Pansy Majestic Giant | How To Grow Pansy From Seed (With Full Updates) 상위 257개 베스트 답변

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d여기에서 How To Grow Pansy From Seed (With Full Updates) – pansy majestic giant 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

DAIZZ’S TIP:-Remember to water your pansies regularly. One of the most common reasons pansies fail is because they are not watered enough, so if your pansies are not doing well, try watering them more.
Sowing time – october mid to january (best time to sow seeds is when the temperature is between 10 to 25 degree Celsius)
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pansy majestic giant 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Majestic Giants II – Sakata Ornamentals

This pansy series maintains its huge flower size of 4-in. blooms under warm conditions with excellent overwintering and rebloom in the spring. Superior lateral …

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주제와 관련된 이미지 pansy majestic giant

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How To Grow Pansy From Seed (With Full Updates)
How To Grow Pansy From Seed (With Full Updates)

주제에 대한 기사 평가 pansy majestic giant

  • Author: Urban Gardening
  • Views: 조회수 345,369회
  • Likes: 좋아요 5,241개
  • Date Published: 2018. 12. 10.
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Pansy Majestic Giants Mix

1966 AAS Flower Winner

“Originally introduced in 1966, Majestic Giants Mix is a flower that has stood the test of time. The plants, sprouting large 4-inch blooms with the traditional pansy face, have been planted by four generations of gardeners. These gardens could be in the North or South and planted in the spring or fall season. Majestic Giants Mix was the first pansy that did not require cool temperatures for flower initiation. Thus, in the southern states, the seed could be sown in the summer and the anticipated fall flowers would occur naturally, without an artificial cool treatment. Majestic Giants Mix opened the door for southern fall pansy plantings.

While a small plant, only 6 to 8 inches tall, Majestic Giants Mix enhanced its diminutive size with huge blooms. The plant breeder, Mr. Sukeo Miyazaki of Sakata Seed Corporation, met his objectives by providing a plant with consistently large flowers, which was the most difficult objective to achieve. Another objective was to create a hybrid plant. Prior to 1966, most pansies were not hybrids. Since the introduction of Majestic Giants Mix, most pansies are hybrids due to increased vigor and freedom of bloom. The hybrid vigor enabled Majestic Giants Mix plants to thrive under diverse growing conditions. Adaptable to full sun or partial shade, Majestic Giants Mix will perform in a garden or in a container. Another desirable trait is the bright vivid colors. This classic mix offers a wide range of colors from blue, scarlet, cherry red, yellow, and orange to pure white. Majestic Giants Mix is an exceptionally long-lived pansy for spring and fall seasons.”

Pansy Majestic Giants II Mix F1 Seed

PACKAGING Approximately 308,440 seeds per pound

CULTURE Weeks to finish : 12 – 18 weeks

: 12 – 18 weeks Soil temperature : 65 – 70 degrees fahrenheit

: 65 – 70 degrees fahrenheit Germination lighting : Dark required

: Dark required Germination days : 4 – 15 days

: 4 – 15 days Grow on temperature day : 60 – 70 degrees fahrenheit

: 60 – 70 degrees fahrenheit Grow on temperature night : 50 – 55 degrees fahrenheit

: 50 – 55 degrees fahrenheit Plant spread : 8 – 10 inches

: 8 – 10 inches Plant height : 8”

: 8” Plant type : annual

Early flowering Majestic Giants II features extra-large flowers on a more compact and sturdy habit. No growth regulators are necessary with this improved series.Color: Formula mixture of 20 Majestic colors

Majestic Giants II Formula Mix – Viola Seed


4-7 days at 62-68°F (17-20°C)


Transplant – Sow 7-9 weeks before planting out. Will tolerate a light frost.

Sow 8-9 weeks ahead if blooming in cell packs is desired. Cover seeds lightly. Bottom water or mist to avoid displacing seeds. Transplant to cell packs or larger containers when the first true leaves appear. Harden off and transplant outside. Violas will tolerate a light frost. In climates with mild winters or in tunnels, violas may be sown late summer to fall. Direct seeding is not recommend.


Sun/Part Shade.








Edible flowers – fully open. Cut flowers – stems are long and at least one bloom per stem is open.

Deadheading encourages continuous blooms.


Rich, well-drained soil.


Excellent in containers and garden beds. Edible flowers and cut flowers.

Select varieties (see variety descriptions) are suitable for cut flowers under the following conditions; grown from a very early spring planting or an overwintered planting so that well-established plants are coming into flower during the long days and warm temperature of spring and early summer. Long days and warm temperature cause the elongation of stems and profuse flowering that is required for quality cut flower viola.

For compact bedding plants, grow seedlings and young plants at cool temperatures and high light levels to minimize stretching.


Viola spp.


Johnny jump-up, European field pansy, heart’s ease, hybrid violet

Pansy Majestic Giant II Series from King’s Greenhouse

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Majestic Giant II Series Majestic Giant II


Majestic Giants II extra-large flowered pansies have long been the preferred choice for fall and spring markets. This pansy series maintains its huge flower size of 4-in. blooms under warm conditions with excellent overwintering and rebloom in the spring. Superior lateral branching of Majestic Giants II fills pots and packs quickly, while bud and bloom are present at first flush so color is continuous through the entire distribution channel. The brand name recognition of Majestic Giants II at the retail and consumer level is unparalled.

키워드에 대한 정보 pansy majestic giant

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  • how to grow pansy
  • pansy flower seeds
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