Fsg 1.0 Unpacker | Malware Analysis – Unpacking A Fsg Packed Windows Pe File 29752 좋은 평가 이 답변

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d여기에서 Malware Analysis – Unpacking a FSG packed Windows PE File – fsg 1.0 unpacker 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

How to Unpack a FSG manually:
Tools used:
File is unknown, Part of Malware analysis

fsg 1.0 unpacker 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Unpacking FSG 1.0 – aldeid

Category:Digital-Forensics/Computer-Forensics/Anti-Reverse-Engineering/Packers/FSG · Description · Unpacking FSG 1.0 · Unpack FSG 2.0 · Comments …

+ 여기에 표시

Source: www.aldeid.com

Date Published: 2/17/2022

View: 7545

How to unpack FSG

This is a gue to how I unpacked an FSG executable. There are easier ways, such as finding OEP manually or by using Joe Stewart’s OllyBonE.

+ 여기에 보기

Source: www.mnin.org

Date Published: 2/9/2022

View: 799

Download Unpacker for FSG 1.33 – Softpedia

This PEiD plugin will unpack FSG v1.33 files only. PEiD detects most common packers, cryptors and compilers for PE files.

+ 여기에 표시

Source: www.softpedia.com

Date Published: 5/25/2021

View: 1546

Lab 18-2 Solutions – Practical Malware Analysis [Book] – O’Reilly

Lab 18-2 Solutions First, we run PEiD on the Lab18-02.exe file, and we learn that the packer is FSG 1.0 -> dulek/xt. To unpack this program manually, …

+ 여기에 자세히 보기

Source: www.oreilly.com

Date Published: 10/22/2021

View: 2986

practical-malware-analysis/lab-01-3.md at master – GitHub

Found manual processes for unpacking FSG 1.0, and references to “EP tricks.” It’s possible with more work. PEiD: FSG v1.00 (Eng) -> dulek/xt.

+ 여기를 클릭

Source: github.com

Date Published: 1/29/2021

View: 5871

Unpacking and Inline Patching FSG v1.0 – Exetools

I seem to recall a tutorial by Hacnho, his first unpackme, was manually unpacking FSG 1.0. I was unable to find the past post thru searching …

+ 여기에 자세히 보기

Source: forum.exetools.com

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Date Published: 4/25/2021

View: 8408

How to unpack fsg 1.0? – Ask Sawal Question Answer Forum

Lab 18-2 Solutions First, we run PEiD on the Lab18-02exe file, and we learn that the packer is FSG 10 -> dulek/xt To unpack this program manually,.

+ 여기를 클릭

Source: asksawal.com

Date Published: 9/16/2021

View: 3608

FSG unpacker – softwaresea.com

FSG unpacker Download, FSG unpacker, FSG unpacker free download, download FSG unpacker for free software download in the softwaresea.com.

+ 여기에 자세히 보기

Source: www.softwaresea.com

Date Published: 11/15/2022

View: 3244

주제와 관련된 이미지 fsg 1.0 unpacker

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Malware Analysis – Unpacking a FSG packed Windows PE File. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Malware Analysis - Unpacking a FSG packed Windows PE File
Malware Analysis – Unpacking a FSG packed Windows PE File

주제에 대한 기사 평가 fsg 1.0 unpacker

  • Author: drawxer1
  • Views: 조회수 7,740회
  • Likes: 좋아요 28개
  • Date Published: 2013. 5. 3.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qknYuc4XZFA



FSG states for Fast Small Good.

Here are the release dates:

Version Release date FSG 1.0 2002 January FSG 1.1 2002 April FSG 1.2 2002 May FSG 1.3 2002 August FSG 1.31 2002 August FSG 1.33 2002 November FSG 2.0 2004 May

Unpacking FSG 1.0

SFX module

It is possible to find the real entry point with the SFX module and then dumping the process with OllyDump.

Find OEP by Section Hop

Below is an example of a malware packed with FSG 1.0. When it is run, it stops at entry point 0x401050 :

Let’s try to find the OEP with Plugins > OllyDump > Find OEP by Section Hop (Trace over) :

The plugin has found the OEP at 0x401090 , which is encouraging because this location is close to the beginning of the executable ( 0x401000 )

OllyDbg hasn’t disassembled the code at this location. Right click on the first byte of the code and select Analysis > Analyze code

It seems to be the beginning of a function, which confirms that we likely to have found the OEP. Let’s dump the process ( Plugins > OllyDump > Dump debugged process ):

Accept the default values and click on the Dump button. We’re done.

Unpack FSG 2.0

Let’s unpack this program. PEiD shows that the program is packed with “FSG 2.0 -> bart/xt”.

Open the program in OllyDbg. It will warn that the entry point is outside of the code’s section. Just hit OK .

The program stops at the beginning of the unpacking routine:

00400154 > 8725 4 C734000 XCHG DWORD PTR DS :[ 40734 C ], ESP ; Save ESP to 0x40734C 0040015 A 61 POPAD ; Retrieve registers 0040015 B 94 XCHG EAX , ESP ; Loads ESP into EAX 0040015 C 55 PUSH EBP ; EBP = 0x4020A8

Later in the code, we can see a serie of conditional jumps as follows:

004001 CD ^ 78 F3 JS SHORT crackme#.004001C2 004001 CF 75 03 JNZ SHORT crackme#.004001D4 004001 D1 FF63 0 C JMP DWORD PTR DS :[ EBX + C ]

Put a breakpoint at the last jump ( 0x4001D1 in our example) and run the program. When the brekapoint is hit, step into ( F7 ).

The code at this location hasn’t been interpreted by OllyDbg. Right click and select Analysis > Analyze code

This is the unpacked code. All you need to do is to dump the code with OllyDump.

Download Unpacker for FSG 1.33

This PEiD plugin will unpack FSG v1.33 files only. PEiD detects most common packers, cryptors and compilers for PE files. It can currently detect more than 600 different signatures in PE files. PEiD is special in some aspects when compared to other identifiers already out there!

It has an easy to use GUI and detection rates are amongst the best given by any other identifier. Special scanning modes for *advanced* detections of modified and unknown files are available.

Practical Malware Analysis [Book]

Lab 18-2 Solutions

First, we run PEiD on the Lab18-02.exe file, and we learn that the packer is FSG 1.0 -> dulek/xt. To unpack this program manually, we first load it into OllyDbg. Several warnings state that the file may be packed. Since we already know that, we just click through the warnings.

When we load the program, it starts at entry point 0x00405000. The easiest approach is to try the Find OEP by Section Hop option in the OllyDump plug-in. We select Plugins ▸ OllyDump ▸ Find OEP by Section Hop (Trace Over), which stops the program at 0x00401090. This is encouraging, because 0x00401090 is close to the beginning of the executable. (The first set of executable instructions within a PE file is typically located at 0x00401000, and this is only …

practical-malware-analysis/lab-01-3.md at master · SafeEval/practical-malware-analysis

This post is part of the series of Practical Malware Analysis Exercises.

1) VirusTotal Detections?

This was was detected as malicious by 38 scanners.


MD5 : 9c5c27494c28ed0b14853b346b113145

: SHA256 : 7983a582939924c70e3da2da80fd3352ebc90de7b8c4c427d484ff4f050f0aec

: File name : Lab01-03.exe

: Lab01-03.exe Detection ratio : 38 / 47

: 38 / 47 Analysis date: 2013-11-13 05:48:45 UTC ( 1 hour, 40 minutes ago )

This is packed. The only imports are LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress , the PE sections are nameless, the virtual size of sections are much larger than the disk size, and PEiD identified the packer as FSG 1.0.

Found manual processes for unpacking FSG 1.0, and references to “EP tricks.” It’s possible with more work.

PEiD: FSG v1.00 (Eng) -> dulek/xt

FSG 1.0 unpacking:

3) Import Hints?

The only visible imports are used for unpacking.


LoadLibraryA GetProcAddress

4) Host/Network Based Indicators?

Can’t find anything useful.

Strings analysis shows OLE related contents.

0000000011C5 0000004041C5 0 ole32.vd 0000000011F4 0000004041F4 0 }OLEAUTLA

OLEAUT32.DLL is for OLE technologies. Header hashes? Can’t get much more than that without going deeper.

Unpacking and Inline Patching FSG v1.0

Quote: Originally Posted by TQN This method of hacnho can only applied with a small and simple packed exe. OllyDbg will fail when tracing with a large, complex exe. For example, I download FSG 1.0 from this site (ExeTools), pack the Stud_PE and trace with OllyDbg. Failed to find OEP.

I downloaded Stud_PE 1.8.0 (file size 663,552 bytes), I assume that was your target?

Then compressed it with FSG 1.0 resulting in a packed exe 288,864 bytes in size.

I loaded it into Olly (1.10s2) and let it trace bytewise to entry, stopping at OEP.

After a long time, in the order of 10 minutes or so, it arrived on the OEP.

—> OEP 0039F14 <55 PUSH EBP>

(Note: Same as reported by PEiD)

Dumped with OllyDump 2.21.108, no rebuild.

Fixed Imps with ImpRec, all valid.

Ended with an ugly, but fully functional Unpacked Stud_PE.exe (983,040 bytes)

Just for kicks I FSG’d several misc apps (MASM & VC4-6)

Ran them all thru Olly in the way described above. And resolved all OEP’s correctly.

I did hit a few snags after OEP on a few of the test apps,

(Note: due to 1-year old daughter clearing off desk rapidly at this moment I must be brief)

One app, PEid did not report the correct OEP with generic OEP finder.

One app, dumped ok, but could not rebuild imports with ImpRec even though all valid.

(haven’t had time to look into why)

I to am interested in finding the manual way to OEP and will continue testing

when time allows.

-bg Your post intrigued me as I had not experimented much beyond “simple” apps with FSG.I downloaded Stud_PE 1.8.0 (file size 663,552 bytes), I assume that was your target?Then compressed it with FSG 1.0 resulting in a packed exe 288,864 bytes in size.I loaded it into Olly (1.10s2) and let it trace bytewise to entry, stopping at OEP.After a long time, in the order of 10 minutes or so, it arrived on the OEP.—> OEP 0039F14 <55 PUSH EBP>(Note: Same as reported by PEiD)Dumped with OllyDump 2.21.108, no rebuild.Fixed Imps with ImpRec, all valid.Ended with an ugly, but fully functional Unpacked Stud_PE.exe (983,040 bytes)Just for kicks I FSG’d several misc apps (MASM & VC4-6)Ran them all thru Olly in the way described above. And resolved all OEP’s correctly.I did hit a few snags after OEP on a few of the test apps,(Note: due to 1-year old daughter clearing off desk rapidly at this moment I must be brief)One app, PEid did not report the correct OEP with generic OEP finder.One app, dumped ok, but could not rebuild imports with ImpRec even though all valid.(haven’t had time to look into why)I to am interested in finding the manual way to OEP and will continue testingwhen time allows.-bg

How to unpack fsg 1.0?

When building the models in this book, it is important to con- nect the sensors to the ports shown in the building instructions TIPS & TRICKS Page 6 RCX : THE

키워드에 대한 정보 fsg 1.0 unpacker

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