Ruo Li Artist | 張若凡 《如何忘記你How Could I Forget About You 》 Official Music 모든 답변

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d여기에서 張若凡 《如何忘記你How Could I Forget About You 》 Official Music – ruo li artist 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

如何忘記你How Could I Forget About You\r
玻璃罐緊緊裝著我們的時間,有時我們以為停留在曾經相愛的位置,就不算真的失去你,可是,愛情的無愛剩下你寫的一封信,是情書卻是別離。 \r
詞:周興哲 Eric Chou、吳易緯 Wu I-Wei\r
曲:周興哲 Eric Chou\r
誰記得那天 牽手並肩 \r
沒有終點 有整片藍天\r
誰都沒說再見 沒說再見 \r
以為就有機會再遇見 \r
靠著你 仰望你 嘴角的弧線\r
最美好 最遺憾 那叫做懷念\r
你為什麼 不願多留一天\r
最好的 最愛的 會毫無關聯\r
最頑固 最羨慕 你的走遠\r
我好想你 你會不會想念\r
你說再也無法 \r
是你帶我相信愛情 \r
誰記得那天 生日心願\r
被風吹遠 也吹散永遠 \r
誰都沒說再見 可惜時間\r
跟著你 愛著你 勇敢這些年\r
最美好 最遺憾 那叫做懷念\r
你為什麼 寧願消失不見\r
最幸福 最滿足 最平凡笑臉\r
最頑固 最羨慕 你的走遠\r
我好想你 你會不會想念\r
你說再也無法 \r
是你帶我相信愛情 \r
作詞 Lyricist:周興哲 Eric Chou、吳易緯 Wu I-Wei\r
作曲 Composer:周興哲 Eric Chou\r
製作人 Producer:陳君豪 Howe Chen@成績好Studio (Good Grades Studio)\r
編曲 Music Arrangement:袁偉翔 Fanda Yuan\r
鋼琴\u0026弦樂編寫 Piano\u0026Strings Arrangement:袁偉翔 Fanda Yuan\r
貝斯 Bass:奧迪 Audi Lin\r
鼓 Drum:江尚謙 Shang-Chien Chiang\r
合音編寫 Background Vocal Arrangement:陳君豪 Howe\r
合音 Background Vocal:張若凡 RuoFan\r
弦樂監製 String Producer:蔡曜宇 Shuon Tsai\r
弦樂 Strings:曜爆甘音樂工作室 Just Busy Music Studio\r
第一小提琴 First Violin:朱奕寧 Yi-Ning Ju / 駱思云 Ssu-Yun Lo\r
第二小提琴 Second Violin:盧思蒨 Szu-Chien Lu / 黃雨柔 Nala Huang\r
中提琴 Viola:甘威鵬 Weapon Gan / 牟啟東 Wayne Mau\r
大提琴 Cello:劉涵 Hang Liu(隱分子)/ 葉欲新 Shin Yeh\r
人聲錄音師 Vocal Recording Engineer:葉育軒 Yu-Hsuan Yeh\r
人聲錄音室 Vocal Recording Studio:BB Road Studio\r
弦樂錄音師 Strings Recording Engineer:楊敏奇 Micky Yang\r
弦樂錄音室 Strings Recording Studio:玉成戲院錄音室 YuChen Cinema Studio\r
鼓\u0026貝斯錄音師 Drum\u0026Bass Recording Engineer:蔡周翰 Chou-Han Tsay\r
鼓\u0026貝斯錄音室 Drum\u0026Bass Recording Studio:Lights Up Studio\r
混音師 Mixing Engineer:黃文萱 Ziya Huang\r
混音錄音室 Mixing Studio:Purring Sound Studio\r
弦樂錄音助理 Strings Assistant Engineer:徐振程 Jason Hsu\r
製作助理 Producer’s Assistant:沈冠霖 SHENB / 季佳勳 Jia-Shiun Ji\r
特別演出: 周予天\r
出品人 Publisher:許斌 Anson Xu\r
監製Managing Director:許斌 Anson Xu \r
製作統籌 Executive Producer:陳君豪 Howe Chen / 何宇勝 Simon Ho\r
A\u0026R統籌 / 歌詞統籌 A\u0026R Director / Lyrics Director:何宇勝 Simon Ho\r
製作助理 Producer’s Assistant:沈冠霖 SHENB / 季佳勳 Jia-Shiun Ji\r
母帶後期製作人 Mastering Producer:陳君豪 Howe Chen \r
母帶後期工程師 Mastering Engineer:Randy Merrill\r
母帶後期錄音室 Mastering Studio:Sterling Sound Studio\r
專輯製作公司\u0026藝人經紀公司 Production \u0026 Artist Management:香港商駿明數位科技有限公司台灣分公司 BRILLIANT MARK HOLDINGS LTD., TAIWWAN BRANCH\r
經紀統籌 Artist Management:張秀菁 Elaine Chang\r
藝人經紀 Artist Management Executive:王珈貴 Jia Guei Wang\r
企宣統籌Marketing Director:張秀菁 Elaine Chang \r
平面媒體宣傳 Press Promotion:洪書傑Jay Hung\r
電台媒體宣傳 Radio Promotion Executive:陳怡君 Pearl Chen\r
電視/網路媒體宣傳 TV/Internet Promotion Executive:三弟林 Sandy Lin\r
數位新媒體宣傳 New Media Promotion Executive: 王珈貴 Jia Guei Wang\r
企劃統籌 Marketing Supervisor:張秀菁 Elaine Chang、陳科宏 KoHung Chen\r
文案 Copy Writer: YZ

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ruo li artist 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

Ruo Li – ArtStation

I am a traditional oil painter. I love beautiful environments and … Ruo Li. Traditional Artist. Alabama, United States. Ruo Li.

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Artist Ruo Li (Chinesse artist) – ArtLiveAndBeauty

Artist Ruo Li … Ruo Li was born in China in 1954. At the age of 17 he began his studies in packaging design and decorations for three years at …

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주제와 관련된 이미지 ruo li artist

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 張若凡 《如何忘記你How Could I Forget About You 》 Official Music. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

張若凡  《如何忘記你How Could I Forget About You 》 Official Music
張若凡 《如何忘記你How Could I Forget About You 》 Official Music

주제에 대한 기사 평가 ruo li artist

  • Author: 若凡RuoFan_official
  • Views: 조회수 7,305,252회
  • Likes: 좋아요 35,425개
  • Date Published: 2019. 12. 19.
  • Video Url link:



Hello art lovers,

I haven’t painted for a long time, but I recently painted this piece “Light”, which feels pretty good, I Hope you like it too.

I made this new page, it is brighter and easier to operate. It is recommended to use a computer to browse, because some operations (such as “mouse over”) are only available on a computer.

If you want to collect my paintings, please contact me by clicking on the “Contact” button on the top right.


Ruo Li

June 2022

Artist Ruo Li (Chinesse artist)

Ruo Li was born in China in 1954. At the age of 17 he began his studies in packaging design and decorations for three years at the Arts and Crafts School in Hunan Province. In 1981 Li received his bachelor’s degree from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art. After graduation he taught at the Fine Arts Department of Hunan University and was the director of the Teaching and Research Section of the Oil Painting Department for eight years. While in China, Ruo Li’s art works were exhibited in many national and provincial shows and won several awards and honors. Ruo Li came to America in 1989 and settled in California as a professional artist. His paintings have been exhibited at more than a dozen galleries. In 1994, US Art Magazine selected him as one of the top ten “Artist to Watch”. Li was accepted by the California Art Club in 1996 and won the 87th Annual Gold Medal in Seascapes during the same year and another Gold Medal the following year. 1999 he won second place at the 5th Annual CAC Plein Air Painting Festival and in 2000, Ruo Li’s painting, “A Mountain House” was selected by San Diego Museum of Art to be shown at the Artist Guild Show.

Ruo Li Oil Painting Workshop — Mastering Seascapes with the Master

ONLY 2 spots left

Instructor: Ruo Li Workshop

Medium: Oils

Dates: February 5-7, 2016

Class times: 10am–5pm

Tuition: $450.00

Level: Artists and art students; open to all levels of experience.

Description: Spend 3 full days with Master painter Ruo Li when he returns to Carmel. Students will then have the opportunity to work along side of Ruo and receive personal instruction. We will be painting both indoors and also along the coast at Point Lobos or down further south toward Big Sur. Both can be fantastic, but it will depend on the tide and weather.


First Day

From 10:00 a.m. ~ 12:00 p.m. — Lecture/Demo

Ruo Li will talk about the most important aspects of seascape paintings. He will also introduce his painting procedure and methods of studio seascape paintings. Attendants may ask questions about seascape paintings.

Noon to 12:30 p.m. — Lunch

From 12:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. — Demo

Ruo Li will do a demo of seascape painting inside a studio, which may take about four hours. Students may watch Ruo Li painting or start their own paintings.

Second Day

From 10:00 a.m. ~12:00 p.m. — Studio painting

Ruo Li will bring several different seascape photos for students to choose. Students will start their own seascape paintings with these photo reference inside the studio. Ruo Li will move around to give individual instructions and critics.

Noon to 12:30 p.m. (lunch)

From 12:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. — Studio painting

Students will continue paint what they did not finish earlier or start a new one if they want. Ruo Li will move around to give individual directions and comments.

Third Day

From 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. — Plein air painting

Ruo Li will take students to a local coast to do plein air painting. He will paint himself and move around to teach students individually.


Ruo Li is Winner of the 2013 Gold Medal for Best Painting at the California Art Club’s 102nd Annual Gold Medal Juried Exhibition.

Ruo Li was born in 1954 in Hunan, China. After graduating from high school, Li attended the Light Industry Arts and Crafts School and was later accepted into the prestigious Guangzhou Academy of fine Art where he received four years of formal training in oil painting. He taught for eight years in the Fine Art Department of Henan University. He served as the Vice Director of the Teaching and Researching Committee of the Art Department and was in the process of becoming a professor when a trip to the United States in 1989 changed the course of his life. Li eventually settled in California and five years later was chosen by U.S. Art Magazine as one of the top ten artists in the country to watch. Ruo Li is a Master Signature Member of Oil Painters of America and a Signature Artist Member of California Art Club.

Workshop Supply List

Ruo Li’s Website


Call Carmel Mission Inn at 800.348.9090 and use discount code “CA” for special rates.

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6 Artworks at Auction

Ruo Li is a Chinese Asian Modern & Contemporary painter who was born in 1954. Hilbert Museum of California Art, Chapman University featured Ruo Li’s work in the past.Ruo Li’s work has been offered at auction multiple times, with realized prices ranging from 375 USD to 2,000 USD, depending on the size and medium of the artwork. Since 2013 the record price for this artist at auction is 2,000 USD for Winter Bridge, sold at Hindman, Chicago in 2013.

Lu Martin Galleries

Ruo Li

Personal Information:

1954 – Born in Hunan, China

1975 – Graduated from Arts & Crafts School of China’s Light Industrial Ministry

1981 – Graduated from Fine Art Department of Guangzhou Academy with a BA degree

1982 – Teaching at the Fine Art Department of Henan University, China

1989 – Immigrated to the United States as a professional artist

Art Organization Memberships:

Master Signature Member of Oil Painters of America

Signature Member of California Art Club

Signature Member of American Society of Marine Artists


2014 – “The Moment of Sunset” Shirl Smithson Founders’ Award for Master Signature Members at the 23th National Juried Exhibition of Oil Painters of America

2013 – “Golden Light ” Gold Medal Award for Best Painting at the 102nd Annual Gold Medal Exhibition of CAC

2010 – “California Autumn” Gold Medal Award for Master Signature Members at the 19th National Juried Exhibition of Oil Painters of America

2009 – “The Hopeful” Grand Prize at the 4th Annual 2009 Paint America Top 100

2008 – “Sun Wave Mist” Award of Excellence at the 17th National Juried Exhibition of Oil Painters of America

2007 – “The Power” First Prize of the West Region of Paint the Parks

2002 – “Winter Bridge” National Gallery Award of Excellence at Oil Painters of America 11th Annual Nation Juried Exhibition

2001 – “Golden Tree” First Place in Landscape of International Artist Magazine

2000 – “Beauty of an Ordinary Land” Collector’s Choice at Arts for the Parks National Competition

1999 – “The Old Corridor” the Second Place at the 5th Annual CAC Plein Air Painting Festival

1997 – “Resurgence” Gold Medal at the 88th Annual Gold Medal Exhibition of CAC

1996 – “Vast and Hazy Sea” Gold Medal at the 87th Annual Gold Medal Exhibition of CAC

Selected Personal and Group Exhibitions:

San Diego Museum of Art , in San Diego, CA

Delaware Art Museum, in Wilmington, DE

Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in Oxford, MD

Brandywine River Museum in Chadds Ford, PA

Noyes Museum in Oceanville, NJ

New Bedford Museum of Art in New Bedford, MA

Pasadena Museum of Art in Los Angeles, CA

키워드에 대한 정보 ruo li artist

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사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 張若凡 《如何忘記你How Could I Forget About You 》 Official Music

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