당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “perl wide character in print – [eng] 하체 통통이도 청바지 입을 수 있다니깐요?👖 체형 커버 데님룩 【펄이지엥】“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 https://ppa.charoenmotorcycles.com 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: ppa.charoenmotorcycles.com/blog. 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 펄이지엥 Pearlysien 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 68,746회 및 좋아요 1,404개 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.
What is a “wide character”? This is a term used for characters occupying more than one byte. The Perl warning “Wide character in …” is caused by such a character. With no specified encoding layer, Perl tries to fit things into a single byte.
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d여기에서 [eng] 하체 통통이도 청바지 입을 수 있다니깐요?👖 체형 커버 데님룩 【펄이지엥】 – perl wide character in print 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요
펄이지엥 구독자가 1만명을 넘었어요!
제 인생 2막을 응원해 주시고, 반가운 인사 남겨주시는 구독자님들 덕분에 좋은 에너지 듬뿍 받고 있습니다. 앞으로도 펄이지엥 자주 놀러와주세요. ^^
오늘은 편하게 입으라고 만들었는데 은근히 까다로운 옷! 바로 데님에 대한 이야기를 하려고요. 데님은 잘 스타일링하면 나이에 상관없이, 격식 있는 자리에서도 입을 수 있는 멋진 아이템이잖아요~
그런데 나에게 맞는 청바지 찾는 게 하늘의 별 따기죠. ㅜㅜ 하체가 적나라하게 드러날까봐 핏 걱정하시는 분들도 많고요. 그럼 우리 함께 체형 콤플렉스를 커버할 수 있는 데님룩이 없는지 살펴볼까요?
제 데님 코디에 대해 궁금한 점 있으시면 댓글로 달아주세요! 펄이지엥 영상이 좋으셨다면 좋아요와 구독, 알람 설정도 꼭 부탁드려요~ㅎㅎ
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perl wide character in print 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.
how to get rid of `Wide character in print at`? – Stack Overflow
The use utf8 means Perl expects your source code to be UTF-8. The open pragma can change the encoding of the standard filehandles:
Source: stackoverflow.com
Date Published: 7/24/2022
View: 3084
Solve Perl “Wide Character in Print” – Stephen Ostermiller
Here is a simple Perl program that outputs a capital gamma character (Ɣ): print “\x{194}\n” . When you run it, you will probably get a warning from Perl …
Source: blog.ostermiller.org
Date Published: 2/9/2022
View: 7457
“Wide character in print” – PerlMonks
The warning message about “we character in print” was telling you that you were using “print” (or printf) with the output file handle, …
Source: www.perlmonks.org
Date Published: 11/10/2021
View: 4996
[perl]Wide character in print error – actorsfit
When writing text processing programs with perl or writing server-se scripts, you often encounter warnings or errors of ” We character in print “.
Source: blog.actorsfit.com
Date Published: 12/8/2021
View: 9550
What is a Wide Character? – Computer Hope
This error occurs because Perl is trying to fit things in ISO-8859-1 for backward compatibility reason, but can’t and uses UTF-8 encoding …
Source: www.computerhope.com
Date Published: 12/27/2021
View: 8307
perl – Use of ‘use utf8;’ gives me ‘Wide character in print’
Without use utf8 Perl interprets your string as a sequence of single byte characters. There are four bytes in your string as you can see …
Source: tousu.in
Date Published: 3/22/2021
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UTF-8 handling in Perl for I/O (Wide character in say at)
(S utf8) Perl met a we character (ordinal >255) when it wasn’t expecting one. This warning is by default on for I/O (like print).
Source: comeandtechit.wordpress.com
Date Published: 11/7/2022
View: 5659
Why “Wide character in print”? – narkive
binmode? Because the people who nowadays work on perl unicode support have deced that it should behave as if the encoding used by it was some super secret …
Source: comp.lang.perl.misc.narkive.com
Date Published: 11/20/2022
View: 9020
perl – Use of ‘use utf8;’ gives me ‘Wide character in print’
By default, Perl’s IO layer assumes that it is working with single-byte characters. So when you try to print a multi-byte character, Perl thinks that something …
Source: www.thecodeteacher.com
Date Published: 6/24/2021
View: 2652
주제와 관련된 이미지 perl wide character in print
주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 [eng] 하체 통통이도 청바지 입을 수 있다니깐요?👖 체형 커버 데님룩 【펄이지엥】. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.
주제에 대한 기사 평가 perl wide character in print
- Author: 펄이지엥 Pearlysien
- Views: 조회수 68,746회
- Likes: 좋아요 1,404개
- Date Published: 2021. 4. 2.
- Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_Y24ZYSndA
Perl Unicode FAQ
perlunifaq – Perl Unicode FAQ
#Q and A
This is a list of questions and answers about Unicode in Perl, intended to be read after perlunitut.
#perlunitut isn’t really a Unicode tutorial, is it?
No, and this isn’t really a Unicode FAQ.
Perl has an abstracted interface for all supported character encodings, so this is actually a generic Encode tutorial and Encode FAQ. But many people think that Unicode is special and magical, and I didn’t want to disappoint them, so I decided to call the document a Unicode tutorial.
#What character encodings does Perl support?
To find out which character encodings your Perl supports, run:
perl -MEncode -le “print for Encode->encodings(‘:all’)”
#Which version of perl should I use?
Well, if you can, upgrade to the most recent, but certainly 5.8.1 or newer. The tutorial and FAQ assume the latest release.
You should also check your modules, and upgrade them if necessary. For example, HTML::Entities requires version >= 1.32 to function correctly, even though the changelog is silent about this.
#What about binary data, like images?
Well, apart from a bare binmode $fh , you shouldn’t treat them specially. (The binmode is needed because otherwise Perl may convert line endings on Win32 systems.)
Be careful, though, to never combine text strings with binary strings. If you need text in a binary stream, encode your text strings first using the appropriate encoding, then join them with binary strings. See also: “What if I don’t encode?”.
#When should I decode or encode?
Whenever you’re communicating text with anything that is external to your perl process, like a database, a text file, a socket, or another program. Even if the thing you’re communicating with is also written in Perl.
Whenever your encoded, binary string is used together with a text string, Perl will assume that your binary string was encoded with ISO-8859-1, also known as latin-1. If it wasn’t latin-1, then your data is unpleasantly converted. For example, if it was UTF-8, the individual bytes of multibyte characters are seen as separate characters, and then again converted to UTF-8. Such double encoding can be compared to double HTML encoding ( > ), or double URI encoding ( %253E ).
This silent implicit decoding is known as “upgrading”. That may sound positive, but it’s best to avoid it.
It depends on what you output and how you output it.
#Output via a filehandle
If the string’s characters are all code point 255 or lower, Perl outputs bytes that match those code points. This is what happens with encoded strings. It can also, though, happen with unencoded strings that happen to be all code point 255 or lower.
Otherwise, Perl outputs the string encoded as UTF-8. This only happens with strings you neglected to encode. Since that should not happen, Perl also throws a “wide character” warning in this case.
#Other output mechanisms (e.g., exec , chdir , ..)
Your text string will be sent using the bytes in Perl’s internal format.
Because the internal format is often UTF-8, these bugs are hard to spot, because UTF-8 is usually the encoding you wanted! But don’t be lazy, and don’t use the fact that Perl’s internal format is UTF-8 to your advantage. Encode explicitly to avoid weird bugs, and to show to maintenance programmers that you thought this through.
#Is there a way to automatically decode or encode?
If all data that comes from a certain handle is encoded in exactly the same way, you can tell the PerlIO system to automatically decode everything, with the encoding layer. If you do this, you can’t accidentally forget to decode or encode anymore, on things that use the layered handle.
You can provide this layer when open ing the file:
open my $fh, ‘>:encoding(UTF-8)’, $filename; # auto encoding on write open my $fh, ‘<:encoding(UTF-8)', $filename; # auto decoding on read Or if you already have an open filehandle: binmode $fh, ':encoding(UTF-8)'; Some database drivers for DBI can also automatically encode and decode, but that is sometimes limited to the UTF-8 encoding. #What if I don't know which encoding was used? Do whatever you can to find out, and if you have to: guess. (Don't forget to document your guess with a comment.) You could open the document in a web browser, and change the character set or character encoding until you can visually confirm that all characters look the way they should. There is no way to reliably detect the encoding automatically, so if people keep sending you data without charset indication, you may have to educate them. #Can I use Unicode in my Perl sources? Yes, you can! If your sources are UTF-8 encoded, you can indicate that with the use utf8 pragma. use utf8; This doesn't do anything to your input, or to your output. It only influences the way your sources are read. You can use Unicode in string literals, in identifiers (but they still have to be "word characters" according to \w ), and even in custom delimiters. #Data::Dumper doesn't restore the UTF8 flag; is it broken? No, Data::Dumper's Unicode abilities are as they should be. There have been some complaints that it should restore the UTF8 flag when the data is read again with eval . However, you should really not look at the flag, and nothing indicates that Data::Dumper should break this rule. Here's what happens: when Perl reads in a string literal, it sticks to 8 bit encoding as long as it can. (But perhaps originally it was internally encoded as UTF-8, when you dumped it.) When it has to give that up because other characters are added to the text string, it silently upgrades the string to UTF-8. If you properly encode your strings for output, none of this is of your concern, and you can just eval dumped data as always. #Why do regex character classes sometimes match only in the ASCII range? Starting in Perl 5.14 (and partially in Perl 5.12), just put a use feature 'unicode_strings' near the beginning of your program. Within its lexical scope you shouldn't have this problem. It also is automatically enabled under use feature ':5.12' or use v5.12 or using -E on the command line for Perl 5.12 or higher. The rationale for requiring this is to not break older programs that rely on the way things worked before Unicode came along. Those older programs knew only about the ASCII character set, and so may not work properly for additional characters. When a string is encoded in UTF-8, Perl assumes that the program is prepared to deal with Unicode, but when the string isn't, Perl assumes that only ASCII is wanted, and so those characters that are not ASCII characters aren't recognized as to what they would be in Unicode. use feature 'unicode_strings' tells Perl to treat all characters as Unicode, whether the string is encoded in UTF-8 or not, thus avoiding the problem. However, on earlier Perls, or if you pass strings to subroutines outside the feature's scope, you can force Unicode rules by changing the encoding to UTF-8 by doing utf8::upgrade($string) . This can be used safely on any string, as it checks and does not change strings that have already been upgraded. For a more detailed discussion, see Unicode::Semantics on CPAN. #Why do some characters not uppercase or lowercase correctly? See the answer to the previous question. #How can I determine if a string is a text string or a binary string? You can't. Some use the UTF8 flag for this, but that's misuse, and makes well behaved modules like Data::Dumper look bad. The flag is useless for this purpose, because it's off when an 8 bit encoding (by default ISO-8859-1) is used to store the string. This is something you, the programmer, has to keep track of; sorry. You could consider adopting a kind of "Hungarian notation" to help with this. #How do I convert from encoding FOO to encoding BAR? By first converting the FOO-encoded byte string to a text string, and then the text string to a BAR-encoded byte string: my $text_string = decode('FOO', $foo_string); my $bar_string = encode('BAR', $text_string); or by skipping the text string part, and going directly from one binary encoding to the other: use Encode qw(from_to); from_to($string, 'FOO', 'BAR'); # changes contents of $string or by letting automatic decoding and encoding do all the work: open my $foofh, '<:encoding(FOO)', 'example.foo.txt'; open my $barfh, '>:encoding(BAR)’, ‘example.bar.txt’; print { $barfh } $_ while <$foofh>;
These are alternate syntaxes for decode(‘utf8’, …) and encode(‘utf8’, …) . Do not use these functions for data exchange. Instead use decode(‘UTF-8’, …) and encode(‘UTF-8’, …) ; see “What’s the difference between UTF-8 and utf8?” below.
This is a term used for characters occupying more than one byte.
The Perl warning “Wide character in …” is caused by such a character. With no specified encoding layer, Perl tries to fit things into a single byte. When it can’t, it emits this warning (if warnings are enabled), and uses UTF-8 encoded data instead.
To avoid this warning and to avoid having different output encodings in a single stream, always specify an encoding explicitly, for example with a PerlIO layer:
binmode STDOUT, “:encoding(UTF-8)”;
Please, unless you’re hacking the internals, or debugging weirdness, don’t think about the UTF8 flag at all. That means that you very probably shouldn’t use is_utf8 , _utf8_on or _utf8_off at all.
The UTF8 flag, also called SvUTF8, is an internal flag that indicates that the current internal representation is UTF-8. Without the flag, it is assumed to be ISO-8859-1. Perl converts between these automatically. (Actually Perl usually assumes the representation is ASCII; see “Why do regex character classes sometimes match only in the ASCII range?” above.)
One of Perl’s internal formats happens to be UTF-8. Unfortunately, Perl can’t keep a secret, so everyone knows about this. That is the source of much confusion. It’s better to pretend that the internal format is some unknown encoding, and that you always have to encode and decode explicitly.
#What about the use bytes pragma?
Don’t use it. It makes no sense to deal with bytes in a text string, and it makes no sense to deal with characters in a byte string. Do the proper conversions (by decoding/encoding), and things will work out well: you get character counts for decoded data, and byte counts for encoded data.
use bytes is usually a failed attempt to do something useful. Just forget about it.
#What about the use encoding pragma?
Don’t use it. Unfortunately, it assumes that the programmer’s environment and that of the user will use the same encoding. It will use the same encoding for the source code and for STDIN and STDOUT. When a program is copied to another machine, the source code does not change, but the STDIO environment might.
If you need non-ASCII characters in your source code, make it a UTF-8 encoded file and use utf8 .
If you need to set the encoding for STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR, for example based on the user’s locale, use open .
#What is the difference between :encoding and :utf8 ?
Because UTF-8 is one of Perl’s internal formats, you can often just skip the encoding or decoding step, and manipulate the UTF8 flag directly.
Instead of :encoding(UTF-8) , you can simply use :utf8 , which skips the encoding step if the data was already represented as UTF8 internally. This is widely accepted as good behavior when you’re writing, but it can be dangerous when reading, because it causes internal inconsistency when you have invalid byte sequences. Using :utf8 for input can sometimes result in security breaches, so please use :encoding(UTF-8) instead.
Instead of decode and encode , you could use _utf8_on and _utf8_off , but this is considered bad style. Especially _utf8_on can be dangerous, for the same reason that :utf8 can.
There are some shortcuts for oneliners; see -C in perlrun.
#What’s the difference between UTF-8 and utf8 ?
UTF-8 is the official standard. utf8 is Perl’s way of being liberal in what it accepts. If you have to communicate with things that aren’t so liberal, you may want to consider using UTF-8 . If you have to communicate with things that are too liberal, you may have to use utf8 . The full explanation is in “UTF-8 vs. utf8 vs. UTF8” in Encode.
UTF-8 is internally known as utf-8-strict . The tutorial uses UTF-8 consistently, even where utf8 is actually used internally, because the distinction can be hard to make, and is mostly irrelevant.
For example, utf8 can be used for code points that don’t exist in Unicode, like 9999999, but if you encode that to UTF-8, you get a substitution character (by default; see “Handling Malformed Data” in Encode for more ways of dealing with this.)
Okay, if you insist: the “internal format” is utf8, not UTF-8. (When it’s not some other encoding.)
#I lost track; what encoding is the internal format really?
It’s good that you lost track, because you shouldn’t depend on the internal format being any specific encoding. But since you asked: by default, the internal format is either ISO-8859-1 (latin-1), or utf8, depending on the history of the string. On EBCDIC platforms, this may be different even.
Perl knows how it stored the string internally, and will use that knowledge when you encode . In other words: don’t try to find out what the internal encoding for a certain string is, but instead just encode it into the encoding that you want.
Juerd Waalboer <#####@juerd.nl>
perlunicode, perluniintro, Encode
how to get rid of `Wide character in print at`?
I have file /tmp/xxx with next content:
00000000 D0 BA D0 B8 │ D1 80 D0 B8 │ D0 BB D0 B8 │ D0 BA к и р и л и к
When I read content of file and print it I get the error:
Wide character in print at …
The source is:
use utf8; open my $fh, ‘<:encoding(UTF-8)', '/tmp/xxx'; print scalar <$fh>
The output from print is:
Solve Perl “Wide Character in Print”
Here is a simple Perl program that outputs a capital gamma character (Ɣ): print “\x{194}
” . When you run it, you will probably get a warning from Perl about a “Wide character in print at line 1”.
$ perl -e ‘print “\x{194}
“‘ Wide character in print at -e line 1. Ɣ
You can solve this using several different methods.
Use Command Line Flags
The first way to solve this is through command line flags. Perl supports the -C option that allows control over the default character set. (Documentation) There are several options to choose from:
-CSDA is the most complete. It instructs Perl to treat standard input, file handles, and command line arguments as “UTF-8” by default.
is the most complete. It instructs Perl to treat standard input, file handles, and command line arguments as “UTF-8” by default. -CS is just for STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR.
is just for STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR. -CO is just for STDOUT.
$ perl -CSDA -e ‘print “\x{194}
“‘ Ɣ
This also works if you have the Perl program in a file like gamma.pl which writes the character to a file as well as printing it to STDOUT:
#!/usr/bin/perl -CSDA print “\x{194}
“; open (FH, “>”, “gamma.txt”); print FH “\x{194}
“; close(FH);
$ ./gamma.pl Ɣ $ perl -CSDA gamma.pl Ɣ $ cat gamma.txt Ɣ
Set the mode on each stream
You can individually tell perl to use UTF-8 on particular streams.
binmode STDOUT, “:utf8”; handles just STDOUT.
handles just STDOUT. use open “:std”, “:encoding(UTF-8)”; handles STDOUT, STDERR, and STDIN
handles STDOUT, STDERR, and STDIN “>:encoding(UTF-8)” instead of > in an open filehandle call opens the file for writing using UTF-8.
#!/usr/bin/perl use open “:std”, “:encoding(UTF-8)”; print “\x{194}
“; open (FH, “>:encoding(UTF-8)”, “gamma.txt”); print FH “\x{194}
“; close(FH);
$ ./gamma.pl Ɣ $ perl gamma.pl Ɣ $ cat gamma.txt Ɣ
Use a Module
The utf8::all module sets up UTF-8 as the default for everything it can in Perl: In your program itself, standard input, standard output, file handles characters, command line arguments, and system calls.
If you don’t already have it installed, it can be installed using cpan: sudo cpan install utf8::all .
here is gamma.pl :
#!/usr/bin/perl use utf8::all; print “\x{194}
“; open (FH, “>”, “gamma.txt”); print FH “\x{194}
“; close(FH);
$ ./gamma.pl Ɣ $ perl gamma.pl Ɣ $ cat gamma.txt Ɣ $ perl -e ‘use utf8::all; print “\x{194}
“‘ Ɣ $ perl -Mutf8::all -e ‘print “\x{194}
“‘ Ɣ
Suppress the Warnings
Another option is just to suppress the warnings using no warnings ‘utf8’; . Again here is gamma.pl :
#!/usr/bin/perl no warnings ‘utf8’; print “\x{194}
“; open (FH, “>”, “gamma.txt”); print FH “\x{194}
“; close(FH);
“Wide character in print”
axl163 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
open(OUT,”>out.html”) || die(“Cannot Open File”); binmode(OUT, “:utf8″); [download]
The error has gone away but there are weird characters that are still showing up like this when I print it out:
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I am using SOAP::Lite to obtain html links and the symbols do not seem to get encoded/decoded correctly when I obtain them. The code I use to obtain them is something like this:
Update: I updated the code I used to obtain the information.
open(OUT,”>out.html”) || die(“Cannot Open File”); binmode(OUT, “:utf8”); my $service = SOAP::Lite->service(‘http://www.url.com/file.wsdl’); my $arguments = “my_id”; my $result = $service->search($my_arguments); my $url = $link->{linkCodeHTML}; print OUT $url . “
“; [download]I’m not exactly sure what it is supposed to like since it looks like that when I print it out. I assume they are trademarks of some sort.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated…
> Thanks,
Perl newb Hi Perl Monks, I have ran into this issue and according to past threads, I am supposed to tell Perl to output in UTF-8. I added the following to my code:The error has gone away but there are weird characters that are still showing up like this when I print it out:andI am using SOAP::Lite to obtain html links and the symbols do not seem to get encoded/decoded correctly when I obtain them. The code I use to obtain them is something like this:: I updated the code I used to obtain the information.I’m not exactly sure what it is supposed to like since it looks like that when I print it out. I assume they are trademarks of some sort.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated…> Thanks,Perl newb Re: “Wide character in print”
(Chancellor) on May 06, 2007 at 00:53 UTC by graff on May 06, 2007 at 00:53 UTC What is supposed to be showing up? Where is the data coming from? What is your script doing to it before printing it? The warning message about “wide character in print” was telling you that you were using “print” (or printf) with the output file handle, the data being printed contained strings flagged as containing non-ASCII utf8 characters, and the handle had not been declared to accommodate such data. Sure, changing the file handle to accommodate utf8 data gets rid of the warning, but it doesn’t really change the data that caused the warning in the first place. You need to supply more information. There are a variety of possible “solutions” — changing how you view the data, changing the data in any of various ways before printing it, and so on — but we don’t know enough about your problem yet to make a recommendation. Update: Now that you have supplied more information, I can make a few observations: Whenever you change the content of your post, please make it clear to others that you have changed the content — use “update:” (like I’ve done here) to indicate what has been added, and put
…around things that you want to delete (rather than just deleting them), so that replies that were based on your original post will still make sense. Based on the context you’ve added around the “weird characters” (originally you just showed those characters in isolation), it looks like you are downloading a page that might be using some character set other than utf8, and it’s being interpreted incorrectly as (or into) utf8. You should try looking at the original content in a browser window, and use different character encodings in that window until you see a display that makes sense. That’s one way to figure out which encoding is being used in the source data. I would expect that the true character encoding being used would be mentioned somewhere in the data, as part of the header, or a tag attribute, or something — that’s another way to find that out. If you just want to get rid of the wide characters, you can do this, which will work no matter what is going wrong with the encoding: s/[^[:ascii:]]+//g; # get rid of non-ASCII characters [download] If you need to keep those characters, the first thing is to look at your output using a browser, so that utf8 data are displayed correctly using utf8 characters. In that view, if you see two or more characters where you expected to see only one, you’ll need to figure out how to use the Encode module on your data. But if you get to that point and can’t figure it out, you’ll need to show us a small amount of usable code that demonstrates the problem. Just saying “I’m using SOAP::Lite” (as you did in your first update) isn’t enough. Another update: That sequence of three non-ASCII bytes that shows up twice in your updated sample text happens to be “\xE2″,”\x80″,”\x93”. This is the utf8 byte sequence to express the unicode character “\x{2013}”, which turns out to be “EN DASH” (in other words, a hyphen). To see it as a hyphen, you could just do s/\x{2013}/-/g; on your text data. (But if you’re getting other wide characters beside that one, you might not find suitable ASCII correlates for all of them, so this may not work out as a general solution.) Re^2: “Wide character in print”by Anonymous Monk on Sep 14, 2009 at 09:43 UTC use pragma { no warnings; print … } or binmode STDOUT, “:utf8”; Re^3: “Wide character in print”
(Scribe) on Dec 04, 2009 at 05:17 UTC by kevyt on Dec 04, 2009 at 05:17 UTC Graff, The line below worked great! I found articles about encoding and including modules and nothing worked. This worked great! I also learned a little about using strike . Thanks!!!! s/[^[:ascii:]]+//g; # get rid of non-ASCII characters Re^2: “Wide character in print”
by Anonymous Monk on Jun 05, 2014 at 16:09 UTC Adding to graff’s suggestion, using Text::Unidecode will translate your wide characters to ascii: use utf8; use Text::Unidecode; foreach ( @strings ){ $_ =~ s/([^[:ascii:]]+)/unidecode($1)/ge; } [download] Re: “Wide character in print”
(Chancellor) on May 07, 2007 at 07:19 UTC by graff on May 07, 2007 at 07:19 UTC Now that you’ve updated your node again (thanks for indicating the update), I’d point out that the code as posted looks bad, and I’d be surprised if it works at all. Since you are using “my” to declare variables, you should be doing “use strict;” as well, to get the real benefit. As it is, you assign a value to “my $arguments”, but then you don’t use it (you use a variable called $my_arguments instead). Then, I can’t figure out where the $link thing is coming from… should that have been spelled “$result” instead? Maybe I’m just naive, but when I tried the url you mention in your code (www.url.com/file.wsdl), I somehow got to “coolchaser.com”, and that page did not appear to have any wide-character data (nor a “search” service). Based on your updates, it doesn’t seem as though you’ve made any progress, despite the information you’ve been given. Maybe you could post a reply to one of my nodes in this thread, to provide a simple, runnable code snippet that demonstrates the problem. (Please don’t make any more major changes to your root node — this thread is already too confused.) Also, let us know whether you’ve tried the suggestions, and what happened when you did. What are you using to view the output? Are you still in doubt about the fact that your three bytes of “weird characters” are simply the utf8 sequence for the “en dash” character (unicode codepoint U+2013)? Re: “Wide character in print”
(Patriarch) on Sep 14, 2009 at 16:38 UTC by ikegami on Sep 14, 2009 at 16:38 UTC The error has gone away but there are weird characters that are still showing up like this when I print it out: There are many different ways of representing characters using bytes. These are called “character encodings”, or just “encodings” for short. By using :utf8 , you told Perl to encode the characters using UTF-8. (Actually, using a superset of UTF-8 specific to Perl, but that’s ok.) However, your viewer appears to be assuming the content of the file is encoded using iso-latin-1 (or something). Tell your viewer the file is UTF-8, or use the encoding your viewer expects instead of UTF-8. The latter is done using: binmode OUT, ‘:encoding(name_of_encoding_here)’; [download] For files encoded using UTF-8, some viewers will react positively to having chr(0xFEFF) as the first character. Back to Seekers of Perl Wisdom
[perl]Wide character in print error
When writing text processing programs with perl or writing server-side scripts, you often encounter warnings or errors of ” Wide character in print “.
This is because when processing Chinese monospace characters in the program, perl cannot recognize the content to be processed.
First of all, we must know that perl can only handle two encodings: ascii and utf-8. Ascii codes are rare. If characters such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. can be processed by Perl, they can only be encoded in utf-8. The storage format of strings in Perl is as follows:
View Image
When the flag is 1, Perl will treat the string as utf-8 encoded characters; if it is 0, Perl cannot recognize the characters in the string other than the ascii code. At this time, it will report A warning or error of ” Wide character in print ” is issued.
For example, you need to process the string “When history becomes history” in the program. If your program file is utf-8 encoded, you can process it directly in general, because the utf8-flag of the string is opened. If your program file is gb2312, then you need to open the utf8-flag of that string. However, there are generally such problems. Because this string is encoded by gb2312, you have to do two things: convert the encoding of the string to utf-8 and turn on utf8-flag.
use Encode;
use strict;
my $ str = “When the history of the past”;
print $str. ”
print $str. ”
The above This program is saved in a file, and an error will be reported when trying to run: Wide character in print at test.pl line 6. This is because utf8-flag is turned off and perl cannot recognize strings.
Of course, adding Encode::_utf8_on function in every place where wide characters are processed is indeed a solution. But generally speaking, adding such a function to every place is troublesome when writing a program, and even more troublesome when maintaining it.
There is a better way: add the following to the head of the program file
use utf8;
binmode(STDIN, ‘:encoding(utf8)’);
binmode(STDOUT, ‘:encoding(utf8)’);
binmode(STDERR, ‘:encoding(utf8)’);
What is a Wide Character?
Wide character
A wide character describes a character with a value greater than 127, 255, or that occupies more than one byte, depending on the computer or programming language.
In the Perl programming language, if a character has a value greater than 255 with no encoding layer specified, the following error is recorded in the HTTP error log.
example.cgi: Wide character in print at example.cgi line 1077
This error occurs because Perl is trying to fit things in ISO-8859-1 for backward compatibility reason, but can’t and uses UTF-8 encoding instead. To fix this error, specify the encoding using the line below at the top of your Perl script.
binmode STDOUT, “:encoding(UTF-8)”; #Set encoding
ASCII, Software terms, UTF-8
Use of ‘use utf8;’ gives me ‘Wide character in print’
Without use utf8 Perl interprets your string as a sequence of single byte characters. There are four bytes in your string as you can see from this:
$ perl -E ‘say join “:”, map { ord } split //, “鸡 “;’ 233:184:161:10
The first three bytes make up your character, the last one is the line-feed.
The call to print sends these four characters to STDOUT. Your console then works out how to display these characters. If your console is set to use UTF8, then it will interpret those three bytes as your single character and that is what is displayed.
If we add in the utf8 module, things are different. In this case, Perl interprets your string as just two characters.
$ perl -Mutf8 -E ‘say join “:”, map { ord } split //, “鸡 “;’ 40481:10
By default, Perl’s IO layer assumes that it is working with single-byte characters. So when you try to print a multi-byte character, Perl thinks that something is wrong and gives you a warning. As ever, you can get more explanation for this error by including use diagnostics . It will say this:
(S utf8) Perl met a wide character (>255) when it wasn’t expecting one. This warning is by default on for I/O (like print). The easiest way to quiet this warning is simply to add the :utf8 layer to the output, e.g. binmode STDOUT, ‘:utf8’. Another way to turn off the warning is to add no warnings ‘utf8’; but that is often closer to cheating. In general, you are supposed to explicitly mark the filehandle with an encoding, see open and perlfunc/binmode.
As others have pointed out you need to tell Perl to accept multi-byte output. There are many ways to do this (see the Perl Unicode Tutorial for some examples). One of the simplest ways is to use the -CS command line flag – which tells the three standard filehandles (STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR) to deal with UTF8.
$ perl -Mutf8 -e ‘print “鸡 “;’ Wide character in print at -e line 1. 鸡
$ perl -Mutf8 -CS -e ‘print “鸡 “;’ 鸡
Unicode is a big and complex area. As you’ve seen, many simple programs appear to do the right thing, but for the wrong reasons. When you start to fix part of the program, things will often get worse until you’ve fixed all of the program.
UTF-8 handling in Perl for I/O (Wide character in say at)
If you handle UTF-8 I/O streams in Perl and if this is not explicitly activated either as argument of your Perl interpreter or within your Perl script, you can have this warning :
Wide character in say at
If you enable the pragma use diagnostics, more details will be provided for this warning :
Wide character in say at
(S utf8) Perl met a wide character (ordinal >255) when it wasn’t
expecting one. This warning is by default on for I/O (like print). If this warning does come from I/O, the easiest
way to quiet it is simply to add the :utf8 layer, e.g.,
binmode STDOUT, ‘:utf8’. Another way to turn off the warning is
to add no warnings ‘utf8’; but that is often closer to
cheating. In general, you are supposed to explicitly mark the
filehandle with an encoding, see open and “binmode” in perlfunc. If the warning comes from other than I/O, this diagnostic probably
indicates that incorrect results are being obtained. You should examine
your code to determine how a wide character is getting to an operation
that doesn’t handle them.
This StackOverflow answer provides a way to activate UTF-8 on I/O as as a command-line flag -CS : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15210532/use-of-use-utf8-gives-me-wide-character-in-print
-CS enables UTF-8 on the Perl I/O on all the filehandles (STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR).
To enable this feature within your Perl script, use open “perl pragma to set default PerlIO layers for input and output” :
use open qw(:std :utf8);
More details :
Perl documentation : open perl pragma
Perl Unicode Cookbook : Make All I/O Default to UTF-8
Why “Wide character in print”?
Post by Eric Pozharski
Post by Peter J. Holzer
Then I don’t know what you meant by “utf8”. Care to explain?
Then I don’t know what you meant by “utf8”. Care to explain?
*SKIP*Do you know difference between utf-8 and utf8 for Perl?
Post by Eric Pozharski
(For long time, up to yesterday, I believed that that utf-8 is
all-caps; I was wrong, it’s caseless.)
(For long time, up to yesterday, I believed that that utf-8 isall-caps; I was wrong, it’s caseless.)
Post by Eric Pozharski
Post by Peter J. Holzer
* The encoding of the source code of the script
* The encoding of the source code of the script
[quote perldoc encoding on]* Internally converts all literals (“q//,qq//,qr//,qw///, qx//”) from
the encoding specified to utf8. In Perl 5.8.1 and later, literals in
“tr///” and “DATA” pseudo-filehandle are also converted.
[quote off]Wrong.[quote perldoc encoding on]* Internally converts all literals (“q//,qq//,qr//,qw///, qx//”) fromthe encoding specified to utf8. In Perl 5.8.1 and later, literals in”tr///” and “DATA” pseudo-filehandle are also converted.[quote off]
Post by Eric Pozharski
In pre-all-utf8 times qr// was working on bytes without being told to
behave otherwise. That’s different now.
In pre-all-utf8 times qr// was working on bytes without being told tobehave otherwise. That’s different now.
Post by Eric Pozharski
Post by Peter J. Holzer
* The default encoding of some I/O streams
* The default encoding of some I/O streams
binary encoding except latin1 (guess what, CP866 is still alive).
[quote perldoc encoding on]* Changing PerlIO layers of “STDIN” and “STDOUT” to the encoding
[quote off]That’s not saying anything about ‘default’. It’s about ‘encoding
We here, in our barbaric world, had (and still have) to process anybinary encoding except latin1 (guess what, CP866 is still alive).[quote perldoc encoding on]* Changing PerlIO layers of “STDIN” and “STDOUT” to the encodingspecified.[quote off]That’s not saying anything about ‘default’. It’s about ‘encodingspecified’.
Post by Eric Pozharski
Post by Peter J. Holzer
and it does so even in an inconsistent manner (e.g. the encoding is
applied to STDOUT, but not to STDERR)
and it does so even in an inconsistent manner (e.g. the encoding isapplied to STDOUT, but not to STDERR)
No problems with that here. STDERR is us-ascii, point.
Post by Eric Pozharski
Post by Peter J. Holzer
and finally, because it is too complex and that will lead to
surprising results.
and finally, because it is too complex and that will lead tosurprising results.
barbarians, you know.
In your elitist latin1 world — may be so. But we, down here, arebarbarians, you know.
_ | Peter J. Holzer | Fluch der elektronischen Textverarbeitung:
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR | Man feilt solange an seinen Text um, bis
| | | ***@hjp.at | die Satzbestandteile des Satzes nicht mehr
__/ | http://www.hjp.at/ | zusammenpaßt. — Ralph Babel
UTF-8 is the “UCS Transformation Format, 8-bit form” as defined by theUnicode consortium. It defines a mapping from unicode characters tobytes and back. When you use it as an encoding in Perl, There will besome checks that the input is actually a valid unicode character. Forexample, you can’t encode a surrogate character:$s2 = encode(“utf-8”, “\x{D812}”);results in the string “\xef\xbf\xbd”, which is UTF-8 for U+FFFD (thereplacement character used to signal invalid characters).utf8 may mean (at least) three different things in a Perl context:* It is a perl-proprietary encoding (actually two encodings, but EBCDICsupport in perl has been dead for several years and I doubt it willever come back, so I’ll ignore that) for storing strings. Theencoding is based on UTF-8, but it can represent code points with upto 64 bits[1], while UTF-8 is limited to 36 bits by design and tovalues <= 0x10FFFF by fiat. It also doesn't check for surrogates, so$s2 = encode("utf8", "\x{D812}");results in the string "\xed\xa0\x92", as one would naively expect.You should never use this encoding when reading or writing files.It's only for perl internal use and AFAIK it isn't documentedanywhere except possibly in the source code.* Since the perl interpreter uses the format to store strings withUnicode character semantics (marked with the UTF8 flag), such stringsare often called "utf8 strings" in the documentation. This issomewhat unfortunate, because "utf8" looks very similar to "utf-8",which can cause confusion and because it exposes an implementationdetail (There are several other possible storage formats a perlinterpreter could reasonable use) to the user.I avoid this usage. I usually talk about "byte strings" or "characterstrings", or use even more verbose language to make clear what I amtalking about. For example, in this thread the distinction betweenbyte strings and character is almost irrelevant, it is only importantwhether a string contains an element > 0xFF or not.* There is also an I/O layer “:utf8”, which is subtly different fromboth “:encoding(utf8)” and “:encoding(utf-8)“.Yes, the encoding names (as used in Encode::encode, Encode::decode andthe :encoding() I/O-Layers) are case-insensitive.How is this proving me wrong? It confirms what I wrote.If you use “use encoding ‘KOI8-U’;”, you can use KOI8 sequences (eitherliterally or via escape sequences) in your source code. For example, ifyou store this program in KOI8-U encoding:#!/usr/bin/perluse warnings;use strict;use 5.010;use encoding ‘KOI8-U’;my $s1 = “Б”;say ord($s1);my $s2 = “\x{E2}”;say ord($s2);__END__(i.e. the string literal on line 7 is stored as the byte sequence 0x220xE2 0x22), the program will print 1041 twice, because:* The perl compiler knows that the source code is in KOI-8, so a singlebyte 0xE2 in the source code represents the character “U+0411CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BE”. Similarly, Escape sequences of the form\ooo and \Xxx are taken to denote bytes in the source character setand translated to unicode. So both the literal Б on line 7 and the\x{E2} on line 9 are translated to U+0411.* At run time, the bytecode interpreter sees a string with the singleunicode character U+0411. How this character was represented in thesource code is irrelevant (and indeed, unknowable) to the byte codeinterpreter at this stage. It just prints the decimal representationof 0x0411, which happens to be 1041.Yes, I think I wrote that before. I don’t know what this has to do withthe behaviour of “use encoding”, except that historically, “useencoding” was intended to convert old byte-oriented scripts to the brave newunicode-centered world with minimal effort. (I don’t think it met thatgoal: Over the years I have encountered a lot of people who had problemswith “use encoding”, but I don’t remember ever reading from someone whosuccessfully converted their scripts by slapping “use encoding ‘…’”at the beginning.)You misunderstood what I meant by “default”. When The perl interpretercreates the STDIN and STOUT file handles, these have some I/O layersapplied to them, without the user having to explicitely having to callbinmode(). These are applied by default, and hence I call them thedefault layers. The list of default layers varies between systems(Windows adds the :crlf layer, Linux doesn’t), on command line settings(-CS adds the :utf8 layer, IIRC), and of course it can also bemanipulated by modules like “encoding”. “use encoding ‘CP866’;” pushesthe layer “:encoding(CP866)” onto the STDIN and STDOUT handles. You canstill override them with binmode(), but they are there by default, youdon’t have to call “binmode STDIN, “:encoding(CP866)”” explicitely(but you do have to call it explicitely for STDERR, which IMNSHO isinconsistent).If my scripts handle non-ascii characters, I want those characters alsoin my error messages. If a script is intended for normal users (notsysadmins), I might even want the error messages to be in their nativelanguage instead of English. German can expressed in pure US-ASCII,although it’s awkward. Russian or Chinese is harder.May I remind you that it was you who was surprised by the behaviour of“use encoding” in this thread, not me?In Message you wrote:| {10613:81} [0:0]% perl -Mencoding=utf8 -wle ‘print “à”‘ # hooray!| à| {10645:82} [0:0]% perl -Mencoding=utf8 -wle ‘print “\x{E0}”‘ # oops| �| {10654:83} [0:0]% perl -Mencoding=utf8 -wle ‘print “\N{U+00E0}”‘ # hoora| à| Except the middle one (what I should think about), I think encoding.pm| wins again.You didn’t understand why the the middle one produced this particularresult. So you were surprised by the way “use encoding” translatesstring literals. I wasn’t surprised. I knew how it works and explainedit to you in my followup.Still, although I think I understand “use encoding” fairly well (becauseI spent a lot of time reading the docs and playing with it when I stillthought it would be a useful tool, and later because I spent a lot oftime arguing on usenet that it isn’t useful) I think it is too complex.I would be afraid of making stupid mistakes like writing “\x{E0}” when Imeant chr(0xE0), and even if I don’t make them, the next guy who has tomaintain the scripts probably understands much less about “use encoding”than I do and is likely to misunderstand my code and introduce errors.hp[1] I admit that I was surprised by this. It is documented that stringsconsist of 64-bit elements on 64-bit machines, but I thought thiswas an obvious documentation error until I actually tried it.
perl – Use of ‘use utf8;’ gives me ‘Wide character in print’
Without use utf8 Perl interprets your string as a sequence of single byte characters. There are four bytes in your string as you can see from this:
$ perl -E ‘say join “:”, map { ord } split //, “鸡
“;’ 233:184:161:10
The first three bytes make up your character, the last one is the line-feed.
The call to print sends these four characters to STDOUT. Your console then works out how to display these characters. If your console is set to use UTF8, then it will interpret those three bytes as your single character and that is what is displayed.
If we add in the utf8 module, things are different. In this case, Perl interprets your string as just two characters.
$ perl -Mutf8 -E ‘say join “:”, map { ord } split //, “鸡
“;’ 40481:10
By default, Perl’s IO layer assumes that it is working with single-byte characters. So when you try to print a multi-byte character, Perl thinks that something is wrong and gives you a warning. As ever, you can get more explanation for this error by including use diagnostics . It will say this:
(S utf8) Perl met a wide character (>255) when it wasn’t expecting one. This warning is by default on for I/O (like print). The easiest way to quiet this warning is simply to add the :utf8 layer to the output, e.g. binmode STDOUT, ‘:utf8’. Another way to turn off the warning is to add no warnings ‘utf8’; but that is often closer to cheating. In general, you are supposed to explicitly mark the filehandle with an encoding, see open and perlfunc/binmode.
As others have pointed out you need to tell Perl to accept multi-byte output. There are many ways to do this (see the Perl Unicode Tutorial for some examples). One of the simplest ways is to use the -CS command line flag – which tells the three standard filehandles (STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR) to deal with UTF8.
$ perl -Mutf8 -e ‘print “鸡
“;’ Wide character in print at -e line 1. 鸡
$ perl -Mutf8 -CS -e ‘print “鸡
“;’ 鸡
Unicode is a big and complex area. As you’ve seen, many simple programs appear to do the right thing, but for the wrong reasons. When you start to fix part of the program, things will often get worse until you’ve fixed all of the program.
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주제에 대한 기사를 시청해 주셔서 감사합니다 [eng] 하체 통통이도 청바지 입을 수 있다니깐요?👖 체형 커버 데님룩 【펄이지엥】 | perl wide character in print, 이 기사가 유용하다고 생각되면 공유하십시오, 매우 감사합니다.