Paiste 602 Blue Label | 2 Paiste 20\” Formula 602 Medium Blue Label Cymbals Compared 116 개의 정답

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d여기에서 2 Paiste 20\” Formula 602 MEDIUM Blue Label Cymbals Compared – paiste 602 blue label 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

FOR SALE (also on facebook):
These cymbals are inked as identical models, but are they? The cymbal on the right is a normal 20 M while the cymbal on the left is something of an anomaly with NO SERIAL #, a taper like a sound creation, and a flatter less domed bell. The result is a darker more crystalline sound as you will hear.
Left – 2293g Right – 2193g

paiste 602 blue label 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Paiste Blue Label Formula 602 Hi-Hats – Original Vintage

These are original, vintage Paiste Blue Label Formula 602 Heavy Hi-Hats! Weight is 1039g top and 1157g bottom. These are made in Switzerland and are the …

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paiste 602 blue label: Search Result – eBay

Find great deals on eBay for paiste 602 blue label. Shop with confence.

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Date Published: 8/8/2021

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20″ Paiste 602 blue label heavy flat ride –

20″ Paiste 602 blue label heavy flat re … Really nice darkish, “wobbly”, long sound with beautiful, glass-like stick sound. … *An item that has been used …

+ 더 읽기


Date Published: 7/6/2021

View: 8296

Paiste BLUE LABEL Formula 602 Top Medium Hi-Hat

Paiste Formula 602 BLUE LABEL Top Medium Hi-Hat 14 inch Serial number 168502 No keyholing at all. No bottom. Please see my other items for 1960’s Premier …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


Date Published: 1/5/2022

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Paiste Formula 602 – Cymbal Wiki

The Outline Stamp is used from just before serial numbers appear until the Blue Label era. If you see a Formula 602 cymbal with an Outline …

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Date Published: 1/16/2021

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Paiste blue label 20″ 602 HEAVY | [DFO] Drum Forum

I’ll trade for 14″ paiste 602 sound edge hats? … Most of these are Blue Label era with a sprinkling of Pre Serial 2539g; Black Label 2517g …

+ 여기에 표시


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Paiste 602 Heavy Crash Cymbal 16 – Pre-owned NOS

The largest Drum Store in the world! Get competitive pricing, fast shipping service. Buy Vintage Paiste 602 Blue Label Heavy Crash Cymbal 16.

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오


Date Published: 6/30/2022

View: 7709

주제와 관련된 이미지 paiste 602 blue label

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 2 Paiste 20\” Formula 602 MEDIUM Blue Label Cymbals Compared. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

2 Paiste 20\
2 Paiste 20\” Formula 602 MEDIUM Blue Label Cymbals Compared

주제에 대한 기사 평가 paiste 602 blue label

  • Author: Daniel Plasko
  • Views: 조회수 543회
  • Likes: 좋아요 12개
  • Date Published: 2021. 5. 19.
  • Video Url link:

Paiste Blue Label Formula 602 Hi-Hats – Original Vintage

Hey Drummers! Today I have some sweet hihats! These are original, vintage Paiste Blue Label Formula 602 Heavy Hi-Hats! Weight is 1039g top and 1157g bottom. These are made in Switzerland and are the “THE HATS” from the 1980’s – think Jeff Porcaro and Vinnie Colaiuta. These are original and NOT re-issue hats. They are a matching pair with consecutive serial #’s! They are pretty light considering they are the “Heavy” model. To me, they are very buttery, dark and smoky especially due to the even patina buildup over the years as I generally don’t clean my cymbals. There are no cracks, keyholes, or fleabites at all. These babies will work for rock, funk, jazz, and any type of music. All logos are intact and in great shape overall. The cymbals have “Formula 602” stamped into each one, as well as the serial #’s – 368533 bottom and 368534 top. The sound is crisp and a classic hi hat sound. The markings on the cymbal are the factory hammering. The newer generation “602” reissues go for over $550/pair, and these are the original vintage models which blow the reissues away! Paiste collectors – where are you??? Items are sold AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranty, returns or refunds. Please ask all questions and request all photos PRIOR to bidding. S/H is FREE thru USPS standard with tracking number. No signature required – if you want a signature, let me know when you pay otherwise, once delivered per, I am no longer responsible. Paypal only – no flaky buyers, please. Continental US only – sorry, no international s/h. Thanks for checking this out, see my other stuff on Reverb and good luck!

paiste 602 blue label: Search Result

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20″ Paiste 602 blue label heavy flat ride


Condition: 9- / 10

Hole: in great shape

Logos: a bit faded

Edges: in great shape

Really nice darkish, “wobbly”, long sound with beautiful, glass-like stick sound.

weight: 2760 g

*An item that has been used previously. The item may have some signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully operational and functions as intended.

Paiste BLUE LABEL Formula 602 Top Medium Hi-Hat

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Paiste Formula 602

Formula 602

Formula 602 logo

Introduction: 1963ish (based on advertising and catalogs)

Discontinued: 1994 (based on serial numbers) then reissued 2011 to present


Formula 602 sounds are very precise, very clear and very pure. They are suited to acoustic music, jazz, classical performances and recording. Only a delicate touch is required to produce their distinctive, cool and natural response. (1)

One of the world’s most referred and legendary cymbal line in history. Renown and loved for its fine, pure, soft, delicate musical tone, that requires precise playing. Reintroduction of the most popular models, faithfully re-created in terms of sound and look in 2011.

Forged from the legendary «602 Bronze» (CuSn20), handcrafted from start to finish by highly skilled Swiss craftsmen, Formula 602 Classic Sounds cymbals produce a true, pure sound of unique clarity and consistency. (4)

Innovation: First B20 cymbal made by Paiste. In 1976, the Formula 602 Dark Ride inspired a new line-up of dark cymbals in the Sound Creation series. The Formula 602 line also saw the introduction of the Sound Edge Hi-Hat and the Flatride.

Alloy: B20 Bronze, also known as “Bell Bronze”.

Quality: Professional

Offered as: Formula 602 – Formula 602 Modern Essentials

Production: Hand/machine hammered and hand lathed B20 bronze.


Most volume settings • Live and recording • Wide range of music styles such as Pop, Rock, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Funk, R&B, Classic, Avant-garde, Big Band, Country, Blues and Gospel.

Low to medium loud settings • especially well-suited for recording, live • Jazz, Fusion, Blues, moderate Pop and Rock, Country, Folk, acoustic music. (2019 website)

Users: Professional musicians and enthusiastic drummers, refined drummers and sound specialists with precise requirements that need a fully developed character in their cymbal sound


Musical, transparent, beautiful, rich, colorful, full, clear, expressive sound • The model range features everything from particularly delicate, well balanced and sensitive to expressive, potent and powerful and projective qualities

Warm, silvery, mellow, cool, light, fine, precise and controlled • Cymbals with clarity and retro vintage character combined with a velvety, sensitive, very responsive feel. (4)

The following description appeared in the 1969 Paiste catalog:

“The sound of your cymbals and the way they are put together distinguish you from other drummers. In Paiste production, it is decided in advance how the cymbals must sound. Also, whether they are going to be Medium Ride or Thin, Medium or Heavy, Paper-thin or Hi-hat cymbals. These cymbals are made according to precisely determined shapes and to measurements with an accuracy with 1/100 of a millimeter. Several technical controls have been built into the production process. These are executed by specialists, using appropriate measuring equipment. Nevertheless, only the trained ear of a drummer can be the final judge of the sound quality. Every cymbal that leaves the plant is flawless, both in material and in sound.

Each cymbal has to meet rigorous standards for sound characteristics and quality. There are 5 specific sound qualities from which to choose. The sizes most in use are between 16″ and 20″. The complete range, however, includes all sizes between 10″ and 28″.

SIZZLE cymbals are often discussed among drummers. The important thing is never to use a cymbal of inferior quality, since rivets will not make it better. You should first select the cymbal, MEDIUM or MEDIUM RIDE and then add the rivets. Six of these set about 1 1/4″ from the outer edge, give a good effect. Upon request selected cymbals will be delivered with the rivets already mounted.

Many drummers own several cymbal-sets and more than one Hi-hat pair. They exchange these according to the music’s requirements. Studio musicians require several sets as a matter of course.”

Formula 602 Models in Production




Splashes (& Bells)

Discontinued Models & Sizes (Also Includes Customs)




Chinas (& Swishes)

Splashes (& Bells)


Formula 602 Modern Essentials

Introduction: 2013

Background: Forged from the legendary «602 Bronze» (CuSn20), offering a complete new wide and dynamic sound dimension, developed in close collaboration with Vinnie Colaiuta, handcrafted from start to finish by highly skilled Swiss craftsmen, conceived and executed according to Vinnie’s uncompromising sound concepts for a wide all-round application. Formula 602 Modern Essentials cymbals combine the essence of the Formula 602 Classic Sounds models – transparency and stick definition – with the richness, warmth, darkness and a bit of complexity of the Signature Traditionals series besides providing slightly more pizzazz than its Classic Sounds siblings.

Alloy: B20 (CuSn20)

Quality: Professional

Offered as: Formula 602 – Formula 602 Modern Essentials

Production: Hand hammered and hand lathed bronze.

Applications: Low to medium loud settings •especially well-suited for recording, live • extremely versatile cymbals for a wide range of music styles such as Pop, Rock, Jazz, Fusion, Blues, R&B, Country, Folk, acoustic music

Sound:Deep, full, rich, warm, lively, silvery, dynamic, controlled and precise • Cymbals that combine clarity, consistency with deepness and warmth, yet providing a modern versatile sound character with dynamic, potent, well balanced qualities and a responsive, soft feel




Chinas (& Swishes)

Splashes (& Bells)

Seven Sound Set

Introduction: 1967

Discontinued: 1977

Background: The following description of the Seven Sound Set was printed in Paiste’s 1969 catalog:

“A set of seven cymbals each in a new unusual sound-color. Sound colors the demanding drummer is looking for to enrich his personal cymbal set. Particularly, the SEVEN SOUND SET enables the studio drummer to fulfill the many and often unusual sound demands involved in modern recording and studio work.”

Flat ride Background: From a 2006 Robert Paiste interview: “The Flat Ride is the first and the last cymbal that more or less came out of a gag. That was with Joe Morello, he visited here once and at that time there were these new super thin Swiss watches, he was fascinated with his new super thin watch that he had just got. He said, “why don’t you make a cymbal like that?” I wondered, what does a cymbal without a bell sound like? Well, we were making gongs, but I didn’t relate to that, we built prototypes, which surprised us very much with the sound.”

The very early versions or possibly prototypes were labeled “Space Sound” in medium (confirmed) and possibly thin weight. It also believed that less than a dozen of these were made before the name changed to “flat ride”

Alloy: B20 (CuSn20)

Production: Hand hammered and hand lathed bronze. Fine tonal groove lathing

Applications: Jazz styles appropriate for the era (late 60’s).

Sound: Similar to the standard 602’s

Formula 602 Joe Morello Set

Introduction: 1967ish – 1977 (based on serial numbers)

Discontinued: 1976

Background: “Late ’65, early ’66: Once Ludwig took over the distribution of Paiste cymbals, Joe Morello was approached by Bill Ludwig to endorse Paiste. Since Joe played and endorsed Ludwig Drums, he was the obvious choice for a signature cymbal set baring his name. Paiste catalog: “In personal collaboration with Joe Morello, this beautiful melodically coordinated set was created” A custom set of Formula 602 cymbals made to Joe’s specification (the 1st. artist model!) comprising of 14″ sound edge hi hats, 17″, 18″ and 20″ sizes. Visual cues show much finer lathing and possibly different hammering compared to the standard 602’s

Alloy: B20 (CuSn20)

Production: Hand hammered and hand lathed bronze. Fine tonal groove lathing.

Applications: Jazz styles appropriate for the era (late 60’s).

Sound: Similar to the standard 602’s possibly a little darker?




Formula 602 Production Eras

Super Formula 602 (1957/59 – 1963 according to advertising data)

Robert Paiste had been experimenting with cymbals made of B20 bell bronze starting in 1957 when he first opened the Swiss factory (at that point it was a one room shop!).

It should be noted that Robert founded the Swiss factory across lake Sempach from where their future B20 alloy supplier “Metallwerke Dornach/Swissmetal” was located (Paiste had not used B20 alloy up to that point, little did he know they were the only foundry and mill that produced B20 bronze in all of Switzerland and possibly all of western Europe!). He initially worked with Swissmetal and developed a process of rolling B20 thin enough for B20 cymbal production, Swissmetal previously had not rolled it to such a thin specification but did have the equipment to do it reliably, Robert literally had to teach the foundry technicians how to roll the blanks to his thin specification with out cracking!

It is believed that Robert spent a couple of years refining the production process (’57-’59), sound characteristics and model names and sizes, this means that most likely the “Super 602” didn’t reach widespread distribution until about 1959. This (new to Paiste) B20 alloy first came onto the market under the name “SUPER FORMULA 602”.

The stamp of this series still looks very similar to the STAMBUL series stamp. The B20 “Super” with the “Stambul style” logo seems to come in two versions: one with Formula 602 label and one without (see below).

There are also two versions of a second style which looks like the Early Formula 602 stamp but has only the word “Super” written to the upper right, the second variation drops the word “Super”, it also leaves off the words “Formula 602” (we call it the “plain stamp”), these variations are thought to represent the evolution of the trademark for the Formula 602 series just as it was coming out.

The name “Super formula 602” is believed to come from Robert making 60 attempts on the production/rolling process before he was satisfied, the “2” refers to it being made from “B20”. It is also speculated that the “Super formula” term comes from the process that Swissmetal used to heat, mix and pour the alloy.

Note: There is an entirely separate series called Super which is not made from B20 alloy and came later. This has caused a lot of confusion over the years.

Sound sample: Super Formula 24″ ride

Original Super Formula 602 stamp (Stambul format) 1959 and possibly 1960

Super Formula 602 cymbal (Stambul format)

602 “Super only” Swiss Made stamp (Stambul format)

2nd. gen “Super only” Stamp (no 602 label) 1961 and 1962: dates are fully documented by multiple magazine adverts. It is possible this logo started in 1960 and lasted until 1963.

Super Second Gen Cymbal 15″

2nd. gen “plain stamp” logo (no 602 label) ’62 and ’63?

“plain stamp” 602 Cymbal 22″

’59-’62 catalogs

’59-’62 catalogs

’59-’62 catalogs

Preserial Era (~1963 – 1971)

This is the first true era of the Formula 602 series.

Early “E over trade” stamp (~1963 to about 1965)

This early era is represented by just a few cymbals which have currently been identified. They have an embossed stamp which is distinct from the later ones.

~1963 catalog showing the original “E over trade” logo

“E over trade” stamp

“E over trade” stamp

“E over trade” stamp

It is relatively easy to spot the difference between this early stamp and the Solid and Outline forms. The Mixed form is a little more difficult to distinguish from the Early Stamp. The discovery of the early 60’s logos illustrated in a catalog helped confirm the difference. The second confirmation came from the production years of the cymbals which have the Mixed form, the Mixed version is much later (1976-1981).

This Early version is slightly different from the Mixed version documented below. The Early version has a smaller star, “TRADE” sticks out a bit more on either side of the E of PAISTE, smaller gap before FORMULA 602, and the M of “Made” is aligned slightly differently compared to the L of “formula”.

Solid Stamp (~1965 – mid 1972)

More than 99% of preserial Formula 602 cymbals have the Solid Stamp. It is present on 1642 out of 1647 preserial cymbals, compared to 5 Early Stamps and 5 Outline Stamps. The earliest example of the Solid Stamp is on a cymbal bought new in 1965. However, one example is not really enough to show us just when the Solid Stamp first started in use, and when the Early Stamp stopped being used.

Towards the end of the preserial era (1969 or so) we start to see cymbals which have some ink which is associated with the next period. The transition time to serial numbers is also when we find the 5 Outline Stamps. The ink can augment our understanding of the changes during the transition from the preserial era to the black label era, and which embossed stamps are used on which cymbals.

annotated 602 solid stamp

602 solid stamp

1965 catalog showing “modern” stamp format

One of the places where ink changes became obvious early in the research was the 602 Dark Rides which do not have serial numbers. Since then the emergence of black ink has been documented on a number of other cymbal models which do not have serial numbers but are known to date to 1969, 1970, and 1971.

Black Label Era (1972 -1981)

There are three different embossed stamps which are found in this era. This era represents cymbals produced from about mid 1972 to 1981. Almost all Black Label era cymbals have serial numbers but there are a few examples of cymbals from the early 1970s which have Black Label style ink but no serial number.

Solid Stamp (1972-1981)

The Solid Stamp continues to be found on cymbals until the Blue Label era. The Solid Stamp is the by far most common form during the preserial era, but that changes in the Black Label era. We don’t currently have enough data examined to know if the the Solid Stamp declined in usage over the years Black Label era. But the Solid Stamp continues to be found on the majority of Formula 602s during this era. The two embossed stamps seem to coexist for many years.

annotated 602 solid stamp

602 solid stamp

Outline Stamp (1972-1981)

The Outline Stamp is used from just before serial numbers appear until the Blue Label era. If you see a Formula 602 cymbal with an Outline Stamp it is something like 99% likely to have a serial number. There are 71 identified cymbals with the Outline Stamp out of 459 Black Label cymbals. So the Outline Stamp appears on at least 15% of the Black Label cymbals. Please don’t take this estimate as highly accurate because early on in data collection this distinction wasn’t coded carefully in the database which was devoted mainly to getting weights and prices. Once differences in the embossed trademark became known data collection was amended, but there were already some years of data (2005-2014) which didn’t have full information. There are also some cymbals where the seller doesn’t give a decent picture of the stamp, or a decent picture of the serial number (and doesn’t mention the serial number in the text). So there is lots of missing data.

602 Dark Ride Stamp

Annotated Outline Stamp

Mixed Stamp (1976-1981)

The Mixed Stamp appears on “Transitional” Dark Rides from 1976-1977 without the Formula 602 on the bottom. It also appears on a few other Formula 602 cymbals in 1981 just before Blue Label era. So far every Mixed Stamp cymbal has a serial number, and this is another way to distinguish the Early Stamp (preserial) from the Mixed Stamp (1976 on).

602 Dark Ride (Trans) stamp

Annotated 602 mixed stamp stamp

Blue Label Era

During the Blue Label era (1981-1993) an embossed stamp was no longer applied. Instead Paiste used blue ink.

Blue ink 602 Logo

Blue ink pAisTe on bottom

Blue model ink

Top view

We determined the year of change from Pre Serial to Black to Blue based on the serial numbers we find.

Black label serial numbers (counting hat pairs as 2)

1971: none so far

1972: 29

1973: 40

1974: 41

1975: 27

1976: 26

1977: 32

1978: 37

1979: 28

1980: 18

1981: 18

1982: 1 (serial number PAISTE 602 / 238079)

1983: none so far

Blue label serial numbers (counting hat pairs as 2)

1980: none so far

1981: 32

1982: 23

1983: 17

1984: 19

1985: 15

1986: 13

1987: 12

1988: 21

1989: 8

1990: 9

1991: 2

1992: 4

1993: none so far

Note the importance of the prefix. Without the PAISTE 602 prefix that one 1982 Black Label cymbal would have been 1972. If that serial number had prefix pAisTe it would be 1992. Prefix matters, although there are sometimes other ways to correctly assign the decade based on ink and for specific models. If the serial number has a prefix above it — pay attention. That’s what makes the decade (thus the whole serial number) unique. We think the myth of serial numbers starting in 1970 arose because people were not paying proper attention to the prfix.

Laser Stamp Era

When the Formula 602 cymbals were reissued in 2011 they first came out with 8 digit serial numbers as seen on the last of the Blue Label cymbals. Very soon after this Paiste switched to a laser stamp which is on the bottom rather than the top. The Laser Stamp Era is also referred to as the Reissue Era, although once again there are a very few Reissued Formula 602s which don’t have a laser stamp.

2011 embossed serial

Laser stamp from 2015

Information from: Steve Black, the majority of the individual cymbal model/size pictures courtesy of “Splash Baker” and her blue label collection.

Modern Drummer Equipment Annual 1988-89

PAISTE/Ludwig Seven Sound Set Leaflet

Paiste “Six Cymbal Lines” Ad 1981


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Paiste blue label 20″ 602 HEAVY



















Diameter? weight? model ink still present? which embossed stamp? (there are now more versions than you might know about) Any pictures? Seeing is believing and others may be able to spot useful details. How many is “many” to you?Here is an example of what we can do when we accumulate a bit of information. This was done for @toddlittle827 yesterday…16″ Thin Crash Weights by Era sorted by Weight (model verified by model ink)900 black947954 black955 reissue958 reissue958 reissue960 reissue960 reissue962 reissue962 reissue965 reissue970 reissue970 reissue997 reissue1000 black1007 black103510501067108911001105112011321146 black116411641165116711701170117611851188With this data we can start to see that the weights for 16″ Thin Crashes fit the pattern of blue label heaviest, reissues are in among the black labels. With only one preserial (and one black label which is lightest of all) one would be stretching the data to claim that preserials were lighter than black labels and that there was some sort of incremental progression from pre serials to black labels. Of course I’ve got lots more weights for cymbals which have no model ink, and more cymbals with model ink which have no weights. But more evidence always helps test our ideas about weight changes.The changes from 1969ish to mid 1972 for Fo602s are slowly being worked out in more detail. So far it looks like there are several different changes in ink which don’t all happen in lock step. You might have a Fo602 from 1970 or 1971 which has a coating if the coating came in just before serial numbers. If you think about numbers of cymbals produced in different years there are still likely to be a decade (1959-1969) of pre coating cymbals which would explain why so many earlier ones have lot their model ink over the years. You could contribute information to that study.

Vintage Paiste 602 Blue Label Heavy Crash Cymbal 16″ – Pre-owned NOS

This is a previously owned new old stock cymbal; just a few stick marks, but no dings or issues.

Incredibly rare cymbal, especially in this condition!

키워드에 대한 정보 paiste 602 blue label

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사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 2 Paiste 20\” Formula 602 MEDIUM Blue Label Cymbals Compared

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2 #Paiste #20\” #Formula #602 #MEDIUM #Blue #Label #Cymbals #Compared

YouTube에서 paiste 602 blue label 주제의 다른 동영상 보기

주제에 대한 기사를 시청해 주셔서 감사합니다 2 Paiste 20\” Formula 602 MEDIUM Blue Label Cymbals Compared | paiste 602 blue label, 이 기사가 유용하다고 생각되면 공유하십시오, 매우 감사합니다.

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