Ptrace Operation Not Permitted | Qt Creator, Ptrace Operation Not Permitted. What Is The Permanent Solution – C++ 78 개의 베스트 답변

당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “ptrace operation not permitted – Qt Creator, ptrace Operation not permitted. What is the permanent solution – C++“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 Solutions Cloud 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 10회 및 좋아요 없음 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.

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d여기에서 Qt Creator, ptrace Operation not permitted. What is the permanent solution – C++ – ptrace operation not permitted 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

Qt Creator, ptrace Operation not permitted. What is the permanent solution – C++ \r
[ Glasses to protect eyes while coding : ] \r
Qt Creator, ptrace Operation not permitted. What is the permanent solution – C++ \r
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#QtCreator,ptraceOperationnotpermittedWhatisthepermanentsolutionC++ #Qt #Creator, #ptrace #Operation #not #permitted. #What #is #the #permanent #solution #- #C++\r
Guide : [ Qt Creator, ptrace Operation not permitted. What is the permanent solution – C++ ]

ptrace operation not permitted 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

How to solve “ptrace operation not permitted” when trying to …

ptrace: Operation not permitted. gdb-debugger returns “Failed to attach to process, please check privileges and try again.” strace returns “attach: ptrace( …

+ 여기에 자세히 보기


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ptrace: Operation not permitted. : CPP-5694

When trying to attach to local process you get the error “ptrace: Operation not permitted.” … the proposed fix does not work in Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS. The program …

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strace: operation not permitted, ptrace_scope incorrect

When using strace on a server, you might get this error message when you try to attach to a running process. … Alas, it doesn’t work! Here’s why …

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Linux – How to solve “ptrace operation not permitted” when trying to attach GDB to a process. c++debugginggdblinuxstrace. I’m trying to attach a program …

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How to solve “ptrace operation not permitted” w…anycodings

If you are using Docker, you will anycodings_gdb probably need these options: docker run –cap-add=SYS_PTRACE –security-opt seccomp= …

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Solve the problem of “ptrace: Operation not permitted” when …

Solve the problem of “ptrace: Operation not permitted” when gdb debugging is reported in the WSL environment. Need to change the variables in the following …

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주제와 관련된 이미지 ptrace operation not permitted

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Qt Creator, ptrace Operation not permitted. What is the permanent solution – C++. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Qt Creator, ptrace Operation not permitted. What is the permanent solution - C++
Qt Creator, ptrace Operation not permitted. What is the permanent solution – C++

주제에 대한 기사 평가 ptrace operation not permitted

  • Author: Solutions Cloud
  • Views: 조회수 10회
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  • Date Published: 2022. 5. 25.
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How do I enable Ptrace?

Once set, this sysctl value cannot be changed. The documentation of the configuration available here. If you run docker version lower than 19.03 or have kernel version lower than 4.8, ptrace is disabled by default. You can enable it by adding –cap-add=SYS_PTRACE flag.

What is Ptrace Linux?

ptrace is a system call found in Unix and several Unix-like operating systems. By using ptrace (the name is an abbreviation of “process trace”) one process can control another, enabling the controller to inspect and manipulate the internal state of its target.

How does GDB attach to process?

G. 13.2. 2 Attaching to a Running Process
  1. Launch the main program main.exe . $ main.
  2. Use the Windows Task Manager to find the process ID. …
  3. Launch gdb. …
  4. Attach to the running process to be debugged. …
  5. Load the process debugging information. …
  6. Break somewhere in the DLL. …
  7. Continue process execution.

What is ptrace in C?

The ptrace() system call provides a means by which one process (the “tracer”) may observe and control the execution of another process (the “tracee”), and examine and change the tracee’s memory and registers. It is primarily used to implement breakpoint debugging and system call tracing.

How install ptrace on Linux?

  1. Install python-ptrace. Linux packages. Install from source. Download tarball. Download development version. Option dependency. Installation. cptrace. Run tests. Run tests with tox. Run tests manually.
  2. Trace system calls (syscalls)

What is D trace in operating system?

DTrace, or Dynamic Tracing, is a powerful diagnostic tool introduced in the Solaris 10 OS. Since its introduction, it has been implemented in other operating systems, the most noteworthy being FreeBSD and Mac OS X. This tutorial uses DTrace to analyze several applications.

How do you strace a process?

strace -p <PID> —-> To attach a process to strace. “-p” option is for PID of the process. strace -e trace=read,write -p <PID> –> By this you can also trace a process/program for an event, like read and write (in this example).

What are Linux system calls?

A system call is a programmatic way a program requests a service from the kernel, and strace is a powerful tool that allows you to trace the thin layer between user processes and the Linux kernel. To understand how an operating system works, you first need to understand how system calls work.

How do I connect to a GDB server?

20.3. 2 Connecting to gdbserver
  1. Run GDB on the host system.
  2. Make sure you have the necessary symbol files (see Host and target files). Load symbols for your application using the file command before you connect. …
  3. Connect to your target (see Connecting to a Remote Target).

How do I enable debugging in Linux?

Linux Agent – Enable Debug mode
  1. # Enable Debug mode (comment or remove debug line to disable) Debug=1. Now restart the CDP Host Agent module:
  2. /etc/init.d/cdp-agent restart. To test this you can ‘tail’ the CDP Agent log file to see the new [Debug] lines that are added to the logs.
  3. tail /usr/sbin/r1soft/log/cdp.log.
See also  미국 가구 쇼핑몰 | 🇺🇸미국 가구샵투어! 상위 191개 베스트 답변

How do I start GDB on Linux?

Go to your Linux command prompt and type “gdb”. Gdb open prompt lets you know that it is ready for commands. To exit out of gdb, type quit or q.

How do I disable ptrace?

When ptrace() is not needed, it can be disabled to improve system security. This can be done by enabling the deny_ptrace Boolean, which denies all processes, even those that are running in unconfined_t domains, from being able to use ptrace() on other processes.

How do you strace a process?

strace -p <PID> —-> To attach a process to strace. “-p” option is for PID of the process. strace -e trace=read,write -p <PID> –> By this you can also trace a process/program for an event, like read and write (in this example).

How is strace implemented?

strace works by using the ptrace system call which causes the kernel to halt the program being traced each time it enters or exits the kernel via a system call.

Does GDB use ptrace?

The role of ptrace() in GDB

GDB controls the program that we are debugging (the inferior) through a system call named ptrace(). It is not the most elegant system call, but it works. It lets GDB observe and control the execution of the inferior program.

How to solve “ptrace operation not permitted” when trying to attach GDB to a process?

If permissions are a problem, you probably will want to use gdbserver. (I almost always use gdbserver when I gdb, docker or no, for numerous reasons.) You will need gdbserver (Deb) or gdb-gdbserver (RH) installed in the docker image. Run the program in docker with

$ sudo gdbserver :34567 myprogram arguments

(pick a port number, 1025-65535). Then, in gdb on the host, say

(gdb) target remote

where is the IP address of the docker image as reported by /sbin/ip addr list run in the docker image. This will attach at a point before main runs. You can tb main and c to stop at main , or wherever you like. Run gdb under cgdb, emacs, vim, or even in some IDE, or plain. You can run gdb in your source or build tree, so it knows where everything is. (If it can’t find your sources, use the dir command.) This is usually much better than running it in the docker image.

gdbserver relies on ptrace , so you will also need to do the other things suggested above. –privileged –pid=host sufficed for me.

{{ (>_<) }} This version of your browser is not supported. Try upgrading to the latest stable version. Something went seriously wrong.

The Race to Limit Ptrace

As our R&D team develops Rezilion, they occasionally see opportunities to improve and inform the status quo. In this post, our Team Lead, Yuri Shafet, spends some time diving into ptrace — what it is, how to use it to inject arbitrary code into a running process, how to limit ptrace execution and different techniques to dynamically detect it.

ptrace() is a system call (in place since kernel 1.0) that provides a means by which one process (the “tracer”) may observe and control the execution of another process (the “tracee”).

ptrace is usually used for debugging. For example, GDB debugger uses ptrace to attach to the debugged process and if necessary change registers or other data. ptrace is also used for tracing purposes. For example, the strace utility uses ptrace to halt the program being traced each time it calls a system call. Using strace is one of the legitimate ways to use ptrace in production.

Because ptrace allows control over processes, it also has malicious uses and was used in several real-world attacks and exploitations. For example:

The DirtyCow bug exploitation

CVE-2011-4327, where ptrace allowed local users to obtain sensitive key information.

Pupy is a remote access trojan that uses ptrace. It was used in an attack on European electricity organization’s email server.

For a broader context, these findings are despite a 24% increase in annual spending on prevention, detection, and remediation of vulnerabilities from 2018 to 2019. With this in mind, it’s easy to understand why vulnerability management and patching have become board-level discussions.

To demonstrate ptrace injection in action, we perform dynamic injection of arbitrary code in the running process. To keep the code short and simple we do not check for all errors. When you write a production tool you most definitely should check for all errors. The shellcode that we are going to inject is a bind shell at port 4444. Source code of the shellcode can be found here.

Let’s compile the program and execute the attack on the running process. We will inject our shellcode into the running sleep process.

Victim process:

Attacker process:

Success. We’ve injected our shellcode into the target process.

Disabling ptrace in production

Disabling or constraining ptrace system calls in production environments is considered good practice. In this section we present some ways to limit ptrace execution.


One of the ways to restrict ptrace is to use the prctl system call. We can set PR_SET_DUMPABLE (since Linux 2.3.20) flag to zero, making the process not dumpable.

Processes that are not dumpable can not be attached via ptrace PTRACE_ATTACH.

Consider the following program that sets PR_SET_DUMPABLE flag to zero and then sleeps for 60 seconds:

If we try to use ptrace to attach to the process, ptrace will fail:

However, this flag will *not* prevent ptrace usage if it is executed by root.

A real-world example of this technique used for constraining ptrace is openssh.

As can be seen in the source code of openssh, prctl is used to set PR_SET_DUMPABLE to zero.


You can apply ptrace policy via yama configuration. Yama is a Linux Security Module that collects system-wide DAC security protections that are not handled by the core kernel itself. To see current ptrace scope in the system run following command:

cat /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope

Possible values are:

0 – classic ptrace permissions: almost no restrictions.

1 – restricted ptrace: a process must have a predefined relationship with the inferior it wants to call PTRACE_ATTACH on. By default, this relationship is that of only its descendants when the above classic criteria is also met.

2 – admin-only attach: only processes with CAP_SYS_PTRACE may use ptrace with PTRACE_ATTACH, or through children calling PTRACE_TRACEME.

3 – no attach: no processes may use ptrace with PTRACE_ATTACH nor via PTRACE_TRACEME. Once set, this sysctl value cannot be changed.

The documentation of the configuration available here.

For example, if ptrace scope is configured runningrunning injection without root permissions will fail, as seen in the screenshot below:

However, if we change ptrace_scope (root is required to do that), we can execute ptrace injection without root privilege:

Disabling ptrace in docker

If you run docker version lower than 19.03 or have kernel version lower than 4.8, ptrace is disabled by default. You can enable it by adding –cap-add=SYS_PTRACE flag. For example {docker run –cap-add=SYS_PTRACE python}. Docker uses seccomp configuration to prevent ptrace from running. Seccomp is an efficient way to whitelist syscalls by application.

For example, when user run your docker without –cap-add=SYS_PTRACE, the injection will fail (I already have the injection program in the container):

However, when you allow ptrace in container…

Injection works as expected:

You can find in detail how –cap-add=SYS_PTRACE flag in docker works here

Tracing itself

The process can trace itself with PTRACE_TRACEME to prevent other processes from tracing it. This technique works because at any given moment the process can have only one trace. It is used in some cases as an anti-debug technique by malware. To demonstrate, let’s write a small program that traces itself and sleeps for 60 seconds:

Now let’s try to inject the shellcode with our injector.

Our program failed because the process is already traced. This technique is sometimes used by malware to prevent dynamic debugging.

Detecting ptrace

Let’s review some ways in which ptrace system call execution can be dynamically detected in the system.


One of the ways to detect if a process is traced is to read /proc/[PID]/status. It provides much of the information in /proc/[pid]/stat and /proc/[pid]/statm in a format that’s easier for humans to parse. In particular, we are interested in the TracerPid field which shows us PID of process tracing this process (0 if not being traced).

For example when reading /proc/[PID]/status of an untraced process:

TracerPid is 0, meaning the process is not traced.

But when we read /proc/[PID]/status of the traced process:

Hmmm… TracerPid is still 0, because our injection is very fast and we detach from the process, before reading /proc/[PID]/status. Lets add sleep(10) before detaching part of our injection code and rerun the injection. We will also have to add #include to import the sleep function:

And now TracerPid is the PID of the injector process. By running this example, we can conclude that if /proc/[PID]/status scanning has periodic nature, we may lose fast ptrace injections. To counter this we can use hook based approaches.

Process Events Connector

Netlink is used to transfer information between the kernel and user-space/kernel processes. It consists of a standard sockets-based interface for user space processes and an internal kernel API for kernel modules. We use a process events connector protocol to detect ptrace system calls. Connector protocol can dynamically trace the following events:




Core dump

Proc comm field change



UID change

SID change

ptrace is what we need. forkstat is an existing tool that uses the netlink protocol for tracing. It also enriches the mined events from /proc and other sources. Let’s run forkstat with an option that allows the user to trace only ptrace events:

Now let’s execute the injection:

Forkstat output:

We have here both ATTACH and DETACH ptrace events, however, POKE_TEXT and other types of ptrace are not mined. As can be seen in the source code of forkstat const bool attach = (proc_ev->event_data.ptrace.tracer_pid != 0);, detach event is generated when tracer pid is zero. We already saw that tracer pid is becoming zero after DETACH is called.


BPF is an in-kernel virtual machine which can be used for system tracing. It is an extremely powerful linux feature that allows the user to trace kernel and user space. Linux started support for bpf system call from kernel 3.18. For tracing ptrace we will use bpftrace. It is a high-level tracing language for BPF available in recent Linux kernels (4.x).

Let’s run a bpftrace tracer that detects all ptrace system calls:

The program stops when the user presses ctrl+c. Our one-liner prints the process name for every ptrace system call that the process executes. This tracer instruments tracepoints to achieve the desired functionality. Alternatively, we could use kprobes, but while kprobes allow us to instrument arbitrary kernel functions it is less stable, so if possible, tracepoints are preferred. You can read here more about different linux tracing systems.

Let’s run the injection and see what we get…

Tracer output:

We see that ptrace syscall was executed many times which makes sense because our one-liner catches all types of ptrace, including PTRACE_ATTACH, PTRACE_GETREGS, PTRACE_POKETEXT (which happens many times in our injection) and PTRACE_DETACH. To resolve that issue, we can modify our tracer to detect only specific types of the ptrace syscalls. This time we write bpftrace code in a separate file:

This program will only print events when ptrace with PTRACE_ATTACH event is executed:

As you can see for a single attack, the program printed only a single line, because PTRACE_ATTACH was executed only once.

We hope you found this post useful, and that you learned about ptrace and some of its usages — including how to disable and dynamically detect it. We highly recommend disabling ptrace in production environments, because malicious actors can instrument it for injection attacks. If you find it is necessary for ptrace to be enabled, constrain it as much as possible and if feasible add a dynamic ptrace detection mechanism.


Analysis tool in Unix-like systems

ptrace is a system call found in Unix and several Unix-like operating systems. By using ptrace (the name is an abbreviation of “process trace”) one process can control another, enabling the controller to inspect and manipulate the internal state of its target. ptrace is used by debuggers and other code-analysis tools, mostly as aids to software development.

Uses [ edit ]

ptrace is used by debuggers (such as gdb and dbx), by tracing tools like strace and ltrace, and by code coverage tools. ptrace is also used by specialized programs to patch running programs, to avoid unfixed bugs or to overcome security features. It can further be used as a sandbox[1][2] and as a run-time environment simulator (like emulating root access for non-root software[2][3]).

By attaching to another process using the ptrace call, a tool has extensive control over the operation of its target. This includes manipulation of its file descriptors, memory, and registers. It can single-step through the target’s code, can observe and intercept system calls and their results, and can manipulate the target’s signal handlers and both receive and send signals on its behalf. The ability to write into the target’s memory allows not only its data store to be changed, but also the application’s own code segment, allowing the controller to install breakpoints and patch the running code of the target.[4]

As the ability to inspect and alter another process is very powerful, ptrace can attach only to processes that the owner can send signals to (typically only their own processes); the superuser account can ptrace almost any process (except init on kernels before 2.6.26). In Linux systems that feature capabilities-based security, the ability to ptrace is further limited by the CAP_SYS_PTRACE capability[5] or by the YAMA Linux Security Module.[6] In FreeBSD, it is limited by FreeBSD jails and Mandatory Access Control policies.

Limitations [ edit ]

Communications between the controller and target take place using repeated calls of ptrace, passing a small fixed-size block of memory between the two (necessitating two context switches per call); this is acutely inefficient when accessing large amounts of the target’s memory, as this can only be done in word sized blocks (with a ptrace call for each word).[7] For this reason the 8th edition of Unix introduced procfs, which allows permitted processes direct access to the memory of another process – 4.4BSD followed, and the use of /proc for debugger support was inherited by Solaris, BSD, and AIX, and mostly copied by Linux.[7] Some, such as Solaris, have removed ptrace as a system call altogether, retaining it as a library call that reinterprets calls to ptrace in terms of the platform’s procfs.[8] Such systems use ioctls on the file descriptor of the opened /proc file to issue commands to the controlled process.[8] FreeBSD, on the other hand, extended ptrace to remove mentioned problems, and declared procfs obsolete due to its inherent design problems.[vague][citation needed]

ptrace only provides the most basic interface necessary to support debuggers and similar tools. Programs using it must have intimate knowledge of the specifics of the OS and architecture, including stack layout, application binary interface, system call mechanism, name mangling, the format of any debug data, and are responsible for understanding and disassembling machine code themselves. Further, programs that inject executable code into the target process or (like gdb) allow the user to enter commands that are executed in the context of the target must generate and load that code themselves, generally without the help of the program loader.

Support [ edit ]

Unix and BSD [ edit ]

ptrace was first implemented in Version 6 Unix,[9] and was present in both the SVr4 and 4.3BSD branches of Unix.[5] ptrace is available as a system call on IRIX,[10] IBM AIX,[11] NetBSD,[12] FreeBSD,[13] OpenBSD,[14] and Linux.[5] ptrace is implemented as a library call on Solaris, built on the Solaris kernel’s procfs filesystem; Sun notes that ptrace on Solaris is intended for compatibility, and recommends that new implementations use the richer interface that proc supplies instead.[8] UnixWare also features a limited ptrace[15] but like Sun, SCO recommends implementers use the underlying procfs features instead.[16] HP-UX supported ptrace until release 11i v3 (it was deprecated in favour of ttrace, a similar OS-specific call, in 11i v1).[17]

macOS [ edit ]

Apple’s macOS also implements ptrace as a system call. Apple’s version adds a special option PT_DENY_ATTACH – if a process invokes this option on itself, subsequent attempts to ptrace the process will fail.[18] Apple uses this feature to limit the use of debuggers on programs that manipulate DRM-ed content, including iTunes.[19] PT_DENY_ATTACH on also disables DTrace’s ability to monitor the process.[20] Debuggers on OS X typically use a combination of ptrace and the Mach VM and thread APIs.[21] ptrace (again with PT_DENY_ATTACH) is available to developers for the Apple iPhone.[22]

Linux [ edit ]

Linux also gives processes the ability to prevent other processes from attaching to them. Processes can call the prctl syscall and clear their PR_SET_DUMPABLE flag; in later kernels this prevents non-root processes from ptracing the calling process; the OpenSSH authentication agent uses this mechanism to prevent ssh session hijacking via ptrace.[23][24][25] Later Ubuntu versions ship with a Linux kernel configured to prevent ptrace attaches from processes other than the traced process’ parent; this allows gdb and strace to continue to work when running a target process, but prevents them from attaching to an unrelated running process.[23] Control of this feature is performed via the /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope setting.[23] On systems where this feature is enabled, commands like ” gdb –attach ” and ” strace -p ” will not work.

Starting in Ubuntu 10.10, ptrace is only allowed to be called on child processes.[23]

Android [ edit ]

For some Android phones with a locked boot loader, ptrace is used to gain control over the init process to enable a ‘2nd boot’ and replace the system files.[citation needed]

Attaching to a Running Process

G.13.2.2 Attaching to a Running Process

With GDB it is always possible to debug a running process by attaching to it. It is possible to debug a DLL this way. The limitation of this approach is that the DLL must run long enough to perform the attach operation. It may be useful for instance to insert a time wasting loop in the code of the DLL to meet this criterion.

Launch the main program main.exe . $ main Use the Windows Task Manager to find the process ID. Let’s say that the process PID for main.exe is 208. Launch gdb. $ gdb Attach to the running process to be debugged. (gdb) attach 208 Load the process debugging information. (gdb) symbol-file main.exe Break somewhere in the DLL. (gdb) break ada_dll Continue process execution. (gdb) cont

This last step will resume the process execution, and stop at the breakpoint we have set. From there you can use the standard approach to debug a program as described in (see Running and Debugging Ada Programs).

strace: operation not permitted, ptrace_scope incorrect

When using strace on a server, you might get this error message when you try to attach to a running process.

$ strace -f -p 13239 strace: attach: ptrace(PTRACE_SEIZE, 13239): Operation not permitted strace: Could not attach to process. If your uid matches the uid of the target process, check the setting of /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope, or try again as the root user. For more details, see /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf: Operation not permitted

Alas, it doesn’t work!

Here’s why: your current user doesn’t have permissions to trace a running process. Here are some workarounds.

Strace a new process instead

If you have the ability, you can strace a new program instead. This might not always be an option, but it works like this.

$ strace -f ./binary

You’d start ./binary again and strace that process.

Get root access

Alternative, get root level privileges to strace running processes. Makes sense, but might not always be an option in your environment.

Allow users to strace other processes with the same uid

You can also change a setting to allow a user to strace processes that have the same uid. In other words: allow a user to strace a processes from itself.

To do so, it requires a root-level change (aka: a root level admin needs to change this).

Have a look at the file /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf

$ cat /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf # The PTRACE system is used for debugging. With it, a single user process # can attach to any other dumpable process owned by the same user. In the # case of malicious software, it is possible to use PTRACE to access # credentials that exist in memory (re-using existing SSH connections, # extracting GPG agent information, etc). # # A PTRACE scope of “0” is the more permissive mode. A scope of “1” limits # PTRACE only to direct child processes (e.g. “gdb name-of-program” and # “strace -f name-of-program” work, but gdb’s “attach” and “strace -fp $PID” # do not). The PTRACE scope is ignored when a user has CAP_SYS_PTRACE, so # “sudo strace -fp $PID” will work as before. For more details see: # # # For applications launching crash handlers that need PTRACE, exceptions can # be registered by the debugee by declaring in the segfault handler # specifically which process will be using PTRACE on the debugee: # prctl(PR_SET_PTRACER, debugger_pid, 0, 0, 0); # # In general, PTRACE is not needed for the average running Ubuntu system. # To that end, the default is to set the PTRACE scope to “1”. This value # may not be appropriate for developers or servers with only admin accounts. kernel.yama.ptrace_scope = 1

Linux – How to solve “ptrace operation not permitted” when trying to attach GDB to a process – iTecNote


I’m trying to attach a program with gdb but it returns:

Attaching to process 29139

Could not attach to process. If your uid matches the uid of the target

process, check the setting of /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope, or try

again as the root user. For more details, see /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf

ptrace: Operation not permitted.

gdb-debugger returns “Failed to attach to process, please check privileges and try again.”

strace returns “attach: ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, …): Operation not permitted”

I changed “kernel.yama.ptrace_scope” 1 to 0 and /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope 1 to 0 and tried set environment LD_PRELOAD=./ with this:

#include int ptrace(int i, int j, int k, int l) { printf(” ptrace(%i, %i, %i, %i), returning -1

“, i, j, k, l); return 0; }

But it still returns the same error. How can I attach it to debuggers?

How to solve

If permissions are a problem, you anycodings_gdb probably will want to use gdbserver. (I anycodings_gdb almost always use gdbserver when I gdb, anycodings_gdb docker or no, for numerous reasons.) You anycodings_gdb will need gdbserver (Deb) or anycodings_gdb gdb-gdbserver (RH) installed in the anycodings_gdb docker image. Run the program in docker anycodings_gdb with

$ sudo gdbserver :34567 myprogram arguments

(pick a port number, 1025-65535). Then, anycodings_gdb in gdb on the host, say

(gdb) target remote

where is the IP address of anycodings_gdb the docker image as reported by /sbin/ip anycodings_gdb addr list run in the docker image. This anycodings_gdb will attach at a point before main runs. anycodings_gdb You can tb main and c to stop at main, anycodings_gdb or wherever you like. Run gdb under anycodings_gdb cgdb, emacs, vim, or even in some IDE, anycodings_gdb or plain. You can run gdb in your source anycodings_gdb or build tree, so it knows where anycodings_gdb everything is. (If it can’t find your anycodings_gdb sources, use the dir command.) This is anycodings_gdb usually much better than running it in anycodings_gdb the docker image.

gdbserver relies on ptrace, so you will anycodings_gdb also need to do the other things anycodings_gdb suggested above. –privileged –pid=host anycodings_gdb sufficed for me.

If you deploy to other OSes or embedded anycodings_gdb targets, you can run gdbserver or a gdb anycodings_gdb stub there, and run gdb the same way, anycodings_gdb connecting across a real network or even anycodings_gdb via a serial port (/dev/ttyS0).

Solve the problem of “ptrace: Operation not permitted” when gdb debugging is reported in the WSL environment

Solve the problem of “ptrace: Operation not permitted” when gdb debugging is reported in the WSL environment

키워드에 대한 정보 ptrace operation not permitted

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사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 Qt Creator, ptrace Operation not permitted. What is the permanent solution – C++

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  • ptrace Operation not permitted. What is the permanent solution – C++

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