Kingdom Winds Publishing | The Kingdom Of The Winds – The Kingdom Of The Winds Ost – 13⁄27 상위 257개 베스트 답변

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Kingdom Winds Publishing Celebrates First Anniversary

Kingdom Winds Publishing is the book publishing arm of Kingdom Winds, a multi-faceted start-up enterprise dedicated to helping Christian …

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주제와 관련된 이미지 kingdom winds publishing

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 The Kingdom Of The Winds – The Kingdom of the Winds OST – 13⁄27. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

The Kingdom Of The Winds - The Kingdom of the Winds OST - 13⁄27
The Kingdom Of The Winds – The Kingdom of the Winds OST – 13⁄27

주제에 대한 기사 평가 kingdom winds publishing

  • Author: Artem Kharatyan
  • Views: 조회수 221,573회
  • Likes: 좋아요 1,188개
  • Date Published: 2015. 8. 8.
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Books by Kingdom Winds Publishing

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Kingdom Winds Publishing Celebrates First Anniversary

GREENVILLE, S.C., Feb. 19, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Kingdom Winds Publishing is celebrating its first year in business with a series of special promotions for readers and new authors. Readers will gain chances to win free books while new authors will receive a package of enhanced benefits.

Bapticostal, Echoes of His Heart, and A Diary of Prayers were amongst the first book releases by Kingdom Winds Publishing in its first year. Kingdom Winds Co-Founders, Gary and Elizabeth Suess.

Kingdom Winds Publishing is the book publishing arm of Kingdom Winds, a multi-faceted start-up enterprise dedicated to helping Christian creatives and ministries successfully pursue their purpose and mission. At its core is—a multimedia digital publishing platform and online marketplace featuring the content and works of a formal alliance called the Kingdom Winds Collective.

“By design, we actually commenced operations of book publishing prior to the launch of itself,” explained Co-Founder Elizabeth Suess. “We knew that building the website and integrated operations would require a longer timeline, but we were excited to get started in helping authors bring their books to life.” went live in the fourth quarter of last year with a limited set of collective members, including its own published authors and a select group of creatives and ministries. The new enterprise has also begun offering other value-added services tailored to the needs of its collective members, including marketing and web design.

“Kingdom Winds Publishing offers a unique value proposition that combines the best of traditional and Indie publishing,” added Gary Suess, President and Co-Founder of Kingdom Winds. “We provide hands-on assistance to help authors navigate the process and make their books shine—while allowing them to retain content control, book rights, and a substantially higher profit margin. Additionally, authors are welcomed into the Kingdom Winds Collective and gain access to what we believe will become the premier Christian platform to drive book sales.”

“Central to our values is building a sense of partnership with our authors and collective members—and central to our mission is helping to bring God-inspired works to life and dispersing them to their intended audience,” offered Elizabeth. “We have been blessed with a diverse array of books from some talented authors in our first year! This has included varying genres from a book of poetry to a prayer book to an adorable children’s book to a powerful testimony with biblical teaching.”

The Christian publisher’s first year offerings included Shawn Hunting’s Bapticostal, a powerful testimony of his baptism of the Holy Spirit that leads readers to a deeper relationship with the Lord. This was followed by a similarly powerful book entitled A Diary of Prayers, written by Yvonne Britt, another emerging new author. Another new offering, Joy All Around Us: Finding Joy in an Upside-Down World, authored by the Kingdom Winds Co-Founders, is a light-hearted, yet thought-provoking book that celebrates everyday blessings to help map out the pathway to a life filled with joy.

Other notable published works of different genres are Echoes of His Heart: Messages of Hope, Forgiveness, Mercy, and Grace by Debbie Andrews Smith and Higgins Takes Flight by Carter Stuart. Smith masterfully uses poetry to capture God’s heart, love, and grace for all His children to offer comfort and healing. Stuart’s popular new children’s book is filled with her whimsical art to tell a sweet story that encourages readers to keep chasing their dreams.

All Kingdom Winds Publishing books can be purchased in the marketplace on Visitors can also find other published works by and information about the authors and all the Kingdom Winds Collective members there as well. Registering to join the Kingdom Winds Community provides automatic eligibility for special promotions, including the one-year anniversary book giveaways.

Christian creatives and ministries interested in learning more or joining the collective should visit Authors interested in Kingdom Winds Publishing may submit an inquiry on either website to obtain a free consultation as well as become eligible for the special anniversary offer with an enhanced package of services.

“We are thankful to already be working with a very talented group of authors to produce some outstanding books in year 1 and soon-to-be released in year 2. It is our great pleasure and purpose to help advance the Kingdom together,” concluded Gary.

Kingdom Winds LLC, based in Greenville, South Carolina, is a multifaceted start-up enterprise dedicated to empowering, supporting, and propelling Christian creatives and ministries. At the core is, our innovative digital platform that integrates rich content with an Amazon-style marketplace to showcase works of the Kingdom Winds Collective—a formal alliance of Christian authors, artists, musicians, podcast producers, filmmakers, and ministries. We surround this with Kingdom-focused service offerings, including publishing, marketing, web design, event management, and consulting. Our mission is to advance the Kingdom through the power of alliance, value-added support, and providing a platform to expand reach, influence, and success.

Media Contact:

Elizabeth Suess, Co-Founder


[email protected]

SOURCE Kingdom Winds

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