List’ Object Has No Attribute ‘Shape’ | Python : ‘List’ Object Has No Attribute ‘Shape’ 최근 답변 250개

당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’ – PYTHON : ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 How to Fix Your Computer 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 422회 및 좋아요 1개 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.

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list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’ 주제에 대한 동영상 보기

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d여기에서 PYTHON : ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’ – list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’ 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

PYTHON : ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’
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PYTHON : ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’
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#PYTHON:listobjecthasnoattributeshape #PYTHON #: #’list’ #object #has #no #attribute #’shape’

Guide : [ PYTHON : ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’ ]

list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’ 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’ – python – Stack Overflow

list object in python does not have ‘shape’ attribute because ‘shape’ implies that all the columns (or rows) have equal length along certain …

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How to Solve Python AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute …

The numpy.shape() function gives us the number of elements in each …

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AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’ – bobbyhadz

The Python “AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape'” occurs when we try to access the shape attribute on a list.

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Date Published: 9/8/2021

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AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’

i’m trying to extract features and got this error from this line feats = model(samples).copy() features = torch.zeros(len(data_loader.dataset), …

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Fixing the error: attributeerror: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’

The cause: For the proved array, X.shape results a 3-item tuple, so [n, T] = X.shape generates a ValueError: ‘list’ object has no …

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Python – ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’ – iTecNote

Python – ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’. listnumpypython. how to create an array to numpy array? def test(X, N): [n,T] = X.shape print “n : ” …

+ 여기에 표시


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How to Solve attributeerror: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’

AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’ … Use numpy or panda np.array Or dataframe has shape, which can be …

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Python List Object Has No Attribute Shape Code

python – ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’ – Stack … 2 weeks ago Jan 09, 2014 · Firstly you have to import numpy library (refer code for making a numpy …

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list object has no attribute shape – anycodings

‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’ how to create an array to numpy array? def test(X, N): [n,T] = X.shape …

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주제와 관련된 이미지 list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 PYTHON : ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

PYTHON : 'list' object has no attribute 'shape'
PYTHON : ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’

주제에 대한 기사 평가 list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’

  • Author: How to Fix Your Computer
  • Views: 조회수 422회
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  • Date Published: 2021. 12. 5.
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Does list have shape?

list objects do not have dimensions or shapes. they only have a length.

How do you find the shape of a list object?

The shape of a list will be obtained using a built-in function len() and a module NumPy. The shape of a list normally returns the number of objects in a list. We can calculate a shape of a list using two methods, len() and NumPy array shape.

How do you find the shape of a list object in Python?

The shape of a simple Python tuple or list can be obtained with the built-in len() function. len() will return an integer that describes the number of objects in the tuple or list.

How do you give a shape to a list in Python?

The len() function gives us the number of elements in an object. The following code example shows us how we can use the len(x) method to get the shape of a list in Python. In the above code, we first get the number of rows in lista using len(lista) and then get the number of columns in lista using len(lista[0]) .

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What is shape () in Python?

The function “shape” returns the shape of an array. The shape is a tuple of integers. These numbers denote the lengths of the corresponding array dimension.

What is shape of an array?

The shape of an array is the number of elements in each dimension.

How do you find the shape of a 2d list?

code to find the shape of the 2d list in python
  1. from numpy import array.
  2. l = [[2, 3], [4, 2], [3, 2]]
  3. a = array(l)
  4. print a. shape.

How do you use the shape command in Python?

In NumPy we will use an attribute called shape which returns a tuple, the elements of the tuple give the lengths of the corresponding array dimensions.
  1. Syntax: numpy.shape(array_name)
  2. Parameters: Array is passed as a Parameter.
  3. Return: A tuple whose elements give the lengths of the corresponding array dimensions.

How do you flatten a list in Python?

There are three ways to flatten a Python list:
  1. Using a list comprehension.
  2. Using a nested for loop.
  3. Using the itertools. chain() method.

How do you print the shape of data in Python?

ndim are used to return size, shape and dimensions of data frames and series.
  1. Syntax: dataframe.size.
  2. Return : Returns size of dataframe/series which is equivalent to total number of elements. …
  3. Syntax: dataframe.shape.
  4. Return : Returns tuple of shape (Rows, columns) of dataframe/series.
  5. Syntax: dataframe.ndim.

How do you find the dimension of a list?

To find the shape (or dimensions) of a nested list or tuple in Python, iterate over each element in the list or tuple and identify its length with the built-in len() function.

What is shape of NumPy array?

shape is a tuple that always gives dimensions of the array. The shape is a tuple that gives you an indication of the no. of dimensions in the array. The shape function for numpy arrays returns the dimensions of the array.

How do you change the shape of an array in Python?

To convert the shape of a NumPy array ndarray , use the reshape() method of ndarray or the numpy. reshape() function.

Why is the shape property used in NumPy?

The shape property is usually used to get the current shape of an array, but may also be used to reshape the array in-place by assigning a tuple of array dimensions to it. As with numpy.

Is a tuple an object?

A tuple is a collection of objects which ordered and immutable. Tuples are sequences, just like lists. The differences between tuples and lists are, the tuples cannot be changed unlike lists and tuples use parentheses, whereas lists use square brackets.

How do you find the shape of a 2d list?

code to find the shape of the 2d list in python
  1. from numpy import array.
  2. l = [[2, 3], [4, 2], [3, 2]]
  3. a = array(l)
  4. print a. shape.

How do you use the shape command in Python?

In NumPy we will use an attribute called shape which returns a tuple, the elements of the tuple give the lengths of the corresponding array dimensions.
  1. Syntax: numpy.shape(array_name)
  2. Parameters: Array is passed as a Parameter.
  3. Return: A tuple whose elements give the lengths of the corresponding array dimensions.

How do you flatten a list in Python?

There are three ways to flatten a Python list:
  1. Using a list comprehension.
  2. Using a nested for loop.
  3. Using the itertools. chain() method.

How do you transpose a list in Python?

Transpose with built-in function zip()

You can transpose a two-dimensional list using the built-in function zip() . zip() is a function that returns an iterator that summarizes the multiple iterables ( list , tuple , etc.). In addition, use * that allows you to unpack the list and pass its elements to the function.

‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’

list object in python does not have ‘shape’ attribute because ‘shape’ implies that all the columns (or rows) have equal length along certain dimension.

Let’s say list variable a has following properties:

a = [[2, 3, 4] [0, 1] [87, 8, 1]]

it is impossible to define ‘shape’ for variable ‘a’. That is why ‘shape’ might be determined only with ‘arrays’ e.g.

b = numpy.array([[2, 3, 4] [0, 1, 22] [87, 8, 1]])

I hope this explanation clarifies well this question.

How to Solve Python AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’

In Python, the list data structure stores elements in sequential order. The numpy.shape() function gives us the number of elements in each dimension of an array. We cannot use the shape function on a list. If we try to use the numpy.shape() function on a list, you will raise the error “AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’”.

We have to convert the list to a numpy array using numpy.array() before trying to use any NumPy functions. We can check what the type of an object is by using type()

This tutorial will go into detail on the error definition. We will go through an example that causes the error and how to solve it.

AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’

AttributeError occurs in a Python program when we try to access an attribute (method or property) that does not exist for a particular object. The part “‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’” tells us that the list object we are handling does not have the shape attribute. We will raise this error if we try to call the numpy.shape() method on a list object. shape() is a NumPy function that returns a tuple containing the number of elements in each dimension of an array.

NumPy shape Syntax

The syntax for the NumPy array method shape is as follows:



a: Input array


shape: tuple of ints. The elements of the shape tuple provide the lengths of the input array dimensions.

Let’s look at an example of getting the shape of two NumPy arrays:

import numpy as np arr = np.array([[2, 4, 6], [1, 3, 5]]) arr2 = np.array([[[2, 4], [6, 8]],[[1, 3], [5, 7]]]) print(f’The shape of the first array is {arr.shape}’) print(f’The shape of the second array is {arr2.shape}’)

The shape of the first array is (2, 3) The shape of the second array is (2, 2, 2)

The example above tells us that the shape of the first array is (2, 3) and the second array is (2, 2, 2). arr has two dimensions and each dimension has three elements. arr2 has three dimensions and each dimension has two rows and two columns.


Let’s look at an example of where we try to get the shape of a list:

lst = [[2, 4, 6], [8, 10, 12]] print(lst.shape)

————————————————————————— AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) 1 lst = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12] 2 —-≻ 3 print(lst.shape) AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’

We get an error because we can only get the shape of NumPy arrays.

Solution: Convert List to NumPy Array Using numpy.array()

To convert a list to an array we can use the numpy.array() method. Let’s look at the revised code:

lst = [[2, 4, 6], [8, 10, 12]] print(type(lst)) arr = np.array(lst) print(type(arr)) print(f’The shape of the array is {arr.shape}’)

Let’s run the code to get the result:

≺class ‘list’≻ ≺class ‘numpy.ndarray’≻ The shape of the array is (2, 3)

The output tells us that the original object is a list, the numpy.array() method returns a NumPy ndarray, and that the shape of this array is (2, 3). The array has two dimensions and each dimension has three elements.


Congratulations on reading to the end of this tutorial! The error “AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’” occurs when you try to use the NumPy array method shape to get the shape of a list.

The shape() method is suitable for NumPy arrays. If you want to use the shape() method you have to convert the list to an array using the numpy.array() method.

Generally, check the type of object you are using before you call the shape() method.

To learn more about Python for data science and machine learning, go to the online courses page on Python for the most comprehensive courses available.

Have fun and happy researching!

AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’

AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’ #

The Python “AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape'” occurs when we try to access the shape attribute on a list. To solve the error, pass the list to the numpy.array() method to create a numpy array before accessing the shape attribute.

Here is an example of how the error occurs. Copied! my_list = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] print ( my_list . shape )

To solve the error, pass the list to the np.array() method to create a numpy array. Copied! import numpy as np np_array = np . array ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) print ( np_array . shape )

The numpy.array method takes an array-like object as an argument and creates an array.

You might also use the numpy.asarray method to convert a list into a numpy array before accessing the shape attribute. Copied! import numpy as np np_array = np . asarray ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) print ( np_array . shape )

Alternatively, you can pass the list directly to the numpy.shape method. Copied! import numpy as np array_shape = np . shape ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) print ( array_shape ) print ( np . shape ( [ [ 1 , 2 ] ] ) ) print ( np . shape ( [ 0 ] ) )

The numpy.shape method takes an array-like object as an argument and returns the shape of the array.

The elements of the shape tuple give the lengths of the corresponding array dimensions.

If you need to get the length of a list, use the len() function. Copied! my_list = [ [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] , [ 4 , 5 , 6 ] ] print ( len ( my_list ) ) print ( len ( my_list [ 0 ] ) )

The len() function returns the length (the number of items) of an object.

The argument the function takes may be a sequence (a string, tuple, list, range or bytes) or a collection (a dictionary, set, or frozen set).

You can view all the attributes an object has by using the dir() function. Copied! my_list = [ ‘a’ , ‘b’ , ‘c’ ] print ( dir ( my_list ) )

If you pass a class to the dir() function, it returns a list of names of the classes’ attributes, and recursively of the attributes of its bases.

If you try to access any attribute that is not in this list, you would get the “AttributeError: list object has no attribute” error.

AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’

i’m trying to extract features and got this error from this line

feats = model(samples).copy() features = torch.zeros(len(data_loader.dataset), feats.shape[-1])

i read that i should convert it to numpy but couldn’t write it well

the first error was

AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘clone’

so i changed it to copy but got current error in the title of the post

How can I get a list shape without using numpy?

this is a recursive attempt at solving your problem. it will only work if all the lists on the same depth have the same length. otherwise it will raise a ValueError :

from import Sequence def get_shape(lst, shape=()): “”” returns the shape of nested lists similarly to numpy’s shape. :param lst: the nested list :param shape: the shape up to the current recursion depth :return: the shape including the current depth (finally this will be the full depth) “”” if not isinstance(lst, Sequence): # base case return shape # peek ahead and assure all lists in the next depth # have the same length if isinstance(lst[0], Sequence): l = len(lst[0]) if not all(len(item) == l for item in lst): msg = ‘not all lists have the same length’ raise ValueError(msg) shape += (len(lst), ) # recurse shape = get_shape(lst[0], shape) return shape

given your input (and the inputs from the comments) these are the results:

a1=[1,2,3,4,5,6] b1=[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] print(get_shape(a1)) # (6,) print(get_shape(b1)) # (2, 3) print(get_shape([[0,1], [2,3,4]])) # raises ValueError print(get_shape([[[1,2],[3,4]],[[5,6],[7,8]]])) # (2, 2, 2)

not sure if the last result is what you wanted.


as pointed out in the comments by mkl the code above will not catch all the cases where the shape of the nested list is inconsistent; e.g. [[0, 1], [2, [3, 4]]] will not raise an error.

this is a shot at checking whether or not the shape is consistent (there might be a more efficient way to do this…)

from import Sequence, Iterator from itertools import tee, chain def is_shape_consistent(lst: Iterator): “”” check if all the elements of a nested list have the same shape. first check the ‘top level’ of the given lst, then flatten it by one level and recursively check that. :param lst: :return: “”” lst0, lst1 = tee(lst, 2) try: item0 = next(lst0) except StopIteration: return True is_seq = isinstance(item0, Sequence) if not all(is_seq == isinstance(item, Sequence) for item in lst0): return False if not is_seq: return True return is_shape_consistent(chain(*lst1))

which could be used this way:

How To Get Shape of a List in Python

Here we will learn How to get the shape of a list in python? Now we will discuss how to get a shape of a one-dimensional list using len and numpy? How to get the shape of a two-dimensional list using len and numpy? And how to get the shape of a nested list? This article will be fascinating. At the end of an article, you will get a clear idea about getting a shape of a list. The shape of a list will be obtained using a built-in function len() and a module NumPy.

The shape of a list normally returns the number of objects in a list. We can calculate a shape of a list using two methods, len() and NumPy array shape. Numpy has an attribute named np.shape to get the shape of a list or tuple. We can also calculate a shape for the nested list.

What is len() function?

len() is a built-in function in python that is useful for calculating the given sequence’s length. The given sequence may be a list, string, tuple, array, dictionary, etc.




sequence: list, string, tuple, array, dictionary, etc.


Length of the given sequence.

Calculating shape of a list: One-dimensional

lst = [3,6,9,12,15,18,21] print(“Shape of a list:”,len(lst))

Create a list. Then using len() to calculate the shape of the list in python.


Shape of a list: 7

Calculating a shape of a list: Two dimensional list

lst=[[6,4],[5,3],[2,4]] row=len(lst) column=len(lst[0]) print(f’Rows:{row}, Column:{column}’) print(“Shape of a list:”,len(lst))

Create a list. Next to calculate the row and column of the list using the len() function. Finally, calculating the shape of a list.


Rows:3, Column:2 Shape of a list: 3

Get a shape of nested lists

def dimension(a,position,val): if len(a)>position: if a[position]

How to Find the Shape of a Python Tuple or List – OpenSourceOptions

Python tuples and lists are objects that contain multiple values and it is a common task to determine the number of elements (or shape) in a tuple or list object. While this seems simple enough, there is one nuance that makes it a little more complicated.

Shape of a One-dimensional Python Tuple or List

The shape of a simple Python tuple or list can be obtained with the built-in len() function. len() will return an integer that describes the number of objects in the tuple or list.

my_tuple = (1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 5) len(my_tuple)

Output: 6

This procedure gets more complicated for a tuple of tuples or a list of lists. You can think of these as 2-dimensional tuples or lists. The remainder of this article will break down these special cases.

Shape of Multi-dimensional Python Tuple or List

In Python a multidimensional tuple or list is one that contains another tuple or list as one of its elements. For example, take this tuple, which is composed of three separate tuples.

my_tuple_2d = ((1, 2, 3), (1, 2), (1, 2, 3, 4))

This example shows why we can’t use a simple command like shape to determine the shape of tuple or list like we would do for a numpy array (for the shape of numpy arrays, see this article).

Python tuples and lists are fundamentally different from arrays because they do not have a set number of rows and columns. In other words, a tuple (or list) can have any number of elements at any position. This is shown by the tuple above, which has a length of 3. However, the tuples within `my_tuple_2d’ each have different shapes of 3, 2, and 4, respectively.

To get the shape of each tuple within my_tuple_2d we need to loop through all the elements of my_tuple_2d and query their length individually. Below, I first demonstrate the length of my_tuple_2d , then the length of each of its elements.


Output: 3

As you can see, there are three elements in my_tuple_2d . I can now return the length of each tuple within my_tuple_2d as a list using the following code.

[len(a) for a in my_tuple_2d]

Output: [3, 2, 4]

It takes an integer and a list to describe the shape of a tuple of tuples or list of lists. The integer give the number of elements in the tuple or list. The list gives the size of each element. my_tuple_2d would be described by 3 and [3, 2, 4].

For a full tutorial that demonstrates how to find the dimensions of any multidimensional list or tuple, check out this article.


As demonstrated list and tuple shapes in Python can be a little bit complicated. Lists and tuples are not arrays are not structures with strict dimensions like arrays. Each element in a tuple or list can have differing lengths, which makes it difficult to concisely describe its shape. On the other hand, this same flexibility makes it possible for tuples and lists to be useful in many different applications.

Get List Shape in Python

In this tutorial, we will discuss methods to get the shape of a list in Python.

Get the Shape of a List With the len() Function in Python

The len() function gives us the number of elements in an object. The following code example shows us how we can use the len(x) method to get the shape of a list in Python.

lista = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] arow = len(lista) acol = len(lista[0]) print(“Rows : ” + str(arow)) print(“Columns : ” + str(acol))


Rows : 2 Columns : 3

In the above code, we first get the number of rows in lista using len(lista) and then get the number of columns in lista using len(lista[0]) .

Get the Shape of a List With the numpy.shape() Method in Python

If we want our code to work with any multidimensional lists, we have to use the numpy.shape() method. The numpy.shape() method gives us the number of elements in each dimension of an array. numpy.shape() returns a tuple that contains the number of elements in each dimension of an array. The NumPy package is originally designed to be used with arrays but could also work with lists.

NumPy is an external package and does not come pre-installed with Python. We need to install it before using it. The command to install the NumPy package is given below.

pip install numpy

The following code example shows how we can get the shape of a list using the numpy.shape() method.

import numpy as np lista = [1,2,3,4,5] listb = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] print(“Shape of lista is : “+str(np.shape(lista))) print(“Shape of listb is : “+str(np.shape(listb)))


Shape of lista is : (5,) Shape of listb is : (2, 3)

As it is clear from the above example, the numpy.shape() method can be used with lists of any dimensions.

Fixing the error: attributeerror: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’

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Python – ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’ – iTecNote


how to create an array to numpy array?

def test(X, N): [n,T] = X.shape print “n : “, n print “T : “, T if __name__==”__main__”: X = [[[-9.035250067710876], [7.453250169754028], [33.34074878692627]], [[-6.63700008392334], [5.132999956607819], [31.66075038909912]], [[-5.1272499561309814], [8.251499891281128], [30.925999641418457]]] N = 200 test(X, N)

I am getting error as

AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’

So, I think I need to convert my X to numpy array?

How to Solve attributeerror: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape‘


AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’

Property error: the ‘list’ object does not have the property ‘shape’


Use numpy or panda np.array Or dataframe has shape, which can be multi-dimensional, while list is one-dimensional and cannot be converted

If conversion is needed, list is converted to dataframe. Example:

a = [[‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’], [‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’], [‘张三’, ‘张三’, ‘张三’]] df = pd.DataFrame(a, columns=[‘one’, ‘two’, ‘three’]) print(df)

List to numpy example:

a = [[‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’], [‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’], [‘张三’, ‘张三’, ‘张三’]] data = np.array(a) print(data)

Note: shape is a dimension. Only data frame and matrix have dimensions, while list is a slice single dimension

키워드에 대한 정보 list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’

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사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 PYTHON : ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’

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PYTHON #: #’list’ #object #has #no #attribute #’shape’

YouTube에서 list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’ 주제의 다른 동영상 보기

주제에 대한 기사를 시청해 주셔서 감사합니다 PYTHON : ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’ | list’ object has no attribute ‘shape’, 이 기사가 유용하다고 생각되면 공유하십시오, 매우 감사합니다.

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