Whatsup Gold Disk Space Monitor | Whatsup Gold Demo 답을 믿으세요

당신은 주제를 찾고 있습니까 “whatsup gold disk space monitor – WhatsUp Gold Demo“? 다음 카테고리의 웹사이트 https://ppa.charoenmotorcycles.com 에서 귀하의 모든 질문에 답변해 드립니다: ppa.charoenmotorcycles.com/blog. 바로 아래에서 답을 찾을 수 있습니다. 작성자 Ipswitch 이(가) 작성한 기사에는 조회수 15,899회 및 좋아요 65개 개의 좋아요가 있습니다.

whatsup gold disk space monitor 주제에 대한 동영상 보기

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d여기에서 WhatsUp Gold Demo – whatsup gold disk space monitor 주제에 대한 세부정보를 참조하세요

On-Demand Demo

whatsup gold disk space monitor 주제에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

WhatsUp Gold (WUG) and Hard drive failure monitor

WhatsUp Gold (WUG) and Hard drive failure monitor. A case one of the existing client is asking for whether can WUG monitoring Windows server hard drive in …

+ 여기를 클릭

Source: www.e-spincorp.com

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Here’s What You Need to Monitor on Physical Servers

I this blog post, we take you through a few of the ways you can use WhatsUp gold to monitor physical servers—from server health to …

+ 여기를 클릭

Source: www.whatsupgold.com

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WhatsUp Gold 2022 User Help

Disk Utilization. The Disk Utilization component allows you to monitor the percentage of disk space being utilized on a specific device.

+ 더 읽기

Source: demo.whatsupgold.fr

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Disk Space Monitoring using WhatsUP Gold – HPE Community

Hi, I want to monitor HP-UX OS disk space using whatsup gold using SNMP but on whatsup gold it shows error. WhatsUP Gold able to monitor …

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Source: community.hpe.com

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why is the disk usage by drives not showing for some devices

So, if you dont find the disk usage by drives for a device, try associating these monitors with the device. That should fix the issue.

+ 여기를 클릭

Source: www.manageengine.com

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WhatsUp Gold Premium – upgrade license – 300 devices – CDW

In addition, WhatsUp Gold Premium can monitor CPU utilization, disk space, and other performance monitor counters on any server, and it can track even more …

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주제와 관련된 이미지 whatsup gold disk space monitor

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 WhatsUp Gold Demo. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

WhatsUp Gold Demo
WhatsUp Gold Demo

주제에 대한 기사 평가 whatsup gold disk space monitor

  • Author: Ipswitch
  • Views: 조회수 15,899회
  • Likes: 좋아요 65개
  • Date Published: 2020. 12. 15.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtt3-u4VdIA

WhatsUp Gold (WUG) and Hard drive failure monitor

A case one of the existing client is asking for whether can WUG monitoring Windows server hard drive in RAID, and reporting for failure status.

It will depend on the manufacturer, but in general the answer is yes. However, you may need a script similar to what we posted below. Otherwise, typically the systems send a SNMP trap. Make sure it is SNMP enable and monitoring device all is configured ready.

In typical scenario, WUG upon discovered the device hard drive is look something similar like this.

Screenshot here is Windows server with RAID 5 configured will show as single device for up/down/utilization. Device down or disk % will able to schedule for alert notification, include email (need smtp setup) or sms (need SMS gateway or E-SPIN DirectSMS Hardware Module for WUG for direct trigger SMS thru telco mobile network) in the form of SMS notification just like email notification.

However, for customer depend on proactive hard drive failure and trigger email notification, then you may need additional step to running custom script like below section suggestion. Alternatively, from base on SNMP trap as the form of notification alert.

Example: HP Server Drive Status

This will pull back the status of all drives in an HP server drive array. Note that SNMP and HP Management Agents must be installed on the target system. A side note: you must load the cpqida.mib to WhatsUp Gold for this to work properly!

Option Explicit


Dim nSNMPTimeout : nSNMPTimeout = 3000 ‘Set ms for SNMP timeouts

Dim nSNMPRetry : nSNMPRetry = 2 ‘Set the number of SNMP retries

‘***End Configuration***

‘Get Device details

Dim nDeviceID : nDeviceID = Context.GetProperty(“DeviceID”)

Dim sAddress : sAddress = Context.GetProperty(“Address”)

‘Create SNMP object

Dim oSnmp : Set oSnmp = CreateObject(“CoreAsp.SnmpRqst”)

Dim nTimeout : nTimeout = oSnmp.SetTimeoutMs(nSNMPTimeout)

Dim nRetries : nRetries = oSnmp.SetNumRetries(nSNMPRetry)

‘Set script variables

Dim bSNMPResult : bSNMPResult = 0

Dim bFail : bFail = 0

Dim bDown : bDown = 0

Dim sErrorMsg : sErrorMsg = “”

Dim sMsg : sMsg = “”

Dim bVendor : bVendor = 0

Dim sOid_Initial : sOid_Initial = “”

Dim sCpqDaPhyDrvIndex : sCpqDaPhyDrvIndex = “”

‘Drive Array Physical Drive Index. This index is used for selecting the physical drive table entry.

‘This number, along with the cpqDaPhyDrvCntlrIndex uniquely identify a specific physical drive.

Dim sCpqDaPhyDrvBusNumber : sCpqDaPhyDrvBusNumber = “”

‘Physical Drive SCSI Bus Number. The bus number indicates to which SCSI bus this physical drive is attached.

‘The first instance is one and increments for each SCSI bus on a controller. A value of -1 will be returned if the physical drive

‘is attached to a controller that does not support multiple SCSI busses. This is not supported by the IDA, IDA Expansion, or IDA-2 controllers.

‘For SAS and SATA drives, the bus number corresponds to the enclosure where the drive resides.

Dim sCpqDaPhyDrvBay : sCpqDaPhyDrvBay = “”

‘Physical Drive Bay Location. This value matches the bay location where the physical drive has been installed.

‘For a SCSI drive, this is the SCSI ID of the drive. For a SAS or SATA drive, this is the bay number on the enclosure.

‘Dim sCpqDaPhyDrvStatus : sCpqDaPhyDrvStatus = “”

Dim sCpqDaPhyDrvStatus : sCpqDaPhyDrvStatus = “”

‘Physical Drive Status. This shows the status of the physical drive. The following values are valid for the physical drive status:

‘Other (1) Indicates that the instrument agent does not recognize the drive. You may need to upgrade your instrument agent and/or driver software.

‘Ok (2) Indicates the drive is functioning properly.

‘Failed (3) Indicates that the drive is no longer operating and should be replaced.

‘Predictive Failure(4) Indicates that the drive has a predictive failure error and should be replaced.

‘Erasing(5) Indicates that the drive is being erased.

‘Erase Done(6) Indicates that the drive has been erased and is now in an offline state.

‘Erase Queued(7) Indicates that an erase operation is currently queued for the drive.

TestSNMP bFail, sErrorMsg, bSNMPResult

SNMPLoop bFail, sErrorMsg, bSNMPResult, sCpqDaPhyDrvIndex, sMsg, bDown

SetResults bFail, sErrorMsg, bSNMPResult, bDown, sMsg

Sub SNMPLoop(ByRef bFail, ByRef sErrorMsg, ByRef bSNMPResult, sOIDtoLoop, ByRef sMsg, ByRef bDown)

Dim sSNMPValue, rc, sInstance, sOIDCore, sIdentifier, sSNMPValue2, sSNMPValue3, sTranslate

If bFail = 0 And bSNMPResult = 0 And bVendor = 0 Then

sMsg = “”

‘Begin SNMP GetNext Loop


Set rc = oSnmp.GetNext(sOIDtoLoop)

If rc.Failed Then

sErrorMsg = sErrorMsg & rc.GetErrorMsg

bSNMPResult = 1

Exit Do


‘Uncomment below to see what OIDs get returned

‘Context.Logmessage “OID: ” & rc.GetOID

sOIDtoLoop = rc.GetOID

sInstance = rc.GetOIDInstance

sOIDCore = rc.GetOIDCore

‘Context.LogMessage sOIDtoLoop

‘Context.LogMessage sInstance

‘Context.LogMessage sOIDCore

End If

If InStr(sOIDCore, sOid_Initial) <> 0 Then

sSNMPValue = GetSNMPVal(sCpqDaPhyDrvBusNumber & sInstance, bFail, sErrorMsg)

sSNMPValue2 = GetSNMPVal(sCpqDaPhyDrvBay & sInstance, bFail, sErrorMsg)

sSNMPValue3 = GetSNMPVal(sCpqDaPhyDrvStatus & sInstance, bFail, sErrorMsg)

If sSNMPValue3 = 1 Then sTranslate = “Other”

If sSNMPValue3 = 2 Then sTranslate = “Ok”

If sSNMPValue3 = 3 Then sTranslate = “Failed”

If sSNMPValue3 = 4 Then sTranslate = “Predictive Failure”

If sSNMPValue3 = 5 Then sTranslate = “Erasing”

If sSNMPValue3 = 6 Then sTranslate = “Erase Done”

If sSNMPValue3 = 7 Then sTranslate = “Erase Queued”

If sTranslate <> “Ok” Then

bDown = 1

sMsg = sMsg & sSNMPValue & ” : ” & sSNMPValue2 & ” has a status of: ” & sTranslate & vbCrLf

End If

Context.LogMessage sSNMPValue & ” : ” & sSNMPValue2 & ” has a status of: ” & sTranslate & vbCrLf

End If

Loop Until InStr(sOIDCore, sOid_Initial) = 0

End If

End Sub

Sub SetResults(ByRef bFail, ByRef sErrorMsg, ByRef bSNMPResult, ByRef bDown, ByRef sMsg)

‘Set result based on errors

Dim bResultSet : bResultSet = 0

If bVendor = 1 Then

bResultSet = 1

Context.SetResult 1, “Either this isn’t a HP system or HP Management Agents are not loaded.”

End If

If bSNMPResult = 1 Then

bResultSet = 1

Context.SetResult 1, “Error: ” & sErrorMsg


If bFail = 1 Then

If sErrorMsg = “No Such object” Then

bResultSet = 1

Context.LogMessage “Down!”

Context.SetResult 1, “Cannot find the SNMP object”

ElseIf sErrorMsg = “Timeout” Then

bResultSet = 1

Context.LogMessage “Down!”

Context.SetResult 1, “SNMP intilization timed out”

ElseIf sErrorMsg <> “No Such object” And sErrorMsg <> “Timeout” Then

bResultSet = 1

Context.LogMessage “Down!”

Context.SetResult 1, “There was a SNMP error” & vbCrLf & “Error: ” & sErrorMsg

End If


End If

End If

‘Set Up or Down

If bResultSet = 0 Then

If bDown = 1 Then

Context.LogMessage “DOWN! ” & sMsg

Context.SetResult 1, sMsg


Context.LogMessage “UP! ” & sMsg

Context.SetResult 0, “All physical drives have a status of Online or Ready”

End If

End If

End Sub

‘ **************

‘ * TestSNMP *

‘ **************

Sub TestSNMP(ByRef bFail, ByRef sErrorMsg, ByRef bSNMPResult)

Dim rc, sOID

‘Initialize and Test SNMP Connection

Set rc = oSnmp.Initialize(nDeviceID)

If rc.Failed Then

sErrorMsg = rc.GetErrorMsg

bSNMPResult = 1

bFail = 1


Set rc = oSnmp.GetNext(“”)

If rc.Failed Then

sErrorMsg = rc.GetErrorMsg

bSNMPResult = 1

bFail = 1


sOID = rc.GetOIDCore

If InStr(sOID, “”) <> 0 Then

‘Do Nothing


Context.LogMessage “No value found under CPQIDA-MIB” & vbCrLf

bVendor = 1

End If

End If

End If

End Sub

‘ ****************

‘ * GetSNMPVal *

‘ ****************

Function GetSNMPVal(sOID, ByRef bFail, ByRef sErrorMsg)

GetSNMPVal = 0

Dim rc

Set rc = oSnmp.Get(sOID)

If rc.Failed Then

sErrorMsg = rc.GetErrorMsg

bFail = bFail + 1

Context.LogMessage “Failed to get value!”

Context.LogMessage sErrorMsg


‘Context.LogMessage rc.GetValue

GetSNMPVal = rc.GetValue

End If

End Function



If you run the script and got error, make sure HP management agents started on the target system, and load the required MIB to WhatsUp Gold. For some case, may need to add the ill as an additional network adapter and then point the active monitor to that.

The script will loop through all the entires regardless of how many there are (we mean hard drives). If there are a ton of them, make sure to increase the script time value.

Example: Dell Server Drive Status

Option Explicit


Dim nSNMPTimeout : nSNMPTimeout = 3000 ‘Set ms for SNMP timeouts

Dim nSNMPRetry : nSNMPRetry = 2 ‘Set the number of SNMP retries

‘***End Configuration***

‘Get Device details

Dim nDeviceID : nDeviceID = Context.GetProperty(“DeviceID”)

Dim sAddress : sAddress = Context.GetProperty(“Address”)

‘Create SNMP object

Dim oSnmp : Set oSnmp = CreateObject(“CoreAsp.SnmpRqst”)

Dim nTimeout : nTimeout = oSnmp.SetTimeoutMs(nSNMPTimeout)

Dim nRetries : nRetries = oSnmp.SetNumRetries(nSNMPRetry)

‘Set script variables

Dim bSNMPResult : bSNMPResult = 0

Dim bFail : bFail = 0

Dim bDown : bDown = 0

Dim bVendor : bVendor = 0

Dim sErrorMsg : sErrorMsg = “”

Dim sMsg : sMsg = “”

Dim sOid_Initial : sOid_Initial = “10893.”

Dim sOIDtoLoop : sOIDtoLoop = “”

‘Instance number of this array disk entry.

Dim arrayDiskNumber : arrayDiskNumber = “”

‘The bus to which this array disk is connected.

Dim arrayDiskChannel : arrayDiskChannel = “”

‘The SCSI ID of the enclosure processor to which this array disk belongs.

Dim arrayDiskEnclosureID : arrayDiskEnclosureID = “”

‘The current condition of the array disk. Possible states:


‘1:Ready – Available for use, but no RAID configuration has been assigned.

‘2:Failed – Not operational.

‘3:Online – Operational. RAID configuration has been assigned.

‘4:Offline – The drive is not available to the RAID controller.

‘6:Degraded – Refers to a fault-tolerant array/virtual disk that has a failed disk.

‘7:Recovering – Refers to state of recovering from bad blocks on disks.

’11:Removed – Indicates that array disk has been removed.

’13:Non-RAID – Indicates that array disk is not a RAID capable disk

’14:Not Ready – Applicable for PCIeSSD devices indicating that the device is in locked state

’15:Resynching – Indicates one of the following types of disk operations:Transform Type, Reconfiguration, and Check Consistency.


’25:No Media – CD-ROM or removable disk has no media.

’26:Formatting – In the process of formatting.

’28:Diagnostics – Diagnostics are running.

’34:Predictive failure

’35:Initializing:Applies only to virtual disks on PERC, PERC 2/SC, and PERC 2/DC controllers.





’56:Read Only – Applicable for PCIeSSD devices. Indicates that device has reached read-only state

Dim arrayDiskState : arrayDiskState = “”

TestSNMP bFail, sErrorMsg, bSNMPResult

SNMPLoop bFail, sErrorMsg, bSNMPResult, arrayDiskNumber, sMsg, bDown

SetResults bFail, sErrorMsg, bSNMPResult, bDown, sMsg

Sub SNMPLoop(ByRef bFail, ByRef sErrorMsg, ByRef bSNMPResult, sOIDtoLoop, ByRef sMsg, ByRef bDown)

Dim sSNMPValue, rc, sInstance, sOIDCore, sIdentifier, sSNMPValue2, sSNMPValue3

If bFail = 0 And bSNMPResult = 0 Then

sMsg = “”

‘Begin SNMP GetNext Loop


Set rc = oSnmp.GetNext(sOIDtoLoop)

If rc.Failed Then

sErrorMsg = sErrorMsg & rc.GetErrorMsg

bSNMPResult = 1

Exit Do


‘Uncomment below to see what OIDs get returned

‘Context.Logmessage “OID: ” & rc.GetOID

sOIDtoLoop = rc.GetOID

sInstance = rc.GetOIDInstance

sOIDCore = rc.GetOIDCore

‘Context.LogMessage sOIDtoLoop

‘Context.LogMessage sInstance

‘Context.LogMessage sOIDCore

End If

If InStr(sOIDCore, sOid_Initial) <> 0 Then

‘Context.LogMessage sOid_Initial

‘Dim sInstanceSplit : sInstanceSplit = Split(sInstance, “10893.”)

‘Dim sInstance2 : sInstance2 = Replace(sInstanceSplit(1), “.”, “”)

‘Context.LogMessage sInstance2

sSNMPValue = GetSNMPVal(arrayDiskEnclosureID & sInstance, bFail, sErrorMsg)

sSNMPValue2 = GetSNMPVal(arrayDiskChannel & sInstance, bFail, sErrorMsg)

sSNMPValue3 = GetSNMPVal(arrayDiskState & sInstance, bFail, sErrorMsg)

‘Context.LogMessage “Disk ” & sSNMPValue & “:” & sSNMPValue2 & ” has a status of:” & sSNMPValue3

Dim sTranslate

If sSNMPValue3 = 0 Then sTranslate = “Unknown”

If sSNMPValue3 = 1 Then sTranslate = “Ready”

If sSNMPValue3 = 2 Then sTranslate = “Failed”

If sSNMPValue3 = 3 Then sTranslate = “Online”

If sSNMPValue3 = 4 Then sTranslate = “Offline”

If sSNMPValue3 = 6 Then sTranslate = “Degraded”

If sSNMPValue3 = 7 Then sTranslate = “Recovering”

If sSNMPValue3 = 11 Then sTranslate = “Removed”

If sSNMPValue3 = 13 Then sTranslate = “Non-RAID”

If sSNMPValue3 = 14 Then sTranslate = “Not Ready”

If sSNMPValue3 = 15 Then sTranslate = “Resynching”

If sSNMPValue3 = 24 Then sTranslate = “Rebuild”

If sSNMPValue3 = 25 Then sTranslate = “No Media”

If sSNMPValue3 = 26 Then sTranslate = “Formatting”

If sSNMPValue3 = 28 Then sTranslate = “Diagnostics”

If sSNMPValue3 = 34 Then sTranslate = “Predictive failure”

If sSNMPValue3 = 35 Then sTranslate = “Initializing”

If sSNMPValue3 = 39 Then sTranslate = “Foreign”

If sSNMPValue3 = 40 Then sTranslate = “Clear”

If sSNMPValue3 = 41 Then sTranslate = “Unsupported”

If sSNMPValue3 = 53 Then sTranslate = “Incompatible”

If sSNMPValue3 = 56 Then sTranslate = “Read Only”

If sTranslate = “Online” or sTranslate = “Ready” Then

‘Do Nothing


bDown = 1

sMsg = sMsg & “Disk ” & sSNMPValue & “:” & sSNMPValue2 & ” has a status of:” & sTranslate & vbCrLf

End If

Context.LogMessage “Disk ” & sSNMPValue & “:” & sSNMPValue2 & ” has a status of:” & sTranslate

End If

Loop Until InStr(sOIDCore, sOid_Initial) = 0

End If

End Sub

Sub SetResults(ByRef bFail, ByRef sErrorMsg, ByRef bSNMPResult, ByRef bDown, ByRef sMsg)

‘Set result based on errors

Dim bResultSet : bResultSet = 0

If bVendor = 1 Then

bResultSet = 1

Context.SetResult 1, “Wrong vendor buddy…”

End If

If bSNMPResult = 1 Then

bResultSet = 1

Context.SetResult 1, “Error: ” & sErrorMsg


If bFail = 1 Then

If sErrorMsg = “No Such object” Then

bResultSet = 1

Context.LogMessage “Down!”

Context.SetResult 1, “Cannot find the SNMP object”

ElseIf sErrorMsg = “Timeout” Then

bResultSet = 1

Context.LogMessage “Down!”

Context.SetResult 1, “SNMP intilization timed out”

ElseIf sErrorMsg <> “No Such object” And sErrorMsg <> “Timeout” Then

bResultSet = 1

Context.LogMessage “Down!”

Context.SetResult 1, “There was a SNMP error” & vbCrLf & “Error: ” & sErrorMsg

End If


End If

End If

‘Set Up or Down

If bResultSet = 0 Then

If bDown = 1 Then

Context.LogMessage “DOWN! ” & sMsg

Context.SetResult 1, sMsg


Context.LogMessage “UP!” & sMsg

Context.SetResult 0, “All physical drives have a status of Online or Ready”

End If

End If

End Sub

‘ **************

‘ * TestSNMP *

‘ **************

Sub TestSNMP(ByRef bFail, ByRef sErrorMsg, ByRef bSNMPResult)

Dim rc, sOID

‘Initialize and Test SNMP Connection

Set rc = oSnmp.Initialize(nDeviceID)

If rc.Failed Then

sErrorMsg = rc.GetErrorMsg

bSNMPResult = 1

bFail = 1


Set rc = oSnmp.GetNext(“”)

If rc.Failed Then

sErrorMsg = rc.GetErrorMsg

bSNMPResult = 1

bFail = 1


sOID = rc.GetOIDCore

If InStr(sOID, “”) <> 0 Then


Context.LogMessage “SNMP test was successful but this isn’t a Dell dude…” & vbCrLf

bVendor = 1

End If

End If

End If

End Sub

‘ ****************

‘ * GetSNMPVal *

‘ ****************

Function GetSNMPVal(sOID, ByRef bFail, ByRef sErrorMsg)

GetSNMPVal = 0

Dim rc

Set rc = oSnmp.Get(sOID)

If rc.Failed Then

sErrorMsg = rc.GetErrorMsg

bFail = bFail + 1

Context.LogMessage “Failed to get SNMP value!”


‘ Context.LogMessage rc.GetValue

GetSNMPVal = rc.GetValue

End If

End Function


Another example active monitor script below:

Option Explicit


Dim nSNMPTimeout : nSNMPTimeout = 3000 ‘Set ms for SNMP timeouts

Dim nSNMPRetry : nSNMPRetry = 2 ‘Set the number of SNMP retries

‘***End Configuration***

‘Get Device details

Dim nDeviceID : nDeviceID = Context.GetProperty(“DeviceID”)

Dim sAddress : sAddress = Context.GetProperty(“Address”)

‘Create SNMP object

Dim oSnmp : Set oSnmp = CreateObject(“CoreAsp.SnmpRqst”)

Dim nTimeout : nTimeout = oSnmp.SetTimeoutMs(nSNMPTimeout)

Dim nRetries : nRetries = oSnmp.SetNumRetries(nSNMPRetry)

‘Set script variables

Dim bSNMPResult : bSNMPResult = 0

Dim bFail : bFail = 0

Dim bDown : bDown = 0

Dim bVendor : bVendor = 0

Dim sErrorMsg : sErrorMsg = “”

Dim sMsg : sMsg = “”

Dim sOid_Initial : sOid_Initial = “10893.”

Dim sOIDtoLoop : sOIDtoLoop = “”

‘Instance number of this array disk entry.

Dim arrayDiskNumber : arrayDiskNumber = “”

‘The bus to which this array disk is connected.

Dim arrayDiskChannel : arrayDiskChannel = “”

‘The SCSI ID of the enclosure processor to which this array disk belongs.

Dim arrayDiskEnclosureID : arrayDiskEnclosureID = “”

‘The current condition of the array disk. Possible states:


‘1:Ready – Available for use, but no RAID configuration has been assigned.

‘2:Failed – Not operational.

‘3:Online – Operational. RAID configuration has been assigned.

‘4:Offline – The drive is not available to the RAID controller.

‘6:Degraded – Refers to a fault-tolerant array/virtual disk that has a failed disk.

‘7:Recovering – Refers to state of recovering from bad blocks on disks.

’11:Removed – Indicates that array disk has been removed.

’13:Non-RAID – Indicates that array disk is not a RAID capable disk

’14:Not Ready – Applicable for PCIeSSD devices indicating that the device is in locked state

’15:Resynching – Indicates one of the following types of disk operations:Transform Type, Reconfiguration, and Check Consistency.


’25:No Media – CD-ROM or removable disk has no media.

’26:Formatting – In the process of formatting.

’28:Diagnostics – Diagnostics are running.

’34:Predictive failure

’35:Initializing:Applies only to virtual disks on PERC, PERC 2/SC, and PERC 2/DC controllers.





’56:Read Only – Applicable for PCIeSSD devices. Indicates that device has reached read-only state

Dim arrayDiskState : arrayDiskState = “”

TestSNMP bFail, sErrorMsg, bSNMPResult

SNMPLoop bFail, sErrorMsg, bSNMPResult, arrayDiskNumber, sMsg, bDown

SetResults bFail, sErrorMsg, bSNMPResult, bDown, sMsg

Sub SNMPLoop(ByRef bFail, ByRef sErrorMsg, ByRef bSNMPResult, sOIDtoLoop, ByRef sMsg, ByRef bDown)

Dim sSNMPValue, rc, sInstance, sOIDCore, sIdentifier, sSNMPValue2, sSNMPValue3

If bFail = 0 And bSNMPResult = 0 Then

sMsg = “”

‘Begin SNMP GetNext Loop


Set rc = oSnmp.GetNext(sOIDtoLoop)

If rc.Failed Then

sErrorMsg = sErrorMsg & rc.GetErrorMsg

bSNMPResult = 1

Exit Do


‘Uncomment below to see what OIDs get returned

‘Context.Logmessage “OID: ” & rc.GetOID

sOIDtoLoop = rc.GetOID

sInstance = rc.GetOIDInstance

sOIDCore = rc.GetOIDCore

End If

If InStr(sInstance, sOid_Initial) <> 0 Then

Dim sInstanceSplit : sInstanceSplit = Split(sInstance, “10893.”)

Dim sInstance2 : sInstance2 = Replace(sInstanceSplit(1), “.”, “”)

sSNMPValue = GetSNMPVal(arrayDiskEnclosureID & sInstance2, bFail, sErrorMsg)

sSNMPValue2 = GetSNMPVal(arrayDiskChannel & sInstance2, bFail, sErrorMsg)

sSNMPValue3 = GetSNMPVal(arrayDiskState & sInstance2, bFail, sErrorMsg)

Dim sTranslate

If sSNMPValue3 = 0 Then sTranslate = “Unknown”

If sSNMPValue3 = 1 Then sTranslate = “Ready”

If sSNMPValue3 = 2 Then sTranslate = “Failed”

If sSNMPValue3 = 3 Then sTranslate = “Online”

If sSNMPValue3 = 4 Then sTranslate = “Offline”

If sSNMPValue3 = 6 Then sTranslate = “Degraded”

If sSNMPValue3 = 7 Then sTranslate = “Recovering”

If sSNMPValue3 = 11 Then sTranslate = “Removed”

If sSNMPValue3 = 13 Then sTranslate = “Non-RAID”

If sSNMPValue3 = 14 Then sTranslate = “Not Ready”

If sSNMPValue3 = 15 Then sTranslate = “Resynching”

If sSNMPValue3 = 24 Then sTranslate = “Rebuild”

If sSNMPValue3 = 25 Then sTranslate = “No Media”

If sSNMPValue3 = 26 Then sTranslate = “Formatting”

If sSNMPValue3 = 28 Then sTranslate = “Diagnostics”

If sSNMPValue3 = 34 Then sTranslate = “Predictive failure”

If sSNMPValue3 = 35 Then sTranslate = “Initializing”

If sSNMPValue3 = 39 Then sTranslate = “Foreign”

If sSNMPValue3 = 40 Then sTranslate = “Clear”

If sSNMPValue3 = 41 Then sTranslate = “Unsupported”

If sSNMPValue3 = 53 Then sTranslate = “Incompatible”

If sSNMPValue3 = 56 Then sTranslate = “Read Only”

If sTranslate = “Online” or sTranslate = “Ready” Then

‘Do Nothing


bDown = 1

sMsg = sMsg & “Disk ” & sSNMPValue & “:” & sSNMPValue2 & ” has a status of:” & sTranslate & vbCrLf

End If

Context.LogMessage “Disk ” & sSNMPValue & “:” & sSNMPValue2 & ” has a status of:” & sTranslate

End If

Loop Until InStr(sInstance, sOid_Initial) = 0

End If

End Sub

Sub SetResults(ByRef bFail, ByRef sErrorMsg, ByRef bSNMPResult, ByRef bDown, ByRef sMsg)

‘Set result based on errors

Dim bResultSet : bResultSet = 0

If bVendor = 1 Then

bResultSet = 1

Context.SetResult 1, “Wrong vendor buddy…”

End If

If bSNMPResult = 1 Then

bResultSet = 1

Context.SetResult 1, “Error: ” & sErrorMsg


If bFail = 1 Then

If sErrorMsg = “No Such object” Then

bResultSet = 1

Context.LogMessage “Down!”

Context.SetResult 1, “Cannot find the SNMP object”

ElseIf sErrorMsg = “Timeout” Then

bResultSet = 1

Context.LogMessage “Down!”

Context.SetResult 1, “SNMP intilization timed out”

ElseIf sErrorMsg <> “No Such object” And sErrorMsg <> “Timeout” Then

bResultSet = 1

Context.LogMessage “Down!”

Context.SetResult 1, “There was a SNMP error” & vbCrLf & “Error: ” & sErrorMsg

End If


End If

End If

‘Set Up or Down

If bResultSet = 0 Then

If bDown = 1 Then

Context.LogMessage “DOWN!” & sMsg

Context.SetResult 1, sMsg


Context.LogMessage “UP!” & sMsg

Context.SetResult 0, “All physical drives have a status of Online or Ready”

End If

End If

End Sub

‘ **************

‘ * TestSNMP *

‘ **************

Sub TestSNMP(ByRef bFail, ByRef sErrorMsg, ByRef bSNMPResult)

Dim rc, sOID

‘Initialize and Test SNMP Connection

Set rc = oSnmp.Initialize(nDeviceID)

If rc.Failed Then

sErrorMsg = rc.GetErrorMsg

bSNMPResult = 1

bFail = 1


Set rc = oSnmp.GetNext(“”)

If rc.Failed Then

sErrorMsg = rc.GetErrorMsg

bSNMPResult = 1

bFail = 1


sOID = rc.GetOIDCore

If InStr(sOID, “”) <> 0 Then


Context.LogMessage “SNMP test was successful but this isn’t a Dell dude…” & vbCrLf

bVendor = 1

End If

End If

End If

End Sub

‘ ****************

‘ * GetSNMPVal *

‘ ****************

Function GetSNMPVal(sOID, ByRef bFail, ByRef sErrorMsg)

GetSNMPVal = 0

Dim rc

Set rc = oSnmp.Get(sOID)

If rc.Failed Then

sErrorMsg = rc.GetErrorMsg

bFail = bFail + 1

Context.LogMessage “Failed to get value!”


‘Context.LogMessage rc.GetValue

GetSNMPVal = rc.GetValue

End If

End Function

Here’s What You Need to Monitor on Physical Servers

Anyone working in an IT shop knows server uptime is crucial. Server downtime can cause major issues, from reduced worker productivity to issues that impact the customer experience and may even lead to lost sales. But keeping downtime at a minimum isn’t as simple as just fixing problems as they arise. To keep your servers online, and avoid downtime, you need to understand what’s happening with them.

That’s where network monitoring comes in.

Monitoring all the system resources associated with a server will help you build an understanding of resource usage patterns that will let you know when things are running right, and when they’re starting to go awry. That way, you can always ensure that your servers are optimized accordingly, take care of problems before they arise, and provide a better end-user experience.

But accessing all of this information, and synthesizing it into digestible, actionable alerts and reports is easier said than done.

In this blog post, I’m going to take you through a few of the ways you can use WhatsUp gold to monitor physical servers—from server health to utilization. If you’re looking for a more in-depth look at the topics discussed here, as well as a demo of WUG’s server monitoring capabilities in action, check out our recent Server Monitoring webinar, now available on-demand

Monitoring Your Server’s Health

Sometimes it can seem like there’s always something wrong with server hardware. From CPU errors to memory overloads, issues can frequently arise in normal use, and only become more frequent as your shop grows and incorporates more and more devices—which may not always play nice with each other.

The best way to stay on top of all of this is to monitor the essential indicators of server health—CPU, memory, and disk utilization, with active monitors and set up alerts that will let you know when things aren’t quite right.

That means you can do things like track CPU load through specific time-frames so that you can see when CPU load is either unexpectedly peaked ( maybe due to processor bottlenecks, service attacks, or other service incidents) or you can see when it’s abnormally idle, so if server dropped from load balancer configuration or kernel panic, you’ll be aware of that as well. And of course, you can be alerted when utilization falls outside of your chosen threshold.

You can do the same for memory utilization and can also set up reports that will compare disk storage capacity to actual utilization for devices with on-disk storage, which is useful for capacity planning.

Monitoring Hardware Components

Hardware components are another good way to keep track of the health of your servers—if your server is operating at a high temperature for an extended period of time, that can indicate deeper issues. If possible, you should set up a temperature monitor that will check the status of a device’s temperature sensors—if the sensor returns a “normal” or “ok” state indicators, it is considered up. If not it is considered down.

WUG can also be configured to displays details such as fan and power supply status. The information available about the server depends on the device being monitored. Typically, we are able to monitor all of this information for Dell, Cisco, HP and EMC devices.

Setting Up Critical Alerts

Of course, none of these cool monitoring capabilities matter if you can’t tell when something’s wrong. That’s where alerting comes in. In the event that a server or your entire network is strained, WUG is going to tell you right away – via customizable alerts delivered thru email, SMS, or even slack. You can, therefore, intervene quickly and save your company from having to deal with potentially serious consequences.

But alerting can also be a headache if poorly configured—You should not, for example, get alerts for each dependent device that goes down. If a gateway-device goes down, that’s the only alert you need, you don’t need an alert from every single connected device beyond that telling you that its lost connection.

With WUG, those alert storms are easily avoided, as it automatically apply dependencies rules to discovered layer 2 and layer 3 devices to prevent alert storms. These settings can also be set manually.

With Alert Escalation, notification policies in the Alert Center can be configured to escalate alerts based on the criticality of the network components – the alerts can move up from automatic trouble ticket generation to sending out alerts to pre-designated administrators.

With the Alert Acknowledgement feature, the first responder’s acknowledgment of an alert is considered an indication the issue is being addressed, and no further alerts are sent, unless triggered by the notification policy or as log messages after the issue has been resolved. This ensures that the issues that are not fixed within the timeframe are addressed appropriately. Likewise, information about the action taken can be added to the acknowledgment process, thereby providing problem resolution data that can be used in the event the issue reoccurs.

why is the disk usage by drives not showing for some devices ? – ManageEngine OpManager

Why is the disk utilization by drives not showing for some devices ?

The disk usage by drives report is shown for devices only if the ‘Disk usage in GB or Disk usage in MB’ and ‘Free disk space in GB or MB’ monitors are associated with the devices. So, if you dont find the disk usage by drives for a device, try associating these monitors with the device. That should fix the issue.

키워드에 대한 정보 whatsup gold disk space monitor

다음은 Bing에서 whatsup gold disk space monitor 주제에 대한 검색 결과입니다. 필요한 경우 더 읽을 수 있습니다.

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See also  명탐정 코난 극장판 다시 보기 | 『명탐정 코난』의 모든 스토리. 이 영상 하나로 완벽하게 정리합니다 151 개의 새로운 답변이 업데이트되었습니다.

이 기사는 인터넷의 다양한 출처에서 편집되었습니다. 이 기사가 유용했기를 바랍니다. 이 기사가 유용하다고 생각되면 공유하십시오. 매우 감사합니다!

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  • Network Monitoring
  • Whatsup gold
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  • remote monitoring
  • bandwidth utilization

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