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Dr. Stacie NC Grant (@staciencgrant) • Instagram photos and …

7152 Followers, 1854 Following, 3911 Posts – See Instagram photos and veos from Dr. Stacie NC Grant (@staciencgrant)

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Dr. Stacie NC Grant – Destiny Designers University – LinkedIn

Privately, Dr. Stacie NC Grant often quotes this message from Ghandi “The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others.

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Dr. Stacie NC Grant –

ABOUT THE AUTHOR. Author | Inspirational Speaker | Human Relations Expert | Trainer |. Group Life Coach | Mistress-of-Ceremonies. Dr. Stacie N.C. Grant is …

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Stacie NC Grant. Candate for International Grand Basileus. · click here for campaign brochure. ABOUT THE ATLANTIC REGION.

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Dr. Stacie NC Grant (@StacieNCGrant) / Twitter

Dr. Stacie NC Grant. @StacieNCGrant. Inspirational Speaker, Trainer, Master Facilitator, Author, Chief Faithpreneur ®️ Founder of Destiny Designers …

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Dr. Grant is also CEO of C&G Enterprises Unlimited, LLC an MWBE innovative communications company whose services include but are not limited to, meeting …

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Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated Elects Dr. Stacie N.C. …

A New York native, Grant received the Presential Lifetime Achievement Award from Present Barack Obama. She is a CEO, award-winning author, …

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주제와 관련된 이미지 stacie nc grant

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 Dr Stacie NC Grant Interview. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

Dr Stacie NC Grant Interview
Dr Stacie NC Grant Interview

주제에 대한 기사 평가 stacie nc grant

  • Author: Destiny Designers TV
  • Views: 조회수 647회
  • Likes: 좋아요 27개
  • Date Published: 2015. 10. 16.
  • Video Url link: Dr. Stacie NC Grant: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle


Author | Inspirational Speaker | Human Relations Expert | Trainer |

Group Life Coach | Mistress-of-Ceremonies

Dr. Stacie N.C. Grant is living her divine calling to LEAD, TEACH and INSPIRE! Described as “God’s Designer Original,” she ignites her audiences with her captivating smile, intoxicating humor and boundless energy. For the past 20 years, Dr. Stacie has been a highly sought after inspirational speaker, human relations expert, trainer, life coach and mistress-of-ceremonies. The strategic focus of Dr. Grant’s empowerment platform is executed through her Destiny Designers University(r), “A CLASSROOM WITHOUT BORDERS; WHERE WE GRADUATE TO THE NEXT BEST VERSION OF OURSELVES BY TURNING INSPIRATION INTO RESULTS!” This multi-media platform provides training in the areas Life Skills, Personal Growth, Leadership and Presentation Skills; with a focus on a work readiness and an entrepreneur success curriculum. As a result of the training received, this community of Destiny Designers(r) create behavioral shifts in their productivity! Results are measured through their ability to identify and purge the distractions in their lives so they can use what God has already given them to take immediate ACTION on their goals and dreams. Additionally, her Destiny Designers Teen Empowerment Series(r) provides soft skills and life skills training for High School Scholars that will cultivate, independent critical thinking, positive self-esteem, clear and concise communication skills and a sense of community. Dr. Stacie currently resides in Queens, New York with her husband, Andrew, and 2 sons, Josiah and Jeremy. With God as her guide, our global community will be better for her service to humanity. For information visit:

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Dr. Stacie NC Grant

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Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated Elects Dr. Stacie N.C. Grant as International President

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated elected Dr. Stacie N.C. Grant as its 26th International president and chief executive officer during the organization’s biennial international convention in Philadelphia.

A New York native, Grant received the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award from President Barack Obama. She is a CEO, award-winning author, international speaker, and trainer.

A life member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Grant has served on every level of the organization as an active and financial member for 33 consecutive years. She brings decades of professional and business development expertise with corporate and not-for-profit entities nationwide, as well as community engagement partnerships to her new role.

As the Sorority’s international president, Grant will focus on building technology and innovation while elevating engagement with existing partnerships, memberships and alliances for longevity and alignment with Zeta’s strategic plan, according to a press release. Leveraging the organization’s more than 40-year partnership with the March of Dimes, Grant will also explore expanded educational options related to fertility and other pre-pregnancy planning. In addition, she will mobilize the organization’s membership around urgent social/political issues affecting people of color including voting rights, police reform initiative and healthy living. As the CEO of her very own small business, small business support will be Grant’s signature programmatic initiative to bridge the gap between women-owned businesses which are disproportionately underfunded and under-supported.

“Everything that happens from this moment forward will be built on the power of us being better together,” said Grant during her installation ceremony.

“It is an incredible responsibility that I deem an honor and am looking forward to building upon our foundation to make Zeta the finest service organization in the world.”

As a member of prominence in the sorority, Grant served as undergraduate chapter president on her college campus, two-term graduate chapter president as well as National Third Vice-President. She held a seat on the Board of Managers to the National Educational Foundation and served as Regional Coordinator of “Zeta’s ‘Helping Other People Excel (Z-HOPE), one of the organization’s international service initiatives.

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