tooth. And that is true, they do. However, no matter what the pulp chamber is embalmed with (a wax cone called gutta percha is generally placed into the canal), the tooth is still dead. The body does not accept dead structures as safe. In fact, it launches an autoimmune response against the dead tooth. This is the origin of many autoimmune diseases, compounded by the presence of pathological bacteria and their toxins.

What about these anaerobic bacteria? The ones that live in the absence of oxygen? Who are they, and in which patients are they found?

Dr. Huggins stated the following: “Our observations over the past 40 years suggest that the old theory of one microbe — like Strep pneumonia — gives one disease, like pneumonia, that is cured by one drug – penicillin, is being replaced by group warfare. Toxic dental metals are known to alter the integrity of the cell membrane, called cell membrane permeability. Reduction of quality allows weaker bacteria to invade the cells, but once inside the membrane, even a weak bacterium and cause lethal results to the cell.

“Bacterial invasion is not consistent. If we identify the bacteria of several root canals in a person with Multiple sclerosis (MS) or Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) with DNA technology, we do not find the identical bacteria in each dead tooth.

“For instance, in root canals or cavitations in people with MS, a bacterium, Enterobacter was found. It was also found in ALS and Alzheimer patients (AD). Is there a similarity, since they are all neurological diseases? Enterobacter is noted for involvement in endocarditis (inflammation around the heart), bone infections — “can cause disease in virtually any body compartment;” and “cause considerable mortality and morbidity rates. Exposure to one type of Enterobacter can result in neurological disorders. They do not usually cause immediate death.”

In a study looking at DNA reports of 43 root canal samples, a total of 42 different species of anaerobic bacteria were found out of a potential of 85 choices. The number of different microbes ranged from 11 to 40 in individual tooth tests. In cavitations, which are unhealed bone defects, primarily where wisdom teeth have been extracted, from 118 samples, 67 different bacteria were identified. Individual tests ranged from 19 to 53 per single sample. Again, out of a potential of 85 tested.

Staphylococcus aureus, usually reserved for hospital outbreaks, are not the most common, being in less that 23 percent of the MS, ALS, and AD samples studied, none the less can be part of the team destruction process. Aureus is noted to kill white blood cells of the immune system. Common denominator? Is it proper to have a reservoir of them with their toxins readily available for distribution each time a person bites down? The way the system operates, biting down on a root canal tooth can squirt toxins out into the system, but antibiotics and white blood cells cannot get in through the combination calcium – blood clot barrier provided by the body’s reaction to certain bacteria.

Looking briefly at the bacteria and their published toxicity for connections to these people, these bacteria became suspect: In Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease, or ALS)

Evaluating 29 samples:

Veillonella parvula 58 percent – pathology associated with heart disease and destruction of the Central Nervous System.

Candida albicans – 65 percent – as it changes from yeast to the fungal state, it becomes invasive, causing small holes to occur in the intestinal tract resulting in “leaky gut syndrome”. Also increases porphyrin excretion in urine leading to reduced ATP and heme formation, thus reducing overall energy to cells of the nervous system. Capnocytophaga ochracea – 58 percent – can cause frontal lobe brain abscesses – associated with dental infections and diseases of the Central Nervous System

Porphyromas gingivalis – 75 percent– alters the integrity of endothelium of blood vessels. Enhances atherosclerosis.

Gemella morbillorum – 68 percent – noted for endovascular infections and meningitis.

Evaluation of 40 Multiple sclerosis samples in which 81 separate microbes were identified, seven are reported here.

Although not defined as a neurologic disease, draining sinuses are common among MS patients with root canals, so Actinomyces was included.

Actinomyces naeslundii – 35 percent – associated with draining sinuses (generally clear up within a week of root canals and cavitation treatment)

Candida albicans – 62 percent – described in ALS section.

Capnocytophaga ochracea – 42 percent– frontal lobe brain abscesses of dental origin – microbe thought to originate in dental decay.

Gemella morbillorum – 57 percent– associated with meningitis.

Neisseria meningitides – 7 percent– associated with seizures.

Escherichia coli – 12 percent- and Staph aureus – seven percent are both capable of increasing porphyrins, which will cause less ATP to be available to neural tissues.

Streptococcus intermedius – 27 percent – Cervical spinal cord abscesses – associated with high mortality and neurologic morbidity.

Dr. Hal Huggins, had researched toxicity of dental materials for 40 years. His presentation at the Toxic Element Research Foundation covered the most influential diagnostic chemistries selected from his base of 200,000 data points.

He found that many victims of autoimmune disease showed improvements in blood chemistries discussed in his presentation that clearly indicate recovery from disease is a possibility when the challenging bacteria are removed with proper protection for the patient.

Millions of people stand to regain their lives, and countless more millions will never have to contract the diseases thought to be related to the combination of dental mercury, nickel, aluminum, root canal, and cavitation anaerobic bacteria as they combine forces to destroy the immune system.

THE “FOCUS” HAS BEEN DESCRIBED AS A CHRONIC, ABNORMAL, LOCAL change in the connective tissue, capable of producing the most varied distant effects beyond its immediate surroundings, and therefore in constant conflict with local and general defense (Pischinger and Kellner). By this definition, even a fully-healed scar may sometimes act as a focus, spreading disease to distant parts of the body. But the foci we shall now examine will be confined to those of the THEET and tonsils – in my view, the most lethal of all foci.

The emphasis I place on the REMOVAL OF DEVITALIZED TEETH and chronically – diseased tonsils in one of the better-known aspects of my work, but also one of the most criticized and misunderstood. I do not, for instance, recommend that healthy tonsils and teeth be removed from a healthy person. But I believe if they are diseased, they cause the body’s natural resistance to be lowered, thus acting as an important contributory factor to tumors development. In these cases, I insist on their REMOVAL.

It is sometimes argued that to carry out such operations on seriously ill patients is unnecessarily cruel, even irrelevant. There are some unpleasant side- effects, but in my opinion, the benefits- which I will describe- more than make up for any temporary discomfort. It is further argued that in the cancer patient, as much lymphatic tissue as possible should be preserved, and that therefore tonsillectomy should not be carried out because even a diseased tonsil may retain some useful defense potential. I used to believe this as so. I do not any longer for reasons which will become evident.

In addition, my experience shows a direct connection between dental and tonsillar foci and many of the illnesses responsible for early debilitation and untimely invalid sing.

It has long been generally accepted that head foci may give rise to almost all kinds of chronic, and certain acute diseases, such as- to mention a few- the manifold varieties of rheumatic and cardiovascular conditions. The removal of such foci is today a routine art in the conventional treatment of those diseases. However, the fact that head foci are also a contributory cause in the development of neoplasia, by lowering resistance, has received all too little acknowledgement.

The extent of the disease- provoking activity of a focus in distant parts of the body depends on whether the body is able to oppose the focus with its own defense mechanism. As long as the focal situation is kept under control by the local defense mechanism, no focus- induced remote effects will arise. On the other hand, distant effects will arise when the body’s resistance has more or less broken down: control of head foci will then gradually collapse, and there will be a consequential gradual increase in generalized focogenic intoxication. This will cause an inevitable deterioration of the body’s defense power with a concomitant promotion of malignant growth.

Nearly everybody is confronted with DENTAL PROBLEMS at some time in their life, and even the most scrupulous dental care cannot guarantee dental health. Endogenous factors, such as prenatal damage to the embryonic dental tissue, as well as exogenous influences, such as malnutrition and toxins, must essentially be held responsible for the great number of dental diseases, be they a weak, susceptible gingival, or gum; or teeth which are mal positioned, barreled or impacted; or worst of all, a disposition “to decay “.

Despite its porcelain-like surface, the crown enamel of the tooth is vulnerable to decay. Enamel defects develop especially in the grooves of the crown or on the adjacent surface of neighboring teeth which are difficult to clean.

Decay is not painful so long as it is confined to this nerveless enamel layer. The onset of a toothache is the first noticeable sign that the decay has invaded the dentine body of the tooth which, unlike the enamel, does have nerves. If this decay is allowed to continue, sooner or later the dentine will be completely penetrated, and the pulp (nerve) inside the tooth will then become inflamed.

As long as only the outer enamel and dentine are affected, the tooth can be preserved. But a tooth with an inflamed pulp ca no longer be saved, and must be extracted without delay.

In an understandable desire to preserve as many teeth as possible, to maintain the masticator apparatus and its functions, attempts are often made to save teeth which are in fact lost. There is a widespread conviction that this can be done without risk by the sterile evacuation of the pulp, and then refilling the cavity. For decades, the erroneous belief was held that, after such treatment, the tooth is an isolated, lifeless thing, no longer involved in any of the body’s processes. This assumption was originally based on the premise that the pulp cavity had only one orifice to the apex of the root below, and by filling, this opening was sealed. However, the dentinal canal does not end in just one opening; instead, it resembles a tree with many branches which penetrate the tooth’s body in all directions.

The finer details of the entire dental structure have been exhaustively studied by Austrian researches. They have established that there is a lively metabolic interchange between the interior and exterior milieu of the tooth, and that this two- way process takes place along many thousands of hyperfine, capillary canals joining the pulp cavity to the exterior surface of the tooth. Very careful conservation measures may possibly seal of the vertical central-medial-tube of the dentinal canal, but, it will never reach the lateral “twigs” branching off from this tube. Nor can it ever close off the innumerable capillary canals. Some protein will always remain in these secondary spaces. If this protein becomes infected, toxic catabolic products will be produced, and conveyed into the organism.

It was established in 1960 by W. Meyer (Gottingen) that within devitalized teeth the dentinal canals and dental capillaries contain large microbial colonies. The toxins produced by these microbes in a tooth with a root filling can no longer be evacuated into the mouth, but must be drained away through the cross- connections and unsealed branches of the dentinal and capillary canals into the marrow of the jawbone. From there, they are conveyed to the tonsils, and thus the flow systems of the body. In fact, the conservation treatment may literally convert a tooth into a toxin producing “factory”.

A devitalized tooth is no longer able to perceive and control inflammatory processes even when suppuration has invaded the surrounding bone spaces of the tooth’s socket; it rarely gives warning signals, for instance through pain, and therefore there is nothing to induce the patient to have this dangerous toxic focus removed. It then may be left to develop its devastating effect on the organism for decades or even for a lifetime.

When the inflammation spreads to the marrow of the tooth socket, it can cause Osteomyelitis. Its further course is determined by whether and for how long the local defense is able to keep the focal disturbance under control.

If the body’s local resistance is intact, the inflammation is enclosed by a capsule of connective tissue known as the DENTAL GRANULOMA. This membranous cyst prevents its toxic from spreading into the organism. Radiographs of these teeth show granuloma cysts as more or less marked transparencies, showing a darker irregular radiolucent area on the apex of the root. This type of tooth is called X- Ray positive.

If the body’s local resistance is weakened to such an extent that the inflammatory process cannot be encapsulated by the granuloma cyst, the toxins will be able to advance unhindered into the marrow space, the tonsils, and into the body. In this case, it is proof that, as stressed by Pischinger and Kellner – the organism has become largely incapable of reaction. Radiographs of these teeth as a rule show no transparencies, and are therefore called X- Ray negative.

In my cancer patients, I have found that such non –encapsulated foci- that is those who show X-ray negative- were particularly common, as one would expect from people whose body resistance had been lowered.

Today there is general agreement that dental foci should be cleared away, and it has become usual to diagnose them by X.-ray.;’. Unfortunately, only some of the dental foci ca be discovered by this means. Encapsulated foci can be recognized only if large enough, and if not concealed by the tooth’s shadow. And definite X-ray signs are much rarer in non-encapsulated Osteomyelitic processes. It is therefore the most dangerous of all dental foci which most frequently prove X-ray negative. Even with X-ray positive dental film only those foci can be recognized which happen to be situated outside shadows. In X-ray negative foci often escape treatment- and they are the ones the body has failed to resist effectively – the can continue to develop their destructive effects unhindered.

My clinical experience has produced evidence of a causal connection between foci and tumor development, and in this respect, the results obtained with the aid of an infra- red test are especially significant Any inflammatory disease focus creates on its corresponding skin surface a pathological increase of infra- red emission; the higher the activity of the focus, the more pronounced it is. Using an infra- red sensitive instrument (Schwamm’s infra-red toposcope) the intensity of this emission ca be continuously monitored and measured. Observation showed a close interrelation between the infra-red emission of head foci and that of the neoplasial region. That is, after treatment, a decrease in the infra- red activity of dental foci was as a rule accompanied by a decrease in infra- red emission over the tumor areas.

From this it is clear that the advisable treatment for devitalized teeth is SURGICALLY EXTRACTION.

But even this is not always enough. My experience has further shown that also living teeth may sometimes be so damaged that their pathogenic potential almost equals that of devitalizes teeth. For instance, latent chronic pulpitis (pulp inflammation) may arise in a tooth that appears out –wordily healthy, thus having a focal effect.

The diagnosis and treatment of dental foci remains generally unsatisfactory. A survey conducted at my clinic found that, on admission, ninety- eight percent of the adult cancer patients had between two and ten dead teeth, each one a dangerous toxin producing “factory” Very often we are confronted with X- ray, negative dead teeth, root remnants, and residual osteitis (Cavitational Lesion ‘NICO’) which had not been diagnosed and therefore had not been removed.

Only total, thorough dental treatment will really succeed in giving the body’s defense a chance. In addition to X-ray diagnosis, it is therefore necessary to use other diagnostic aids. Such as infra-red techniques tests, to estimate tooth vitality and periosteal resistance, and other electrometric methods.

The diagnosis of foci in teeth has been greatly improved by electro acupuncture, is now possible to differentiate foci not only with regard to their type and position, but also to their virulence and pathogenic efficacy. The result of focus treatment can consequently be observed and improved, before, during, and after dentistry, to an extent never known before (Kramer).

If total treatment is to be performed, it is necessary to remove not only any devitalized teeth but also any hidden dental foci remaining in the jaw. Further, total removal of devitalized teeth and their roots must not be the end of the dentist’s activities. Each alveolus, – the tooth’s socket in the jaw-should be radically cleared down to the healthy bone. In that way the development of a residual osteitis (Cavitational Lesion “NICO”) or of a cystoma may be prevented. It Is not only the tooth which may be a focus, but the adjacent tooth –fixing apparatus as well. There are four different ways by which dental foci – and indeed all foci- can affect the organism and contribute to the development of secondary damages:

The “neural” way of affecting the organism. When a focus develops anywhere in the transit tissues, the mesenchyme, the process is centripetally projected from the terminal neural organs around the irritated area, along the neural ducts, up to the corresponding control cells within the central nervous system. The irritation origination from a focus ca, under certain conditions, trigger of the mechanism of a neural dystrophy a slow degeneration which my show itself in localized effects in other areas, but also in a generalized dystrophy disturbance. In the 1950 it was shown that these manifestations are based on depolarizing processes in the effected neural cells, and in the corresponding tissues of the body’s periphery. (Fleckenstein and Ernsthausen) By elimination of the focus, the affected tissues may be repolarized. The most striking example of this repolarization is called “second-phenomenon”. Ferdinand Huneke, the founder of neural therapy whose remarkable contribution in this regard we shall look at in detail later, discovered over forty years ago that injection of a local anesthetic near a primary focus may immediately remove any symptoms of distant disease induce by the focus. This effect – the second-phenomenon –usually takes place only in those a few seconds after the anesthetic injection and lasts for hours, days, or even for a life time. Naturally the improvements occurs only in those regions influence by the injected focus. Nevertheless, the measure has therefore a remarkable diagnostic value as well. Since neural therapy only neutralizes the neural effect of a focus, the focus itself must, of course, be removed after such treatment, in order to eliminate its latent toxic or allergenetic action. Conversely, any focal surgery must be followed by desensitizing and neural-therapeutic measures. The only exceptions to this rule are, for instance, featureless scars of other spots with no inflammatory change which produce only neural distant effects without at the same time causing any toxic, microbial or allergic secondary phenomena.

The “toxic way” of affecting the organism. The toxic activity of odontogenic foci is probable far more perilous for the organism than their neural effects. The mechanism of this distant toxic activity, as well as the characteristics of e toxic compounds involved have been largely ascertained. Odontogenic compounds are the gangrenous contents of an inflamed. Commonly found in tissues destroyed by inflammation, liquefaction and microbial putrefaction. Thus, there ca be little doubt that they are genuine necrogenous toxins, including for instance autologous protein and higher- molecular proteinogenous compounds. 3Later there will be produced numerous low-molecular fission products resulting from enzyme cleavage and other biogenic conversions. The identity and chemical structure of certain of the biogenic amines were mainly clarified in the 1950 by Schug-Koesteris, Hiller, Gaebelein, and others of the University of Munich. Following similar findings in America, the metabolic and exchange processes in solid dental structures were further investigated by the German researcher Spreter von Kreudenstein. He showed that drugs injected intravenously were, four to five hours later, discernible within the intra dental capillary ducts or even devitalized teeth, and in a concentration only slightly lower than in the blood. All these findings prove conclusively that within solid dental structures, there may proceed an unimpeded substantial interchange in either direction. Consequently, odontogenic toxins, wherever they may have been produced, are able to diffuse and circulate within the organism. The pathogenic significance of these, “endotoxins” has been investigated by the German study group of Eger-Miehlke. They examined the changes in healthy experimental animals after injection of accurately defined, minimal quantities of the endotoxins from an “Odontogenous Granuloma”. A single injection of a minimal dose seemed to develop a defense activating effects. But after repeated injections, there was severe liver damage, and the animal died within weeks. Apart from the fatal liver damage, inflammatory and degenerative changes were found in all other organs, especially in the joints, muscles, and blood vessels. These results brought clear experimental proof for the first time that focogenic toxins act as causal agents for severe diseases in animals corresponding to similar chronic conditions in man. The most dangerous of all odontogenous toxins are undoubtedly the thio-ethers, for instance dimethylsulfide. In a series of test performed at my clinic, it was observed that patients with odontogenous and tonsillar foci had a heightened level of dimethylsulfide in their blood. After intensive treatment of the foci, this level returned to normal in just a few days.Thio-ethers are closely related, both in their structure and their effect, to mustard gas and other poison gases used in the First World War. The extreme toxicity of the poison gases and thio-ethers can be attributed to the following properties:

They are weakly basic, therefore “electro-negative” and thus they are deposited particularly in “electro-positive” cells such as those of the transit tissues as well as those of the defensive tissues.

They are soluble in the lipids, and therefore have a pronounced tendency to enrich themselves in the lipoid- containing cellular structures, especially in mitochondria.

These subcellular organelles, attached to their lipoid membranes, contain the enzymatic structures responsible for the maintenance of aerobic metabolism a precondition for full functioning power in all the body’s cells and tissues. If these indispensable units are damaged the most serious consequences will follow. Because they are the most vulnerable cellular organelles, mitochondria are a favorite and almost exclusive target for thio- ethers.The action of thio- ethers is affected in three main ways: Since thio- ethers tend to combine with electro- positive metal ions and many bio-elements which act as co-effectors or activators of numerous enzymes ob absolutely vital importance, and as our present-day average diet is deficient in essential substrates such as vitamins and bio-metals, this deficiency is enhanced. Much of the daily intake of bio-metals, usually deposited in the fluids of a focally affected organism. Will be made permanently ineffective, the more foci the greater will become the deficiency. Thio-ethers are “partial” antigens, haptens, and thus they also tend to combine with the normal proteins in the body, “denaturizing” them. Such denatured proteins become “non-self” agents which the body must deal with as such. The production of antibodies adapted to the situation will be provoked, and they will home in on the target antigens wherever they are. The process of “auto-aggression” will be set in motion: self-destruction of agent’s alien to the organism. Extensive structural cellular damage will result, increasing with age. The famous biologist, Otto Warburg, twice winner of the Nobel Prize, has shown that aerobically – blocked cells – as caused by thio-ethers- will increase their anaerobic metabolism in an attempt to maintain their vigor. In doing so, they acquire the characteristics of malignant cells. Therefore, chemical agents capable of inactivating the aerobic process while increasing the anaerobic process are usually classed as carcinogenous compounds.

Druckrey (Heidelberg) found inter alia that transformation of a normal cell into a malignant cell requires a certain quantity of a carcinogen – the carcinogenic minimum dose. It does not matter whether this quantity is supplied in a single dose or in a number of smaller doses, because the toxic effects of each dose are stored, and accumulate without loss. The carcinogens held primarily responsible for the development of spontaneous cancer in man are those: which inhibit the aerobics even in minimal quantities without at the same time immediately destroying the cell, and which are constantly present in the organism in this minimal concentration of either endogenous or exogenous origin; they can therefore accumulate during the normal life expectancy gradually and unnoticeably until the total quantity necessary for maligners is reached. There is hardly a carcinogen which so completely fulfils these conditions as do thio- ethers. Incessantly, from the moment the pulp is removed, hour by hour, year by year, minimal amounts of these most virulent of all the odontogenous toxins will be released into the circulation –minimal doses, but nevertheless sufficient to more or less totally paralyze the aerobic action of the cell. The nervous system is thus doubly affected by focal intoxication.

Intoxication of neural cells caused by the toxins spreading through the liquid vehicles of the flow systems, such as the blood and lymph. The more mitochondria a cell contains, the more it will be damaged by the enzyme- inhibiting effect of thio-ether compounds. Therefore, it is the vital organs, the liver, nervous system, endocrine glands, heart, and reticuloendothelial system – whose cells my consist of up to one-fifth of mitochondria, that are primarily affected. Apart from disturbing regulatory control, odontogenous toxins will also cause additional damage almost throughout the body. Naturally, the higher the blood- level of foco genous toxins, the more severe will be their effect.

The close interlacing of the lymphatic and endocrine systems in the head, make it unavoidable that brain cells are more intensively toxicities by the circulating focogenous agents and may suffer particularly heavy damage. The lymph ducts of the had region join Waldeyer’s tonsil ring where detoxification takes place. There, inflammatory swellings inevitable cause a lymphatic congestion. All the toxic sewage of head foci are channeled into Waldeyer’s tonsil ring, and if there is such congestion, waste fluids will be pressed through the porous base of the skull into the lymphatic space of the brain. Toxogenous changes, especially within autonomic nuclei, are regularly found in cancer patients. As verified in the q930 by Muehlmann (Moscow) and they may be a consequence of a life-long inhibition of cerebral aerobics due to focogenous intoxication. The cerebral damage (diencephalosis ) and the subsequent loss of vitality in cancer patients is accompanied by a number of other symptoms. The emission of hypothalamic energy impulses, recordable by a Voll’s electro- acupuncture device, are reduced in patients with focal disease. The autonomic vigor is relaxed, creating “regulation rigidity” carcinomas tend to parasympathicotonic derailment; in sarcomas and systemic diseases, as a rule the opposite is found- sympathicotonic derailment (Regelsberger, Gratzl-Martin, Rilling et al) The diurnal, circadian regulation of the acid-base balance is lost ( Sander) . At the same time, there will exist a distinct inhibition of other diurnal control functions, for instance of blood sugar, cholesterol, and mineral metabolism, and many other metabolic parameters are greatly restricted (Hinsberg).

The “allergic” way of affecting the organism. The toxic effects of thio-ethers (Root Canal and Cavitatrional lesions) overlap those caused by higher- molecular odontogenous toxins, as already described. Antibodies are formed to fight these substances, eventually leading to the destructive processes in toxified cells. Since the organ- destroying antibodies or defense enzymes are excreted by the kidneys, they can be diagnosed in the urine by the Abderhalden test. In this way we can precisely deduce, in most cases, which organs have suffered secondary damage (Abderhalden, Dyckerhoff et al). The extent of secondary lesions can also be demonstrated indirectly by vaccine treatment. Using desensitizing vaccines made from focogenous agents, reactions are caused in regions affected by distant focal effects which may become evident in regional as well as general symptoms. It is thus clear that the development of cancer disease, is in more ways than one, closely linked with focal events.

The “Bacterial” way of affection the organism. Bacterial dissemination from primary “Dental Foci” as a rule takes place with barely perceptible symptoms, and may be followed by the formation of “Secondary Foci” in other regions. These include, inter alia, Foci in the Paranasal sinuses, gall- bladder, appendix, prostate and renal pelvis. Above all, bacterial dissemination tends to produce micro foci or micro thrombi in veins, and they in turn have a tendency to thrombosis or thrombus phlebitis, possibly with concomitant embolism. Thrombus phlebitis and thrombosis, so common in cancer patients, and generally regarded as resulting from disordered metabolism, are due not only to the dyscrasia of those patients, but also to the manifold effects of “Dental Foci “. We have now seen how decisively the entire organism is affected by “Dental Foci” not properly treated, and what catastrophic results destruction of the pulp may entail. Dentists must, therefore bear in mind that there is no root treatment which does not inevitably produce foci. The dentist’s task is l only secondarily cosmetic; primarily it must be preventive and curative. The over- riding consideration must not be conservation of the tooth but preservation of its vitality. If this is impossible, even the most beautiful crown must not delude us that the lifeless tooth beneath is anything other than a “corpse in a golden coffin” whose decomposition toxins slowly but surely are destroying the organism (Bircher-Benner). Other foci in the jaw, for instance Cavitational Lesion Osteitis Residual, Osteitis, cysts, foreign bodies, gingivitis, and malposition of teeth may also develop focal effects. It goes without saying that these foci, disturbance fields and centers of irritation must be removed. The dentist should always remember that he has a vital role to prevent the development of chronic illness and, most important of all to decisively reduce the hazard of cancer.

Additionally, this information begs these questions to be answered:

Should the public be informed about the potential real danger of toxins from root canals and cavitations, regardless of the consequences, financial and otherwise, to the ADA and dentists?

And what will patients, government agencies, and the dental profession do about this?

The Huggins Protocol

Dr. Hal Huggins was a dentist who provided groundbreaking research on the toxicity of dental materials and treatments and developed exact protocols for remedying the effects of these toxicities. Holistic dentists utilize these protocols to protect the health of the patient, the dentist and the dentist’s staff. Every patient who has recovered from mercury toxicity owes a huge debt of gratitude to Hal Huggins.

Dr. Chang has adopted the Huggins protocols. When mercury or toxic root-canal-treated teeth are to be removed, this protocol supports the patient’s ability to detoxify and heal completely. The protocol includes preventing the patient from absorbing toxins during the procedure and supporting their ability to eliminate metals, bacteria and other toxins both before and after the visit.

Endodontic Retreatment Explained

First, the endodontist will discuss your treatment options. If you and your endodontist choose retreatment, the endodontist will reopen your tooth to gain access to the root canal filling material. In many cases, complex restorative materials—crown, post and core material—must be disassembled and removed to permit access to the root canals.

After removing the canal filling, the endodontist can clean the canals and carefully examine the inside of your tooth using magnification and illumination, searching for any additional canals or unusual anatomy that requires treatment.

After cleaning the canals, the endodontist will fill and seal the canals and place a temporary filling in the tooth. If the canals are unusually narrow or blocked, your endodontist may recommend endodontic surgery. This surgery involves making an incision to allow the other end of the root to be sealed.

After your endodontist completes retreatment, you will need to return to your dentist as soon as possible to have a new crown or other restoration placed on the tooth to protect and restore it to its full function.

Endodontist vs Dentist – What is the Difference?

Endodontists and general dentists both provide dental care but do different things. An endodontist is a specialist who focuses on performing root canals. While a dentist does multiple things, such as cleaning teeth, filling cavities and placing sealants, endodontists do one thing — treat tooth pain.

Understanding the difference between these two professions can help you decide who you should go to for oral care. Seeing the right person, either the dentist or endodontist, can ensure you receive the proper treatment and recover quickly.

What Is An Endodontist?

Endodontists are dentists who pursue additional training and experience after they finish dental school. They train to perform complex root canal treatments, such as treating teeth with complicated anatomy. Endodontists can perform several procedures, such as root canal treatments and root canal retreatments, which may save a tooth that becomes infected again after an initial root canal.

Endodontists also typically perform:

Apicoectomy: An apicoectomy is another option after a failed root canal . It involves removing the tip of the root to prevent future progressive infection.

An is another option after a . It involves removing the tip of the root to prevent future progressive infection. Traumatic injury treatment: This includes procedures such as fixing cracked teeth.

This includes procedures such as fixing cracked teeth. Internal bleaching: Internal bleaching can correct discoloration stemming from root canal therapy.

Is an Endodontist Better Than a General Dentist?

Dentists and endodontists do different things,

but you can benefit from seeing both to keep your mouth healthy. Dentists often identify the issues that can send you to an endodontist. If you demonstrate symptoms of tooth infection or severe tooth decay in the pulp or root of your tooth, you require endodontic care in NYC.

An endodontist has more experience and expertise performing root canals than a dentist. While a dentist may perform two a week, endodontists often do a couple of dozen. This means endodontists are typically better vs. general dentists at performing root canals.

Both endodontists and dentists play an essential role in your oral care. They provide complementary services that accomplish different things. For example, your endodontist may focus on saving your tooth while a general dentist is concerned about your brushing and flossing habits. They work together to keep your mouth healthy.

Why Would My Dentist Send Me to an Endodontist?

Dentists and endodontists work together to ensure you receive the best care. They both have the same goal, which is to take care of your problem and keep your mouth pain-free. If a dentist believes you need specialized care, they are often happy to refer you to an endodontist. Many patients feel better knowing their endodontist has undergone training to resolve serious dental issues.

Your dentist wants you to receive the best treatment, so they often work with an endodontist they know and trust. You can ask your dentist about local endodontists for a referral or reach out to one yourself.

Can I Go Straight to an Endodontist?

While most people believe you need a referral to see a specialist, you can see an endodontist right away in some circumstances.

If you know you have a cracked tooth or a traumatic injury knocked out a tooth, you can directly contact an endodontist for treatment. The endodontist will gather all the information they need and refer you back to a general dentist if necessary.

You can often save time when you go directly to an endodontist. If you are in a lot of pain or feel confident you know what is wrong with your tooth, you may be able to skip a step by heading right to the endodontist.

They can immediately create a plan for saving your tooth and relieving your pain.

Are Endodontists More Expensive?

Endodontists have the expertise and a higher level of training in root canals, so they may charge more than a general dentist to perform a procedure. Endodontic treatment typically produces exceptional results, with higher success rates than getting a root canal at a general dentist. You pay for that skill and also receive the best available care for your teeth.

Should I Go to a Dentist or an Endodontist for a Root Canal?

Your dentist can give you the best care for regular cleanings, but you should choose an endodontist for root canals. Advantages of choosing an endodontist include:

Expert performance of endodontic procedures.

Reliance on advanced techniques, such as using an operating microscope, to streamline procedures and provide the best results.

The ability to shift strategies to make you more comfortable during the procedure.

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What Is an Endodontist vs. Periodontist?

Periodontists are another type of specialist dentists. Like endodontists, they practice a certain area of dental care and may receive referrals from general dentists. They focus on gum-related issues and can deep clean the gums as well as perform gum and bone grafts. They also perform implant dentistry. Periodontists can treat:

Gum disease.


Bone issues.

Specialists such as periodontists excel in their field and can offer better care than someone with general dentistry experience. You may enjoy a higher success rate on a procedure when you go to a dentist who specializes in that area instead of seeing a general dentist who handles dozens of different problems each week. Like endodontists, the higher fees associated with a periodontist can provide you with a more knowledgeable dentist and effective treatment.

Learn More About the Endodontic Care Offered by Midtown Endodontist NYC

Midtown Endodontist NYC is home to the top endodontists in NYC.

The staff has the knowledge and experience you desire, including training in all the latest endodontic techniques. We care about your dental health and want to ease your pain if you need a dental procedure.

We specialize in relieving tooth pain and performing root canal treatment. You can book a free consultation with us today to learn more about our dental team and how we might fit your needs. Or, contact us for more information about the differences between an endodontist vs. a dentist performing a root canal. You can also give us a call at (347) 708-8795.

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Dr Hal Huggins about Root Canal

Dr Hal Huggins about Root Canal

What do you do when you feel your tooth aches or you have a dead tooth? Previously most dentist would suggest a tooth removal, right? Nowadays dentists highly recommend to keep the tooth but to remove the main nerves so no more pain can be felt: root canals are the new trend. But rarely do people think of the side effects related to such dentistry practices.

Having root canals do not cure the teeth but rather remove the pain. Removing nerves and filling the canals with some composite is not effective at all for long term results and general health. The central nerve that is normally removed during the process is not the only nerve that directs blood to the tooth, there are several other smaller nerves that do the same task too. The bacteria that exists in the root cannot be fully removed and whenever the fillings are done, more bacteria are added making the tooth more susceptible to other health problems.

According to Dr. Huggins, it is better to have your tooth removed rather than go through the root canal process that has proven to be more hazardous to the body. There is no such thing as holistic root canal or biological root canal. An holistic dentist will not recommend or do root canal. It is so unfortunate that most patients are scheduled for root canals treatment forcefully even after knowing the negative impacts that are related to such process. Dr. Huggins states that most dentists ignore or do not want to say the truth about root canals, after all dentistry is also a business. From Dr Hal Huggins point of view, people who care about their health should never accept to have root canals: the bacterias still living in the tiny canals side ways to the mains ones can affect not only the oral health but the general body health of the patients. The bacteria leads to dental toxicity, a serious dental infection that can be avoided when the dentist performs a tooth extraction. There is more and more evidence that shows how chronic diseases are related with unhealthy dental treatments.

In conclusion, if you care about your oral and general body health it is recommended to seek for the opinion of an holistic or biological dentist, he will propose real biological treatments that will not jeopardize your health and that might mean a tooth extraction…

The Huggins Protocol

Dr. Hal Huggins was a dentist who provided groundbreaking research on the toxicity of dental materials and treatments and developed exact protocols for remedying the effects of these toxicities. Holistic dentists utilize these protocols to protect the health of the patient, the dentist and the dentist’s staff. Every patient who has recovered from mercury toxicity owes a huge debt of gratitude to Hal Huggins.

Dr. Chang has adopted the Huggins protocols. When mercury or toxic root-canal-treated teeth are to be removed, this protocol supports the patient’s ability to detoxify and heal completely. The protocol includes preventing the patient from absorbing toxins during the procedure and supporting their ability to eliminate metals, bacteria and other toxins both before and after the visit.

Patients Beware: The Truth About the Documentary

You may have heard of it or you may even have seen it – Root Cause. The work of a self-professed filmmaker and documentarian, this film caused some major concern in the world of dentistry for its unique take on root canals and their purported connection to other health and mental issues.

Since its release on Netflix a few months back, dentists all across the nation (and truly all across the world) have fought tooth and nail to have the documentary removed from the platform because of its misinformation, bad science, and overall lack of credibility.

Your McAllen dentists and team of dental health professionals at WhiteWing Dental have been following the controversy surrounding this film and we want to provide our readers, as well as our clients, the information they need to make an informed decision when it comes to their oral health.

A Brief Summary of Root Cause

The documentary, Root Cause, was released in December 2018 and details one man’s journey following a root canal treatment and the alleged issues that arose following the procedure. The individual claims throughout the film that the treatment created a whole slew of health problems for him.

The documentary follows the filmmaker’s years-long quest to identify the cause of his fatigue, anxiety, and depression. The creator of the film, Frazer Bailey, alleges that in order to deal with his mental health issues, he underwent therapy, antidepressant medication, juice cleanses, chakra balancing and hypnosis. He eventually concludes that the source of his angst is a root canal procedure that occurred when he was a young man.

The movie cites three doctors including Dr. Weston Price, a Canadian dentist primarily known for his theories on the relationship between nutrition, dental health, and physical health. For over 25 years, Dr. Price researched the relationship between root canal therapy and systemic disease, even forming a theory known as “focal infection theory,” which claims that chronic diseases are caused by focal infection. The doctor believed that this led to many unnecessary tonsil and tooth extractions.

Another doctor cited in the film was Dr. Hal Huggins, who played a controversial role in the use of amalgam fillings. During the 1980s, Dr. Huggins was investigated for marketing a device without FDA approval that could allegedly detect between positive or negative charged dental fillings.

The final doctor noted in the film was Dr. Boyd Haley, a retired professor from the University of Kentucky, who at one point stated exposure to the mercury in amalgam fillings and vaccinations was a potential cause of autism and Alzheimer’s disease. Shortly after making this statement, Dr. Haley would end up providing a testimony in court that was met with backlash due to his lack of expertise in genetics, epidemiology, and child neurology.

These three doctors, whom all had a history of spreading misinformation, would eventually see their licenses revoked at some point in their careers.

Root Cause Faces Immediate Backlash

Netflix decided to add the documentary to their programming in late 2018 and faced heavy contention immediately by individual dentists and organizations such as the American Association of Endodontists. The film’s claims that root canals and the extraction of wisdom teeth could cause cancer, serious heart conditions, and other major illnesses, were too great to overlook. The film even contested that root canals have a direct correlation to breast cancer.

“Ninety-eight percent of women that have breast cancer have a root canal tooth on the same side as their offending breast cancer,” the film constantly repeats.

As a result of the documentary’s baseless claims, the American Dental Association, American Association of Endodontists, and the American Association of Dental Research issued a warning to media companies that the film could cause confusion and unnecessary mistrust in the country’s dental health system by spreading lies.

The film is based on uncredited research and includes factless statements by dubious medical professionals.

As a result of the controversy, the film has since been removed from Netflix because of its poor representation and unreliable studies.

What Failing to Get a Root Canal Can Mean

If your dentist has suggested that you get a root canal but you have failed to seek out treatment for any number of reasons, delaying the procedure could lead to serious health issues. It is important to recognize that the need for a root canal occurs because you already have an infection in the pulp of your tooth that will not heal on its own.

If you fail to get a root canal:

The bacterial infection in the pulp can spread to your jaw, brain, blood, and body.

The infection can lead to a dental abscess, which is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention.

The entire tooth (and surrounding jawbone) could be lost to decay and infection.

Waiting will require more (costly) oral surgery to keep teeth from shifting.

Facial appearance can become affected.

Unfortunately, the alternative to a root canal is an extraction; a filling will not resolve the issue and antibiotics will not completely remove the infection.

Root canal treatments are absolutely essential to prevent other serious dental and overall health issues. Approximately 25 million new endodontic treatments, including root canals, are conducted yearly safely and effectively with no side-effects as mentioned in Root Cause.

At WhiteWing Dental, our McAllen dentists truly care for your well-being. Unfortunately, too much false information is being spread online and via various types of media. Seek out trust dental professional expertise and insight before making any important decisions.

Do NOT hesitate to contact WhiteWing Dental today at (956) 686-5577 for more information regarding root canals.

Hal Huggins

American dental campaigner

Hal Alan Huggins (1937 – November 29, 2014) was an American alternative dentistry advocate and campaigner against the use of dental amalgam fillings and other dental therapies that he believed to be unsafe.[1][2] Huggins began to promote his ideas in the 1970s and played a major role in generating controversy over the use of amalgam.[3] Huggins’s license to practice dentistry was revoked in 1996 after a panel found him guilty of gross negligence.[4][5] Since then, he continued to publish on the topic of mercury and human health and believed that dental amalgam and other dental practices were responsible for a range of serious diseases.[6] Many of Huggins’ health claims have been criticized as pseudoscientific and quackery.[7][8][9]

Life and career [ edit ]

Huggins received his DDS in 1962 from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. In 1973, he became involved in the study and research of mercury toxicity and its impact on human health. Through the course of these investigations, Huggins earned an MS from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs in 1989 with special emphasis in toxicology and immunology.

Huggins subsequently became a prolific campaigner against the use of amalgam dental fillings, creating the Huggins Diagnostic Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. At the Center, patients were charged up to $8,500 apiece for an intensive 2-week course of treatment including the removal of all amalgam fillings.[10] Huggins claimed in his books that the Center’s profits funded research and free care.[11] The Center was closed in September 1995 after a series of lawsuits against Huggins alleging negligence and fraud. TIME reported that despite Huggins’s difficulties, some patients continued to swear by his treatments; former Enron chairman Kenneth Lay had his fillings removed by Huggins in 1991 and reported resolution of an “unexplained numbness” as a result.[10]

Huggins received a series of warnings from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for violating good manufacturing practices and marketing unapproved medical devices. In the mid-1980s, Huggins was investigated by the FDA for his marketing of the “Amalgameter”, a device which claimed to detect “positively or negative charged dental fillings”. The FDA found that the Amalgameter was a simple battery-powered ammeter, but was being promoted with a variety of scientifically unsubstantiated claims about dental fillings. The FDA reported in 1989 that Huggins had ceased manufacturing the device, but that “many could be around to dupe unsuspecting dental patients for a long, long time.”[7]

In 1996, a Colorado state judge recommended that Huggins’s dental license be revoked, citing his use of “‘deceptive yet seductive advertising’ to trick chronically ill patients into thinking that the true cause of their illness was mercury.”[12][13] Huggins’s license was subsequently revoked by the Colorado State Board of Dental Examiners for gross negligence and the use of unnecessary and unproven procedures.[5][14] TIME reported the judge’s conclusion that Huggins “diagnosed ‘mercury toxicity’ in all his patients, including some without amalgam fillings.”[4]

Huggins contended that the revocation of his license was politically motivated in retaliation for his claims that amalgam fillings caused disease and claimed that he had not worked as a dentist since 1984.[15] His criticisms of dental amalgam were featured on 60 Minutes.[16]

Huggins died on November 29, 2014 at the age of 77.[17][18]

Research and beliefs [ edit ]

Dental [ edit ]

Huggins convened a conference on the biocompatibility of dental materials at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, with the assistance of a foundation called the Toxic Element Research Foundation that, according to Time magazine, is used by Huggins to promote his views.[4][19] The participants unanimously signed a statement urging that amalgam fillings be banned immediately.[19]

Huggins has argued that amalgam can cause digestive problems such as Crohn’s disease and ulcers, mood disorders such as depression and fatigue, autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, scleroderma and lupus, high or low blood pressure, arthritis, tachycardia, mononucleosis, and cancers such as leukemia and Hodgkin’s disease.[15] In 2002, the National Council Against Health Fraud examined these claims and concluded “there is no scientific evidence that amalgam fillings cause or contribute to the development of these diseases.”[9]

In a paper published in Alternative Medicine Review in 1998, Huggins claimed that changes in cerebrospinal fluid that are typical for multiple sclerosis remitted after the removal of amalgam fillings and root canals.[20] Huggins claimed that dental care according to his understanding of dentistry has allowed wheelchair-using patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis to walk unassisted within weeks.[15] These claims are inconsistent with mainstream scientific consensus on the causes of multiple sclerosis. A meta-analysis examined a range of studies on if there was a link between multiple sclerosis saw a slight increase in the risk of multiple sclerosis associated with amalgam use, but noted that this was not statistically significant.[21] Another study found that although there was a geographical relationship between dental caries and multiple sclerosis, the use of dental amalgam was not associated with this disease.[22]

Huggins’s criticisms of dental care were not limited to amalgam fillings; he was also opposed to root canals that he alleges can cause focal infections and illness,[6] and has claimed that implants can cause autoimmune disease.[19] According to a review article on mercury controversy published by Dr. Dodes in the Journal of the American Dental Association, “there are numerous logical and methodological errors in the anti-amalgam literature” and concluded that “the evidence supporting the safety of amalgam restorations is compelling.”[3]

The FDA in 2020 commented “the majority of evidence shows exposure to mercury from dental amalgam does not lead to negative health effects in the general population. Exposure to mercury may pose a greater health risk in certain groups of people, who may be more susceptible to potential adverse effects generally associated with mercury.”[23]

Diet [ edit ]

Huggins was influenced by the dietary ideas of Melvin E. Page and promoted the pseudoscientific concept known as “balancing body chemistry”.[8][24] He recommended a low-carbohydrate high-protein diet.[24] The diet emphasized consumption of beef, chicken, turkey and eggs with grains and vegetables. All fish and seafood are forbidden as well as all dairy (apart from butter), processed sugar, white flour and soft drinks.[25] In 1975, the American Dental Association’s Council on Dental Research stated “there is little or no evidence to support the broad claims of the Hal Huggins diet.”[26]

Huggins opposed the pasteurization of milk, based on his claim that neither animals or humans can assimilate calcium from it.[27]

Selected publications [ edit ]

Why Raise Ugly Kids?: How You Can Fulfill Your Child’s Health and Happiness Potential (1981)

(1981) It’s All in Your Head: The Link Between Mercury Amalgams and Illness (1993)

(1993) Uninformed Consent : The Hidden Dangers in Dental Care (1999, with Thomas E. Levy)

(1999, with Thomas E. Levy) Solving the MS Mystery: Help, Hope and Recovery (2002)

(2002) Your Goose Isn’t Cooked… Yet! (2002)

(2002) Who Makes Your Hormones Hum??? (2004)

(2004) It’s Right Under Your Nose (2005)

Dr. Hal Huggins’ Legacy to Biological Dentistry – and to Us

This past weekend, dentistry lost a legend: Dr. Hal Huggins.

The author of such important books as It’s All in Your Head and Uniformed Consent – among many others – Dr. Huggins probably did more than anyone to bring attention to the problem of mercury toxicity from “silver” amalgam fillings, not to mention other dental factors that can play a role in chronic systemic illness. His “reward” for speaking out? The state of Colorado took away his license to practice dentistry, since he refused to refer patients for either amalgams or root canal treatment.

While that might have silenced many a dentist, Dr. Huggins was a man of conviction – and not a little courage. He knew from both scientific research and clinical experience that the risks of such procedures far outweigh the purported benefits.

Shortly after Dr. Glaros made his decision to stop placing mercury amalgam, he was fortunate enough to be able to study under Dr. Huggins, who soon became a mentor and friend. “Hal was a committed teacher with a fantastic protocol” for safe mercury removal, says Dr. Glaros, “and the single loudest voice in this country demanding, ‘Stop placing mercury fillings!’”

Over more than 40 continuing education days, I learned about nutritional support, about sequential removal of restorations based on current readings, about minimizing patient exposure to mercury vapors, particles, and pollutants. I proudly wore the tie clasp he gave to his steadfast followers of protocol: a “Dragon-Slayer” clasp. At the expense of his license to practice dentistry and the costs associated with that action, Hal still kept on with the crusade. Through the years, a few countries have banned the use of mercury in dentistry, and the rest will ultimately follow, even our USA. On that day, I will look up to the Heavens and thank Hal for what he nurtured in thousands of dentists in this country and around the world. How many patients were treated and had more life in their time, because of Hal? Impossible to know accurately, but Hal did not know patients by those counts anyway. He taught us to treat them respectfully, one at a time. So that is what we do.

Through later years, Dr. Huggins’ research took him beyond mercury and root canals, to other types of dental focus. Most recently, he formed the Dental DNA lab, which, among other pursuits, specializes in the detection of dangerous, disease-causing microbes found within root canals, cavitations, implants and other dental situations.

His development as a dentist and researcher is mapped out wonderfully in a poem he recently composed, “Huggins’ Dream of the Future of Dentistry” – a read well worth your time. It is the future that we’re committed to manifesting every day in our own office, where prevention takes precedence over reactionary fixes, where the dental drill is for a last resort, and where we take pains to ensure that the last resort is both biocompatible and supportive of the body’s own self-regulating capabilities.

We might not have ever had the honor of doing so had Dr. Huggins not paved the way.

R.I.P., Hal. You were one of a kind.

How Root Canals Cause Cancer by Dr. Hal Huggins

By Dr. Hal A. Huggins, DDS, MS

“You need a root canal!” “Why?”

Do you really “need” a root canal? What are the conventional reasons for performing root canals over the past century?

– Pain

– Deep decay that has invaded the nerve chamber

– Trauma (as in getting hit in the mouth with a baseball bat)

– Discomfort of unknown reason

What, exactly, are you getting for your money?As recently as 1906, Mayo Clinic in conjunction with Weston Price DDS, MS as head of research for the dental association of that time, announced that root canals were a haven for disease-producing bacteria. Six PhDs working with Dr. Price for decades, and a team of microbiologists from Mayo Clinic identified these bacteria.

Dr. Price implanted root canal fragments under the skin of the belly of 60,000 rabbits. Results unequivocally proved that diseases of the humans, traveling in the root canaled teeth, could produce the same disease in the rabbit in a matter of weeks. Heart attacks could be transferred 100 percent percent of the time – implicating root canals as one of the primary causes of heart disease.

Root Canals are Breeding Grounds for Bacterial Toxins

Does it surprise you that dentistry has been able to keep this secret for over a century?

Consider the liability. Ask your dentist about this, and watch him/her run, hide, and “fire you as a patient.” Fear of license revocation prevents dentists from disclosing what they have been told does not exist. Dr. Price and Mayo identified dozens of diseases related to bacterial toxins created by bacteria in root canals. If one percent of the people with root canals and subsequent diseases sued their dentist, all the money in the world would be in the hands of lawyers.

Dentists are kept in the dark by conflicting reports by their own associations. Most dental associations say root canals are 97 percent successful, while not defining the term ‘successful.’ The American Association of Endodontists (AAE) says only 90 percent are successful. Back in 1925, Coolidge said 95 percent were successful. The Department of Health and Human Services said in 1984 that there is no way to evaluate the success of a root canal. Burket published that only 42 percent of root canaled teeth were “mechanically” correct in filling the canals. That was in the US. European journals on the topic reported about 30 percent.

Haden published that 87 percent of 1,500 teeth he studied microscopically were contaminated with bacteria. And Okabe published that 72.1 percent of the patients with root canals had bacteremia (i.e. bacteria in the blood that were identical to those found in the root canal tooth).

Most dentists will tell you that a front tooth has a single canal. Dr. Price showed that that same front tooth can have as many as 75 auxiliary canals running from the pulp chamber to the outside of the tooth. Clean and fill 75 canals? Yeah, sure. Especially if you’re not even aware they exist.

How Dental Practices Can Alter Your DNA and Promote Disease

So, how can anyone be sure who’s telling the truth?

DNA testing is currently recognized as being one of the most dependable methods of identifying anything that is living. Or dead, for that matter. Dinosaurs have had their DNA tested. That template is there, dead or alive.

Which brings up my primary concern. Toxins from these bacteria together with mercury from dental amalgam have the ability to alter your DNA. Deletions, substitutions, additions – lots of things can happen to your DNA molecules, or your RNA, which is the “carbon copy” of the original DNA. It’s the RNA that actually does the work of creating proteins that make up your body. Mess up the RNA, and you’re setting yourself up for disease. But, if you alter the DNA of a “germ cell,” that is sperm or egg, and your children – and grandchildren, as long as your family line continues to reproduce – will be forever altered. Alterations of this DNA are permanent. They cannot be reversed.

With DNA alterations readily available due to mercury and bacterial toxins, we now have the opportunity to create many new diseases, and/or birth defects. There are many popular diseases today that were not known a thousand years ago – or even 200 years ago. Sickle cell anemia, for example, was not around until 1910. Multiple sclerosis wasn’t known until (circa) 1832. Leukemia came close on its heels. Diabetes got a strong foot hold just after 1900. Heart disease was then becoming more prevalent – up to nearly 10 percent of the deaths in 1900. Today, it is given credit for being the number one killer! Multiple sclerosis went from an average 8,800 cases per year from 1970 through 1975, then suddenly skyrocketed to 123,000 in 1976.

Are there reasons for these dramatic increases?

Yes. Unfortunately, dental procedures can be implicated in all of these increases.

Are all root canals infected with bacteria? Today, non-invasive testing of the fluid around a root canal tooth by DNA can tell if pathological bacteria are growing along its root. After extraction of the tooth, pathological bacteria can be identified 100 percent of the time.

But, wait! There’s more… It was recently discovered that the bacteria are not confined to the tooth. We tested root fragments and found many bacteria, which is not too surprising. Then we tested the periodontal ligament – the attachment between tooth and bone – and found even more bacteria. There is no way to get to this area to sterilize it. An even more surprising discovery was that the blood surrounding the tooth also contained bacteria – as much as half an inch around the tooth is highly contaminated.

Unfortunately, surgical removal of the offending root canal tooth is not just a matter of yanking it out. There is a protocol that a few brave dentists – who defy the dictates of the dental associations – can perform to protect their patients and rid them of potential disease-producing condominiums called root canals.

What Kind of Diseases are Associated with Root Canals?

We have identified 28 bacteria that the literature reports are related to heart diseases, including heart attack, endocarditis, and heart valve infection. Neurological diseases are in second place with 23 bacteria reported to be causative or contributing factors. Liver function, kidney, breast cancer – the list becomes alarming, so it is time to inform the public what dentists cannot tell you out of fear of retribution from injured patients and their own association. The Dental Association would move from being one of the most respected professions to the least respected…

How many people are affected, and how?

While I cannot list every potential in this article, our figures indicate that over 90 percent of the patients seeking help for dental related problems suffer from chronic fatigue, and that’s just one example. How tiring can bacteria be? One group certainly can contribute. They are called “porins.” Few doctors and even fewer humans have ever heard of porins. The word comes from “pores.” These bacteria drill holes in red blood cells – pores – that allow hemoglobin to escape into the surrounding blood where the bacteria are lurking to suck up the iron. These bacteria, the porin producers, have a very high appetite for iron, and hemoglobin furnishes a never ending supply.

Once a red blood cell has a few pores punched in it – a sleeve is inserted as well, such that the red blood cell cannot heal – the red cell bleeds to death. Now the liver has to process all that hemoglobin scrap relieved of its iron, and calm the body from irritations due to the red cell contents being where they do not belong.

Another new kid on the block that may be dentally related is meningitis, which is a growing epidemic. When reading an article about the need for another meningitis vaccine, I recalled seeing meningitis listed as an effect of a few different bacteria that thrive in root canals and cavitations. Capnocytophaga ochnacea; Gemella morbillorum; Klebsiella oxytoca; Neisseria meningitidis; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and a few more.

For explanation, cavitations and root canal bacteria are grouped together in our testing of over 400 samples, as both are eliminated simultaneously. Cavitations are bony holes almost always (4,999 out of a measured 5,000) left after extraction of wisdom teeth. The sockets rarely heal and become lined with pathogenic anaerobic bacteria. This newspaper said that we need to vaccinate teenagers because meningitis is a potentially fatal disease that comes on fast. With these bacteria occurring in the sockets of wisdom teeth, and wisdom tooth extractions being popular with teens, is there a connection?

Here, you have a choice: to vaccinate or prevent.

Cleaning out a cavitation is a tricky procedure, and in many states an oral surgeon who cleans one out will lose his license, for cavitations “do not exist.” Yeah. Try dropping into one that is two centimeters big and tell me it doesn’t exist! General dentists can do it without as much threat.

Another new one is the human papilloma virus (HPV). We just identified two bacteria associated with HPV in dental implants.

Beware: Antibiotics are NOT the Answer

Why not just give everyone lots of antibiotics? Because most antibiotics are what are called “bactericidal,” meaning they explode the bacteria, causing even more grief for your immune system. Instead of having one bacterium to destroy, now your system has a hundred little pieces called “endotoxins” to dispose of. Besides, there are other side effects to the use of massive antibiotics, such as the destruction of beneficial gut bacteria, which also dampens your immune system.

It has been over 100 years since Mayo and Dr. Price announced their findings, but you do not have to wait another 100 years to protect yourself, your RNA, or the future DNA of the human race. This is a serious accusation. One that is very logical and provable by today’s DNA science. Scientists know it is possible. Now you do too.

Find a Huggins-Trained Dentist Near You

For referrals to dentists who have various degrees of training in this field, please call our toll free number: 866-948-4638. We try to match client problems with the degree of dental revision training. You can also find more information on the following websites:

– Huggins Applied Healing

Dr. Hal Huggins has been in practice for nearly 50 years, and has lectured 2,500 days in 14 countries and 46 of the US states. A pioneer in exposing mercury’s problem leaching out of dental amalgam, Dr. Huggins has become controversial for standing up for science and health. Root canals are a new sacred cow. He took four years for a post doc masters degree at the University of Colorado with emphasis on immunology and toxicology. Graduated in 1989. He has developed a system that reverses many autoimmune diseases, much to the dismay of foundations that get paid to look for a cause, not find one. He is currently devoted to generating public awareness about the consequences of having dead teeth – called root canals – in their mouths. The diseases they create are bad enough, but the irreversible damage to DNA is a serious problem that will not get the attention deserved until birth defects become the standard.

Quotes about Root Canals

“Research has demonstrated that 100% of all root canals result in residual infection due to the imperfect seal that allows bacteria to penetrate. The toxins given off by these bacteria are more toxic than mercury. These toxins can cause systemic diseases of the heart, kidney, uterus, and nervous and endocrine systems.”

– Dr. Edward Arana, D.D.S.

“Root canals are a zillion times worse than mercury fillings.”

– Dr. Hal Huggins

“I see people pushing along in a wheelchair. I wonder when did you have your root canal done? Because root canals so far have turned out to be one of the most vile things that I have ever run into….”

– Dr. Hal Huggins, D.D.S., M.S.

“I have had a number of patients with breast cancer, all of whom had root canals on the tooth related to the breast area on the associated energy meridian.”

– John Diamond, M.D.

Books about Root Canals & Dentistry

Source: Mercola.com

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  • Dentistry (Medical Specialty)
  • Dr. Hal Huggins
  • DNA analysis
  • Weston Price
  • root canals
  • Price Pottenger Foundation
  • mercury fillings
  • mercury
  • silver amalgams
  • dental fillings
  • amalgam
  • brain damage
  • neurodegeneration
  • alzheimers
  • brain
  • China (Country)
  • Dental Amalgam Controversy (Event)
  • OSHA
  • mercury poisoning
  • on the job injury
  • occupational exposure to mercury
  • Work
  • worker safety
  • MSA Mask
  • health and safety
  • infertility
  • sterility
  • dental asssistant
  • root canal


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