공증 사무소 Near Me | 캄보디아 운전 면허증 받기 상위 232개 답변

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공증 사무소 near me 주제에 대한 동영상 보기

여기에서 이 주제에 대한 비디오를 시청하십시오. 주의 깊게 살펴보고 읽고 있는 내용에 대한 피드백을 제공하세요!

d여기에서 캄보디아 운전 면허증 받기 – 공증 사무소 near me 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

In this video, I talk on how to get a Driver’s License in Cambodia as an International Driver’s License is not currently recognized in Cambodia. If you hold a license in your home country, you can do a “transfer” and get a one-year license in Cambodia without taking a driving test. It takes about two hours and you’ll have to do it again each year. There are also 10-year driving licenses available for those who pass a written and practical driving exam.
What you need to apply for a 1-year Cambodian driver’s license
2 or 8 passport photos against a white background (2 to apply at Aeon 2, 8 to apply at the GDoPWaT)
Passport with current visa (must have at least 6 weeks left)
Valid driver’s license from your home country
Letter your local Sangkat confirming your place of residence*
30,000 riel fee
Eye test (completed at licensing office for 10,000 riel)
If your license is not in English or French, a translated copy notarized by your embassy
Where to apply for a 1-year Cambodian driving license
There are now two places you can apply for a 1-year Cambodian driving license, the new Aeon Mall, also called Aeon 2 or Aeon Sen Sok, or the General Department of Public Works and Transport in Phnom Penh.
Only Cambodians can take advantage of the more convenient option at the original Aeon Mall.
Things to know before you go
*Your residency letter must explicitly say that it has been issued for the purpose of applying for a driver’s license (so you cannot re-use your work permit residency letter). Make sure to have your residency letter checked carefully. If anything, such as your name, birth date, nationality, address, or visa number, is incorrect, you will be sent back to your local Sangkat for a new one, even if that happens to be in Siem Reap. The staff at the General Department of Public Works and Transport are particularly stringent when it comes to the residency letter.
The licensing office closes from 11:30 a.m. to around 2 p.m. each day for lunch, so be sure to get there early to start the process, which takes an hour or two, or you will have to come back in the afternoon.
Your license from your home country needs to be valid for at least 30 days at the time of your application.
If you do not have a driver’s license in another country, you will need to pass an exam through a driving school before being able to apply for a Cambodian license.
Driver’s License Service Center
Aeon Mall 2, Sen Sok City, 2nd Floor, next to Post Office [map]Street 1003, Phum Bayab, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh
The General Department of Public Works and Transport
Street 598, Phnom Penh [map]Tel : 023 427 845: 023 427 862
For any service or assistance in traveling to Cambodia, feel free to contact me on Instagram at or on Telegram +855 96 347 63 88/ WhatsApp at +7 965 582 57 12
Learn a new language on Ling https://ling-app.com/ling-affilate/?referrer=ivanmusto
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캄보디아 운전 면허증 받기
캄보디아 운전 면허증 받기

주제에 대한 기사 평가 공증 사무소 near me

  • Author: Ivan Musto
  • Views: 조회수 1,050회
  • Likes: 좋아요 35개
  • Date Published: 2020. 12. 21.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wH7psW8pOs

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  • traveling to Cambodia
  • Moving to Cambodia
  • Ivan Musto
  • Cambodian Driver’s License

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