Incorrect Use Of Parentdatawidget | 5 Common Errors Or Mistakes Developers Make In Flutter 최근 답변 138개

당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “incorrect use of parentdatawidget – 5 Common Errors OR Mistakes Developers make in Flutter“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 Careless Coders 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 1,129회 및 좋아요 24개 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.

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incorrect use of parentdatawidget 주제에 대한 동영상 보기

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d여기에서 5 Common Errors OR Mistakes Developers make in Flutter – incorrect use of parentdatawidget 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

This video is about some of the very common errors or mistakes people do while Flutter Development.
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———–Contents of this video ————-
00:00 – Intro
00:22 – Container Color \u0026 Decoration
01:02 – Vertical Viewport given unbounded height
02:06 – Keyboard Overflow Error
03:03 – Render Flex Overflow Errors
03:58 – Incorrect Parent Data Widget

incorrect use of parentdatawidget 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Incorrect use of parent data widget. expanded widgets must …

I am getting the following error: i.e.., Another exception was thrown: Incorrect use of ParentDataWget. showing …

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[Solved] Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget Error in Flutter

In this post, we are going to show you the cause and how to solve the “Incorrect use of ParentDataWget” error in Flutter. This error occurs when the Child …

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Date Published: 6/16/2021

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Solved: Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget. – How do I fix this? |…

Usually, this means that the Expanded wget has the wrong ancestor RenderObjectWget. Typically, Expanded wgets are placed directly inse …

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Date Published: 1/5/2021

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incorrect use of parentdatawidget when using expanded

Incorrect use of ParentDataWget. expanded in a row · “Error: Incorrect use of Parent Data Wget. The ParentDataWget Expanded(flex: 1) …

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incorrect use of parent data widget … – Google Groups

I am getting the following error: i.e.., Another exception was thrown: Incorrect use of ParentDataWget. showing error on the mobile screen.

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Date Published: 6/18/2022

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Error: Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget. – FlutterCentral

This error means that you can only place an Expanded Wget inse Flex Wget. For example, below code will throw this kind of error. import ‘ …

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Date Published: 5/17/2021

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Incorrect use of parent data widget. expanded w…anycodings

Incorrect use of parent data wget. expanded wgets must be placed inse flex wgets I am getting the following e …

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Date Published: 5/5/2022

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flutter – Incorrect use of parent data widget. expanded widgets …

i.e.., Another exception was thrown: Incorrect use of ParentDataWget. showing error on the mobile screen. @overre Wget build(BuildContext context) …

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Date Published: 11/20/2021

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주제와 관련된 이미지 incorrect use of parentdatawidget

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 5 Common Errors OR Mistakes Developers make in Flutter. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

5 Common Errors OR Mistakes Developers make in Flutter
5 Common Errors OR Mistakes Developers make in Flutter

주제에 대한 기사 평가 incorrect use of parentdatawidget

  • Author: Careless Coders
  • Views: 조회수 1,129회
  • Likes: 좋아요 24개
  • Date Published: 2021. 9. 19.
  • Video Url link:

What is incorrect use of ParentDataWidget?

This error occurs when the Child widget has not matched the parent widget.

What is ParentDataWidget?

ParentDataWidget<T extends ParentData> class Null safety. Base class for widgets that hook ParentData information to children of RenderObjectWidgets. This can be used to provide per-child configuration for RenderObjectWidgets with more than one child.

How do you stack in flutter?

Flutter Stack
  1. The child widget in a stack can be either positioned or non-positioned.
  2. Positioned items are wrapped in Positioned widget and must have a one non-null property.
  3. The non-positioned child widgets are aligned itself. …
  4. We can use the alignment attribute to change the alignment of the widgets.

How do you use flexible in flutter?

  1. Flexible is a built-in widget in flutter which controls how a child of base flex widgets that are Row, Column, and Flex will fill the space available to it. The Expanded widget in flutter is shorthand of Flexible with the default fit of FlexFit. tight. …
  2. Example 1: Non-Responsive App.
  3. Output:

What is Stack widget in flutter?

The stack is a widget in Flutter. It contains a list of widgets and places them on top of each other. And it places their children on top of each other like a stack of books. In other words, stack developers would overlap multiple widgets on one screen. As you can add different images or colors using containers in it.

What is inherited widget in flutter?

In flutter, the inherited widget is a base class that allows those classes to extend the information under the tree from it. Inherited widgets are also a kind of state management technique. It works by telling registered build references when a change occurs.

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What is positioned in flutter?

Positioned is a widget that comes built-in with flutter SDK. Postioned does exactly what it sounds like, which is it arbitrarily positioned widgets on top of each other. It is usually used to position child widgets in Stack widget or similar. It only works for Stateless and Stateful widgets.

What expanded flutter?

A widget that expands a child of a Row, Column, or Flex so that the child fills the available space.

What is difference between flexible and expanded?

So, if the child in flexible knows its height (in Column and width in Row) then it will take the mentioned height. But if the height is not mentioned then it will take the remaining height and it will act like an expanded widget. And expanded widget will always take remaining height (or width).

How do I expand my rows to Flutter?

You can make the children of Row widget, expand to the available horizontal space. All you need to do is, wrap each child of Row widget around Expanded widget.

How do I merge two widgets in Flutter?

“Merge two widgets flutter” Code Answer
  1. MergeSemantics(
  2. child: ListTile(
  3. title: Text(‘Lights’),
  4. trailing: CupertinoSwitch(
  5. value: _lights,
  6. onChanged: (bool value) { setState(() { _lights = value; }); },
  7. ),
  8. onTap: () { setState(() { _lights = ! _lights; }); },

Is Flutter full stack?

Flutter is purely Frontend and Full Stack contains everything including FrontEnd, Backend and Devops. It’s up-to you who you want to become.

What is scaffold in Flutter?

Scaffold is a class in flutter which provides many widgets or we can say APIs like Drawer, SnackBar, BottomNavigationBar, FloatingActionButton, AppBar, etc. Scaffold will expand or occupy the whole device screen. It will occupy the available space.

What is ListView builder in flutter?

ListView is a very important widget in a flutter. It is used to create the list of children But when we want to create a list recursively without writing code again and again then ListView. builder is used instead of ListView. ListView. builder creates a scrollable, linear array of widgets.

What expanded flutter?

A widget that expands a child of a Row, Column, or Flex so that the child fills the available space.

What is positioned in flutter?

Positioned is a widget that comes built-in with flutter SDK. Postioned does exactly what it sounds like, which is it arbitrarily positioned widgets on top of each other. It is usually used to position child widgets in Stack widget or similar. It only works for Stateless and Stateful widgets.

Incorrect use of parent data widget. expanded widgets must be placed inside flex widgets

I am getting the following error:

i.e.., Another exception was thrown: Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget. showing error on the mobile screen.

@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( title: widget.title, theme: ThemeData.light().copyWith( platform: _platform ?? Theme.of(context).platform, ), home: DefaultTabController( length: categoryNames.length, child: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text(widget.title), ), body: SafeArea( child: Column( children: [ Chewie( controller: _chewieController, ), TabBar(, tabs: categoryNames, ), Expanded( child: TabBarView( children: [ ImageList() ], ), ) /*TabBarView( children: [ Icon(Icons.directions_car), Icon(Icons.directions_transit), Icon(Icons.directions_bike), ], )*/ ], ) ), ), ), ); }

It’s my code, please check and let me know the issue.

[Solved] Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget Error in Flutter

In this post, we are going to show you the cause and how to solve the “Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget” error in Flutter. This error occurs when the Child widget has not matched the parent widget.

══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY WIDGETS LIBRARY ╞═════════════════ The following assertion was thrown while applying parent data.: Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget. The ParentDataWidget Expanded(flex: 1) wants to apply ParentData of type FlexParentData to a RenderObject, which has been set up to accept ParentData of incompatible type BoxParentData. Usually, this means that the Expanded widget has the wrong ancestor RenderObjectWidget. Typically, Expanded widgets are placed directly inside Flex widgets. The offending Expanded is currently placed inside a Padding widget. The ownership chain for the RenderObject that received the incompatible parent data was: RichText ← Text ← Expanded ← Padding ← Container ← _BodyBuilder ← MediaQuery ← LayoutId-[<_ScaffoldSlot.body>] ← CustomMultiChildLayout ← AnimatedBuilder ← ⋯

In our case, this error happens due to the Expanded() widget.

This error happens when child widgets like Flexible() , Expanded() , Positioned() and TableCell() widget has no matching parent widget. For example:

Container( Expanded( child: Text(“Hello FlutterCampus”) ) ) //Error: Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget

Here, Expanded() widget must have Row() , Column() or Flex() widget as Parent widget.

To solve this error, your child widget must have the expected parent widget. Some of the widget and their parent widgets are:

Widget Parent Widget Expanded() Row(), Column(), Flex() Flexible() Row(), Column(), Flex() Positioned() Stack() TableCell() Table()

For Example:

Row( children:[ Expanded( child: Text(“Hello FlutterCampus”) ) ] )


Stack( children:[ Positioned( child: Text(“Hello FlutterCampus”) ) ] )

Here, Row() is the parent widget of Expanded(), and Stack() is the parent of Positioned() widget. Similarly, see the above chart list, and use the parent according to the child widget.

In this way, you can solve the “Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget” Error in the Flutter App

Solved: Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget. – How do I fix this?

Asked by DoggyStick on March 09, 2022 (source).

I am relatively new at Flutter and I am getting the following error message.

Error Message:

The following assertion was thrown while applying parent data.: Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget. The ParentDataWidget Expanded(flex: 1) wants to apply ParentData of type FlexParentData to a RenderObject, which has been set up to accept ParentData of incompatible type ParentData. Usually, this means that the Expanded widget has the wrong ancestor RenderObjectWidget. Typically, Expanded widgets are placed directly inside Flex widgets. The offending Expanded is currently placed inside a SizedBox widget.

The following is the codes which I believe the error lies:

Material( elevation: 2, color: Colors.white70, child: Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric( horizontal: size.width * 0.05, vertical: size.height * 0.02, ), child: SizedBox( height: size.height * 0.4, width: size.width, child: Column( children: [ _orders ? StreamBuilder( stream: FirebaseFirestore.instance .collection(‘VendorOrders’) .doc(_uid) .collection(‘CurrentOrders’) .orderBy(‘orderTime’, descending: true) .snapshots(), builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot orderSnapshot) { if (orderSnapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) { return Container( alignment:, child: Center( child: CircularProgressIndicator( backgroundColor: colorTeal, strokeWidth: 1, ), ), ); } else { //error is likely from here return Expanded( child: ListView.builder( itemCount:, itemBuilder: (context, index) { DocumentSnapshot order =[index]; if (current(order)) { return VendorOrderDetailCard( doc: order); } else { return Container(); } } ) ); } }) : Expanded( child: Column( mainAxisAlignment:, crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ Text( ‘There are no ongoing orders’, textAlign:, style: TextStyle( color: colorDarkBlue, fontFamily: ‘Montserrat’, fontSize: 16.0, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, ), ), ], ), ), ], ), ), ), ),

I think the error is due to the Expanded widget conflicting with the SizedBox but I am not sure what the workaround is. I tried to change up the expanded to flexible and sizedbox but to no avail. I would appreciate any sort of help!

[Solved] Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget Error in Flutter

In this post, we are going to show you the cause and how to solve the “Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget” error in Flutter. This error occurs when the Child widget has not matched the parent widget.

══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY WIDGETS LIBRARY ╞═════════════════ The following assertion was thrown while applying parent data.: Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget. The ParentDataWidget Expanded(flex: 1) wants to apply ParentData of type FlexParentData to a RenderObject, which has been set up to accept ParentData of incompatible type BoxParentData. Usually, this means that the Expanded widget has the wrong ancestor RenderObjectWidget. Typically, Expanded widgets are placed directly inside Flex widgets. The offending Expanded is currently placed inside a Padding widget. The ownership chain for the RenderObject that received the incompatible parent data was: RichText ← Text ← Expanded ← Padding ← Container ← _BodyBuilder ← MediaQuery ← LayoutId-[<_ScaffoldSlot.body>] ← CustomMultiChildLayout ← AnimatedBuilder ← ⋯

In our case, this error happens due to the Expanded() widget.

This error happens when child widgets like Flexible() , Expanded() , Positioned() and TableCell() widget has no matching parent widget. For example:

Container( Expanded( child: Text(“Hello FlutterCampus”) ) ) //Error: Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget

Here, Expanded() widget must have Row() , Column() or Flex() widget as Parent widget.

To solve this error, your child widget must have the expected parent widget. Some of the widget and their parent widgets are:

Widget Parent Widget Expanded() Row(), Column(), Flex() Flexible() Row(), Column(), Flex() Positioned() Stack() TableCell() Table()

For Example:

Row( children:[ Expanded( child: Text(“Hello FlutterCampus”) ) ] )


Stack( children:[ Positioned( child: Text(“Hello FlutterCampus”) ) ] )

Here, Row() is the parent widget of Expanded(), and Stack() is the parent of Positioned() widget. Similarly, see the above chart list, and use the parent according to the child widget.

In this way, you can solve the “Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget” Error in the Flutter App

ParentDataWidget class

Base class for widgets that hook ParentData information to children of RenderObjectWidgets.

This can be used to provide per-child configuration for RenderObjectWidgets with more than one child. For example, Stack uses the Positioned parent data widget to position each child.

A ParentDataWidget is specific to a particular kind of ParentData. That class is T , the ParentData type argument.

FrogJar widget’s children by specifying a This example shows how you would build a ParentDataWidget to configure awidget’s children by specifying a Size for each one. assignment class FrogSize extends ParentDataWidget { const FrogSize({ Key? key, required this.size, required Widget child, }) : super(key: key, child: child); final Size size; @override void applyParentData(RenderObject renderObject) { final FrogJarParentData parentData = renderObject.parentData! as FrogJarParentData; if (parentData.size != size) { parentData.size = size; final RenderFrogJar targetParent = renderObject.parent! as RenderFrogJar; targetParent.markNeedsLayout(); } } @override Type get debugTypicalAncestorWidgetClass => FrogJar; }

See also:

Flutter Stack

next → ← prev Flutter Stack The stack is a widget in Flutter that contains a list of widgets and positions them on top of the other. In other words, the stack allows developers to overlap multiple widgets into a single screen and renders them from bottom to top. Hence, the first widget is the bottommost item, and the last widget is the topmost item Key Points Related to Stack Widget The following are the key points of the Flutter stack widget: The child widget in a stack can be either positioned or non-positioned .

or . Positioned items are wrapped in Positioned widget and must have a one non-null property

The non-positioned child widgets are aligned itself. It displays on the screen based on the stack’s alignment. The default position of the children is in the top left corner.

We can use the alignment attribute to change the alignment of the widgets.

Stack places the children widgets in order with the first child being at the bottom and the last child being at the top. If we want to reorder the children’s widget, it is required to rebuild the stack in the new order. By default, the first widget of each stack has the maximum size compared to other widgets. How to use a stack widget in Flutter? The below example helps to understand the use of stack widget quickly that contains three containers of shrinking size: Stack( children: [ // Max Size Container( color:, ), Container( color:, ), Container( color: Colors.yellow, ) ], ), It will give the following output: Properties of the Stack Widget The following are the properties used with the stack widget: alignment: It determines how the children widgets are positioned in the stack. It can be top, bottom, center, center-right, etc. Stack( alignment: Alignment.topCenter, // Center of Top children: [ ] ) textDirection: It determines the text direction. It can draw the text either ltr (left to right) or rtl (right to the left). Stack( textDirection: TextDirection.rtl, // Right to Left children: [ ] ) fit: It will control the size of non-positioned children widgets in the stack. It has three types: loose, expand and passthrough. The loose used to set the child widget small, the expand attribute makes the child widget as large as possible, and the passthrough set the child widget depending on its parent widget. Stack( fit: StackFit.passthrough, children: [ ] ) overflow: It controls the children widgets, whether visible or clipped, when it’s content overflowing outside the stack. Stack( overflow: Overflow.clip, // Clip the Content children: [ ] ) clipBehavior: It determines whether the content will be clipped or not. Positioned It is not the stack parameter but can be used in the stack to locate the children widgets. The following are the constructor of the positioned stack: const Positioned({ Key key, this.left,, this.right, this.bottom, this.width, this.height, @required Widget child, }) Stack Widget Example The below code explains how to use the stack widget in Flutter. In this code, we are going to try most of the essential attributes of the stack widget. import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; void main() => runApp(MyApp()); /// This Widget is the main application widget. class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: MyStackWidget(), ); } } class MyStackWidget extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text(“Flutter Stack Widget Example”), ), body: Center( child: Stack( fit: StackFit.passthrough, overflow: Overflow.visible, children: [ // Max Size Widget Container( height: 300, width: 400, color:, child: Center( child: Text( ‘Top Widget: Green’, style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 20), ), ), ), Positioned( top: 30, right: 20, child: Container( height: 100, width: 150, color:, child: Center( child: Text( ‘Middle Widget’, style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 20), ), ), ), ), Positioned( top: 30, left: 20, child: Container( height: 100, width: 150, color:, child: Center( child: Text( ‘Bottom Widget’, style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 20), ), ), ) ), ], ), ) ), ); } } Output: When we run the app, we should get the UI of the screen similar to the below screenshot: Flutter IndexedStack It is another stack widget in Flutter that displayed only one element at one time by specifying its index. See the below code snippet: IndexedStack( index: 1, children: [ Container( color:, ), Container( color:, ), Container( color: Colors.yellow, ) ], ) IndexedStack takes children like a usual stack, but it will display only one child at a time. Therefore, it is not a stack. We use it for easily switching between one child to another child according to our needs. IndexedStack Widget Example The below code explains how to use indexed stack widget in Flutter: import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; void main() => runApp(MyApp()); /// This Widget is the main application widget. class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: MyStackWidget(), ); } } class MyStackWidget extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text(“Flutter Stack Widget Example”), ), body: Center( child: IndexedStack( index: 0, children: [ Container( height: 300, width: 400, color:, child: Center( child: Text( ‘First Widget’, style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 20), ), ), ), Container( height: 250, width: 250, color:, child: Center( child: Text( ‘Second Widget’, style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 20), ), ), ), ], ), ) ), ); } } Output: When we run the app, we should get the UI of the screen similar to the below screenshot: Is it possible to wrap stack inside stack in Flutter? Yes, it is possible to wrap stack inside stack in Flutter. We can do this by wrapping the second stack inside the container with height and width property. See the below code to understand it more clearly: import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; void main() => runApp(MyApp()); class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: MyStackWidget(), ); } } class MyStackWidget extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text(“Flutter Stack Widget Example”), ), body: Center( child: Stack( children: [ Positioned( top: 100, child: Text( “Stack#1”, style: TextStyle(color:, fontSize: 20) ), ), Positioned( top: 150.0, child: Container( height: 220, width: 220, color:, child: Stack( children: [ Positioned( top:160, child: Text( “Stack Inside Stack#1”, style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 20) ), ) ], ), ), ) ], ), ) ), ); } } When we run the app, we should get the UI of the screen similar to the below screenshot: Next Topic Flutter Forms

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incorrect use of parent data widget. expanded widgets must be placed inside flex widgets

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Error: Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget.

Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget.

Expanded widgets must be placed inside Flex widgets.

Expanded(no depth, flex: 1, dirty) has no flex ancestor at all.


This error means that you can only place an Expanded Widget inside Flex Widget. For example, below code will throw this kind of error.

import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget titlesection = Container( padding: EdgeInsets.all(10.0), child: Expanded( child: Row( children: [ Column( children: [ Container( padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 8.0), child: Text( “Some Lage Somthing”, style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold), ), ), Text(“Someplace, Country”) ], ), Icon( ], ), ), ); return MaterialApp( title: ‘My Layout App’, home: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text(“My Layout App”), ), body: ListView( children: [ titlesection, ], )), ); } }

The fix for this above issue, is to move the expanded widget inside a flex widget. Example below.

import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget titlesection = Container( padding: EdgeInsets.all(10.0), child: Row( children: [ Expanded( child: Column( children: [ Container( padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 8.0), child: Text( “Some Lage Somthing”, style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold), ), ), Text(“Someplace, Country”) ], ), ), Icon( ], ), ); return MaterialApp( title: ‘My Layout App’, home: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text(“My Layout App”), ), body: ListView( children: [ titlesection, ], )), ); } }


Incorrect use of parent data widget. expanded w…anycodings

I am getting the following error:

i.e.., Another exception was thrown: anycodings_dart Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget. showing anycodings_dart error on the mobile screen.

@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( title: widget.title, theme: ThemeData.light().copyWith( platform: _platform ?? Theme.of(context).platform, ), home: DefaultTabController( length: categoryNames.length, child: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text(widget.title), ), body: SafeArea( child: Column( children: [ Chewie( controller: _chewieController, ), TabBar(, tabs: categoryNames, ), Expanded( child: TabBarView( children: [ ImageList() ], ), ) /*TabBarView( children: [ Icon(Icons.directions_car), Icon(Icons.directions_transit), Icon(Icons.directions_bike), ], )*/ ], ) ), ), ), ); }

It’s my code, please check and let me know anycodings_dart the issue.

flutter – Incorrect use of parent data widget. expanded widgets must be placed inside flex widgets – Code Utility


It’s my code, please check and let me know the issue.

i.e.., Another exception was thrown: Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget. showing error on the mobile screen.

I am getting the following error:


You should use Expanded only within a Column , Row or Flex

Expanded cannot be used inside a Stack .


What does the error meaning

This error is about missing an expected parent widget.

In this case just removing Expanded or wrapping it in a Column should fix the problem.

While Flutter’s widgets are generally flexible in how they can be composed together in a UI, a small subset of those widgets expect specific parent widgets. When this expectation can’t be satisfied in your widget tree, you’re likely to see this error.

Here is an incomplete list of widgets that expect specific parent widgets within the Flutter framework. Feel free to submit a PR (using the doc icon in the top right corner of the page) to expand this list.

| Widget | Expected parent widget(s) | | ————————————— | ——————————- | | Flexible | Row, Column, or Flex | | Expanded (a specialized Flexible) | Row, Column, or Flex | | Positioned | Stack | | TableCell | Table |

To fix it

The fix should be obvious once you know which parent widget is missing.

An Expanded widget must be a descendant of a Row , Column , or Flex

The fix for this above issue, is to move the expanded widget inside a flex widget. Example below.

Row( children: [ Expanded( child: Column( children: [ Container( padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 8.0), child: Text( “Some Lage Somthing”, style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold), ), ), Text(“Someplace, Country”) ], ), ), Icon( ], ), );

Happy Fluttering!

키워드에 대한 정보 incorrect use of parentdatawidget

다음은 Bing에서 incorrect use of parentdatawidget 주제에 대한 검색 결과입니다. 필요한 경우 더 읽을 수 있습니다.

이 기사는 인터넷의 다양한 출처에서 편집되었습니다. 이 기사가 유용했기를 바랍니다. 이 기사가 유용하다고 생각되면 공유하십시오. 매우 감사합니다!

사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 5 Common Errors OR Mistakes Developers make in Flutter

  • Flutter
  • flutter errors
  • flutter ui
  • flutter mistakes
  • flutter development
  • mobile development
  • keyboard overflow error
  • incorrect parent wdget

5 #Common #Errors #OR #Mistakes #Developers #make #in #Flutter

YouTube에서 incorrect use of parentdatawidget 주제의 다른 동영상 보기

주제에 대한 기사를 시청해 주셔서 감사합니다 5 Common Errors OR Mistakes Developers make in Flutter | incorrect use of parentdatawidget, 이 기사가 유용하다고 생각되면 공유하십시오, 매우 감사합니다.

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